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Avalon, Part 1 (901)

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    Originally posted by Ronja
    What's the answer to the riddles?

    Anyone got any theories? Or actually know the answer?

    I think it might have something to do with what Daniel said about "when you immediately know the candle light is fire..." or maybe not lol. Actually I have no idea...

    I think that had more to do with the fire surrounding him.
    So thoughts anyone? I really can't wait another week for this

    oh but you can... and you will... MUHAHAHAHA!

    Did I mention this ep was SWEET??!!
    Anyone picked up that the table in both of the rooms will stop the ceiling?
    If the ceiling doesn't crush the tables.


      Originally posted by Scoobing
      Anyone picked up that the table in both of the rooms will stop the ceiling?
      Me!!! I saw that!!! But only if the table can withstand the pressure of the ceiling.
      "You cannot reason with your own heart;
      it has it's own laws and beats about things
      which the intellect scorns."
      - Mark Twain -


        Originally posted by sg1 volgman
        Did I mention this ep was SWEET??!!
        Or as Mitchell would say, "Wicked!!!"
        "You cannot reason with your own heart;
        it has it's own laws and beats about things
        which the intellect scorns."
        - Mark Twain -


          Yeah, if the ceiling doesn't crush the table... Or Teal'c.


            Originally posted by sg1 volgman
            oh but you can... and you will... MUHAHAHAHA!

            Did I mention this ep was SWEET??!!
            Hey! Haha oh come on... I really wanna know I know who solves it (d'uh) and what happends next (don't u just love spoilers ) But I don't know the answer! See, this is why I never read riddles and such in the newpaper, cos I wanna know the answer right away

            Did I mention how many times I've seen this ep already?! Trust me u don't wanna know...


              Originally posted by the dancer of spaz
              Yeah, if the ceiling doesn't crush the table... Or Teal'c.
              LOL I think it would crush the table before Teal'c


                Originally posted by Scoobing
                Anyone picked up that the table in both of the rooms will stop the ceiling?
                I was thinking that. They should duck below the tables... maybe the roof would be heavy enough to crush the tables but if that is the case then there is no point to tea'lc trying to hold it up so you might as well duck and take your chances.
                Joseph Mallozzi -"In the meantime, I'm into season 5 of OZ (where the show takes an unfortunate hairpin turn into "the not so wonderful world of fantasy")"

                ^^^ Kinda sounds like seasons 9 and 10 of SG-1 to me. Thor, ya got Aspirin?

                AGateFan has officially Gone Fishin (with Jack, Sam, Daniel, Teal'c) and is hoping Atlantis does not take that same hairpin turn.


                  Well we all know the ceiling isn't going to crush them all, so I guessed that might be a way out. Of course it could just stop or something else happen.

                  As to there being no point to Teal'c trying, I think it's a normal instinctive reaction for him, or for anyone I think. If a ceiling was coming down to crush me, I'd try everything to hold it up.


                    Originally posted by AGateFan
                    I was thinking that. They should duck below the tables... maybe the roof would be heavy enough to crush the tables but if that is the case then there is no point to tea'lc trying to hold it up so you might as well duck and take your chances.
                    Nah do u really think that the Ancients would make it that easy? Duck and be worthy?


                      Originally posted by Scoobing

                      As to there being no point to Teal'c trying, I think it's a normal instinctive reaction for him, or for anyone I think. If a ceiling was coming down to crush me, I'd try everything to hold it up.
                      I don't think anyone will argue with that!

                      Poor Daniel tho. It's impossible for him to think with Vala around haha

                      I love Vala....


                        I hope Daniel and Vala decide to fight each other with the pots in their last few moments together.

                        Roll on next week.


                          Sorry I'm so late to the game, I was one of the newbs who got caught in the e-mail validation hiccup this weekend.

                          My first thought about the episode was that, as just about everyone involved in the production has said, the show is definitely different. SG-1's drifted apart and, of course, Mitchell changes the dynamic a lot, especially since his comedic style seems to be very different from Jack's. But, despite its differences, as the show went on I really found myself liking it. Nothing will replace RDA's unique spin on a lot of things--and, in fact, Jack's appearance in the flashback with that "anything... professionally!" line was, in my opinion, the funniest part of the whole show--but Browder's a great actor, Mitchell's got a great base with the "Lost City" stuff, and I'm looking forward to where the writers take him. Arthurian lore has always interested me, so that's a huge plus. I'm kind of a mythology geek, so every episode of Stargate that touches on any kind of mythology is all right by me, and Arthurian/Celtic mythology is rich with interesting stories for the writers to spin into the Stargate mythos. I'm gonna miss Carter's trademarked technobabble, but knowing she'll be back and the video phone conversation made it a little more bearable. Oh yeah, and I really liked Landry. He's a lot more intense than Hammond and intense in a different way from O'Neill, and he seemed like he'd be a fun character when everything inevitably hits the fan.

                          That said, I did have a few problems with the episode. As much as I love Claudia Black, Vala did get on my nerves after a while. As others have pointed out, that sex line was a bit too over-the-top and pretty uncharacteristic for Stargate in general. I really hope the writers show a few more sides of Vala to get her out of the sassy vixen archetype; she's a bit 1-dimensional to me right now. Daniel seemed more uninterested in Mitchell and the fate of SG-1 than I would've thought a guy who devoted 7 years of his life to the team (and who is, arguably, the "heart" of the team) would, although I could understand that in light of his overriding desire to go to Atlantis for the past year (touched on both at the beginning of season 8 and in "Prometheus Unbound"). Chris Judge seemed to have this weird slurring thing going on in a few of his lines that I've never heard Teal'c do before, which was strange. Hopefully that'll stop soon. I did really like the frosty reception that Teal'c gave Mitchell after Mitchell constantly bugs him about being excited, though.

                          So, overall, I did like the episode. It felt a bit uneven because it goes straight from a quick intro for Mitchell into a full-blown, classic Stargate adventure without much of a segue, but I enjoyed it and I'm looking forward to more.

                          I'm sorry if this has been mentioned before, but did anyone else notice that Sam cut herself short when she was talking to Mitchell? She claims that she doesn't want to bore him, which I thought was hilarious because it reminded me of all the years where Jack would snap at her when she got into one of her big, technical lectures. I also thought it was a nice, subtle way to show that Jack is still there, influencing the show in spirit despite RDA's absence. Kudos to the writers, and I hope we get more of that throughout the season.
                          Thornbird: I'm Major Robort Thornbird. And you are?
                          Jack: Captain James T. Kirk of the starship Enterprise.
                          Thornbird: Your dog tags say otherwise.
                          Jack: ... They're lying.


                            Originally posted by Dani347
                            Plus, as much as I happen to like Daniel rambling on about things, I can imagine some other people might not. I thought it was interesting to see the different reactions. Teal'c, being used to this, listening, and asking questions. Mitchell just eating it up, probably having imagined himself in a situation like this, hearing Dr. Jackson give a briefing like this. Landry just wanting to know what they need to do, how they will be able to do it, and all that superfluous (in his mind) just wasting time. And, Vala, just wanting to know the quickest way to get rich.
                            I love this Dani.

                            One of the things that will be exciting about the changes this season will be seeing those new reactions. How many times have we seen Daniel give a rambling briefing, yet it seemed somewhat different because we saw it thru new eyes. Familiar reactions. Great stuff a coming!


                              I finally watched prometheus unbound (channel 7 STILL HAVE NOT SHOWN IT HERE), and was thinking whoever wrote Avalon did a good job of salvaging Vala's character, it was just crap in PU, but much much better in Avalon. Even if it's the same person, they did a good job fixing it.

                              Advice For The New Millenium: A watched torrent never downloads.


                                I liked her more in "Prometheus Unbound," actually. But to each his own.

                                Regarding the briefing, I thought it was great. Landry seems to be channeling Jack's patented impatience with scientists.
                                Thornbird: I'm Major Robort Thornbird. And you are?
                                Jack: Captain James T. Kirk of the starship Enterprise.
                                Thornbird: Your dog tags say otherwise.
                                Jack: ... They're lying.

