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Company of Thieves (1009)

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    Ah. Well, no I wouldn't criticize an ambulance for not walking (like the Flintstones??). As Uber said, in a repeat of what must have been said 50 bagazillion times by 85 trabagazillion people (well, maybe not that many) change in itself is neither good or bad. It depends on which change. It's not a bad thing that ambulances (do you mean the people in the ambulances??) don't walk anymore. I wouldn't criticize them for using that great invention of the wheel. Me likey wheels. Wheels get us there faster and getting there faster is good when you're in an ambulance.

    However, when I sign on to a tv show, I expect some things to stay the same. I expect a show called Stargate to use the Stargate as the primary mode of travel. I expect a show called House to be about House, not have him turn into a secondary character. I expect a show called Criminal Minds to be about profiling criminals, not a weekly baking contest. Some changes aren't good.
    I'm a girl! A girly girly girl!

    Okay, you got me. I can't accept change. This message may look like it was typed on a computer and posted on the internet, but it is actually cave drawings delivered by smoke signals.

    Naquada Enhanced Chastity Belts -SG1 edition. On sale now! Heck, I'll give them away

    Daniel Jackson Appreciation and Discussion -because he's more than pretty

    Daniel Jackson: The Beacon of Hope and The Man Who Opened the Stargate


      Originally posted by Arative
      Earth is now fighting a two war front with only one ship, we better start building more and soon.
      Actualy, Earth is fighting a three front war with only two ships.


        Originally posted by full.infinity
        Yes, I can sometimes forget that not everybody knows everything I do.
        Apparently that's not all you forget. Like how to make a decent analogy.


          Originally posted by scarimor
          Apparently that's not all you forget. Like how to make a decent analogy.


            Originally posted by full.infinity
            Do you also criticize ambulances for not walking?

            I got it, and thot it was pretty funny, to boot.


              hi all,

              i have a question to this episode and you may can help me. in the review of the 9th episode is this scene with mitchel and this alien (mitchel says "no violance" and they aim at each other) and i can not remember in which episode this happend !? the strange thing is that i can remember to the first scene (where sam's father introduced daniel how to use the ring and what happens...) which is seasons ago ...
              so please can anyone tell me in which episode the scene happens i tried to describe?


              btw i think i choosed the wrong forum...sry for that


                Originally posted by full.infinity
                Do you also criticize ambulances for not walking?
                Ambulance comes from the Latin ambulare meaning to walk.

                Ambulances used to walk but they don't anymore

                No, I don't. As you see that particular word had taken a few hundred years to develop. And be stolen oy the English language While the root word may mean "to walk", it is no longer has that meaning with this particular word. It has diverged. As opposed to the 12 years Stargate has been around.

                Was that question supposed to make me feel belittled? Didn't work. Instead I learned an etymology I didn't know before. Thanks!


                am?bu?lance? /?æmby?l?ns/ Pronunciation Key - Show Spelled Pronunciation[am-byuh-luhns] Pronunciation Key - Show IPA Pronunciation

                –noun 1. a specially equipped motor vehicle, airplane, ship, etc., for carrying sick or injured people, usually to a hospital.
                2. (formerly) a field hospital.


                [Origin: 1800–10; < F, equiv. to (hôpital) ambul(ant) walking (hospital) + -ance -ance. See ambulant]
       Unabridged (v 1.0.1)
                Based on the Random House Unabridged Dictionary, © Random House, Inc. 2006.
                American Heritage Dictionary - Cite This Source am·bu·lance (mby-lns) Pronunciation Key
                A specially equipped vehicle used to transport the sick or injured.

                [French, from (h?al) ambulant, mobile (hospital), from Latin ambulns, ambulant- present participle of ambulre, to walk. See ambhi- in Indo-European Roots.]

                Originally posted by full.infinity
                Yes, I can sometimes forget that not everybody knows everything I do.

                Last edited by suse; 18 September 2006, 08:13 PM.
                Mourning Sanctuary.
                Thanks for the good times!


                  Originally posted by Farscapefan
                  From my POV I can say that the lowest point was definitely somewhere in season 8. Starting with season 9 it went higher and this positive trend definitely continues in season 10.
                  Actually I agree and disagree. I thought the premiere was very well done and the next few were alittle off but I still enjoyed them. I think season 8 picked up steam as it went on. I liked the whole season 8 and I do agree that season 9 and 10 have been very well done. Oh and Company of Thieves was very well done i loved the whole Teal'c beat em up stuff. All I could do was just smile and think "about time!"
                  Proud Sam/Jack and Daniel/Vala and John/Teyla Shipper!
                  "We're Americans! Shoot the guys following us!"
                  Don S. Davis 1942-2008 R.I.P. My Friend.


                    Not bad.

                    Stuff I liked:
                    • Amanda Tapping rocks! Wonderful acting.
                    • Vala gets to use her pre-SGC experience to procure the ship. That girl's coming in useful. A nice touch that the ship's a rusty old bucket too.
                    • Emerson's death: brutal and realistic. Sam's reactions sell it - both her initial shock at the moment of his execution, and her silent tears later when she's no longer under the enemy's gaze and can have a moment of angry grief.
                    • Cam was good undercover - such a welcome contrast to his dreadful undercover foray in Off the Grid - it felt like he'd learned a valuable lesson. This time he is calm, understated, and not reckless with his comrades' lives (he would have got Teal'c out of captivity rather than risk him further - Teal'c talked him into continung the ruse for the sake of the others).
                    • Sam formulates a plan to release people from the holding area, and to use the beaming technology to re-take control. She made good use of her stalling time while "fixing" the ship.
                    • Vala uses the beaming techology in line with Sam's plan, but it's not a straightforward extraction: beam out the bad guy instead because Sam warned her the gizmo is unreliable - nice one.
                    • Teal'c punches the lights out of the thug.
                    • Vala winks at Sam and Sam twirls her socket wrench. Ooh!

                    Stuff I didn't like:
                    • Teal'c is the punchbag again *groan*. At least he "hangs a lantern" on his weariness with torture.
                    • The silly Trek-like alien numpty. (No offense to Trek - I like TNG, DS9 and Voyager)
                    • Cam pulling the impersonation trick twice was too easy to spot.
                    • Vala 'guessing' the right crystal - too much after she'd kicked the cloak on the other ship.
                    • Daniel is not Daniel. I suspect he is an Ori-manufactured doppelganger. Or something

                    Things I found myself wondering
                    • How far did Mr Nasty take his not-so-veiled threats towards Sam?
                    • Did they not have the money to show us the neutron star? That would've been nice.
                    • Now that the Goa'uld have fallen, is anyone still building the ships? Or is there a finite supply now?
                    Last edited by scarimor; 20 September 2006, 03:29 AM.


                      yeah i didnt like atlantis this week but i thought SG1 was brilliant i liked it heaps this week it looks like they will both be GREAT


                        Good list Scarimor, basically my thoughts on the episode as well.

                        Originally posted by scarimor
                        Now that the Goa'uld have fallen, is anyone still building the ships? Or is there a finite supply now?
                        One would assume that since the Lucian Alliance are the ones taking advantage of the technology, they are the ones continuing such production.

                        And theres probably a few minor system lords still around somewhere as well.
                        "Space is disease and danger wrapped in darkness and silence."
                        DS9 Superior|Farscape|Legend of the Seeker|Stargate Universe|STAR WARS


                          Originally posted by full.infinity
                          Do you also criticize ambulances for not walking?
                          As Ernest tried to teach Daniel on Heliopolis (in Torment of Tantulus), knowledge is useless if you can't share it. Although Ernest meant because of physical separation, the lesson can be generalized to mean that knowledge is useless if you can't communicate it.

                          Originally posted by full.infinity
                          Yes, I can sometimes forget that not everybody knows everything I do.
                          It doesn't matter how much you know if nobody knows what you're talking about. And if we expect every word in the English language to mean the same as its linguistic roots millenia ago, we'd still be speaking Latin, Greek, a whole lot of other languages and almost no English. (Perhaps I should instead identify it as AngloSaxon.)

                          Of course you know facts I don't know. I know all sorts of things I doubt you know. Dazzle me with the quality of your argument, not with the quality of your minutia.

                          Things change; it's the constant of life... and television. I believe the changes wrought by TPTB on Stargate SG-1 are far more negative than positive. Feel free to use cogent arguments to change my mind. Having said that, I can also say I enjoyed watching CoT even if it isn't IMHO one of the best episodes of the series.
                          Last edited by scifithinker; 24 September 2006, 10:17 AM.

                          In memory of Deejay.
                          May we all be so well loved.


                            Originally posted by scarimor
                            Now that the Goa'uld have fallen, is anyone still building the ships? Or is there a finite supply now?
                            Interesting question. As a corollary, with the fall of Dakara, are there also increasing shortages of things like zats and staff weapons on the horizon to complicate shortages of food, clothing and other energy sources?

                            I hope someone feels a fanfic coming on.

                            In memory of Deejay.
                            May we all be so well loved.


                              I love the line at the end.....

                              D*mn you Cam Mitchell.

                              Made me smile.



                                1. My last memory of the Lucien Alliance came from 'The Trash that Bilious'(aka The Ties that Bind) so I had a decent amount of catching up to do on this bunch. They still seemed slightly flat though.

                                2. Decent infiltration work by Cam.

                                3. Daniel hit off notes here though.

                                4. Didn't see Emerson getting scratched(I must have missed that spoiler).

                                Overall...OKish, an improvement on Mehmento Boring and the "biggest fool in two galaxies" line was worth a cheap laugh.
                                I SURF FOR THE FREEDOM!

