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Pro-Season 11 Thread

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    Originally posted by Farscapefan
    Nice ramble. And welcome to the bright PRO side
    Indeed! We're always looking for more positive-minded people.
    MS - "Boy, wow that's a great question!"
    "Anyone know what SENTIENT means???"
    Sunday is my favorite day for two reasons - Football and The Walking Dead


      Originally posted by Mitchell82
      Yup. I agree a 11th season but a miniseries or seires of TV movies could successfully tie up any loose ends the season finale can't do.
      Plus, those are better than nothing at all. Which, at the moment anyways, is what we are facing.
      MS - "Boy, wow that's a great question!"
      "Anyone know what SENTIENT means???"
      Sunday is my favorite day for two reasons - Football and The Walking Dead


        Originally posted by The Engineer
        But who's to say that season 11 can't be made like a miniseries? Every episode is the conclusion of the previous one until the season reaches the final conclusion. Does anyone remember season 3 of Enterprise?! (excepting the cliffhanger)
        I enjoyed season 3. Season 4 was really good with the exception of the ridiculous finale.


          If we all want a S11 + beyond, then the only way is to show sci-fi that if they screw their fans, then the fans will screw them back twice as much.

          Most of the viewers for BSG are probably regular Stargaters, so the fact that not only do they cancel the show, they make SG fans wait 6 months before airing the 2d half of the season, just so they cain air their little BSG baby completely the way through. If all the regular SG fans stop watching BSG, get others to stop watching it, then get everyone to mail sci-fi that they have stopped watching it for the sole reason of them cancelling SG. Only then will they realise that they are alienating a large part of their fanbase & finally see that it'll cost them more than they ever bargained for when they thoght tey would be smart & can SG-1.

          So get your family/friends, post it on any other boards that you goto. Get everyone to stop viewing BSG S3 in October. Then get them to also send a single mail to skiffy to tell them what they have done. I'd be willing to bet if enough people done that, within 6 eps into BSG they'd be seriosuly re-considering ordering a S11.


            Originally posted by Wraith_Hunter
            If we all want a S11 + beyond, then the only way is to show sci-fi that if they screw their fans, then the fans will screw them back twice as much.

            Most of the viewers for BSG are probably regular Stargaters, so the fact that not only do they cancel the show, they make SG fans wait 6 months before airing the 2d half of the season, just so they cain air their little BSG baby completely the way through. If all the regular SG fans stop watching BSG, get others to stop watching it, then get everyone to mail sci-fi that they have stopped watching it for the sole reason of them cancelling SG. Only then will they realise that they are alienating a large part of their fanbase & finally see that it'll cost them more than they ever bargained for when they thoght tey would be smart & can SG-1.

            So get your family/friends, post it on any other boards that you goto. Get everyone to stop viewing BSG S3 in October. Then get them to also send a single mail to skiffy to tell them what they have done. I'd be willing to bet if enough people done that, within 6 eps into BSG they'd be seriosuly re-considering ordering a S11.
            That might possibly be the silliest "scare" tactic that I have read.....


              Originally posted by Trek_Girl42
              That might possibly be the silliest "scare" tactic that I have read.....
              Followed by equally the silliest follow up post that I've ever read in my life! Oh your a BSG fan & I posisbly wouldn't want to offend you in case they canned BSG a few eps into the new season as well for lack of viewers! :sarcasm: :major sarcasm: Someone coming into a PRO S11 thread 7 trying to denounce a possible idea that could save the show, of which they are posting in the main fans site of that particular show. A real brainiac if I ever saw one in my life! Anything that would save our show is far from silly. Perhaps when BSG is in the same situation in a few seasons, we'll see how your views will suddenly change in an instant!

              If enough people do it, especially since I'd guess that most of those who watch BSG are also Stargate fans, then it's anything but a scare tactic. If they screw with their main audience, then most have been watching Stargate before the remake of BSG was even a twinkle in Skiffy's. You think if they lost 100's thousands of viewers that they will simply laugh it off as a prank. All those lost fans will cost them millions at the end of the day. Money talks, not petitions or people posting hopefully on threads that Skiffy will suddenly grow a heart. Actions speak louder than word....Besides if you think it's such a stupid idea as it might harm your belowed BSG, then frankly who gives a damn.. I don't, nobody is forcing you to do anything. The fact is this is GATEWORLD 99% Stargate NOT BSGWORLD. This is the Pro thread, so anything that might possibly involve saving the show is genius. So all I can say is that you go with a much smarter scare tactic = Like sit back & do nothing & savour BSG before they turn on their little baby much sooner than you think when that also becomes too expensive for them?

              Being this is the Pro thread & the show has been axed! Since you know much better than me, then what's a smarter one!!!!!!!!!!!!

              Standy by & do nothing! Oh yeah, that'll accomplish a lot won't it now!
              Last edited by Wraith_Hunter; 31 August 2006, 04:58 PM.


                Boycotting sci-fi's other shows would do nothing to bring back SG-1. Nothing. I 100% gaurentee that it would not change their minds. There are far better tactics to bring SG-1 back then boycotting the rest of Sci-fi's programming (what's watchable of it anyway), visit the save sg-1 site for more realistic tactics that some very smart people have put together.


                  Originally posted by Trek_Girl42
                  That might possibly be the silliest "scare" tactic that I have read.....
                  Yeah. Why punish BSG for SG-1's demise? Its just silly...
                  "Space is disease and danger wrapped in darkness and silence."
                  DS9 Superior|Farscape|Legend of the Seeker|Stargate Universe|STAR WARS


                    Originally posted by Trek_Girl42
                    Boycotting sci-fi's other shows would do nothing to bring back SG-1. Nothing. I 100% gaurentee that it would not change their minds. There are far better tactics to bring SG-1 back then boycotting the rest of Sci-fi's programming (what's watchable of it anyway), visit the save sg-1 site for more realistic tactics that some very smart people have put together.
                    I didn't say boycott all sci-fi's shows. I only said BSG because it's the current flavour of the month over at Skiffy. They have moved it from it's usual slot to give it it's own timezone. Not only that but they have done this at the expense of SG-1 + Atlantis. Postponing the 2nd half of these 2 series, just so they can show BSG uninterrupted all the way through.

                    That's why I solely chose BSG, that & the fact that through S1 & S2, when it ran alongside the 2 gates, the ratings were almost the same every week. This could be because of 2 things, most people stayed in & watched SG-1, Atlantis & then BSG or, the Gaters all mostly turned off, then around a mil or so new people tuned in to solely watch BSG on it's own.

                    If you think about it for more than sec, I think it'll be quite clear what the correct answer is. So that's why I said BSG, not because I hate the show or anything like that! DL it, Tivo it or if all your friends watch it, then youcall go over to the 1 house & watch it together, this way it will only count as 1 instead of multiple hits etc.

                    The simple fact is that the have screwed most of the majority of their regular viewers over thid SG-1 thing, however they'll then expect these exact same disgruntled fans to tune it & watch BSG every week. I don't know who's stupider, them fro thinking it or the fans who would actually do it. I'm not saying that it implies to everybody who will watch BSG, because there are probably a good few 100 thou that don't consider themselves as hardcore gaters etc. Just the fans who religiously watch it, who feel viloted at what's happening with their beloved gate, then would turn round & support another shows viewing figures. Especially when Skiffy have tried so hard to seperate it this year from the sci-fi friday SG connection.

                    If most of the SG fans boycotted BSG this year for a few eps, the viewing figures would go way down. Then they were mailed to know the exact reason of this drop. They would be stuck between a rock & a hard place. They claim they canned SG-1 because it was too expensive now to make & they weren't making enough, so what do they do with BSG when that loses them a ton of money. They know it will keep on happening, so they have a choice can BSG as well, or do the only logical thing, reach an agreement with MGM. I'm sure they could do some sort of compromise, the easiest thing is for MGM to put up a few mil themselves. This can easily be ofshot with merchandise/dvd sales etc during the following year. The nest thing is to sign the cast to a multi season deal, this means no haggling every year, so that alone would save them a pretty penny in production costs.

                    Sadly it'll never happen though, not enough people could be told about what to do. Short of posting on every SG themed site/forum/message board all over the net. So all we'll need to settle for is a 4 part mini-series that they'll announce around nov/dec time. That's the time that they would normally announce that they have been picked up for another season.


                      Well, that seems more like a "punish sci-fi" tactic then a "save SG-1" tactic.


                        Originally posted by Descent
                        Yeah. Why punish BSG for SG-1's demise? Its just silly...
                        It's not punishing BSG or anybody affiliated with making their show, it's punishing Sci-Fi. However if you don't want to do it, then don't. However after the mini-series is finished & SG-1 is officially dead, then they do the exact same thing with Atlantis a year or 2 down the line. Then the only truly silly thing was doing nothing & letting them get away with it in the first place.

                        Fact is: Petitions are nothing, the current one has around 20 odd thou signatures. Many of those could be from the same person/s posting multiple times from different mail addresses to boos the count.

                        Other that that what else can be done, have a big-ass fundraiser to make up $30 million dollars.

                        All that's the silly thing because it'll never get you anywhere. Only hitting Sci-Fi in the viewing stakes & letting them know why their audience is going down drastically. This lost of viewership costs them MONEY. That's the only thing programming comes down to, less viewers = less money to them.

                        However if you still don't get it, then go nuts, watch away till your hearts content, once the mini-series it over & SG-1 is officially dead, then it may start to become a little less silly to some around here. Only when it's truly gone will I fear some realise what they once had!


                          Even if I could affect sci-fi's viewership, why would I risk loseing BOTH of my favourite shows? It makes no sense.


                            Originally posted by Trek_Girl42
                            Well, that seems more like a "punish sci-fi" tactic then a "save SG-1" tactic.
                            Lol again, punishing sci-fi by hitting them in the pocket is the only thing that can save SG-1 (Besides after what they've done, they deserve to be punished, the fact that they announced it right before the 200th ep & didn't even give it till mid-season to see if ratings improve etc, couple with the no show clause, clearly puts out that they were always planning to can it even before S10 had started showing, anyway, once they saw the error in their ways & re-instated SG-1 then the viewers would return). Other than that, the fans raise the $30 mil themselves & hand it over to Skiffy, or MGM decided to pay for it all themselves.

                            What sounds the most do-able, because they are the only real options. 20,000 + ,sigs on an online petiton isn't gonna do squat. If it was 2 million then it might be totally different but it's not & never will be. So the petiton will have no effect to Sci-Fi, affecting their viewing figures is the only way to make them see sense, that ultimately is hitting them in the pocket. Each viewer lost = Lost $'s.

                            Even if I could affect sci-fi's viewership, why would I risk loseing BOTH of my favourite shows? It makes no sense.
                            That's the problem, you wouldn't lose any. You'd be gaining SG back. Not only SG-1, but also ensuring Atlantis + the possible 3rd show that they have been rumoured to be thinking of spinning out. Sci-Fi could not afford to lose such a huge regular fanbase. If they canned them, then they'd need to create a brand new show/s to replace them. Which would cost them around the exact same amount to produce as BSG + SG-1. What's the point in doing that, especially when they have 2 already well established shows with a regular hardcore fanbase. They would not risk spendiong $50/$60 mil on creating 2 brand new untried shows, what if none of the regular viewers liked them etc. You would have to be a complete moron to kill off 2 of your most popular shows, then to spend the exact same amount making 2 entirely different shows that might bomb straight away. It's simply not going to happen! Affect their viewership, then let them know why it's being done because of SG-1 & that is really the only thing that will get SG-2 back on the air.

                            I've explained this as much as I'm willing to do so, if some still see it as silly then fine, do nothing watch all your favourite Skiffy shows & watch SG-1 die, shortly followed by Atlantis in the next season or 2 at the most.
                            Last edited by Wraith_Hunter; 31 August 2006, 05:57 PM.


                              Originally posted by becauseitissoclear
                              You know I keep going thru the posts on this site and over and over I see people talking about how the new season is awful and it doesn't measure up
                              to the episodes gone before, I don't buy it. Stargate as it stands today is as good or better than most T.V. presently being broadcast. I think what is going on here is "the trap of nostalgia" people have so fallen in love with days gone by that nothing will ever be as good as it was.However Sg-1 today is very good, the show just has to be given a chance. T.V. networks always go for flash over substance and by in large we don't get very thoughtful programing. I am not saying SG-1 is a fount of wisdom but I do appreciate the metaphors it trys to strike and I love the humor. There have been certain shows that have made an impact on me M*A*S*H, Star Trek OS and TNG,News Radio,Sports Night,West Wing and NYPD Blue. I would also put Stargate Sg-1 in that category(and BSG a truly miraculous show). I would hope that Sci-Fi could see the importance of quality particularly in the now troubled times of war. I am loathe to see the idea of Sci-Fi descend into well for like of a better phrase the Jerry Springer world. Wrestling and b-grade horror movies are not science fiction . I am sure there is a place for that programing a channel all it's own
                              NBC could have another source of revenue. Go back to the original line-up SG-1, Atlantis and BSG it worked before it will work again. Nine pm is too late for SG-1 which is more of a pg show. As it was you had pg, pg-13, R on Sci-fi Fridays which worked great . Lets have it back please. And more Sci-Fi on Sci-Fi please. tks to anyone who reads this ramble.

                              "Because it is so clear, it takes a longer time to realize it" Monk at Keb
                              I agree with you 100%. Nice post GREENIE from me. If you have seen any of my posts you have said exactly what I have been trying(albeit unsucessfully) to say. Welcome to the light side!
                              Proud Sam/Jack and Daniel/Vala and John/Teyla Shipper!
                              "We're Americans! Shoot the guys following us!"
                              Don S. Davis 1942-2008 R.I.P. My Friend.


                                I said before, boycotting another show will NEVER bring SG-1 back. It just won't. I 100% gaurentee it. All it would do is possibly get the other show cancelled, therefore being grossly unfiar to that show's producers/actors/crew.

                                It wouldn't be any different from stray bullets hitting bystanders in a war. Those casualties won't change the objective of the army.

