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Prometheus Unbound (812)

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    God, I've missed Hammond.

    "There's not a little boy born who wouldn't tear the world apart to save his mummy... and this little boy can." --The Doctor.
    "The plastic tips at the ends of shoelaces are called Aglets. Their true purpose is sinister."--The Question.
    BAD WOLF!!!


      wow vala and daniel/ claudia and michael really had a rought fight
      I was laughing in the first two minutes

      "I be taking walter as well"

      "I'll quit"

      why don't you just hold your breath you haven't done that in awhile"

      When hammond passed out I thought it was one of those things the producer said the fans would hate. Hammond dying would be a real blow.

      I wonder what jacks going to say about daniel when gets back

      "back so soon?"
      Last edited by GoldenSG-1; 28 January 2005, 07:13 PM.
      the good ole days of sg-1


        Prometheus Unbound = PU - pretty much says it all for me (at least the title makes for a convenient acronym so as not to waste a lot of time typing since I already wasted an hour).


          Originally posted by Skydiver
          It was fun, and i did literally laugh out loud....but it also seemed to be the harbringer of things to come....a dumbing down of the show and a pandering to the lowest common know the American Pie audience, slapstick and sex jokes
          I guess that's my fear. I think Vala could be an interesting character if you look behind the sexual innuendo, the broad slapstick. But will they look beyond that? I don't know.

          It's a strange episode. Kind of campy, definitely not your typical Daniel episode. There were parts of it that were a lot of fun and where I thought MS and CB clicked pretty well and made me laugh. Other parts still make me cringe just thinking about them.

          I recall being worried that Atlantis was going to be targeted to a younger audience and wouldn't appeal to me as much as SG-1. As I watch the new Scifi Fridays, SG-1 definitely seems like the show aimed at the younger audience. I'm finding more maturity and depth in both Atlantis and BSG these days.
          Life is hard...and it's harder if you're stupid


            Originally posted by Kes
            I guess that's my fear. I think Vala could be an interesting character if you look behind the sexual innuendo, the broad slapstick. But will they look beyond that? I don't know.
            I don't know either. I mean, i enjoyed it in a way....but maybe it's like Hostess cupcakes. One every once in a while is ok, a steady diet would make me pretty sick pretty quick

            Originally posted by Kes
            It's a strange episode. Kind of campy, definitely not your typical Daniel episode. There were parts of it that were a lot of fun and where I thought MS and CB clicked pretty well and made me laugh. Other parts still make me cringe just thinking about them.
            yeah. usually daniel episodes are the uber angst that lends itself to overacting and forced drama. This wasn't that. And i did laugh out loud. the whole cat fight was pretty funny

            it just wasn't stargate

            Originally posted by Kes
            I recall being worried that Atlantis was going to be targeted to a younger audience and wouldn't appeal to me as much as SG-1. As I watch the new Scifi Fridays, SG-1 definitely seems like the show aimed at the younger audience. I'm finding more maturity and depth in both Atlantis and BSG these days.
            yeah. Atlantis tonight was great, bsg is growing on me, stargate, while not horrible, is definitely not up to previous seasons' standards (well, except for s7, thus far, s8 is about on par with season 7)
            Where in the World is George Hammond?



              Originally posted by Major Fischer
              A waste of a good hour of my life. Can I sue for it back?

              Utter drivel.
              In a thread this long most of the valuable critique has already happened. However, not to beat a dead horse but this ep reeks of a few dozen failures of Intelligent Writing 101: move the plot along by having otherwise intelligent characters do stupid stuff.

              You can just hear the discussion around the table at the writer's meeting for this ep:

              Writer 1: Should we really put Hammond on a deep space mission? He is after all, a Lt. General in charge of planetary defense.

              Producer: We need to work him into some script at some point, this is as good as any. Moving on.

              Writer 2: Isn't it unlikely that a girl who knows nothing about the Prometheus should so easily overpower the crew and take the ship?

              Producer: She has to or we have no episode. Moving on.

              Writer 1: A trained SG team would never allow themselves to be captured.

              Producer: If they aren't captured then they can't be on the other ship in order to pursue the Prom. so let's let them be captured so that we can have some danger and action. Moving on.

              Writer 2: Why would Daniel finally get the better of Vala in a fist fight and then put his face 12" inches from her's thereby opening himself up to body blow?

              Producer: The same reason he didn't Zat her the first moment he had the chance: we would have no fight scene, no thigh squeezing action, no silly banter. Moving on.

              Writer 1: Why do we have to have Walter, a guy who knows nothing about helmsmanship, flying not one, but TWO ships in this ep?

              Producer: Because Chris Judge is on vacation. Moving on.

              Writer 2: Why do we have to write all the SG members to be such idiots in this episode?

              Producer: Because we have to have something to move the story along. If they don't do stupid things then we have no danger. No danger, no action, no action, we have to have a plot instead. Since we don't have a plot then we need stupid good guys. See how this works? Moving on.

              Writer 1: Okay, just as Vala is about to escape at the end of the ep, the order is given for Walter to fire on her ship to. But he takes oh, about a half an hour to get around to pushing the fire button. Why is that?

              Producer: Because if he fired right when Hammond ordered him to then Vala would not have gotten away. Moving on.

              Writer 2: Shouldn't we have an epilogue where the Prom. returns to Earth and they strip Hammond of his command and rank for leading one of the most amatuer missions in the history of the Stargate program?

              Producer: True, he did manage to get his shipped highjacked within minutes of leaving earth but at least he didn't end up sucking face with that enlisted guy, ya got to give him credit for that. Moving on.


                Originally posted by Skydiver
                this was basically Stargate does Farscape.

                Yes, it was fun. It was lighthearted and rather silly.

                If the first 5 of s9 are like this, well then they'll be better than the alternative...which could be Lifeboat or Orpheus x5....which would have me cringing and reaching for the remote

                I was never a huge farscape fan but this is precise what i'd expect to see crichton doing, the whole sexually charged, slightly naughty space romp

                It was fun, and i did literally laugh out loud....but it also seemed to be the harbringer of things to come
                Compared to last week ep. this show was much more enjoyable and fun to watch. I loved Daneil's reactions and how he shot her in mid-sentence in the end. lol That was great. But I really hope this is not as Skydiver said going to be
                a dumbing down of the show and a pandering to the lowest common denominator.... the American Pie audience, slapstick and sex jokes
                I usually am uncomfurtable with sex jokes when they are over done. But I was not uncomfortable with Prometheus Unbound (most of the time).

                Though if this is a shadow of things to come in SG then it will have lost something important that has made it my favorite show. It's okay to do ep.s like this once in awhile but I don't think I could stand it if every week is going to be like this one.

                This is just my two cents and my opinion.

                5th Season of Supernatural Premiering September 10th!


                  I had noticed that in posts about this ep, posters were abbreviating the title to PU.

                  Yep, that about sums it up.

                  This episode was terrible. Major Fischer, I am in total agreement with everything you said. TPTB clearly were trying to have Farscape fans watch this ep (well before they knew there was a season 9 and they made a wholehearted effort to bring in Farscape fans by signing Ben Browder), and they went for some of the worst aspects of Farscape (yes, Farscape had good points. But it had some really, really noticeable bad points as well), that is, among other things, humor at its most puerile and juvenile, loaded with sexual innuendos (and out-uendos!), slapstick and shtick (the Hiccup Doctor, as an example of the latter. Extremely annoying and unfunny).

                  Not to mention doing their best to make Daniel look like Browder (to the tight pants and black T-shirt. Even in the armor, he looked like Crichton in the peacekeeper outfit).

                  Character assassination? We had Sam last week. This week it was Hammond, Daniel and Reynolds (to name three). Hammond's behavior at the beginning of the ep was improper, disrespectful to a subordinate who is also a general and a commander of an important base and totally out-of-character. Some fans have complained that Jack, as a general, lacked Hammond's gravitas. Not after this ep he doesn't. It was unbelievable that he would walk in and grab two members of Jack's command without discussing it with Jack first.

                  ITA that there is no way that Hammond would ever be allowed to take the ship off to another galaxy, especially when we suspect that there's some kind of trouble there. He's in command of the entire Homeworld defense; he doesn't go off to do things like this. Or to take the kind of risk he did on the ship--that was totally absurd.

                  And Reynolds? A colonel hesitating to give CPR to anyone, much less his commanding officer? Because he'd have to do mouth-to-mouth? This wasn't funny; it was demeaning to the character.

                  Daniel? Yeah, he looked good in the T-shirt, but could he have looked any more pathetic or stupid than he did in the fight? Sure, have your opponent at zat point, and then turn away to study a screen, instead of stepping back or changing your position so that you can keep both under observation. Brilliant.

                  And the fight itself: hair pulling? Hitting the panels instead of his opponent? At least, we can finally lay any pretensions to Rambo Jackson to rest. Can anyone see the fight going the same way if Vala had been fighting, say, Jack? Teal'c? Sam?

                  There wasn't any excuse at all for taking Walter, and the excuse for taking Daniel didn't hold up. Forget ascension (since Daniel doesn't remember anything of when he was ascended): Daniel knows ancient because of The Fifth Race. That was *six* years ago. There is no way that I believe that in all that time, they haven't had Daniel instruct other linguists working for the project; it's too important. Heck, we know that some of the people who left for Atlantis can read it.

                  Hey, Walter! Try getting your a** in gear a little faster the next time you get an order to fire on a ship. (And how come *our* instruments always manage to get jammed?)

                  Oh, while we're talking character assassination, let's not forget all of the security personnel. Everybody takes over our spaceship without effort. You think we would have learned from "Prometheus". No one rigs the rings so that outsiders can't just ring in. Vala manages to escape the brig--and, of course, we aren't told how because, at this point, I don't think Damian Kindler or any of the others could come up with an explanation that anyone would actually believe. So let's just ignore it--something else this had in common with Farscape. On top of that, she takes out all of the security personnel there. You know, everyone on that ship should be busted back to airman basic/private, including Hammond.

                  Of course, they couldn't assassinate Vala's character, as we just met her. But they made her unlikeable enough that I'm not looking forward to the 5 eps next season.

                  How about some other stupidities/problems? Okay, first: they get this distress call. They hear one word--"Help"--and Daniel says, "It sounds human." Huh? It can't be the "English"; *everyone* out there speaks it. What made it sound human, vs. Tok'ra or Warick's people? or the guys that Daniel shot? Or the Nox? And so on and so forth. No explanation or reason offered for that comment at all--which comment is then followed by Reynolds saying that it was suspicious because it was a "human distress signal" from a Goa'uld ship. So, saying "help" makes it a *human* distress signal?

                  And, they haven't heard from the Pegasus galaxy, which is a bad sign. Did they really expect to hear from Atlantis in this amt of time? They knew that, unless Weir and her team could find a ZPM, there was no way they could contact Earth. So, silence for 6 months didn't really mean anything. But, hey, it gives everyone an excuse to get out there and act stupidly, right?

                  Last edited by DarkQuee1; 28 January 2005, 07:44 PM.
                  "He's an amazing man. After everything he's done, he's still modest. Quite self-effacing actually. He even likes people to think he's not as smart as he is. Bottom line, he's an incredibly strong leader who's given more to this program than any man has given to anything I can imagine."


                    I liked this episode too. There was alot of commedy through the whole thing but not to much. I thought the whole sneezing thing was annoying though.

                    How long before Teal'c gets stranded alone aboard the Prometheus?
                    So often times it happens that we live our lives in chains,
                    And we never even know we have the key.
                    Already Gone---------
                    The Eagles-----------


                      Wow... looking through this thread, I'm only just now noticing the completely opposite sides, here. Though there are a few that 'think it's pretty good' or 'decent' or 'okay' or 'better than last week's' or whatever, most either love it, or hate it, from where I'm standing.

                      I'll say this to those that disliked it vehemently -- your reasoning is justifiable and I agree there were some fairly major oddities with this episode. However, I don't believe that Vala was just one, big, walking sexual innuendo by any means. I think there's a great deal of depth behind her character and I look forward to exploring it.

                      People might think I could be biased, since I'm a hugely-influenced Scaper. I mean, wow. "Hey. It's Claudia Black. I now love this episode. In fact. I love Ben Browder's character. Because he's Ben. I don't care if I haven't even seen him yet. He is Ben Browder, and thusly, I like him."

                      No... it doesn't work that way, for me. When I heard Claudia would be on, yes, of course I was all ears. Then Ben? Wow. Heaven. But does this mean I'd just let those get the best of me and declare Prometheus Unbound ascended from the skies above, simply due to Vala's Aeryn Sun-esque persona? Nah.

                      I think Vala was incredibly entertaining in her own right. I think her interactions with Daniel were hilarious to watch -- but believable, nevertheless. There was a great deal of chemistry between them, and sure, it might have been more capitalized than it otherwise would have been, were this episode not clearly aimed at getting more Scapers into the Stargate franchise. But from the angle of a Scaper who's already quite engulfed in SG-1 and Atlantis, I can stay say... there were things in this episode that were wonderful, in my eyes.
                      If you've seen a Jeff O'Connor or a JeffZero or a Jeff Zero or a JeffZeroConnor elsewhere on the net, there's a considerable chance it's me.


                        This was definately a change of pace episode. It didn't feel much like Stargate but I have to say that I enjoyed it for what it was--a little piece of fluff.

                        Great to see Hammond again.
                        Nice chemistry between Vala and Daniel.
                        Fun opening scene with Daniel and Jack.

                        A few things annoyed me--(hiccup), but the energy was fun and different so I had a good time watching it.


                        When I was young, I used to admire intelligent people; as I grow older, I admire kind people.

                        Abraham Joshua Heschel


                          Originally posted by IMForeman
                          God, I've missed Hammond.

                          I've missed Hammond too, and after this episode, I still do.
                          To Infinity And Beyond!

                          O'Neill: "Do we know this... shrub?"


                            Originally posted by UnderT
                            How long before Teal'c gets stranded alone aboard the Prometheus?
                            Season... eh... Nine, I believe. Probably in the second half. He'll be trapped there and will meet with the beautiful Chiana. Er...
                            If you've seen a Jeff O'Connor or a JeffZero or a Jeff Zero or a JeffZeroConnor elsewhere on the net, there's a considerable chance it's me.


                              I missed Hammond too, but that's one of the things that I didn't like about the episode. It's nice that they tried to bring the character back, but if they do that again, they should try to include the character in the character. (if that makes any sense)
                              Why yes, I am aware that I am too sexy for my cat
                              RIP Stargate SG-1: The iris may be closed, but the gate will always be spinning, lighting the chevrons in my heart

                              And to the Sci Fi Channel...


                                Originally posted by NightGloom
                                I missed Hammond too, but that's one of the things that I didn't like about the episode. It's nice that they tried to bring the character back, but if they do that again, they should try to include the character in the character. (if that makes any sense)
                                Heck, I partially felt as though Hammond had some sort of death wish or something.
                                If you've seen a Jeff O'Connor or a JeffZero or a Jeff Zero or a JeffZeroConnor elsewhere on the net, there's a considerable chance it's me.

