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The Cam and Vala discussion thread

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    Originally posted by Skydiver View Post
    I think the movies are the stargate equivalent of the Peacekeeper Wars...a bone tossed to the fans. the big difference is that mgm is footing the bill.

    it may also be a way to pry the franchise away from skiffy. I personally think if there is a third series - which i highly doubt - it'll be a spin off from the second movie and will have as little to do with stargate as possible, to create the legal distance to get it out from under skiffy's control

    me neither. I don't see how they can recoup the millions it costs to make the movies from a nitch tv show
    The only way I can see it as a long term prospect is if movie cost the equivalent of one to one and a half times the cost of the average episode. $3 million max?
    And unlike a season DVD you only get one 90minute "movie" on it, rather than 4 episodes.

    so, the 'second original team' is SG-ME???

    works for some, cept i think folks might need new glasses, cause SG-ME only LOOKED like daniel.
    The second original team is Vala, Daniel, Mitchell, and Teal'c. Or Daniel, Vala, Mitchell, and Teal'c.
    Depending on who you talk to.
    Originally posted by AGateFan View Post
    Why again is the O'Neill, Carter, Teal'c, Jonas not considered the second original team? Maybe they are the second legitimate team?
    Jonas? Jonas?! Are you crazy?!


      Originally posted by flynn1959 View Post
      nope sorry

      he was only the 'lead' storywise from season 9 on...Vaniel and the Bori...A story that's trillled nad impressed so universally that the ratings took a nose dive and the show was cancelled.

      as to 'universally loved'....perhaps in some SEGMENTS of the fandom. Those that love and adore and worship all things Daniel. But in the other 70%, nope, sorry, not loved. More like tolerated.
      Well I can't agree with you at all. Vaniel (who thought up that silly little name anyway?) Daniel and Vala together have been a hit with a large portion of fandom, that is fact. The Ori have also proved popular, a quick run through some of the Stargate forums shows that, not that I like that story line I prefered the Goul'd. The ratings didn't really nose dive, all SCI FI ratings are down, in fact tv ratings in general are down the last year or two. People have more choice than ever and many are turning away from the google box in the corner. SG 1 continue to out perform say BSG and that show was renewed I think SG1 simply became too expensive for the execs.

      I don't know where you get the figure of 70% from, in poll after poll after poll Daniel comes in second favourite after Jack well ahead of the others and with far more than 30% of the votes. Perhaps you are confusing him with Sam? Anyway I think that Vala and to a lesser degre Mitchell have been a very good addition to the show and are in no way responsible for its demise.

      Jack and Daniel...the old married couple.


        Originally posted by flynn1959 View Post
        MS wasn't even in four of those episodes. Mitchell has had more than his fair share of screen time. Most episodes this season have been team ones. So even if I hadn't seen the credits I would be hard pressed to say who was the male lead between BB and MS.

        I think that tptb trying to make MS the sole lead late in the season came too late to save the show.
        I wonder if the dramatic decrease in focus on Mitchell this season was because TPTB felt that the character had not been as well-received as they had hoped or if they had always intended to turn the show over to Vaniel.

        In a lot of ways, Mitchell is a fifth wheel. Apart from his role as leader - which he himself admits is in name only - he has no purpose on the team, he brings nothing to the team that they don't already have.

        Sig courtesy of RepliCartertje


          Originally posted by AGateFan View Post
          Where is the proof of this? Link Please most people I know were not that thrilled with the first 5 eps of S9. I had tried to pump them up and let them know it was just the beginning but it continued to get worse and worse.
          The proof is all over the place. Just take a look at the net, forums, letters to mags etc. Posts everywhere. It was even mentioned by JM he seemed upset that so many people loved the start of season 9. Very odd!I don;t think it's allowed to link to other forums is it? Even if I knew how!

          Season 9 was good enough to re-new the show.

          Jack and Daniel...the old married couple.


            Originally posted by flynn1959 View Post
            The proof is all over the place. Just take a look at the net, forums, letters to mags etc. Posts everywhere. It was even mentioned by JM he seemed upset that so many people loved the start of season 9. Very odd!I don;t think it's allowed to link to other forums is it? Even if I knew how!

            Season 9 was good enough to re-new the show.
            It was mentioned by you that JM was upset that some people loved the start of season 9. And I explained why.

            I have to say that I've found Gateworld is probably the most diverse bboard in terms of viewership (and so much more representative of fandom as a whole) and the first 5 episodes were not universally adored here. You will really have to provide some definitive proof. Preferably not from somewhere with an obvious bias.

            Season 10 was a done deal, not only for the record, but because Skiffy hadn't yet completed their full slate of new shows to replace it with.


              I have to say that I've found Gateworld is probably the most diverse bboard in terms of viewership (and so much more representative of fandom as a whole) and the first 5 episodes were not universally adored here. You will really have to provide some definitive proof.


              That was a joke...right?

              Jack and Daniel...the old married couple.


                Originally posted by flynn1959 View Post
                I have to say that I've found Gateworld is probably the most diverse bboard in terms of viewership (and so much more representative of fandom as a whole) and the first 5 episodes were not universally adored here. You will really have to provide some definitive proof.


                That was a joke...right?
                Nope. I been hovering on a fair few boards where the mere mention of a couple of the characters brings out the venom (and it is on these boards I've noticed the adoration of the "mini-series"). Even on threads which were intended to have been pro those characters only.
                Here on GW, you want a protected pro-character thread, you've got it.

                You want to post in a discussion forum, you've got that as well. And people are not going to agree with you all the time, or like the things you do all the time.

                Edit: General suggestion for anyone interested.
                If you post constantly about how horrible a character is, or how much better X would be, don't be surprised on a diverse forum such as this that there will be defenders of that character. If you want to disagree you had better have something of substance to back it up, even if it is an IMO - just don't state it as a fact.
                Last edited by smurf; 11 March 2007, 05:21 AM.


                  Originally posted by flynn1959 View Post
                  The proof is all over the place. Just take a look at the net, forums, letters to mags etc. Posts everywhere. It was even mentioned by JM he seemed upset that so many people loved the start of season 9. Very odd!I don;t think it's allowed to link to other forums is it? Even if I knew how!

                  Season 9 was good enough to re-new the show.
                  Once the decision was made to go with Season Nine of SG-1 instead of Season One of Stargate Command, Season Ten was going to happen, for the record if nothing else.

                  Sig courtesy of RepliCartertje


                    Originally posted by ReganX View Post
                    Once the decision was made to go with Season Nine of SG-1 instead of Season One of Stargate Command, Season Ten was going to happen, for the record if nothing else.

                    And the beginning of season 9 had good ratings (not as high as season 8, but still good) because people came back to see the changes. Once they saw the changes, over time, a significant portion of the audience left the show, and the big drop in ratings occurred when Ethon aired.

                    Then in the last two episodes of season 9, Vaniel was there (and did okay in ratings but not as good as the finales of seasons 7 and 8), and these two episodes were trying to set the stage for the beginning of season 10.

                    Well, Vaniel couldn't pull in the audience. In fact, it brought in a 1.4 rating--the lowest ever except perhaps Enemy Mine in season 7. The whole feel of the show was centering around Vaniel now, but it has not succeeded. I think TPTB thought this would be THE DRAW, but it didn't work for a good portion of the audience. As well, Mitchell was not cutting it as a co-leader for many viewers.

                    As far as BSG, they went up against very stiff competition in the Fall, much stiffer than summer competition. And BSG still struggles now on Sunday nights. My guess is that it will not get past season 4.


                      Originally posted by flynn1959 View Post
                      It was even mentioned by JM he seemed upset that so many people loved the start of season 9. Very odd!I don;t think it's allowed to link to other forums is it? Even if I knew how!

                      It would be allowed to post the exact words of JM, but not interpretations of his words by fans. So if you have the exact quote of JM actually saying that he was upset with the fact that so many people loved the start of season 9, you could quote that here. I've never seen this quote.


                        Originally posted by Skydiver View Post
                        so that makes SG-ME the illegitimate team? (and there may be no I in team, but there is a Me)

                        Or maybe vala, daniel, teal'c adn cam....then again, vala wasn't even ON the team until halfway through s10 - remember that whole 'you got kidnapped so you earned your way scene??'
                        actually Vala was on a team 1/4 of the way through season 10. The second half hasn't aired in the US yet. She got on the team half way through the first half of the season. I looked it up, she was official by the 8th episode. So, it would be closer to say she got on a team in 1/3 of the season.

                        Originally posted by Mandysg1 View Post
                        I try not to, really. Did you have to remind me?

                        Originally posted by flynn1959 View Post
                        The airforce regs don't really count for Vala on the show, she is an alien, it is fiction and that would never happen in real life. Cam well I don't see why he wouldn't be in command what rules prohibit him? Laundry and Lam there again I'm not sure where the regs stand on that one, she is a civilian after all.
                        Regs: Vala would NOT be on the team because of her past. She is not trustworthy and would not be concidered an asset in the way the show depics her. The military would have security issues with her because she tried to steal one of our ships.

                        Cam is an inexperienced team member. In the show, Jack would not allow a russian on the team because he had never been through the gate. Cammie never even seen the gate. He was an excellent pilot. I do not doubt his ability to fly. But his ability to lead an SG team is in question.

                        Landry and Lam: Lam is not a civilian. She wears a uniform and is in the Air Force. The regs are--ps I did contact the Air Force for a similar situation in my own book. A father/daughter can be on the same base BUT not in the chain of command. Another words, Landry cannot be Lam's commading officer. If Landry was a civilian director--that may be differnent. But both are military. Lam could be in the medical department BUT not as the bases CMO--because she reports directly to her father. She also has the authority to over turn her father's decissions and that would be a conflict of intrest.

                        Originally posted by flynn1959 View Post
                        Season 9 was good enough to re-new the show.
                        The show was renewed EARLY along with SGA. Skiffy renewed it becuase they wanted the record. As soon as the 200th was made, they canceled the show.

                        Originally posted by smurf View Post
                        It was mentioned by you that JM was upset that some people loved the start of season 9. And I explained why.

                        I have to say that I've found Gateworld is probably the most diverse bboard in terms of viewership (and so much more representative of fandom as a whole) and the first 5 episodes were not universally adored here. You will really have to provide some definitive proof. Preferably not from somewhere with an obvious bias.

                        Season 10 was a done deal, not only for the record, but because Skiffy hadn't yet completed their full slate of new shows to replace it with.
                        This board is really good at providing a wide range of fandom. I'm rather impressed by it.

                        Originally posted by chocdoc View Post
                        And the beginning of season 9 had good ratings (not as high as season 8, but still good) because people came back to see the changes. Once they saw the changes, over time, a significant portion of the audience left the show, and the big drop in ratings occurred when Ethon aired.

                        Then in the last two episodes of season 9, Vaniel was there (and did okay in ratings but not as good as the finales of seasons 7 and 8), and these two episodes were trying to set the stage for the beginning of season 10.

                        Well, Vaniel couldn't pull in the audience. In fact, it brought in a 1.4 rating--the lowest ever except perhaps Enemy Mine in season 7. The whole feel of the show was centering around Vaniel now, but it has not succeeded. I think TPTB thought this would be THE DRAW, but it didn't work for a good portion of the audience. As well, Mitchell was not cutting it as a co-leader for many viewers.

                        As far as BSG, they went up against very stiff competition in the Fall, much stiffer than summer competition. And BSG still struggles now on Sunday nights. My guess is that it will not get past season 4.
                        I would agree that the proof is in the ratings. People tuned in because they still liked SG-1 even after that Mobius episode in season 8. But the ratings steadily declined as viewers realized that RDA had left and the new story arc was rubbish.

                        The development of Cam as a lead did not develop enough to draw those viewers back in.

                        The new villian had great potential but they were boring.

                        Daniel with out Jack is just Daniel. Add Vala to the Daniel mix and he's Vaniel. That to me is a major turn off.

                        I like Vala when she is away from Daniel. I think she does have great potential of holding a show. But she can't be attached to daniel's hip and she has to act like the character that she was written for. She should have remained an outsider. Remained a thief and become an informate or gain a private allience with the SGC.
                        Grammar, Logic, Rhetoric.


                          Originally posted by chocdoc View Post
                          It would be allowed to post the exact words of JM, but not interpretations of his words by fans. So if you have the exact quote of JM actually saying that he was upset with the fact that so many people loved the start of season 9, you could quote that here. I've never seen this quote.

                          Well then as I would need to link to actual posts on other forums you will have to take my word for it. But then again it is common knowledge.

                          Jack and Daniel...the old married couple.


                            Originally posted by Jackie View Post
                            actually Vala was on a team 1/4 of the way through season 10. The second half hasn't aired in the US yet. She got on the team half way through the first half of the season. I looked it up, she was official by the 8th episode. So, it would be closer to say she got on a team in 1/3 of the season.
                            2/5ths of the way through, really. By the end of the show's run, she'll have been a member of SG-1 only twelve episodes.

                            Sig courtesy of RepliCartertje


                              Originally posted by flynn1959 View Post
                              Well then as I would need to link to actual posts on other forums you will have to take my word for it. But then again it is common knowledge.
                              I never heard it before, so if you - or anyone else - can find a quote I'd like to see it.

                              It seems incredibly strange that anyone connected with making the show would be upset that it did well.

                              Is it possible that JM's words were misinterpretted, that he was unhappy that Season Nine's rating declined after the first few episodes?

                              Sig courtesy of RepliCartertje


                                Originally posted by ReganX View Post
                                2/5ths of the way through, really. By the end of the show's run, she'll have been a member of SG-1 only twelve episodes.
                                Sorry, my math teacher hated me. My english teacher thought I was amazing. I could write complicated stories but not spell.
                                Grammar, Logic, Rhetoric.

