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The Cam and Vala discussion thread

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    Originally posted by smurf View Post

    Mind you, on topic, I was surprised when Cam Mitchell suddenly had special forces training.
    cam has whatever he needs to have to move the plot along. and they don't care enough to do research to see if it's even possible

    it may make the writers' lives easier, to duck out of that pesky research stuff, but it only harms thier characters because ti makes them more and more vulnerable to criticism

    Part of watching a show and enjoying it is being able to suspend your disbelief. and in some cases, it's easy. In fact, up to s7, suspending the general disbelief that the show could be 'real' is ok.

    then comes teh rampant abuse of space ships. and locking down whole towns, disappearing sky scrapers, goa'uld running all over the place, thieves being given the keys to the sgc, verbally assaulting senators, pilots that have never even seen the gate being given command of the premiere team...the sillier and sillier and more farfetched stuff gets in this incessant obsession with 'bigger', the less enjoyable it is because it ceases to become a dramedy adn turns into a farce

    it'd be the equivalent of taking ER, and remaking it into Scrubs.
    Where in the World is George Hammond?



      Originally posted by GateGipsy
      Likewise, when I was watching the episode shown here in teh UK this week - the one with all the Ba'als. The chemistry between Vala and Sam was sizzling, whereas there was nothing in the scenes she had with Cameron.

      BTW I'm not talking about sexual chemistry here, just the normal kind.
      Normal schmormal! Sexual Mexual! Whatevah! It Sizzayleed!

      Thank you, thank you, GG, for the (unwitting) validation.

      and I agree about the Cameron achemistry stuff, too.

      ... and now back to golfbooy's treatise.


        Originally posted by golfbooy View Post
        He's SG-Me.
        he has no storyline either. he has ZERO reason to be on the show beyond 'living out his ultimate fantasy and hanging with the heroes'

        he has no emotional investment in the team or the ori. he has no motivation. he has no angst, no drama.

        he's there.

        and if they wrote him out??? i guess teal'c could do the sword fighting and vala could do the 'dont' touch that' plot necessary oops

        he COULD have had a 'power' or ally

        sam was the tok'ra
        daniel the anciets
        jack the asgard
        teal'c the jaffa
        vala the rogues of the universe
        cam HAD the sodan, but they are a non-issue

        he has no reason at all to be on the team and in the show
        Where in the World is George Hammond?



          I agree there was alot of nice chemistry between Vala and Sam in Insiders, and I do want more with all characters. I also miss Teal'c he's starting to vanish behind the Cam, by his very very in your face energy, I think He needs to grow up a bit as well.
          President of the 'AFTU Writers Association'
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            Originally posted by DEM View Post
            ... and now back to golfbooy's treatise.

            I'll have you know I made that post shorter, thank you very much. Brevity being the soul of wit, I'm not very brief at all. I'm going back to my voices. They don't mock me. All they do is torment me.


              Originally posted by scarimor View Post
              B-12s? Really?
              Aren't B12s vitamins?


                Originally posted by DEM View Post
                Normal schmormal! Sexual Mexual! Whatevah! It Sizzayleed!

                Thank you, thank you, GG, for the (unwitting) validation.

                and I agree about the Cameron achemistry stuff, too.

                ... and now back to golfbooy's treatise.
                I just had to highlight that because...

                Well, I'll leave you all to it.


                  Originally posted by esoap524 View Post
                  Aren't B12s vitamins?
                  i know that B52 is a singing group
                  Where in the World is George Hammond?



                    Originally posted by Skydiver View Post
                    space balls...the 'furling', the character Barf, the spaceballs version of chewbacca????
                    I'm Barf! Half man...half dog. I'm my own best friend.

                    ...You're ALWAYS Welcome in Samanda: Amanda's Community of New Fans and Old Friends...


                      Originally posted by Madeleine_W View Post
                      Oh bugger. I'm happy. which one am I then?
                      You must be a fanatic.

                      As a Claudia-holic, I am also a fanatic. I figure I'm not delusional because I don't think it's all good so, therefore, fanatic.

                      Does that help?


                        The lack of a plausible backstory for Cam has left him as a very doubtable character.

                        Click image to enlarge.


                          I think its more of how he's represented on screen
                          President of the 'AFTU Writers Association'
                          President of the 'Count to 15,000 Legends' club
                          Forum Charmer
                          Forum Ambassador
                          Prince of The Hugglings

                          CURA STORY LINE, ATFU Pg 53 - Pg 804 (751pages)
                          VAMPIRE STORYLINE PT1, AFTU Pg 804 - 912
                          VAMPIRE STORYLINE PT 2, AFTU - Pg 855


                            and fatally flawed.

                            if the random viewer can't connect with the characters, get interested in their story, empathize with them....well all that's left is the plot to be interesting.

                            and if the plot is dull, the show is dull

                            Why do people watch survivor? sure isn't for the thrill a minute action and special effects. it's to watch the interactions between the people, interactions that the show's producers keep lively by playing games that pit people against each other. the show's producers basically manipulate conflict into the group and facilitate it. and by maintaining that conflict, they maintain interest. and it's that human drama that makes the show so intriguing to watch.

                            stargate used to have drama. jack yelled at sam, he got ticked at teal'c's jaffa revenge. he and daniel would argue. jack would be angry at hammond, hammond would be exasperated at the team.
                            there was conflict. but, even though these people got ticked off at each other, they still would die for each other.

                            i don't feel emotion like that with this new team. just people in the same uniform going through the motions
                            Where in the World is George Hammond?



                              Originally posted by Pitry View Post
                              No, Scari, I didn't, sorry.
                              Throwing a wink there as in saying "it's alright, I'm not talking about you, just those other wackos", while trying to make the original sentiment more polite, doesn't take the edge off the existance of the sentiment.
                              That line should never have been written, period. Critisise the show all you like, by all means. But people should stop throwing insults, as light-hearted and hidden as they are, towards the fans of those seasons or the show in general.The post I just made in reply to Ann's post is a very good example - as she completley ignored those of the fandom who liked the show before and like the show now. As if we get "new fans" and "old fans", but not both in one person.
                              Well, Pitry, as the originator of the "winkie" line and the sarcasm that it implied, given that there have been people on this board as of late who either shove their points of view down everyone else's throat, or are going on and on about their military experience, I apologize. I certainly meant no offense.

                              I was not a fan of the show prior to Ben and Claudia's arrival. I tried watching it when it was paired with Farscape in season 6 (the Jonas season, I think). I was bored and lost. I've watched some old episodes in the meantime. I can certainly appreciate the show's appeal to a great number of people. It doesn't quite have that same appeal for me but everyone's got different tastes.

                              All that is my long winded way of saying I'm actually more of a fan of the show in seasons 9 and 10 by virtue of the fact that I actually watch it now. I have two seasons of pre 9 DVDs that a friend loaned me. I've watched a handful of episodes from each. So, therefore, I am indeed one of those s9 and s10 fans.

                              I will categorize myself as fanatic, though.

                              I guess most of my discussion centers on what the show is now, and my opinion of what is lacking in the show's writing just based on good writing in general, not on what was before and what's after. I don't have enough information about the before to have an analytical conversation about it.

                              Didn't mean to step on any toes.

                              scarimor...that is absolutely the first time that anyone has ever referred to me as a having a prominent winkie.


                                Originally posted by golfbooy
                                I'll have you know I made that post shorter, thank you very much. Brevity being the soul of wit, I'm not very brief at all. I'm going back to my voices. They don't mock me. All they do is torment me.
                                Your voices are not as bad as worse than mine! Poor golfie. Look here:
                                formal exposition;
                                Famous treatises have been written by philosophers including Sun Tzu, Aristotle, John Locke, David Hume, Rene Descartes, William Godwin, Thomas Paine, Karl Marx, and others.
                                In DEM-speak, treatise is a gooood (if playfully mocking) thing, golbooooy.

                                Originally posted by esoap524
                                I just had to highlight that because...

                                Well, I'll leave you all to it.
                                Whatcha tryin to say, esoap? scarimor's Joy Ride ring any bells?
                                Me ---> Commissioned. So. there. But don't let that go to your head (or something like that).

