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S10: Critique & Contemplation

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    Instead we got the Unending Flogging of a Dead Horse, aka The Vaniel Show with some little bits of subplot here and there.


      I keep wondering, if MGM wants this franchise to be resurrected at some point, if they will be able to find a way to stealth fully pretend the last two seasons didn’t exist.

      Atlantis COULD go on to a longer run but I think the future franchise as a whole depends on how much people can forget about Stargate Command and only remember classic SG-1 and Atlantis.

      Or is the franchise just destined to die and barely be heard from again like the X-files? Hard to believe that will happen with Atlantis still kicking.... Of course their plans to retool Atlantis could fail as miserably as their plans to retool SG-1. Just depends if JM is more dedicated to actual Stargate cannon then RCC or if hes looking to make is own brand new series too.

      Also note that "Darker" does not mean "better". SG-1 used to be fun to watch with characters you like. I think thats part of the essence of stargate and it really wont work as a somewhat depressing show where you dont like the characters or even believe they will survive the season. The illusion of danger was perfectly captured in early SG-1 without having to kill someone every other ep.

      Lastly, it should have stayed and "episodic" show with an overall arc that was not overpowering to the entire series. This should not try to compete with B5, that requires some type of actual plan.
      Joseph Mallozzi -"In the meantime, I'm into season 5 of OZ (where the show takes an unfortunate hairpin turn into "the not so wonderful world of fantasy")"

      ^^^ Kinda sounds like seasons 9 and 10 of SG-1 to me. Thor, ya got Aspirin?

      AGateFan has officially Gone Fishin (with Jack, Sam, Daniel, Teal'c) and is hoping Atlantis does not take that same hairpin turn.


        I am only popping in to answer a ? right now in syndication in the U.S. they are showing season 9 again I believe they are up to the Ties That Bind I think I watch really late at night on Sundays with my mom (she's the one who gave me the sci fi gene and the night owl gene) I thought they were going to show season 10 (my mom hasn't seen it yet she's not online like I am) but no they are showing season 9 straight thru no loops like they did before what I mean by that is last fall they would show 5 or 6 eps in a loop 4 or 5 times this drove me crazy part of reason why I got the DVDs so I could see what happened. I don't have cable so synidication and DVDs are the only way to see it on T.V for me
        My Favorite Scifi/Fantasy T.V. Shows, Movies, Franchises, My Sports Teams & My Fav Sitcom
        poundpuppy29 AKA Erika = Astrology Nut, Scifi-Fantasy Junkie & Massachusetts Girl


          s10 won't be available for syndie until sept 2007
          Where in the World is George Hammond?



            Originally Posted by AGateFan
            I keep wondering, if MGM wants this franchise to be resurrected at some point, if they will be able to find a way to stealth fully pretend the last two seasons didn’t exist.

            I think maybe too.

            But, I'm also thinking that maybe while Coop is in charge of his movie and Brad the other, are TPTB at MGM making a competition between them to see who does the next new venture.

            If one does well review, storytelling, and sales wise ( in place of ratings). This showrunner maybe the next one in charge of Stargate Universe when/if
            it's green lighted.

            JMHO, of course. YMMV.

            ETA: I could be wrong too.


              Originally posted by LaCroix View Post
              I think maybe too.

              But, I'm also thinking that maybe while Coop is in charge of his movie and Brad the other, are TPTB at MGM making a competition between them to see who does the next new venture.

              If one does well review, storytelling, and sales wise ( in place of ratings). This showrunner maybe the next one in charge of Stargate Universe when/if
              it's green lighted.

              JMHO, of course. YMMV.

              ETA: I could be wrong too.
              That thought had crossed my mind too.

              Personally I think things go better when they work together as they round out the other's shortcomings.


                Honestly I don’t see how these, likely to be unadvertised, direct to DVD movie doing well. Either of them. I mean it would be one thing if they were shown on TV someplace or if someone could rent them from a corner store but only the hardcore are really going to pay for them. Maybe netflix will have them but I don’t see Block Buster spending shelf space for them. Unless of course MGM pays some incentives but I am not sure how much more money MGM wants to spend on SG-1 when Atlantis is currently the key to any continuing franchise.
                Joseph Mallozzi -"In the meantime, I'm into season 5 of OZ (where the show takes an unfortunate hairpin turn into "the not so wonderful world of fantasy")"

                ^^^ Kinda sounds like seasons 9 and 10 of SG-1 to me. Thor, ya got Aspirin?

                AGateFan has officially Gone Fishin (with Jack, Sam, Daniel, Teal'c) and is hoping Atlantis does not take that same hairpin turn.


                  I'm beginning to think SGA isn't the key to the franchise. Between the speed the direct-to-DVD idea came about and was made to happen, and the strange short-termism of the cast changes (AT is only under contract for one more year isn't she? What if she doesn't want to do any more Stargate?), I'm getting the red-headed stepchild feeling for Atlantis.

                  As long as the DVD (the second one) does reasonably well, I could see MGM being okay about SGA finishing and coming back a year or so later with a rebooted Stargate franchise.


                    I thought everyone but MS signed on for two years, but they only chose AT to continue on to SGA.

                    my fanfic


                      Originally posted by smurf View Post
                      I'm beginning to think SGA isn't the key to the franchise. Between the speed the direct-to-DVD idea came about and was made to happen, and the strange short-termism of the cast changes (AT is only under contract for one more year isn't she? What if she doesn't want to do any more Stargate?), I'm getting the red-headed stepchild feeling for Atlantis.

                      As long as the DVD (the second one) does reasonably well, I could see MGM being okay about SGA finishing and coming back a year or so later with a rebooted Stargate franchise.
                      Well that would stink for SGA.

                      But if the reasons it failed on scifi was "hiatus", "change of timeslots", and "lack of advertising" or "All shows run their courses" or "all TV viewing is down accross the board". Then I still dont see how a likely hard to find, unadvertised DVD will do very well. The only reason people at my work even know there will be two stargate direct to DVD movies is because I told them.

                      BTW, I am supposed to clue them in on when they come out as at least one of them is thinking he may want to rent it. Although, again, I dont see blockbuster or the other local shops running out to stock this title and I dont see my co-worker paying to own the DVD as he is generally not that happy with this season. Suprisingly he didnt even like Talion and hes a teal'c fan.... note that he was also a Frasier and Beckett fan though so hes kind of bitter.

                      So, when are these supposed to come out? Has any release date been stated?
                      Joseph Mallozzi -"In the meantime, I'm into season 5 of OZ (where the show takes an unfortunate hairpin turn into "the not so wonderful world of fantasy")"

                      ^^^ Kinda sounds like seasons 9 and 10 of SG-1 to me. Thor, ya got Aspirin?

                      AGateFan has officially Gone Fishin (with Jack, Sam, Daniel, Teal'c) and is hoping Atlantis does not take that same hairpin turn.


                        Yea, I wonder about how the movies will do also. they were begging fans to get 5000 of their friends to watch the show what, are we supposed to do, get 5000 of our friends to buy something they don't want

                        my fanfic


                          I can't help but wonder if MGM is still doing the 2nd and 3rd movie from Devlin's stargate?

                          Perhaps, the company plans on having the DVD movies ride the coat tails of the motion picture once more.

                          As SG-1 stands, the people who will buy it are the hard core fans and the new fans that enjoy season 9 and 10.

                          I know we haven't heard anything lately, but MGM may be up to something and I get the feeling that SG-1 and SGA are both going to an ugly step child. Just a feeling though.
                          Grammar, Logic, Rhetoric.


                            blockbuster will stock them. now maybe only 1-2 copies instead of the 29 they get of bigger titles, but they will stock them

                            however, unless mgm does some big money blanket advertising, they'll be nitch movies.

                            as to the whole 'red headed stepchild', i don't see it as that. all the cast but shanks were signed to s10 and 11 and they only chose to use amanda on atl. if atl makes it to s5 (which i consider 50/50, mgm will want to get to 100 eps to make syndie look better, but will they pony up the outrageous amount of money skiffy will likely stick them for?) then i can see them deciding whether or not to sign her for s5.

                            yeah, the movies are SG1, and maybe mgm is blowing some smoke aobut a continuing movie series but...this aint star trek. IMHO, it'll never happen. Atlantis is the true future of the franchise because it will reach a far larger audience than any series of dvd movies. and that interest will be used when/if Universe is made and will be used to prove to thier new distributer that yes, Universe will make them money
                            Where in the World is George Hammond?



                              It depends what you consider big advertising. I think what is likely is not TV and radio spots, but advertising in TV and sci-fi magazines, making sure the magazines get review copies, making the actors available for interviews, in-store, point of sale advertising, MGM/Stargate promotions (buy one, get one half price), and sweetening up some of the larger stores to add the DVD to their "out this week" media advertising.
                              It won't require big screaming commercials to make sure the average person knows it exists.

                              I still don't think there will be a series of DVDs though. It feels like an interim measure until they can get their ducks in a row for the next part of the franchise.


                                Originally posted by AGateFan View Post
                                BTW, I am supposed to clue them in on when they come out as at least one of them is thinking he may want to rent it. Although, again, I dont see blockbuster or the other local shops running out to stock this title and I dont see my co-worker paying to own the DVD as he is generally not that happy with this season. Suprisingly he didnt even like Talion and hes a teal'c fan.... note that he was also a Frasier and Beckett fan though so hes kind of bitter.
                                I was thinking along these lines ("who's going to pay money for these things"). Then I was browsing iTunes and saw that Stargate "Dominion" was #2 on the sales lists (at $1.99 a pop) only a few days after people could've seen it free.

                                Something tells me people will be plunking money down for the movies. The real question is how many and whether the revenue will justify a further order.

                                No doubt there are disgruntled fans, but the question is whether they make the difference between profit and loss. There are apparently a lot of happy fans too.

