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The Cam and Vala discussion thread

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    Originally posted by Nolamom View Post
    The truly sad thing is that there are so many gifted, talented, wonderful writers out there who could write their way out of the proverbial box that the B@B can't seem to find *their* way out of... what a waste. To hire fantastic actors and give them c**p to work with.

    Dear Santa,
    All I want for Christmas is some fresh writers who will give Atlantis a chance for redemption in season 4. Oh, and if it's not too much trouble, could you give someone a swift kick in the pants for what they did to my favorite show? I don't think that coal and switches are enough.
    IMO, judging by season 3, SGA can do just fine with the writers it currently has. It's show running I'm concerned about.

    As for SG1 writers... well, sorry, don't share the doom and gloom. I still enjoy their writing. New blood can't hurt - I think Carl Binder and Martin Gero have done wonders on Atlantis,a nd it's always good to get some more talent into the mix. But a mixture of old and new writers seems to be the best option.
    Pinky, are you thinking what I'm thinking?
    Yes, I am!
    Improved and unfuzzy banner being the result of more of Caldwell's 2IC sick, yet genuis, mind.
    Help Pitry win a competition! Listen to Kula Shaker's new single
    Peter Pan R.I.P


      Originally posted by Skydiver View Post
      they did get two very good actors

      i just wish they'd have been given better characters to play.

      it's sad to see such talent wasted
      I like the concept of the characters themselves but they could be better, more consistently written characters.

      I've read a lot of fan fic involving Vala and Cam; granted, it is fan fic but I think most of it is better written than the show, character-wise. It hits the essence of what the writers were probably going for in these two with more depth than what we see onscreen.

      And, indeed!, about the talent part.


        I'd say that Atlantis has suffered from some, shall we say, uneveness? Certainly not the death spiral of SG-1 season 9. I've great admiration for Binder. But he can't write every episode. He does have a deft hand at paying attention to the fact that he has an entire ensemble of characters - not just one or two to play with. Too bad the B@B couldn't get tht mindset with SG-1 when it might have made a difference.


          i think that's part of the issue. a lack of balance

          in SGA, well we got shep the irreverant cocky hero, ranting rodney...whom the writers seem to obsess over and devote eps to eps to

          and then there's miss maternal permissive weir, teyla the pretty scenery, ronon the bulky muscle who pretty much get ignored unless they're used to facilitate shep and rod's stories.

          same problem as SG1. These writers - or most of them - don't seem able to handle writing more than 1-2 characters at a time. And then, to make matters even more boring, they write them in the same comfort zone, over and over and over.

          thus shep is always disobeying weir, rod keeps ranting, weir keeps rolling her eyes, teyla sighs at shep and ronon is mindless testosterone laced muscle most of the time

          It's boring, it's predictible

          On the sg1 side, cam and teal'c go off to play studly, vaniel run off traisping thorugh the daisies and sam is pushed aside until they need someone to say the big words.

          and they don't change this up. Sam never goes off with cam, teal'c never goes off with vala, daniel never goes off with cam, sam never goes off with vala.

          it's just repetative pairings over and over and over, accentuated with trite and cookie cutter scripts with paint by number storylines

          and then they wonder why folks are bored with the show and change the channel
          Where in the World is George Hammond?



            and it just freaking amazes me that these guys appear so dense about what is going on.

            how can they not be aware of what is actually bothering the viewer?
            Franklin said, "They that can give up essential liberty for a little safety deserve neither liberty nor safety."

            "Do or do not. There is no try." Yoda


              see that sandbar over there with all those little holes?????

              they see what they want to see and hear what they want to hear. and they think what they're doing is spectacular and super and fantastic. And maybe it is....problem is, john q general viewer doesn't share thier definition of spectacular, super or fantastic
              Where in the World is George Hammond?



                Am I the only one who doesn't see the writers trying to attach Daniel to Vala?
                Such a shame that I wouldn't know by now your revelations
                Cut me in, I don't wanna live without your revelations.


                  Originally posted by full.infinity View Post
                  Am I the only one who doesn't see the writers trying to attach Daniel to Vala?
                  and am i the only fan that doesn't dig it?




                    Originally posted by full.infinity View Post
                    Am I the only one who doesn't see the writers trying to attach Daniel to Vala?
                    Quite possibly
                    Originally posted by majorsal View Post
                    and am i the only fan that doesn't dig it?
                    Oh, I don't think so


                      Originally posted by majorsal View Post
                      and am i the only fan that doesn't dig it?

                      nope-you ain't
                      Franklin said, "They that can give up essential liberty for a little safety deserve neither liberty nor safety."

                      "Do or do not. There is no try." Yoda


                        Originally posted by majorsal View Post
                        and am i the only fan that doesn't dig it?

                        you are far from alone

                        Someone tell me...other than the eps where MS isn't in often is vala paired with anyone BUT daniel?

                        As a rule, if MS is in the eps, Vala is paired with him. On a pretty consistent basis. you'd think they were still wearing those danged bracelets
                        Where in the World is George Hammond?



                          Originally posted by Skydiver View Post
                          you are far from alone

                          Someone tell me...other than the eps where MS isn't in often is vala paired with anyone BUT daniel?

                          As a rule, if MS is in the eps, Vala is paired with him. On a pretty consistent basis. you'd think they were still wearing those danged bracelets
                          The only time I get bored with Vala is when she's with Daniel. When she's interacting with the others I lurve her Especially with Sam and/or Teal'c.


                            Originally posted by Skydiver View Post
                            teal'c never goes off with vala,

                            Teal'c & Vala have actually had their times of interaction. Off the top of my head, I recall the basketball scene, inwhich they amused themselves together at beating Cam & Daniel...
                            Then on the offworld mission in "Uninvited" (season 10), Vala & Teal'c fought one of those weird things together.

                            I can't fully recall any other times, but those events should at least alter your statement to change "never" to at least "loosely."


                              Originally posted by nekoi View Post
                              Are you being tongue in cheek?

                              We have a tradition, on this planet, that if someone says something we consider is incorrect, we say to them "I think you've forgotten..." or "Well, maybe that's an exageration, because..." or something like that. We don't begin by saying they are lying

                              But ettiquette aside, it's a shame that there's nothing really *substantial* in the way of countering Sky's statement. Cos while Sky's statement can be countered by a basketball game and probably some other nice fluff, the sentiment behind it cannot: Vala and Teal'c may as well never be in the same shot as each other, for all the meaningful development the V-T relationship has been given and for all the worthwhile character-specific interaction they have had.



                                You're very correct. I truly was kidding with the "LIES!!!" bit, but I should have been more polite.

                                I appologize, Skydiver & Madeleine_W; I truly meant it only in jest.

                                (My only excuse would be: It was my Symbiote. )

                                I do recognize that the V-T is rare (& CLOSE to nonexsistant), but if you'll reread my post, I was saying that it shouldn't say "never," as it has been touched upon more than once (the definition of "never," means less than once).
                                Last edited by nekoi; 17 December 2006, 01:10 AM.

