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    Originally posted by tera'ngan
    Will somebody PLEASE explain to me O'Neill's comment in Sam's lab?

    "Then I wouldn't be here." (Did I remember that right?)

    I DON'T GET IT! Is he saying if they had gotten together then he would no longer be at SGC and that he is not willing to do that so she needs to move on? Is he saying of course he cares about her and that's why he is standing there in her lab asking her what's been bothering her? I don't usually post on these episode specific threads because I would just be repeating what everyone else is saying, but this one is bugging me.

    Oh, and I'm going to go with definitely asgard. I kept waiting for "ring" sounds because they grouped together, but there were no "bounces" in the sound affects and it sounded suspiciously asgard to me.

    Thanks in advance to anyone who has some insight for me . . .


    Ahh, yes. The TPTB casting for big fish.

    Theories on what Jack meant:
    1. "If my son hadn't of killed himself with my gun, I never would have gone through the Stargate in the first place and would be happily living in retirement with Sarah."
    2. "We would be married by now and I would be happily living in retirement with you."
    3. "If we hadn't gotten our memories back when we were "Beneath the Surface", I would be happily living in a working retirement with Therra"
    4. "If you hadn't have rescued me from Edora, I would be happily living in retirement with Laira."
    5. "If we hadn't have figured out the nanites on Argos, I'd be dead but would have had several happy days in retirement with Kynthia."

    Take your pick
    Major Kawalsky
    I've clawed my way from Mature to Fodder! WOOHOO!
    U.S. Stargate Command


      Originally posted by keels
      I dont know why so many peopele hate Pete. i like him hes a great guy. He has not done anything to hurt her, he has been supportive and loving to her. I think he is an excellent character and i was happy when she said yes to him. The sam/jack shipper people have to come to grips that that was never goin to happen. now to be honest i have never read anything on the Sam/jack shipper thread, i dont get into that stuff. Bottom line is that Pete is a great guy and i think u people should get off his back for being a "stalker". any excuss u people can get to hate this guy u will find. but u have over look how good he is for carter.

      Since you insist on say "u people" I feel the need to respond. Everyone is entitled to his or her own opinion. However, it's not necessary to speak as though those who dislike the Pete character are idiots. Yes, I am a shipper and yes I do want Sam and Jack together but if they don't then so be it. It is only a television show after all..... But please don't try to tell us what we should or shouldn't feel. I think the shippers are a very positive fun group and we try to respect other's feelings. I would hope that everyone else would do the same. Even though we may differ in our opinions, one thing we can agree on is SG1 is a great show no matter what the outcome. Just MHO.


        I can't say the episode was good or bad. It was interesting.

        We get a taste of The Trust. I'm looking forward to some good storylines with them. I think that Daniel will be unknowing help to Anubis because of The Trust.

        The Sam and Pete story. I think her not answering was interesting. Her thinking about how it would change her life. I'm sure for someone who has been single for that long, it would be a difficult decision. They didn't show Pete going through that thought process, but I'm sure he did. He puts his life on the line every day going to work as a cop. He can relate to Sam's feelings. He probably knew that it would be difficult for Sam to say yes.

        As for the Jack comment that 'he wouldn't he there', I had a different thought. He went on the initial Abydos mission because his son had died and wanted to die himself. He was willing to go on a 'one-way mission'. Had he not died, Jack would have never been a part of the SGC.

        I feel bad for Teal'c in having to move back to the SGC. I think it would have been nice to let him live in the 'real world' for a while. It was just last week he mentioned he got the permission to move off base. I know that some time has pasted between episodes (Teal'c was settled in), but it wouldn't have been for a huge amount of time.

        Finally, I thought the episode was too choppy. They try to have one major storyline with two others linked. I think the links were poorly done.
        No snurching any Pictures I post!! (without my permission)



          Originally posted by tera'ngan
          Will somebody PLEASE explain to me O'Neill's comment in Sam's lab?

          "Then I wouldn't be here." (Did I remember that right?)

          I DON'T GET IT! Is he saying if they had gotten together then he would no longer be at SGC and that he is not willing to do that so she needs to move on? Is he saying of course he cares about her and that's why he is standing there in her lab asking her what's been bothering her? I don't usually post on these episode specific threads because I would just be repeating what everyone else is saying, but this one is bugging me.

          Oh, and I'm going to go with definitely asgard. I kept waiting for "ring" sounds because they grouped together, but there were no "bounces" in the sound affects and it sounded suspiciously asgard to me.

          Thanks in advance to anyone who has some insight for me . . .

          I'm a total shipper, but hearing that line the second time around, I hear Jack saying that if he had a family, he wouldn't be at the SGC risking his life everyday. Not shippy, just a tragic lost moment between the two, IMO.

          ship = , no ship = , AU Martouf =


            I thought it was okay, and definitely better than some of the Season 7 eps I really disliked. (Avenger 2.0, for example. ) There were parts I liked and parts I didn't.

            What I liked:

            1. Teal'c just being...Teal'c. What can I say, he's cool.
            2. Daniel's knowledge of languages being a crucial plot point.
            3. The scene with Sam, Teal'c and Daniel just talking. They have such a great chemistry. Also the scene with Teal'c and Daniel at the apartment.
            4. I'm intrigued by what the NID, or "The Trust" is doing now. Just what did Daniel translate, anyway? I also agree with the earlier poster who liked the moral dilemma Daniel was confronted with.
            5. Daniel got zatted again. Is Season 8 the "Let's shoot Daniel every other episode" Season? I'm not complaining here. Keep whumping him.

            Looking over my list, I'm realizing I mostly liked the Teal'c and Daniel parts best.

            On to what I wasn't wild about.

            1. The Sam/Pete thing. I. Don't. Care.
            2. The Sam/Jack thing. I. Don't. Care.
            3. The fact that the only storyline Sam has had so far seems to be her lovelife. How's she coping as the new commander of SG-1? She seems to be doing ok in the teeny bit of time we've seen her in command but I'd like to see more of this. I love kickass Carter. At least we have RepliCarter lurking in the background.
            4. The Sam/Jack scene when she showed him the ring. Jack's comment at the end was too cryptic for me. What the heck did he mean by "I wouldn't be here."? Oh, that's right. I. Don't. Care. What a relief.
            5. Jack was kind of scarce this episode. I know that's unavoidable, but I still would liked to have seen more of him. In earlier seasons he would have helped rescue Daniel.
            6. Teal'c and Krista gettin' it on. Don't know why it bugged me, as they're both very good-looking people and I can see why they'd be attracted to each other, but I didn't really think it was necessary. That's a minor quibble though.

            Overall, there was enough about this episode I liked to watch it again.


              Originally posted by Dionysus

              My only real complaint isn't with this episode in particular (although I just noticed it), but the season in general so far. Richard Dean Anderson's character seems more and more like he's just a paperweight, and rotting away inside at that. Just a few episodes into the new season, and it's like the character wants to die and the actor regrets playing him. Maybe it's just me.
              No, I agree that Jack has been lacking in intensity and drive this season. No matter what problem arises, he's so damn laid-back about everything.

              ship = , no ship = , AU Martouf =


                I thought Michael Shanks did a fantastic job in this episode. The previews for this ep. made it sound like Daniel did something really bad to get Teal'c out of a tight spot, and I didn't really see that. (He was taken at gunpoint!) But I really enjoyed the Daniel/Teal'c interaction at the start of the show.

                Anyone else feel like Teal'c got the short end of the stick? Can't help feeling he should have kept his apartment. He mentions that he's a target and would endanger those around him. But isn't this true of all the SG1 members? I thought he interacted with the "general populace" very well. I'd love to see him back outside again soon. Also loved the reference to his driving skills. Does Teal'c HAVE a driver's license?? LOL!

                My Fanfiction -- I love reviews!


                  I liked the episode. Poor Teal'c was just trying to do the right thing and in the end he had to return to that "dungeon" of a base. Oh well, he still has his Star Wars and occasional pizza outing.
                  Games 'n Stuff


                    I thought it was an all right ep. It would have been more interesting to see Teal'c interacting with others more without the false/strained chemistry between Teal'c and Krista. I thought the Sam/Pete stuff dragged on a bit and I can't believe she left him hanging for two weeks.

                    The Daniel/Trust stuff was the most interesting and wish they would have gone into it more. I agree with the others who said it sounded like they beamed out with an Asgard transporter but...
                    Anubis managed to get some Asgard tech from Thor, and Osiris was using a ship with an Asgard derived transporter, I'm assuming we recovered that as well as Sarah. That (ship or a transporter derived from it) could have been what they were using


                      I don't think we recovered that ship. Having Asgard tech would have been a big deal. It was probably pilotted by some jaffa or something.


                        I'm sorry, but you guys (or the people who have agreed/said it) say that the episode had less of everything except more of Sam/Pete, i disagree, i saw more Daniel than even the character the episode was mostly about, Teal'c. I also thought that the 'stalker' comment that finally came up was dealt with, and didn't make it such a big deal, in which imo was for the best (in my tv viewing that is haha).
                        Amanda, "Wallow Central."


                          I don't have much to say that hasn't already been said....I thought this was a Sci-Fi show...guess I will watch Atlantis for that

                          * CJ needs to be highlighted more he has done a good job this seson
                          * Enjoyed Daniel
                          *HATE Pink Jackets
                          *Sam just say NO NO NO oh well

                          Favororite line
                          How do couples settle things on Chulak
                          They break their pledge one to the other. and if that doesn't work....then a weapon is needed!!! I LMAOOOO that was too funny
                          Life is short, Forgive quickly, Kiss slowly, Love truly, Laugh uncontrollably, And live out loud with no regrets..


                            Originally posted by the adventurer
                            I think everyone is miss interpretating Jack's "Then I wouldn't be here." comment. Remember Sam and Jack were talking about Kids.

                            So what Jack was talking about is, if his KID (Charlie) hadn't ever accidently shot himself and his first marage hadn't selfdistructed as a result, there is no way in hell Jack would have allowed himself to go on Potencial Suicide Missions twice a week.

                            It wasn't about the potencial Jack/Sam relationship.

                            That's what I got from it, too. Didn't give it a second thought.

                            Was Teal'c's pouch really gone? I didn't even notice. In fact, I was about to comment on the awkward questions that must have raised that night in the motel...


                              Originally posted by TameFarrar
                              I don't have much to say that hasn't already been said....I thought this was a Sci-Fi show...guess I will watch Atlantis for that

                              * CJ needs to be highlighted more he has done a good job this seson
                              * Enjoyed Daniel
                              *HATE Pink Jackets
                              *Sam just say NO NO NO oh well

                              Favororite line
                              How do couples settle things on Chulak
                              They break their pledge one to the other. and if that doesn't work....then a weapon is needed!!! I LMAOOOO that was too funny
                              I feel sorry for you, because i do know that your an avid S/J fan
                              Amanda, "Wallow Central."


                                Marimba, Maybe it's just because we're both from Texas...

                                I was so upset about the developments in this episode -- both on and off screen.

                                I know Amanda Tapping wants a love interest and a chance to wear something other than boots. BUT, Pete is not the answer. However, so long as his brother is the writer/producer we're going to get Pete shoved down our throats.

                                You can NEVER convince me that an astrophysicist would be happy with a cop -- no matter who he is (or whose brother he is). A general maybe, an ambassador maybe -- not a cop. (By the way, what is the policy on AF married couples working in the same command? I know AF married couples who work in different commands.)

                                Then there was the really nasty reference to "stalking". Definitely low class and in poor taste.

                                So, Krista didn't get arrested for murder? Even in self-defense?

                                And, how did the x-NID (now 'The Trust' -- what?) get through on a secure line directly to Daniel Jackson?

                                And since Peter DeLuise is trying to sell the Pete-Sam thing, of course, Jack's scene with Carter in reference to the ring and 'roads not taken' was definitely flat. Following that scene, I just thought to myself, what was that?

                                I don't like all the Jack scenes being behind his desk or short walk-ons. I realize that was the way the writers are handling his shortened work schedule, but really. A little action here and there would be welcomed! And, as a team. Remember the original concept, the SG-1 TEAM?

                                Sam and Pete smooching behind the truck at the end of the op? Pla-ese. Aren't we adults here? Maybe not -- that was so juvenile.

                                So Teal'c has to return to the SGC because he was a pawn in the real plot which was easy to overlook -- Daniel's being threatened so he would translate the ancient text. They could have taken Sam or Jack just as easily -- they both live off base, too.

                                And, finally, I hate the Sam-Pete thing so much. If Sam really loved Pete, she wouldn't take weeks to give him an answer. I sure hope some writer will remedy that awful situation.

                                P.S. And the point of running the SG-1 episode right into the Atlantis episode?????

