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Unending (1020)

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    I'll try my best to explain the Teal'c question.

    Imagine the main line is normal time. Once sam activates the time dilation, time stops pretty much for the mian line, but continues for them. They move through the line like it was normal time.

    When it comes to reversing it, they all go back down the line where they came, going back in age. But, with teal'c sheilded, he loops around, but ends up at the same point as the others, so as with them, he goes back in time, but keeps his age. It's basically the same result as the others, but he takes a different route.


      Originally posted by Integrabyte View Post
      The more i see the episode the more i am inclined to think that Vala cries in Daniel's arms because of a miscarriage. Landry dies after...she' cant be fed up to that extent because she is with Daniel...I'll watch again, maybe something new pops up
      Since there's no evidence to support that she did have a miscarriage and no evidence to support she didn't, one is free to see that scene anyway one wants. Whatever works for you...


        Originally posted by rich8511 View Post
        So, assuming Vala and Daniel had a great relationship... why no kids?
        Simple, that would mean A)more casting and B) ethics about the children dying and never having lived.


          Originally posted by Jelmer View Post
          Exactly my point, it's not your judgement I critisiced but the way you not only stated opinions as fact (which I normally overlook and indeed read as opinions) but also called everyone who didn't agree with your dislike of the latter seasons and the final essentially opinionless (your quote about lack of critisism).
          My opinion on this won't change, and it's unfortunate how many fans here can't even see the glaring flaws that kept plaguing Stargate on and on, and got condensed within one single episode.

          I never said the way they died was planned, I merely said their demise was planned and hinted upon many times over.
          Just as much as a solution was planned and hope was hinted as well.

          It's the way stories go, the more stories you tell the greater the scope always gets. SG-1 told over twice the amount of stories and as such it isn't strange the scope gets a lot bigger.
          And I suppose then that you're happy with the idea that a large portion of said scope was basically about how Gate = Trek.

          I would hardly use "just [...] te end" for the end of a ten year run. The stakes are high, very high and to create that death is both a valid and a strong story telling instrument. They gave humanity a fighting chance against the Ori armies by adding Asgard tech to our arsenal and made it the reason for the Asgard's change of hart very plausible while at the same time raising the stakes - All those combined I would hardly call a senseless death, and hitting the audience's emotional cord is what they should strive to achieve.
          Well, obviously, your arguments are geared towards defending the choice they made. I'm telling you they had no reason to hurry their Asgards into their death pit that way, especially with films coming in.

          Actually, it would have been thousand times better to have the Asgards test their new toys against the Ori, and let us fly under the radar and fight our way against minor factions. However, that solution would have required much more reflexion and ingeniosity in the writing department.

          The whole script felt like written by amateurs, and if they had not enough time to kill the Asgards decently in that finale, then they should have not even tried to script that even in 5 minutes of screen time.
          Either leave it open, or deal with it in a film.

          It's also called maturity and dropping your ego. Sometimes, there are things you might have wished to do, planned, which you can't do anymore because of time and ressources shortage.

          I'm sorry, there's just no way I can even begin to imagine excusing that level of incompetence. It's the cherry on top of a cake that was tasting more and more sour as time passed.

          They've pissed on so many canon facts as well. Not mentionning the Asgards able to stock their minds in comps, there's also how they wrote ascension as something only granted to those who have a pure genome.
          They turned it into something that almost sounds pro-nazi.
          The Al'kesh is not a warship - Info on Naqahdah & Naqahdria - Firepower of Goa'uld staff weapons - Everything about Hiveships and the Wraith - An idea about what powers Destiny...


            Well i see some of us hated this episode and some of us enjoyed it.

            Me it was mixed and to end everything after 10yrs and this be the final TV Episode well i felt very left down but actually liked the episode itself. Just it was not what i wanted to be theee final one. If you get my drift.

            Now with the Asgard, i bet anything that their disease was something like a virus that a hard drive might get that would maybe frag up all the info on the drive. Cause if i remember right, dont their minds go into some type of storage unit till a new body is cloned?

            So what if their mind being stored all that time started to, i dont no unravel abit to where everything gets corrupted.

            Cause i always felt the reason they were messing with the old ancient asgard body was to find a way to reseed themselves like the Ancients did when they reseeded us humans.

            And for those like me who are really upset that they killed off the Asgard that quick, hows this:

            Ascended Ancient came to the Asgard with a deal, that since they are dieing anyway, that if they give the humans the way to help destroy the ORI for good( well followers) inturn all the Asgard will be alowed to Ascend.

            So right now Thor is an Ascended Asgard.

            Hey i like it anyway.

            Plus they were all buddies in the old Alliance days anyway.

            And a quick note Teal'c and Mitchell spent alot of time together on that ship didnt they, wink wink!!

            And with all the new info , weapons and such, dont you feel humans are way to powerful now?

            And are you worried us being this powerful taht the wraith wont be a issue now?
            OR the new threat for Series 3 wont be believable?

            Or the fact if daddy Anubis gets lose, our asses are grass cause he find a way to get that info and kick are butts.
            LETS GO PEN'S


              Some of the critics fail to take into consideration all the factors that are involved in making a television show. The show was canceled with only a few episodes left to shoot. I'm pretty sure that the movies weren't greenlit until the finale was shot. The quality of the writing is not the only thing affected by time constraints and the uncertain future of the SG universe. You may have noticed that the last episode took place pretty much entirely on the Odyssey. It would be easy for us to assume that the writers had intended it to be that way from the beginning but then we would be ignoring budgetary concerns, casting problems, inability to book shooting locations, etc. The producers can’t just wave a magic wand and get all the money, sets, locations, and actors they want to shoot the episode they had written. Even with a full budget and time to plan, they often run into problems and have to do plenty of revisions. Somehow I doubt that the finale turned out the way the writers and producers had originally envisioned.


                Originally posted by rich8511 View Post
                So, assuming Vala and Daniel had a great relationship... why no kids?
                Who'd want to raise children in that environment...


                  lol, Penegal123, you beat me to it but here's mine:



                    Originally posted by fugiman View Post
                    I know they didn't have time to write a great storyline so I can't wait for Movies

                    is that a good reason/excuse for a bad ep?

                    (I've watched it for a 2nd time - I wish I hadn't becuse I don't like it as much now)
                    In the land of the blind, the one-eyed man is king



                      I have just watched this one a forth time and I must say it just gets better and better. An amazing episode to end the show.

                      The scene between Daniel and Vala just before they get together is the most powerful scene I have every known on tv.

                      These two really do have the most wonderful chemistry together and I really hope to see them again in the future, MS and CB are fantastic actors, they can both convey so much with a single look. They really should have thier own show.

                      I still cried at the end, much to my family's amusment! When the team walks up the ramp one last time, so sad.

                      I am really going to miss this show, such a shame it's over when they are still able to produce an amazing episode like this.

                      Jack and Daniel...the old married couple.


                        Originally posted by bcfc View Post
                        No offence but you say that like its Fact when its only your opinion.
                        Ok sorry. IN MY OPINION it was Crap.

                        For Wraith, hunger burns like a fire.

                        Tell me, Sheppard, if you found yourself burning alive, would you settle for just one drop of water ...

                        ....... or would you take more?



                          Originally posted by Integrabyte View Post
                          The more i see the episode the more i am inclined to think that Vala cries in Daniel's arms because of a miscarriage. Landry dies after...she' cant be fed up to that extent because she is with Daniel...I'll watch again, maybe something new pops up
                          Indeed. It made sense the first time, it makes sense again.

                          Originally posted by Major Clanger View Post
                          is that a good reason/excuse for a bad ep?

                          (I've watched it for a 2nd time - I wish I hadn't becuse I don't like it as much now)
                          I've watched it about 4 times, and I still think it's an awesome, emotional episode.
                          Stargate Destiny - Coming Again Soon


                            I've watched it about 4 times, and I still think it's an awesome, emotional episode.
                            I guess the fact that it is the last makes it even more emotional.


                              One quick question....

                              They could use the beaming device to create matter conversion to make anything they needed. Correct?

                              Why then, before they enacted their final plan, didn't they build one of the Memory Devices (from the race that accused Mitchell of murder).
                              Surely they had the tech specs in the computer?

                              Then they could've saved their 50 years of memories, given them to Tealc on the crystal, and then uploaded them again later once they were back at the SGC.

                              They should've at least touched on this and then dismissed the idea through some techno-garble. It just leaves to much of a big hole in what would've been the logical thing to do.

                              Thoughts anyone?

                              Last edited by gerbel; 18 March 2007, 05:07 AM. Reason: Spoiler in thread title.


                                Contary to popular belief the asgard replicator cant create everything!
                                "You have earned my respect and my friendship"

                                "The feeling's mutual"

                                "Please do not be sad"

