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Unending (1020)

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    Why would the team want to have all of that memory?


      Hell no.

      Please, no kids in Stargate, ok?


        The lack of children of the ship leads me to conclude that Daniel and Vala never did it. You can be boyfriend/girlfriend and not have sex, despite what society might tell you. Alternatively, they could have done it if they considered each other to be married (there's no one to marry them) in which case Vala would be too old to bear children.


          There's always birth control.

          Wow, won't that be kinda awkward?

          "Hey Sam, you know that matter conversion thing you used to make stuff?"
          "Yes Daniel?"
          "Yeah, I need this thing..."

          (I'm so bloody juvenile...)


            I just don't think Daniel and Vala did it. Daniel doesn't strike me as the type of man who would have premarital sex.


              Originally posted by Major Clanger View Post
              is that a good reason/excuse for a bad ep?

              (I've watched it for a 2nd time - I wish I hadn't becuse I don't like it as much now)
              It would be, yes.



                if we now have the asgard technology every time some one dies it takes us 20 seconds to revive them, kind of makes any more stories a bit pointless?


                  We have the technology but we don`t really know how to use or build it yet. Resurrection on that scale is a long way down the road, if it ever happens.

                  Don`t get worried mate, there is plenty of death in Stargate's future.


                    What makes you say that?


                      Originally posted by rich8511 View Post
                      So, assuming Vala and Daniel had a great relationship... why no kids?
                      I actually had a thought on that myself (after they hit 50 years and were still Danala spawnless)

                      She couldnt have kids anymore. Whatever the Ori did to her to make her compatible to carry the Orisi made her incapable of having any more. I thought that maybe that would have been a unexplained explaination on why daniel was consoling her so. Not just because she lost her only child, but she lost the only child she could ever have.

                      Originally posted by Miroslav View Post
                      They ripped of Star Trek:

                      1. Messing with time - TNG: All Good Things
                      2. Asgard's death - ENT: These Are The Voyages (Trip) and Nemesis (Data)
                      3. Superior technology - VOY: Endgame
                      I gotta tell you, I fail to see the comparisons.
                      For the major example... You are trying to compare the death of Trip and Data to the death of an entire species that blew themselves up because they had a genetic disease that they created themselves.

                      And the superior Technology. You have got to be kidding me? If that were a true "rip off", then every sci fi is ripping off every other sci fi. Stargate has been ripping off "Endgame" since 1996 Hang about - thats not possible. Endgame came out in 2001. OH NO! Voyager ripped off Stargate!

                      But I agree with the other poster. This trekkie 100% believes that Stargate did it better.
                      : I would very much like to have a weapon such as this.
                      : Yeah, Get in line.


                        Originally posted by Nightspore View Post
                        In the entire history of all the shows you've ever watched on TV in your lifetime?
                        Yes. It was an amazing scene.Very well writen and brilliantly performed. It had me on the edge of my seat, I stared open mouthed at the screen when Daniel started his rant, cried with Vala, then rejoyced as they finally got together. So much tv is fluff, no substance, this was almost like watching a play. It was wonderful.

                        Jack and Daniel...the old married couple.


                          Originally posted by Daniel Jackson View Post
                          I just don't think Daniel and Vala did it. Daniel doesn't strike me as the type of man who would have premarital sex.

                          Oh I'm sure they did 'do it'. Fifty years!!! Come on and it wouldn't be the first time in the Stargate universe would it. Jack with at least two women, Sam and Pete, Teal'c and Shaunak. Daniel didn't exactly have a marriage ceremony with Shar'ai.Then there was Kira.

                          I don't think a little thing like a lack of a piece of paper would have stopped Daniel or any of them. They are all consenting adults.

                          Jack and Daniel...the old married couple.


                            Man, I was pretty freaked out and worried this whole entire episode, I wanted it so bad to end well.
                            It ended well, but I want closure. I need to know what happens. If they really do make an SG-1 movie, I REALLY hope it ties up lose ends, and makes it complete. I'm not the type of person who likes to be left to wonder, I want it said and done from the people who make the show.

                            This is like how I felt when Firefly was cancelled but 10X worse

                            The episode itself was good, I just wish it wasn't the end, again, I just need more closure to all the troubles of the show.


                              Originally posted by Daniel Jackson View Post
                              I just don't think Daniel and Vala did it. Daniel doesn't strike me as the type of man who would have premarital sex.
                              You MUST be joking! lol

                              He's male, logical, stuck on a ship for 50 years, waiting to be married makes no sense whatsoever!!

                              Plus, instincts!!
                              Originally posted by G.B Shaw
                              Silence is the most perfect expression of scorn.
                              Martyrdom is the only way in which a man can become famous without ability.
                              Criminals do not die by the hands of the law. They die by the hands of other men.
                              You'll never have a quiet world till you knock the patriotism out of the human race.
                              Americans adore me and will go on adoring me until I say something nice about them.
                              One man that has a mind and knows it can always beat ten men who haven't and don't.
                              You see things; and you say, 'Why?' But I dream things that never were; and I say, "Why not?"
                              The liar's punishment is not in the least that he is not believed but that he cannot believe anyone else.


                                Yeah, they just played scrabble

