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The Quest, Part 1 (1010)

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    Originally posted by majorsal
    the only complaint i've got is mitchell saying 'for crying out loud'. not because it didn't fit or anything, but just that that's a BIG time jackism.
    I kid you not, as soon as he said that, I thought of you, majorsal.


      Originally posted by Racingtime
      Come to think of it...what did the knives look like that he used to torture Jack in S6? Since I couldn't remember what they looked like, those knives were the first thing I thought about when they were in the forcefield and Ba'al said that the knife had personal value and Daniel kind of made a face.
      Good catch! Now that I think of it, that knife does look like the ones I remember him using on Jack. Hopefully someone with the DVDs will double-check.


        Originally posted by Racingtime
        Come to think of it...what did the knives look like that he used to torture Jack in S6? Since I couldn't remember what they looked like, those knives were the first thing I thought about when they were in the forcefield and Ba'al said that the knife had personal value and Daniel kind of made a face.
        i don't know; i could only make it through 'abyss' once.




          Originally posted by rocko3000gt
          This is my first time here, and I am here to only voice my utter annoyance at the two episodes aired tonight..... SG-1, and Atlantis......
          My thoughts are, how dare they leave it like that when they have cancelled the series and do not intent to air the already completed episodes for another SIX months? WTF is with that? What the hell is MGM/SciFi thinking?
          I think new management of both responsible parties is in order...
          While i hate it as well I can tell you what they were thinking. They want to air year long orriginal programming. BSG costs more and takes longer to make so they have decided to air all 20 in succession, as to SG the last few are just now being filmed so there is still post production that has to be done and their plan is to do the same with Atalntis air 20 eps pretty close to back to back. It has nothing to do with SG-1 soley. It still sucks but could be better in the long run. This was a great ep and i can't wait for part 2.
          Proud Sam/Jack and Daniel/Vala and John/Teyla Shipper!
          "We're Americans! Shoot the guys following us!"
          Don S. Davis 1942-2008 R.I.P. My Friend.


            Originally posted by Descent
            Why would she threaten her own mother, she doesn't want her dead. It was Sam that she threatened.
            Good point.
            Proud Sam/Jack and Daniel/Vala and John/Teyla Shipper!
            "We're Americans! Shoot the guys following us!"
            Don S. Davis 1942-2008 R.I.P. My Friend.


              Originally posted by majorsal
              you know, i'm not feeling that 'i can't wait to see the conclusion!'. i enjoyed this ep, though.

              Ditto Sally. I've seen worse - pick almost any this season or last - but I don't have the urge to cry in my beer that the conclusion is 6 months away.

              Mourning Sanctuary.
              Thanks for the good times!


                Originally posted by DEM
                Overly-bouncy Vala: Nay. She had good moments, then got to be too much.
                I'm not the biggest Vala fan but tonight I mostly really liked her especially since we got a lot more interaction between her and the other three besides Daniel. They were small things...patting Sam's shoulder after the maze/resting her head on Sam, calling Teal'c "Muscles", and holding onto Mitchell's jacket and to me all those things combined felt like a breath of fresh air to see her actually getting along and interacting with the others.

                But I did still have a bit of a problem. On one hand I smiled at her wanting to help with the riddles but on the other hand I did get a bit annoyed at seeing her rush off in the wrong direction despite not knowing for sure if she was understanding it right. Daniel had to physically grab her to stop her and who knows what that other way could've led to.

                I'm also not always sure what the writers want me to think of her personality. Because while we saw plenty of moments tonight of her acting as one of the team, we also saw her very adamant (seemingly to Daniel and Sam's annoyance) about stealing the map as well as having her side more with the bad guys in regards to that little kid rather than trusting that her team (and esp. Daniel) was getting it right. Overall though, I liked a lot more than I didn't and as I said, this is the first episode that I actually did like Vala for the most part.


                  my three most hated words: TO BE CONTINUED.


                    Originally posted by Hatusu
                    ALERT! ALERT! Overuse of Village set.

                    Overall I enjoyed the episode. Finally, the team worked together in a professional manner. The quest and puzzles were interesting. Daniel acted more like his old self. Three things niggled at me:

                    1) If Arthur could get to another planet, why didn't he have access to technology.

                    2) Why was Ba'al there? Maybe March will tell.

                    3) The ending. I laughed out loud. I expected the GIANT ALIENS and Daniel's Grandpa to show up.

                    ALERT! ALERT! Overuse of Village set.

                    I so agree with that statement Hats.

                    I had friends over tonight to watch Stargate and as soon as they entered the chamber at the end we all yelled out Crystal Skull.

                    I did like seeing the team together tonight.
                    Last edited by tsaxlady; 22 September 2006, 10:28 PM.
                    My View From The Peanut Gallery


                      Great episode..!

                      The worst part? It was a cliffhanger... I hate those..!

                      Adria is really taking a shine to Daniel isn't she? Like mother, like daughter, I guess... I think she may want to convert Daniel as much as she wants Vala. Having a former ascended (she knows! Not THAT suprising...) become a follower of Origin would be a big coup for her side. (*spoilers alert*) Hell, of all the billions of people in the galaxy, Vala and Daniel may be the extremely rare few the Ori MIGHT be willing to actually consider ascending. One big happy Ori family... (reminds me of that movie "Lost Boys")

                      I agree with everyone else though... great Indiana Jones vibes.
                      The success or failure of your deeds, does not add up to the sum of your life. Your spirit cannot be weighed! Judge yourself by the intentions of your actions, and by the strength with which you faced the challenges that have stood in your way. The Universe is so vast, and we are so small, there is only truly one thing we can control; whether we are good or evil... -Oma Desala

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                        Woo! That's the Stargate I know and love! What an awesome episode. In a half-season with a lot of ups and downs (more ups than downs) this was such a great way to end things at the halfway mark. I can't remember the last time I've been so excited to the see the conclusion to an SG1 cliffhanger (and that's saying something).

                        How cool an idea to bring everything together, particularly in regards to having Ba'al, and ultimately (surprise, surprise) Adria along from the trip--I loved Mitchell and Carter's justifications for it. And though sometimes I think it's good to let an episode start a little bit down, I did appreciate that this one didn't take it's time. It just picked things right up from the first thing and didn't let them go (and I did hee at Daniel's "I'm just looking for Merlin's ancient weapon to save the galaxy--you?" line).

                        Ooo, and all the little hints from Adria towards something involving Daniel...*sigh* is just making this six month wait all the more painful. Though I was keenly interested in the conversations between Daniel and "Oric" from the start (since I was spoiled and knew the truth about who he was) and loved to see the way they progressed throughout the episodes; there's an interesting dynamic going on there (culminating in that truly awesome confrontation over the "sangraal")--I am very eager to see exactly where it leads into second half of the season.

                        Only negative--what a lousy cliffhanger. And not in a good way. I mean, a dragon? With all the potential they have for ending things on such a horrible note that just entices, requires the audience to return for the second half, the best they could do was...a dragon? Unfortunately, I saw it coming about two minutes beforehand (what with the earlier mentions and all) and was a little let down. I haven't felt this disappointed by the actual cliffhanger for a show since the season finale of Supernatural. ("Well, for starters, my name isn't really John Winchester." *crash*)

                        Despite that, I loved this episode...which is just going to make the six month wait all the more painful. Please, oh please, SciFi--reconsider and let us have our show back in January. Please?
                        Metroids are not pets
                        Metroids are not for target practice
                        Any unauthorized feeding of metroids is prohibited


                          This was a pretty lame episode. It was everything I that made me ambivelent about SG-1 all these years: interchangable characters, lowest common denominator intelligence level, acquiring ideas from other sources, and one of the blandest cliffhangers I"ve ever seen in a major scifi show.

                          I didn't feel any energy from the principles and I couldn't get worked up.


                            Originally posted by NotAscended
                            Good catch! Now that I think of it, that knife does look like the ones I remember him using on Jack. Hopefully someone with the DVDs will double-check.
                            Having looked at some screencaps, I don't think the knives were exactly the same (the handles I think are different colors) but I just saw a good number of livejournals where fans have also thought of Abyss. So either TPTB are completely oblivious to the connections some fans might make to past Ba'al episodes or else they put it in on purpose to make fans remember Ba'al's bad side. Knowing them it really could be either way.


                              I thought it was so bad I didn't watch the ending. The whole thing felt rushed and that it was moving to slow as odd as that sounds. The whole maze thing is so lame and so long. Terrible. If I change the channel then there is something wrong.

                              So how did it end? Did Daniel become an Ori that they have been "forshadowing" for a few episodes?


                                Originally posted by Oreo
                                I thought it was so bad I didn't watch the ending. The whole thing felt rushed and that it was moving to slow as odd as that sounds. The whole maze thing is so lame and so long. Terrible. If I change the channel then there is something wrong.

                                So how did it end? Did Daniel become an Ori that they have been "forshadowing" for a few episodes?

                                You might want to slap spoiler tags on that last part, because not everyone is into spoilers around here.

                                And nothing of the sort happened like that.

                                Some people like space battles and gun blazing fights, and others like team interaction and mythology.
                                I'm proud to be an American.

                                "...and those who are prideful and refuse to bow down shall be laid low and made unto dust."

