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Bad Guys (1016)

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    Originally posted by PG15 View Post
    I hope you don't mind Stef, but I took one of the screencaps and made this:

    HAHAHA! We need a " NO, NOT RLY" one now


      one of the funniest episodes in a while, interesting how museums have all the weapons we need. this season has so far been my favorite.
      Their white flags are no match to our guns!!


        daniel was hilarious in this episode is it me or does he look a bit to tanned


          Enjoyed this episode...had some good funny lines. I guess, if you liked it or not depends on why you watch Stargate SG1, for a particular character, or constant all out action/furthering the plot thing and, speaking personally, my family and myself like the occasional good ol'"stand alone" chuckle episode.


            Very entertaining episode - pretty different to what I expected (much more comedic), but still enjoyable.

            I think Daniel was pretty in-character here - the rant at the arguing women, etc., was him trying to play a rebel hostage-taker, but he's obviously not going to be so good at that.

            The second half of this season has been a really strong run of episodes.

            7-8/10 (much better than a seven, but not quite an eight)


              I haven't read your previous mesages, because i don't want to be spoiled on everything ! But i have a question !

              Is Sam in this episode ? if yes is she a lot in it or very few ?

              Thank you very much for the answer !
              New carson's video Sunday bloody hell sunday

              "Heroes p2" video : Lonely hero day


                I don't normally comment on SG1 episodes, but felt inspired to write my thoughts after watching this episode with my family last night. I didn't particularly enjoy parts of Bounty, but enjoyed the previous three episodes tremendously, (Line in the Sand, The Road not Taken and The Shroud). In fact I was feeling pretty upbeat about the second half of season ten, until I saw Bad Guys.
                My family and I all agreed on one thing : Martin Gero is a wonderful writer on Atlantis, but really, he should stick to that! I know it was a collaboration between him and Ben Browder, but, ouch, that was one of the most awful episodes I've endured.
                The resounding shout from my family was 'utter pants'. Which says it all really.
                It was too OTT, the acting was, at times, totally ridiculous and farcical, the plot was...a cliché? Yep, that sums it up nicely. Costumes? Eeek! Dialogue? Not good. I just sat there blushing with embarrassment for the show.
                Very disappointing.
                And what on Earth did make-up do to Michael Shanks? Not only had he been tango'd but he looked like he had lip gloss on for parts of the episode!
                Let's hope the next few episodes return to the glory of the previous ones I mentioned.
                I gave this 1/10, and that was because I have a soft spot for MG...


                  Originally posted by nanoo View Post
                  I haven't read your previous mesages, because i don't want to be spoiled on everything ! But i have a question !

                  Is Sam in this episode ? if yes is she a lot in it or very few ?

                  Thank you very much for the answer !
                  Not in it at all.


                    thank you linzi !
                    New carson's video Sunday bloody hell sunday

                    "Heroes p2" video : Lonely hero day


                      Originally posted by Agent_Dark View Post
                      I think they were shooting parts of The Road Not Taken at the same time.
                      That would explain why Carter was away "briefing the President" about that episode's events.
                      Coming soon to Syfy and DVD... hopefully!


                        it was sooo boring

                        I'm glad to see that humans from another planet are using weapons created in my country
                        Stolen Kosovo


                          Well, it seems like the opinion on this episode is quite mixed. It seems like everyone either loved it or hated it.

                          Did it have its funny moments? Sure.

                          So Gero has written one serious Die Hard-esque episode (Atlantis's The Storm/The Eye), and now he has written (with Browder) an episode spoofying Die Hard -- and AirHeads.

                          I know the show has been on for 10 years and all, but it feels like most of this plot has been done already in some form or another (religious fanatics who are more or less right about the gate, military that wants to cover it up, SG-1 captured or at risk of being captured, the one guy who believes them and helps them out, etc.).

                          Reminds me of elements from New Ground, Memento, and Icon (with a dash of smaller bits from others still).

                          Granted, this episode had the opportunity to parody all of that, so maybe that was its salvation.

                          Sort of like: "We've been here before, and we know what happens if they capture us. So let's try playing into their expectations this time and see how it all turns out."

                          I also enjoyed Mitchell teasing Daniel about all the ridiculous ways they've managed to power the gate in the past. He should've mentioned the dozen or so diesel engines from 1969.


                            I was slightly bored at time, but highly entertained at others. I’m confused as to whether I liked it or not. Some great lines, and I like the idea of the story, but I wont be in a hurry to see it again.


                              I may seem a bit crazy - but - when *tangoed* Daniel gets annoyed at the two women who are arguing over the guy, I suddenly saw Captain Kirk.....maybe it was the william shatneresque over acting


                                Pretty enjoyable yet forgettable episode. It had its moments but there wasn't enough of "it" to make me watch it again anytime soon. I liked the past six episodes much better.


                                Originally posted by Stef View Post

                                [hostage catfight]

                                Daniel: What the hell are you DOING?! STOP IT!!
                                Girl #1: She started it.
                                Girl #2: I think you started it when you kissed Hamon *don't know the name*.
                                Daniel: Shut up. Shut up. You're hostages! This is like a life and death situation here. Start acting like it.
                                Girl #2: Oh please, you're not rebels. We're not deaf you know, everyone in this room knows it.
                                Daniel: That doesn't matter. You're hostages, we're your captors. We're heavily armed! T-There's rules. There's a whole school of etiquette to this. [girl stares at him] Don't eyeball me.
                                Yes, that was my favorite, too. He tried to apply reason and politeness, whereas a true rebal would have applied fear and terror. Funny.
                                No, 'Eureka' is Greek for 'This bath is too hot.'

                                "Because only an extremely deranged individual would think of doing what we're doing."
                                (LOST producer Damon Lindelof, May 2007)

