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Moebius, Part 1 (819)

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    I disagree. I thought it was a refreshing change to the normal battle-focussed sg-1 finales. I agree that there was too much focus on the alternate future and not enough of the past, but I still think it was a great concept. Can't wait for part 2.

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      Something I had to add, after watching the episode again tonight (oh how I love repeats on Sky One) and sadly, although i couldn't get my family to appreciate Carlos and his 'You make me so hot' I couldn't help but notice a certain person as the technician with General Hammond. Now correct me if I'm wrong and I apologise if this has already been mentioned, but I think it was Peter DeLuise (This is the scene right at the end as the gate is being lowered down through the ceiling.)


        Peter DeLuise is a regular extra in the show. A good addition to being the creative director/producer/whatever.
        Parap pup pup paaa ... I'm Lovin' It!


          Ok, I didnt want to read through 10 pages of postings, so I skimmed a bit, but did anyone else notice something that made me rewind and play a particular part over about 20 times??

          In the scene where McKay is talking to Carter in the puddle jumper, he asks her out to lunch. He then mentions they will be having LEMON chicken, and is quoted as saying that this is his fav. NON AU McKay is HIGHLY allergic to citrus. Funny how a little time meddling changes things.




            I think thats been mentioned on practically every page

            But yer.
            I liked how Homer was written in simpsons font too.
            The Corps is Mother, The Corps is Father


              Speeking of time Meddling, here is the original scripted version of the Hammond/Alt SG-1 Video Conference Room, which is much funnier ...


              O'Neill appears onscreen. He looks at the Camera, and introduces himself.

              O'NEILL (ONSCREEN)
              General Jack O'Neill

              DANIEL (ONSCREEN)
              Say something about the future.

              O'NEILL (ONSCREEN)
              Uh, College Football is played on Saturdays, pro on Sundays, donuts are plentiful, and theres no fish in my pond. I think that just about covers it.

              ... (Hammond stops tape and brings up lights)

              ALT. DANIEL
              Did they say Stargate?

              ALT. CARTER
              Time travel?

              Yes, but we're still trying to decypher exactly what Doughnuts are.


              Got this info from looking at the pictures of the scripts in the Official Magazine. I sooo wish they had done it that way! Simpsons references rock!


                they should have gone a bit more like the film for Ra, given him a bigger set, some kids around him and a non jaffa guy like he had in the film, that would have been neat....


                  Originally posted by Whistler
                  O'NEILL (ONSCREEN)
                  Uh, College Football is played on Saturdays, pro on Sundays, donuts are plentiful, and theres no fish in my pond. I think that just about covers it.
                  LOL! Guess they did reference that Simpsons episode after all.
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                    Just seen Moebius Pt 1 here in OZ.
                    What an abysmal episode I found this to be!
                    Where do you start?
                    The whole first part of going back in time was so rushed and so underwhelming.
                    Not much build up, no tension, no suspense, and barely much action to speak of.
                    It was about as enthralling as waiting at the corner for the local bus.
                    I'm also so over Jack Oneill, I'm afraid. Everything now is just a one note performance.
                    If his character's attitude to it all is the usual.. hohum, I don't care, heard any good jokes lately...whatever..." then why should any viewer take seriously what they are doing if he just meanders about making dumb jokes and looking like he's half asleep all the time.
                    Then suddenly we're into the new timeline and we get to witness the truely awful pantomime performances of Shanks and Tapping.
                    What on earth was the director thinking? Was it Deluise?!!
                    I thought I was now watching somekind of dumbed down cartoon complete with enough ham performances to cause a shortage of pig meat throughout the length and breadth of Canada.
                    Is Moebius ment to be played for laughs or something. I could have sworn that second half looked like Wormhole Extreme Part 2!
                    Terrible writing, directing and performances!!
                    I plan on having a stiff drink before I sit down for part 2.
                    Am I not far out of the ballpark in predicting Jack literally falls asleep during part 2 in the middle of delivering a line?
                    Last edited by david2708; 11 March 2005, 10:18 PM.


                      I already roamed the web, but could not find the info.

                      Does by any chance someone know, who the left slave of Ra is (the actress)?

                      Might want to take a look:

                      Thanks in advance!


                        Originally posted by Garibaldi
                        I already roamed the web, but could not find the info.

                        Does by any chance someone know, who the left slave of Ra is (the actress)?

                        Might want to take a look:

                        Thanks in advance!

                        Very lovely young lady...but I couldn't find her name either.

                        However, while looking at the photos at GateWorld, particularly this photo:


                        The actor who portrays Ra's First Prime is Benjamin Easterday:



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                          I'm goingto watch this episode this weekend sometime ( I work friday nights when its on so i have to record it) and i really need to stop reading threads about shows before i see them lol.


                            I honestly think this was stargate at its best. Funny, actiony, in-jokes, the whole episode was a link back to the start of the series..... Yet from what I have read in the official thread everyone hated it. I don't understand why and I don't want too. So I will say your are all stupid. Hahahahaha. No seriously, I wan't to find out who liked it and why, and too let me know that I wasn't the only one.


                              I like this episode !!!! Why? Because in this episodes is everything great. everything


                                did any one noice that they play the music from the stargate movie in this ep

