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Prometheus Unbound (812)

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    Originally posted by greytop
    This epsoide was better than Genimi, IMO. Since we know that Vala will be back next season, it was a good introduction to her. Maybe, Teal's will know who she is?
    I don't know, I'm rather frightened of five epsiodes of her, and absolutely embarrassed for Claudia Black.


      Originally posted by Fastskin
      I have just watched the above episode and i noticed something i found rather strange.

      How come the sheild failed so easily? Take for instance the end of Series 7, it toke a pounding before the sheild started to give way. So how come it gave way so easily? I know it had taken a few hits before it was raised, but wud that effect the sheild?
      The ship had already taken much damage as you somehat pointed out--shield generator was probably already working at less than full capability when shields were raised, weakening the shields.

      OH! and I rather liked this ep ...nice to see the prometheus out and about.

      ...and as for the whole what generals do/don't do the navy, admirals put their flag on whatever ship they like--though usually the biggest, toughest one--which in this case would be the Prometheus. Perhaps the air force is emulating the navy now that it is operating ship-class vehicles, and not just aircraft?? Also, he, Jack, and Daniel DO go way back, so perhaps he decided to ignore standard procedure for countermanding subordinates....Anyway, I found the whole situation funny...sorry MF
      Last edited by alaskannut; 28 January 2005, 05:27 PM.
      Eagles may soar free and proud, but weasels never get sucked into jet engines.
      "We're not going to Guam are we?"


        I LOVED this episode!!! It was so much fun. I laughed out loud at a couple of parts, like when Daniel tried to squeeze Vala's head with his fingers. LOL I thought Vala was a hoot. But she was also a mystery. Who is she really? Is she really trying to save her people or is she a scam artist trying to buy some weapons? I thought Vala and Daniel's chemistry was great and I really enjoyed watching them together. I can definitely see why TPTB wanted to bring her back.

        I've seen some of the complaints about this episode, and I don't care. Unlike last week, this episode had energy and humor and action. Vala and Daniel both have a lot of personality. General Hammond was great, letting himself indulge in a mission for once in his life. I loved the scene where they tried to give him mouth to mouth and he woke up just in time.

        As a more recent SG fan, I enjoyed this soooo much better than last week, and I'm glad to see that SG can be so much fun to watch. (And I have to admit -- sorry, Carter fans -- but Carter is a bit dull, don't you think?)


          Originally posted by ShardsofGlass
          I LOVED this episode!!! It was so much fun. I laughed out loud at a couple of parts, like when Daniel tried to squeeze Vala's head with his fingers. LOL I thought Vala was a hoot. But she was also a mystery. Who is she really? Is she really trying to save her people or is she a scam artist trying to buy some weapons? I thought Vala and Daniel's chemistry was great and I really enjoyed watching them together. I can definitely see why TPTB wanted to bring her back.

          I've seen some of the complaints about this episode, and I don't care. Unlike last week, this episode had energy and humor and action. Vala and Daniel both have a lot of personality. General Hammond was great, letting himself indulge in a mission for once in his life. I loved the scene where they tried to give him mouth to mouth and he woke up just in time.

          As a more recent SG fan, I enjoyed this soooo much better than last week, and I'm glad to see that SG can be so much fun to watch. (And I have to admit -- sorry, Carter fans -- but Carter is a bit dull, don't you think?)
          Agreeing completely. I have to admit, I was really looking forward to this one, as I'm a huge Daniel fan and I absolutely love Claudia Black. I had read some interesting opinions about the episode, some extremely positive, some extremely negative. That said, I was quite determined to judge it on it's own merits. And after last week's (IMHO) snoozefest, this episode had lots of action, lots of humor, and was just lots of fun. Much, much better, I thought, than what they asked us to sit through last week. My favorite so far this year.

          Vala is a hoot. I can't wait to find out more about her. I thought Daniel and Vala had fantastic chemistry. I loved Daniel's expressions all through the episode. Priceless.

          I realize that some people felt that it went over the top, and I can see where that criticism comes from. I guess it just didn't seem that way to me. I laughed when I was supposed to, and it felt like I was laughing with the actors, not at them. Even the hiccuping girl didn't annoy me like I was afraid she might.

          It just felt like a great ride to me, from beginning to end, and I don't want to analyze it too closely. That will take the fun out of it. I loved it.


            Originally posted by Major Fischer
            I don't know, I'm rather frightened of five epsiodes of her, and absolutely embarrassed for Claudia Black.
            this was basically Stargate does Farscape.

            Yes, it was fun. It was lighthearted and rather silly.

            If the first 5 of s9 are like this, well then they'll be better than the alternative...which could be Lifeboat or Orpheus x5....which would have me cringing and reaching for the remote

            I was never a huge farscape fan but this is precise what i'd expect to see crichton doing, the whole sexually charged, slightly naughty space romp

            It was fun, and i did literally laugh out loud....but it also seemed to be the harbringer of things to come....a dumbing down of the show and a pandering to the lowest common know the American Pie audience, slapstick and sex jokes
            Where in the World is George Hammond?



              Yeah, but at the same time, Farscape made people think. It wasn't focusing on people that were addicted to American Pie -- it was focusing on people that wanted to comprehend situations from every angle, and wanted to have a chance to get things on their own.

              I saw that in this very brilliant episode, tonight. (IMHO, as always.)
              If you've seen a Jeff O'Connor or a JeffZero or a Jeff Zero or a JeffZeroConnor elsewhere on the net, there's a considerable chance it's me.


                Originally posted by XToDaZ
                This was definately one of the worst episodes I've seen so far. I could hardly recognise it was a Stargate episode.
                The hick-up humor and the oversexed Vala might seem like a nice idea for an idiotic British comedy show or for a 14 year-old crowd. I tried to laugh, but I've outgrown this type of pubescant comedy for some time now.
                I also could not find a reference to how this particular episode could fit into the SG grand scheme of things. Singular episodes are supposed to either be a funny interval, a money-saving clipshow (a necessary evil) or are supposed to open up some options for future storylines technologically (nanites, stargate intel, naquadah reactor, ...), socially (sam/jack, teal'c and co, ...), politically (NID development, Pentagon, ...) or diplomatically/culturally (Antractic Ancient, Tollan, Kelowna, ...)
                This one did none of those.
                Instead all I saw was a crappy performance of Daniel (whether it's Michael Shanks losing interest or the writers losing what Daniel's about, I don't know), a irritating chick with an attitude of which I hope she won't reappear, a ranked officer hesitatant to reanimate his general, a Star Wars type alien creature of which nothing was told whatsoever and last but not least a stereotypical fight between Daniel and Vala that could've been stripped right of an amateur porn video without the clothes removed.

                Whoever wrote this episode should ask Jack O'Neill how to evade cliché's.
                Too bad! Your going to see 5 more Vala's!


                  This episode was absolutely great! The humor in the beginning and even in the fight scene with Daniel and Claudia were so funny, they had my sister and I rolling on our floor!!!!!!!! The fight scenes that were done on the side of the Al'Kesh and the Prometheus and Death Gliders were also superb. I was so happy to see Don S. Davis. I miss him a whole lot, as does my sister. So far, Sg-1 is really kicking butt in this second half of the season.
                  Yes, I really do look like (a younger) Daniel. Don't believe me? Look for yourself.

                  Hey, Mitchell! You want a turn?


                    This episode wasn't as bad as I thought it would be, in fact, I rather liked it (compared to the horrorific "dirty" episode I thought it was going to be). I think it was meant just to be lighthearted, there's always a few episodes like it during each season.

                    True, I could have done without all the innuendo, save it for Farscape. And the hiccup thing was just plain annoying. It did seem like they took the "science" out of the "science fiction" a bit during this episode, to turn into Farscape meets the Three Stooges meets Star Wars (c'mon, you had to of thought of it with those alien guys). Don't get me wrong, I love all three... all three together would get old quick.

                    However, it was better than Gemini, and not bad as a stand alone episode, but nowhere near the older SG-1.
                    Why yes, I am aware that I am too sexy for my cat
                    RIP Stargate SG-1: The iris may be closed, but the gate will always be spinning, lighting the chevrons in my heart

                    And to the Sci Fi Channel...


                      Hey, did anyone else see the joy on Walter's face while piloting the Al'kesh?
                      Yes, I really do look like (a younger) Daniel. Don't believe me? Look for yourself.

                      Hey, Mitchell! You want a turn?


                        WooHoo!!!! Luved it!!

                        Ok, I could go on about Daniel and Vala (but I'll save that for the thunk thread ) but I won't. The whole story line was actually pretty good. I'm looking forward to Vala coming back. Left lots of questions that I'm looking forward to finding out the answers. I kept wondering if it was Jacob who was the Tok'ra that removed the symbiote from her. I'm really curious about her people and why she needed the naquadah.

                        Overall a good episode! Lots of fun!
                        No snurching any Pictures I post!! (without my permission)



                          Originally posted by Daniel's_twin
                          Hey, did anyone else see the joy on Walter's face while piloting the Al'kesh?
                          walter was the saving grace to parts of this.
                          he's so deadpan funny and i'm so glad he's getting more air time this season
                          i also enjoyed the promie folks, reynolds and such.

                          Novak was even fun and quirky...yes her hiccups were annoying...but hiccups are that way.

                          I do feel, however, that hammond so dissed jack. he just showed up, took his chair, took daniel, took walter without so much as a by your leave. That's rather disprespectful to a base commander, even if hammy was an old friend
                          Where in the World is George Hammond?



                            I thought the episode was fun, cute, and fluffy. And actually more interesting that last week's. While the show IS action/drama, I like to see a bit of fluff now and again. And it looks like the rest of the season is going to be fairly serious and important...It was nice to have a break.

                            That said, while I won't say I LIKED Vala, I ENJOYED the character a lot. She was a bit too manipulative for me to feel any affection for, presently, but I can't wait to see her in some more (presumably) serious eps in S9.

                            Just my tuppance.
                            Nudara @ AIM


                              I thought the epi. was good. Before learning about this epi., I thought that it was going to be a drama, but I like the chessey humor that they had on the show. Also, it just a show so I take what I watch.


                                Originally posted by Daniel's_twin
                                Hey, did anyone else see the joy on Walter's face while piloting the Al'kesh?
                                Yes! I loved Walter in this, I was so happy when Gen. Hammond was like "Oh, and we're taking Walter too" I literally screamed "YAY! WALTER!"
                                Why yes, I am aware that I am too sexy for my cat
                                RIP Stargate SG-1: The iris may be closed, but the gate will always be spinning, lighting the chevrons in my heart

                                And to the Sci Fi Channel...

