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ori shields not invincible!!!

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    Originally posted by Oranos
    That's not good if the frequecny thingy is true. I think white shields would be towards the we're screwed range of the spectrum because the color white would be near perfect. Orange was a piece of cake(Goa'uld), blue is pretty dang tough(Asgard, Atlantis(?)). I'm getting the strange feeling that finding a way to penetrate these shields is not happening anytime soon.
    Hey Atlantis' shield is white too, so at least we have a counterpart there

    Best Stargate quote:
    Sheppard: (yells to McKay) Canadian football is a joke! Celine Dion is overrated! Zelenka is smarter than you are!
    Green is your friend.


      Originally posted by freyr's mother
      Hey Atlantis' shield is white too, so at least we have a counterpart there
      In The Eye it looked whitish blue, though that could have easily been water reflecting on it. But that Ori shield looked pretty dang white...


        Originally posted by OmegaProject
        Well actually, Ori,Asgard and the Goa'uld all have early Star Trek like bubble shields. The new ships in the TNG/DS9 like the Enterprise-E and the Defiant have layer shields like the Ancients.

        I do think that the drones work in communication with each other, when one hits and it is the wrong frequency the next one changes.

        As for Star Trek weaponry is more technological than StarGate.

        Photon Torpedoes = Antimatter mixing with Matter
        Quantum Torpedoes = Phase out of our time and go through shields
        Phasers = Phased Plasma

        Even the Asgard don't have as good as weaponry as that. I know they are two different shows. Which I don't know which one is better, Phased Ions/Asgard or Phased Plasma/Star Trek

        There is a way to beat any shield though. They just need R&D to make them a few Photon/Quantum Torpedoes by by Ori
        Where'd you pull that layered shielding thing? They never mentioned it on the show about the Ancients having layered shields. As for your ST has better weapons than the Asgard... again, where'd you pull that from? We do know that the Asgard possess superior beaming tech compared to the Federation.

        We also know that even Goa'uld hyperdrives beat Star Trek slipstream or trans-warp. Heck, the ST races aren't even capable of going outside the galaxy, except that Andromedan race.

        They can teleport whole Jaffa armies, an Earth skyscrapper, and Goa'uld pyramids. So I guess tech-wise at least the Asgard are similar to the Voth (able to teleport Voyager into the Voth "city-ship").


          i would say that no shield is invincible, just a matter of fire power and the correct type of weapon.

          i would also agree that the asgard are more, much more advanced than the federation. In one ep its stated that neutronium is the corner stone of Asgard technology. It's also stated in trek that neutronium is invulnerable to fed technology, i believe.

          Im so sure about layered shields ever been mentioned in startrek or stargate, least not that i can remember.


            Originally posted by FlightPod
            i would say that no shield is invincible, just a matter of fire power and the correct type of weapon.

            i would also agree that the asgard are more, much more advanced than the federation. In one ep its stated that neutronium is the corner stone of Asgard technology. It's also stated in trek that neutronium is invulnerable to fed technology, i believe.

            Im so sure about layered shields ever been mentioned in startrek or stargate, least not that i can remember.
            I think they're talking about two different, but completely made up Neutronium's.

            Best Stargate quote:
            Sheppard: (yells to McKay) Canadian football is a joke! Celine Dion is overrated! Zelenka is smarter than you are!
            Green is your friend.


              NO MORE CROSSOVER TALKS. YOu can't compare two different series PERIOD. It's idiotic to do so.

     There's your reference to Neutronium. It's a different element in each show it is used in. STOP COMPARING THEM. It's not even a "what if" conjecture. It's a "DER DER DERRRRR" conjecture, reserved for people Carlos Mencia makes fun of.


                Originally posted by IcyNeko
                NO MORE CROSSOVER TALKS. YOu can't compare two different series PERIOD. It's idiotic to do so.

       There's your reference to Neutronium. It's a different element in each show it is used in. STOP COMPARING THEM. It's not even a "what if" conjecture. It's a "DER DER DERRRRR" conjecture, reserved for people Carlos Mencia makes fun of.
                Thats a little harsh but, what you said was on par with what I was trying to say.

                Best Stargate quote:
                Sheppard: (yells to McKay) Canadian football is a joke! Celine Dion is overrated! Zelenka is smarter than you are!
                Green is your friend.


                  I know, dude, and thank you for saying it.

                  It's so infuriating to see these things being used in a logical conversation. It's like comparing Apples to Oranges in a "Which is a better citris fruit" discussion. They're both fruits, but only one FITS in this context.


                    Im sure there shields are not invincible, just really really tough to get through.
                    My DVD Collection


                      I Just had a thought that the Priors actually make and maintain the shield so all you have to do is distract him/her and then fire coz the ship looks weak but the shield is strong so does any one have a method of distraction other than painting a naked person on the sides of the ships
                      War does not determine who is right, war determines who is left.


                        there must be some sort of tech inside the drones what allow's them to pass though sheild's whats the point of just leaving drones as they are if they wasnt tbh
              [Ori Trailer]


                          I guess as the Ancients seem to have invented shields in the MilkyWay then it makes sense that they have the weapons to beat them aswell.
                          aka paddytehpyro


                            I'm sure we'll figure out a way to fight them, because otherwise the 4 ships from camelot will just walk all over us. And we know SG1 lives so that probably isn't going to happen. More than likely their shields are just uber strong.

                            A website by the people, for the people.


                              I wonder if they could do a directional EMP burst at the ship? They had that EMP generator in the black hole episode. Was that a directional EMP generator thingy? Any and all electronic device on the Ori ship would be fried.

                              That would probably be too easy though.

                              Say hello to my little friend!!


                                Perhaps they could beam a nuke onto their ships like they do with Wraith Hive ships.

