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The Quest, Part 1 (1010)

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    Originally posted by Maxum
    Did Adria believe that Daniel was the only person who could actually retrieve the stone? If so, why couldn't Daniel retrieve it? What was the warning she made to Daniel? (I don't think it's the future episode that some of us know about since it seemed specific to this particular Quest)
    I think Adria does believe Daniel is the only one who can retrieve the stone.

    As for your other questions?......

    I am most curious to learn the answers.
    "Science Fiction is an existential metaphor. It allows us to to tell stories about the human condition.
    Isaac Asimov once said 'Individual science fiction stories may seem as trivial as ever to the blinder critics and and philosphers of today. But the core of science fiction--it's essence--has become crucial to our salvation, if we are to be saved at all.' "
    ~Grell, 'Silver/Teal'c', SG-1, 200th Episode


      I loved the cliffhanger, I thought it outdid last years mid-season cliffhanger.
      "Space is disease and danger wrapped in darkness and silence."
      DS9 Superior|Farscape|Legend of the Seeker|Stargate Universe|STAR WARS


        Outstanding episode, exactly what I expected the mid season finale to be like. Great chemistry with all the characters, wonderfull plot great effects and just plain great! Baal did have a purpose for those who are confused, he was looking for the Sangral as well to destroy both the ori and lantians. I loved Adria's deception really shows how evil she is. Loved how the medevial cities all look similar as they should if they follow Arthur. I loved the puzzels and loved the wall of fire and the Dragon. I have a theroy about the ending of part 1. I think Daniel was unable to aquire the Sangral not b/c he isn't pure of heart but b/c it sensed the Orici. Great ep 10/10 and really want a Lantian time machine to see the second part as the wait will be brutal! Oh well (puts in SG-1 DVDs)
        Proud Sam/Jack and Daniel/Vala and John/Teyla Shipper!
        "We're Americans! Shoot the guys following us!"
        Don S. Davis 1942-2008 R.I.P. My Friend.


          Originally posted by Descent
          I loved the cliffhanger, I thought it outdid last years mid-season cliffhanger.
          I do too.
          MS - "Boy, wow that's a great question!"
          "Anyone know what SENTIENT means???"
          Sunday is my favorite day for two reasons - Football and The Walking Dead


            I think it was rather mediocre. The emotion didn't seem to be there as in SGA. Dialogue was a bit choppy too. Lots of one liners, not as much meaningful dialogue. Vala also annoyed me in this episode. You're a mother in front of your daughter, quit acting like such at ditz! The whole Vala and riddles thing really made the dialogue seem stupid. The plot wasn't bad though, with Baal getting involved and Daniel getting alot of archeology and Ancienty stuff. I give it a 6/10.

            IMO, since the spoilers say that Daniel will become a Prior, Daniel will somehow get the Sangraal after they defeat the dragon. When Adria tries to grab it, he'll toss it to Mitchell and in the scuffle, Adria and Daniel will fall over the edge. Everyone will think he died or assume he's gone, and they'll wonder how Adria's disappearance will affect the Ori.

            Without Daniel they probably wont be able to use Merlin's weapon, and they'll be right back where they were at the beginning of the Quest minus Daniel plus one useless weapon for Sam to play with. And *poof* Daniel comes back as a Prior.


              Originally posted by Atlantean Engineer
              I think it was rather mediocre. The emotion didn't seem to be there as in SGA. Dialogue was a bit choppy too. Lots of one liners, not as much meaningful dialogue. Vala also annoyed me in this episode. You're a mother in front of your daughter, quit acting like such at ditz! The whole Vala and riddles thing really made the dialogue seem stupid. The plot wasn't bad though, with Baal getting involved and Daniel getting alot of archeology and Ancienty stuff. I give it a 6/10.

              IMO, since the spoilers say that Daniel will become a Prior, Daniel will somehow get the Sangraal after they defeat the dragon. When Adria tries to grab it, he'll toss it to Mitchell and in the scuffle, Adria and Daniel will fall over the edge. Everyone will think he died or assume he's gone, and they'll wonder how Adria's disappearance will affect the Ori.

              Without Daniel they probably wont be able to use Merlin's weapon, and they'll be right back where they were at the beginning of the Quest minus Daniel plus one useless weapon for Sam to play with. And *poof* Daniel comes back as a Prior.
              Interesting, I didn't see the episode that way, I like all the dialogue acting plot, pretty much everything. Glad you liked it but sorry you didn't really enjoy it.
              Proud Sam/Jack and Daniel/Vala and John/Teyla Shipper!
              "We're Americans! Shoot the guys following us!"
              Don S. Davis 1942-2008 R.I.P. My Friend.


                Originally posted by Descent
                I loved the cliffhanger, I thought it outdid last years mid-season cliffhanger.
                I agree that this had more action, I do think it was better in the action department over the Fourth horsemen but I really enjoyed that too as it was more perilous on a wide planetary scale. I think both cliffhangers were great and I thouroghly enjoyed both but I will agree that this was a great finale.
                Proud Sam/Jack and Daniel/Vala and John/Teyla Shipper!
                "We're Americans! Shoot the guys following us!"
                Don S. Davis 1942-2008 R.I.P. My Friend.


                  ALERT! ALERT! Overuse of Village set.

                  Overall I enjoyed the episode. Finally, the team worked together in a professional manner. The quest and puzzles were interesting. Daniel acted more like his old self. Three things niggled at me:

                  1) If Arthur could get to another planet, why didn't he have access to technology.

                  2) Why was Ba'al there? Maybe March will tell.

                  3) The ending. I laughed out loud. I expected the GIANT ALIENS and Daniel's Grandpa to show up.

                  Last edited by Hatusu; 22 September 2006, 08:11 PM.
                  Hatshepsut, Queen Pharaoh


                    Really great episode, I loved it start to finish. Kinda had an "Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom" feel to it. Very cool

                    I loved some of the one liners(all flash and no photo, Assist us or I will squeeze you through these bars) and Adria(God she's incredibly hot ). The part with Daniel and Adria at the end was fantastic, and the dragon was very nice also(wish it had been a bit bigger personally, but it does very well). The only downside is we have to wait 6 months for the conclusion
                    I do not believe you are well. You called me... "Lucy"


                      I really enjoyed this episode! I loved the team working together. I've really missed seeing them all on screen at the same time. The maze (to get around the time dialation) was cool. I thought it was a nice combination of Vala's off the cuff remarks and Sam's know how that got them through that portion. Again, Amanda and Claudia did a great job showing friendship even when it wasn't exactly written in (loved that moment at the end of the maze where Vala patted Sam on the back).

                      I loved that it was Daniel who jumped to Sam's defense when Adria threatened her life. It was nice to see that friendship again. We haven't seen it much since season 8, and I missed it. I loved Teal'c's one word answers getting through the cave. It was just so Teal'c. It only made sense for Daniel's faith to be what got them through the fire. I also really enjoyed the bits after rescuing Ba'al and again after "teaming" with Adria where Sam and Cameron discussed how they could be useful. It was nice to see the two colonels looking at the situation from a strategic view point.

                      Now, can I just say Adria and Ba'al should team up! They would make an awesome evil duet! I really enjoyed Sam telling them to "get a room."

                      I don't think I can wait for March, and I know there are way too many stories to tell for this to be the final season. We need more SG1 please!


                        Originally posted by Dani347
                        Which puzzle? Can't go back and look right now because I'm taping Numb3rs.
                        Teal'c figured out that the answer to one of the puzzles was "the wind." Daniel repeated the word in Ancient, and it opened the next door, so to speak. (Sam got them through the force field thing; Mitchell figured out one puzzle, then Teal'c, then Daniel - well, Daniel figured out a few, actually, but he's the linguist.)

                        Well, I won't make any guarantees, but it might improve on second watch. I admit I watch the episodes the first time with a sense of hesitation -will there be Ori (oh, forgot the essential -I hate the Ori), will the team split up, will they Saran Wrap Daniel and Vala together, will there be lots of ships and things blowing up? Since those things didn't happen (expect a little bit of Ori stuff, bleagh) and I know they didn't, I might be able to enjoy another showing without waiting for the ax to drop. Again, no guarantees.
                        Ah, you'll love it.

                        I believe you that it was Sam. But, I think if they wanted to push the D/V, they would have had Daniel have the same reaction. And, I think since he does care about Vala (no shippy interpretation intended in that remark) he would have reacted to her life being threatened like he did with Sam. But, again, I believe it was Sam.
                        Actually, I was very happy that the writers DIDN'T push the Daniel/Vala thing, and I'm one of the people that wouldn't mind Daniel with Vala. I just don't want the writers to invent an emotional attachment that hasn't really been fleshed out yet. Daniel would be protective of Vala, I have no doubt, but his connection to Vala is nothing compared to his emotional connection to Sam - at least not yet. I was very happy to see some "bond" between Sam and Daniel. There should be one, just as there would be for Daniel and Teal'c or Sam and Teal'c. Know what I mean?


                          Originally posted by Atlantean Engineer
                          I think it was rather mediocre. The emotion didn't seem to be there as in SGA. Dialogue was a bit choppy too. Lots of one liners, not as much meaningful dialogue. Vala also annoyed me in this episode. You're a mother in front of your daughter, quit acting like such at ditz! The whole Vala and riddles thing really made the dialogue seem stupid. The plot wasn't bad though, with Baal getting involved and Daniel getting alot of archeology and Ancienty stuff. I give it a 6/10.

                          IMO, since the spoilers say that Daniel will become a Prior, Daniel will somehow get the Sangraal after they defeat the dragon. When Adria tries to grab it, he'll toss it to Mitchell and in the scuffle, Adria and Daniel will fall over the edge. Everyone will think he died or assume he's gone, and they'll wonder how Adria's disappearance will affect the Ori.

                          Without Daniel they probably wont be able to use Merlin's weapon, and they'll be right back where they were at the beginning of the Quest minus Daniel plus one useless weapon for Sam to play with. And *poof* Daniel comes back as a Prior.
                          I agree with you — very mediocre. I thought Vala was ridiculous. With her pigtails and cutsey little girl behavior, she reminded me of Shirley Temple on speed or something. I thought CB was overacting and mugging way too much. Didn't see any reason for Ba'al to be there and his jokes fell flat for me. I pretty knew something was off with the librarian and the Indiana Jones routine was a cheap rip off. Not an episode that I'd watch again.


                            I was wondering how this episode would turn out - it really could have been anything, ranging from terrible to very good. I think it hit the very good mark, for the most part.

                            Well, I enjoyed it quite a bit! Three stars, gateworld scale.


                              This episode was great. I wish the Dragon was bigger and more intimidating. Did anyone say, "The penitent man shall pass," to themselves when Daniel and Adria were crossing the land bridge to the San Graal? You know, from Indiana Jones?


                                Originally posted by MrMcKayCan
                                SG-1 is starting to get really lame. I like the Arthurian mythology okay, but the dragon was just embarrassing to watch. I expected more out of the big finale.
                                I know we're all entitled to our opinons, but lame? No way. Yeah, the dragon a bit cheesy, but it wasn't the real cliffhanger, as far as I was concerned. It was the mystery of getting through the mazes, the unanswered questions, and exactly how this unholy alliance with Baal and Adria would be resolved by the end of Part 2.

                                I can forgive a small, cheesy dragon at the end since they sunk the money on big effects into other episodes. This episode was all about the characters, the drama, and well . . . the Quest.

                                I think what made this episode so good was that Sam, Teal'c, and Daniel really looked great in the way they acted and behaved - and so did Mitchell. I don't care if Vala came off ditzy or goofy or whatever because it doesn't hurt her character one way or the other. It WOULD matter if the rest of the team came off the same way as Vala, but they didn't and they don't.

                                Tonight's episode showed why SG-1 is as good as they are. It answers the question about why Mitchell was honored to be on this particular SG team. I also liked how Mitchell was more than holding his own.

                                I'm sorry you didn't enjoy it more. One thing that I have learned about this show, from my perspective, is that I don't care so much about an action packed season finale. I just want to really WANT to see the next episode. In that regard, it was very successful. I can't wait. Is it March yet?

                                It's episodes like tonight that really make the cancellation of SG-1 so much more difficult. I mean, the possibilities for future storylines about the Ori are just so . . . . . there. I'm hating the SciFi channel right now. What would possess MGM to even sign such a stupid contract that they can't air a season 11 on another network?

                                Okay, I'm getting off topic.

                                Loved tonight's show.

