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S10: Critique & Contemplation

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    Originally posted by Snowman37 View Post
    As I've said, I wouldn't have minded Mitchell taking the reigns from Carter if he'd had a different back story. Why couldn't he have simply been transfered to SG-1 from another SG team? Yeah, there's the issue of the viewers having never seen him before. However, it's not like the show never introduced an SGC character whom the team knew but the viewer had never heard of before.
    If you had a situation where Sam was transferred for a valid reason - one suggestion many moons ago was that she could have been at Area 51 to work on the design for a ship that she was intended to command, a project that fell by the wayside when the Ori reared their ugly heads - and full Colonel Mitchell, who had been in command of SG-Pick-A-Number for the past several years, was given command of SG-1, I think that people would have understood why he remained in command, although they'd have needed to have it made very clear that Sam's return to the SGC was temporary. It still would have sucked to have her lose command but it would have made some sense storywise.

    Putting somebody who had never seen the stargate in command of the flagship team (also known as the team most likely to run into trouble offworld) was terrible however you slice it, especially when you remember the intensive training undergone by, and the high standards expected of, Lieutenants who were aiming to earn a place on an SG team where they would have three (presumably) experienced teammates to learn from.
    Last edited by ReganX; 09 April 2012, 03:14 PM.

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      Originally posted by Snowman37 View Post
      Source? I always assumed they simply had a more mature production team back in the day. It seemed like when RDA left the show (he doubled as an executive producer), the quality of the show dipped such as Mitchell's back story, the addition of Vala, and so on. Granted, I like Vala, but a she doesn't seem to be as well received as I would have expected.
      At the time of the auditions for SG1, there were other women being considered for the role of Sam Carter. The network wanted one of them that had the appearance of the not-so-bright, but blond, big bust that they thought would be just wonderful for the part. Brad Wright had seen Amanda's work and wanted her for the part, and actually fought to have her be chosen to play the part. And he won!

      It's been discussed in prior threads a lot and I'm not going to go find them. You can always look for it yourself if you really want to see it. Amanda has talked about it at cons, as well.

      As for Vala, had they presented her more like she behaved when with Tomin, I might have liked her more than I do. Claudia has a lot of talent, and seems able to do portray lots of different characters.


        Originally posted by hedwig View Post
        As for Vala, had they presented her more like she behaved when with Tomin, I might have liked her more than I do. Claudia has a lot of talent, and seems able to do portray lots of different characters.
        Claudia did very well when she was given halfway decent material to work with, and Vala was an enjoyable character when she wasn't half of Vaniel. I was very pleasantly surprised by the difference. There was a lot of potential to be mined in her character, potential that I think Claudia could have done a great job of realising, but they didn't take advantage of it.

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          Originally posted by Snowman37 View Post
          It is valid, it's why Michael Shanks left the show for a year. He only agreed to return when the producers agreed to give his character more focus, akin to the early seasons. That's why Jackson shifted away from archaeology towards being the resident expert on the Ancients and the Ascended.
          Because *MS* felt he wasn't getting enough focus. Even Coop pointed out that he got some of his best stories when he was being so neglected...

          At least Teal'c wasn't promoted and then demoted.
          Technically Sam wasn't demoted (in rank) but I consider it a demotion too.
          Mourning Sanctuary.
          Thanks for the good times!


            Originally posted by Snowman37 View Post
            Source? I always assumed they simply had a more mature production team back in the day. It seemed like when RDA left the show (he doubled as an executive producer), the quality of the show dipped such as Mitchell's back story, the addition of Vala, and so on. Granted, I like Vala, but a she doesn't seem to be as well received as I would have expected.

            If I feel like looking I will, but in an interview Amanda said that she was in tears when they were doing wardrobe and they put her in a skimpy top.
            Mourning Sanctuary.
            Thanks for the good times!


              Originally posted by Snowman37 View Post
              It is valid, it's why Michael Shanks left the show for a year. He only agreed to return when the producers agreed to give his character more focus, akin to the early seasons. That's why Jackson shifted away from archaeology towards being the resident expert on the Ancients and the Ascended.
              I stand by my comment that the remark about lack of Daniel eps in S4&5 being invalid. Just because MS left the show because he personally thought he wasn't getting enough attention does not mean he wasn't getting enough attention. In fact, he got more attention than most of the rest of the cast. Apparently that wasn't good enough for him. 4-5 episodes in one season with the focus on him is certainly a lot of attention. And approx. the same number in the next season. Especially when you have four stars for which episodes get divided so that there's at least an attempt to give them each an equal number. What did he want anyway? Half or all of the episodes focussed on him. He may be the reason lots of people watched the show, but it certainly wasn't mine. And btw, I do like Michael Shanks. But I wasn't watching the show because of him.


                Originally posted by suse View Post
                If I feel like looking I will, but in an interview Amanda said that she was in tears when they were doing wardrobe and they put her in a skimpy top.
                That was the first season, I believe. Early in the season even.


                  Originally posted by suse View Post
                  Because *MS* felt he wasn't getting enough focus.
                  MS apparently signed on expecting that Daniel and Jack would be the central focus of the show. In a show with four lead characters, four or five character-centric episodes per season is a lot, but perhaps not if one expected to be one of two leads while the others were supporting characters playing a significantly smaller role. However, by his own admission, MS was the one who made assumptions about the role Daniel would have rather than being told that he would be one of two leads.

                  "Taking the responsibility for his departure firmly on his own shoulders, Shanks declares: “I think my naivety on the whole issue when I first started on the show was that I’d watched the original Stargate movie and saw where Daniel Jackson went in that. Then, when I was offered the character, especially after reading the pilot. where Daniel has a heavy port, I assumed that it was going to be more a type of ‘buddy’ show, I knew the other characters would be involved as well, but I thought that the Daniel/Jack relationship would be the central focus. That's why I signed on to do it. Plus I liked the character and only saw his development based on the original blueprint. I couldn’t and still don't see it from any other point of view.”
                  - MICHAEL SHANKS Dreamwatch #88 interview with Thomasina Gibson
                  Last edited by ReganX; 09 April 2012, 04:30 PM.

                  Sig courtesy of RepliCartertje


                    I've always had the personal theory that the whole 'co-star' meltdown began with the s3 finale. MS had appendicitis and had to be written out at the last moment....and apparently was quite easily written out.

                    Then comes s4 and the focus on Sam and Jack...a focus that could only feed into a growing insecurity. The more insecure and sensitive to an issue a person gets, the more they notice things and the whole feeling just spun out of control. As MS felt more and more unhappy it showed in his performances, which could have led to him being given less and less to do and it all became a self-fulfilling prophecy. He psyched himself out to the point that he made his fears reality.

                    When time for s6 came up and you had producers that were and had been growing increasingly aware of his unhappiness, when it came time to discuss and bargain I'm willing to bet that things were said that were later regretted and they parted ways.

                    As to Cameron....he was doomed from the get go. He had to be the 'man in charge' because 'anyone' knows that the male lead MUST be in command and can't be bossed around by a *gasp* girl. Yet they also wanted him to be the new face of youthful enthusiasm since Daniel had grown beyond that role. He had to be old enough to be in command, but not too old to have that youthful appeal. He was an oxymoron. A mess of contradictions. They tried to make him too much and ended up making him a mess...and then after a few episodes Cam seemed to be little more than the writers' whumping boy as the new guy was robbed of even having a storyline of his own (once the Solon? were killed off)

                    IMHO Cam was there to keep skiffy happy and once they got him there he was just a placeholder as Coop and co kinda hoped that skiffy didn't notice that their new 'white male action hero' really didn't do anything but get beaten up.
                    Where in the World is George Hammond?



                      Originally posted by Skydiver View Post
                      I've always had the personal theory that the whole 'co-star' meltdown began with the s3 finale. MS had appendicitis and had to be written out at the last moment....and apparently was quite easily written out.
                      Even in a show with one definite lead - ie. House - you're still much better off if you can manage if somebody needs to be away for a few episodes. That way, production doesn't have to grind to a halt if somebody is sick, injured, pregnant, etc. Lucy Lawless fractured her pelvis while they were filming Season Two of Xena and they managed to cope with her absence. Given Daniel's established areas of expertise, he could be written out of some storylines more easily than others but that's an advantage if something goes wrong.

                      As to Cameron....he was doomed from the get go. He had to be the 'man in charge' because 'anyone' knows that the male lead MUST be in command and can't be bossed around by a *gasp* girl. Yet they also wanted him to be the new face of youthful enthusiasm since Daniel had grown beyond that role. He had to be old enough to be in command, but not too old to have that youthful appeal. He was an oxymoron. A mess of contradictions. They tried to make him too much and ended up making him a mess...and then after a few episodes Cam seemed to be little more than the writers' whumping boy as the new guy was robbed of even having a storyline of his own (once the Solon? were killed off)
                      He didn't have a chance because they didn't let him be a new character, as Major Mitchell could have been. He was a replacement, the stock character Male Hero. They seem to have wanted him to fulfil the role that Jack did in the early seasons, even though both the show and the team had evolved since then, but instead of giving him a background that would make him a credible leader, and then working in issues that he might have, it was all new to him and he was inexperienced and impulsive in a way that would have worked for a junior officer but not for a team leader.

                      Sig courtesy of RepliCartertje


                        Originally posted by Skydiver View Post
                        I've always had the personal theory that the whole 'co-star' meltdown began with the s3 finale. MS had appendicitis and had to be written out at the last moment....and apparently was quite easily written out.

                        Then comes s4 and the focus on Sam and Jack...a focus that could only feed into a growing insecurity. The more insecure and sensitive to an issue a person gets, the more they notice things and the whole feeling just spun out of control. As MS felt more and more unhappy it showed in his performances, which could have led to him being given less and less to do and it all became a self-fulfilling prophecy. He psyched himself out to the point that he made his fears reality.

                        When time for s6 came up and you had producers that were and had been growing increasingly aware of his unhappiness, when it came time to discuss and bargain I'm willing to bet that things were said that were later regretted and they parted ways.

                        As to Cameron....he was doomed from the get go. He had to be the 'man in charge' because 'anyone' knows that the male lead MUST be in command and can't be bossed around by a *gasp* girl. Yet they also wanted him to be the new face of youthful enthusiasm since Daniel had grown beyond that role. He had to be old enough to be in command, but not too old to have that youthful appeal. He was an oxymoron. A mess of contradictions. They tried to make him too much and ended up making him a mess...and then after a few episodes Cam seemed to be little more than the writers' whumping boy as the new guy was robbed of even having a storyline of his own (once the Solon? were killed off)

                        IMHO Cam was there to keep skiffy happy and once they got him there he was just a placeholder as Coop and co kinda hoped that skiffy didn't notice that their new 'white male action hero' really didn't do anything but get beaten up.

                        TPTB - I think Joe M at least, thought more might have said it - said that it took a while for the writers to remember that they weren't trying to write around RDA any more, they had a full time leading man. I think that's when the Sodan/Solan/whatever story was repurposed to be a a Mitchell story. It started out a Teal'c one.
                        Mourning Sanctuary.
                        Thanks for the good times!


                          Wow, this thread suddenly came back to life..

                          Originally posted by poundpuppy29 View Post
                          He obviously knew about SG-1 he flew 302s so he knew of the SG program. I don't see how he was so wrong for the job
                          At the time Mitchell was given command of SG-1, he had no gate travel experience and no ground combat experience. As far as viewers knew the last time he'd done ground maneuvers, or even handled a machine gun, was in basic training.

                          Now to me, giving him command of SG-1 was akin to say, taking Reynolds (or Dixon) and making him leader of an 302 squadron. Sure he knows about the 302s and has command experience, but as far as we know he has no piloting experience whatsoever. I'd also question giving even Carter command of a 302 squad, since we've only seen her fly one a couple of times and never in combat.

                          If the writers had made Mitchell a leader of another SG unit or even just XO of another unit (maybe heroically wounded in the Heroes firefight if they had to have the comeback from injury storyline), I'd have had no issue with him taking command of SG-1.

                          Originally posted by Crazedwraith View Post
                          Wuh? This bit is interesting. Is anyone on the record saying tptb wanted carter to wear skimpier outfits and were foiled by Tapping? It's the first time I've heard something like that and I'd find it hard to believe. Especially in early days of SG-1, I wouldn't think she had that much pull with them.
                          AT mentioned in an interview (and I think a DragonCon panel) last year that at her first costume fitting after she was cast the producers wanted her to put on a push-up bra and tank-top, which she refused to do. It turned out it was either MGM or Showtime execs who wanted that, not the Bridge guys, and Wright/Glassner assured her she'd wear normal military clothing.



                            So many things to respond to let me start here

                            I would have been fine with someone like Reynolds, Dixon or Ferretti taking over if it hadn't been for Sam's promotion to Lt Col in season 8. It is simply ridiculous to have a Lt Col be second-in-command of a team, although admittedly it's even worse to have two lieutenant colonels share said command. Considering Sam is, next to Jack the best qualified soldier and has the most off-world experience it would only be natural for her to resume command.
                            As I said earlier RDA left so they had to find a new lead because AT nor MS carried a show before BB has and I think they needed new blood and the people you suggested did not did carry a show there is your first flaw. The second flaw in your argument Sam was not just a soldier if she was you would have an argument she was a scientist too that's why having a command at area 51 was the best of both worlds for Sam the character and once she left the command of SG-1 they had to fill it and IMHO she was going into the next phase of her life before she was dragged back and just because she came back doesn't mean she gets command back the position was filled the choice was made again it is not all about Sam this seems to be a hard for some to accept that it is not all about Sam.

                            What really bothers me though is the introduction of Mitchell. Back when season nine premiered in my country there really wasn't much of anything regarding spoilers (all of the major changes in SG-1 were complete surprises for me and others like me) so I was stupefied and wondering what the hell had happened since the last episode a few months before! I even thought I had the wrong show at first! And it only became more ridiculous the longer I watched, with everyone in the control room talking about Mitchell as if he was some kind of legend even though I'd never even heard his name before! Not to mention that those guys have seen a hell of a lot more courageous/heroic things at the SGC over the years, considering the foothold situations etc they were probably involved in a lot of them. Still, they were mightily impressed by this guy who'd crashed his expensive F302, killing his copilot and nearly disabling himself for life.
                            I don't think it was a bad introduction considering we have never met him before but I get the feeling it was all about Sam & Jack for you and nothing would made you happy unless Sam & Jack were front and center.

                            Then, when everything was finally explained Daniel, of all people at the SGC, says he knows they (SG-1, I assume) owe Mitchell for what he did. Eh, excuse me? Who saved this planet over and over again? Who actually risked his sanity and his life by downloading the Ancient Repository in his mind, using the chair in the outpost etc... who has died over and over again throughout the years and chose to descend (after being an ascended being for about a year) because he felt he could help more (and did) as a normal human being, working with his friends? Who was instrumental in freeing the Jaffa so they could start their own nation. Who killed all those Goa'uld? Who was responsible for destroying the Replicators? Who saved the Asgard? Who got Earth to become a protected planet? I could go on, but I think you catch my drift...

                            It was just preposterous and mind blowingly ridiculous.
                            again they are introducing a new lead so they have to make him important RDA is gone something I think you were unwilling to accept that is the impression I get

                            I also think the season premiere suffered from the introduction of too many new characters at once. First we find out Jack's gone, Sam's been transferred, Teal'c is on Dakara and this new Mitchell fellow wants to be on SG-1 (which totally reminded me of that Russian guy in Lockdown only the outcome was less, eh, favorable). Okay, that's all very shocking but if that flyboy's introduction had been handled better and far less ridiculous then it could have worked.
                            That may be true that there were alot of new characters but there were lots of spaces that needed to be filled and now they had the money to fill them RDA was gone and they had more money

                            But then there's this other guy, the new base commander. Landry is his name and apparently he's this old pal of Jack's and perfect for the job, even though he has absolutely no experience whatsoever with the SGC. But apparently that's not an issue anymore since this season, so I don't know why I even bother to mention it. Anyway, I'm sure Jack had probably suffered temporary amnesia or something back in New Order from the stasis thing when he couldn't think of anyone experienced or good enough to take command of SGC, even though he didn't really want it himself. Luckily for us, he was able to recall his old pal Hank by the time Hammond wanted to retire from HWS and Jack had to go there. Ah good thing Jack had that year of command to remember that good and very capable friend of his!
                            I thought Landry was a good General and was a better General than Jack to be honest and RDA was gone they had to fill the position I thought they did the best they could under the circumstances. You can't expect to know everyone Jack knows lets be reasonable here

                            Then, apparently the SGC was also in need of a new CMO. Obviously Doctor Brightman wasn't good enough anymore, or maybe she was transferred (because who wouldn't want to leave such an amazing job, right?). Or maybe, you know with her being a woman and all, she wanted - shock horror - a baby and had to go on maternity leave! Well, someone should have probably told her that women don't get their jobs back when they go on maternity leave at the SGC! How dare they get pregnant and get temporarily reassigned! Still, they took a chance and got another female CMO, Lam. Because, you know, women are that much better doctors. No way that Warner could have ever become the CMO. Ha, that old guy? No siree, only young, attractive women get the gig - until they get killed/written off, of course. Anyway, so now we have this new gal, Carolyn Lam, from the CDC who has this mysterious thing going on with Landry. Hmm, well I'm sure we were all supposed to think they'd had a thing way back when (although not too long ago because she's far too young, not that her age stopped her from becoming an accomplished CMO of course) but it was just ridiculous. Like anyone from her caliber would date a guy like Landry... After a while we find out she's actually his daughter! What, I'm sure no one saw that coming... A very juvenile plot twist I'd roll my eyes at if it was in a fanfic. Of course, that also gives her this sense of entitlement that she can just go against him whenever she feels like it, disrespecting him and dissing him because Daddy wasn't around much when she was growing up. Boohoo. Grow up woman and act your age...
                            I really don't understand your anger is the the only Father Daughter relationship allowed in SG-1 Sam & Jacob in your world. I liked Lam I liked her edginess she was interesting.

                            Oh and of course, there was Vala. The oversexed alien spacebabe, whose mind was also stuck somewhere in her teenage years (hey, maybe she and Lam could be BFFs). TPTB must have been oh so pleased to finally have a recurring (and later on regular) female character they could undress in skimpy outfits and act like the team/base slut. All willingly of course. Gosh, and it only took them nine years to get her! If only Amanda Tapping had been more cooperative in the beginning, but noooooo she just had to refuse wearing things like that and insisted on dressing the same like the guys because she was a strong military woman. Well, they didn't make that mistake again! Nope, Vala would be excellent because she's not military and already showed what a tremendously variable IQ and fabulous clothing style she has in Prometheus Unbound. Of course, later on Vala could do basically anything; translate obscure dialects and languages, just like Daniel. She could kick ass, get alien technology to work, was capable at picking locks and she was sexy! She was also an alien, obviously. So, really, one must wonder what Daniel, Sam and Teal'c were still doing on SG-1. Oh and she could also fly anything, eh... that could fly, so she wouldn't need Mitchell the amazing F302 pilot either! Maybe they should have renamed it SG-Vala?
                            I really don't understand your anger I loved Vala she was more than just a sexy alien to me. I saw her as a complicated woman who was colorful or since you clearly see things as black and white she was shades of grey. Not all women in the SGC have to be just like Sam and just so you know AT and CB wanted more scenes together and AT didn't want them to be rivals that's why Joe Mallozzi wrote those scenes in Family Ties with them together. If it is not between the actors nor the characters what's the point of having all that anger towards CB/Vala.

                            I will pick this up tomorrow I used all of my library time on one one post
                            Last edited by poundpuppy29; 10 April 2012, 04:09 PM.
                            My Favorite Scifi/Fantasy T.V. Shows, Movies, Franchises, My Sports Teams & My Fav Sitcom
                            poundpuppy29 AKA Erika = Astrology Nut, Scifi-Fantasy Junkie & Massachusetts Girl


                              Originally posted by poundpuppy29 View Post
                              again it is not all about Sam this seems to be a hard for some to accept that it is not all about Sam.
                              Once again, nobody has claimed it is all about Sam. We've been discussing the way Mitchell was introduced and how badly he was introduced. Nobody is claiming anything about it all being about Sam. But since we're on the subject, you seem to have quite a thing against Sam, else why would you keep harping on that issue?

                              I don't think it was a bad introduction considering we have never met him before but I get the feeling it was all about Sam & Jack for you and nothing would made you happy unless Sam & Jack were front and center.

                              again they are introducing a new lead so they have to make him important RDA is gone something I think you were unwilling to accept that is the impression I get.
                              The impression I get is that you quite refuse to accept any argument but your own, and yet are more than willing to criticize everyone else when they've more than reasonably explained their views, but you keep repeating your same argument over and over and over again.

                              I thought Landry was a good General and was a better General than Jack to be honest and RDA was gone they had to fill the position I thought they did the best they could under the circumstances. You can't expect to know everyone Jack knows lets be reasonable here.
                              You are certainly entitled to your opinion about Landry. But he was not better than Jack by a long shot. He made very poor decisions in the time he was at the SGC. Personally, my opinion is that Hammond was the best commander, with Jack second and Landry a rather poor third (even though I liked Landry). But, to each his own. We'll just have to agree to disagree on that and most of these other issues, since you aren't going to convince anyone (apparently) of your arguments, and you refuse to even consider that anyone else might have a better argument.

                              I really don't understand your anger is the the only Father Daughter relationship allowed in SG-1 Sam & Jacob in your world. I liked Lam I liked her edginess she was interesting.
                              You seem to have a need to keep bringing up issues with Sam or Sam/Jacob or Sam/Jack. Apparently you are the one with the issues about Sam.

                              I really don't understand your anger I loved Vala she was more than just a sexy alien to me. I saw her as a complicated woman who was colorful or since you clearly see things as black and white she was shades of grey. Not all women in the SGC have to be just like Sam and just so you know AT and CB wanted more scenes together and AT didn't want them to be rivals that's why Joe Mallozzi wrote those scenes in Family Ties with them together. If it is not between the actors nor the characters what's the point of having all that anger towards CB/Vala.
                              Nobody is claiming there was a rivalry between AT and CB, so why bring it up. I'm pretty sure most of us are aware that the two women did not want their characters to be rivals and that they wanted more screen time together. Like it or not, you don't have much of an argument with this comment.

                              Ultimately, you aren't going to agree with or even consider that somebody else may have a better argument or opinion than yours. And apparently (from what I've read), not many people here consider your arguments to be in the least bit persuasive. So, the appropriate thing to do here most likely is just agree to disagree and drop it and move on to some other topic, since this one has been beaten to death, resurrected, and beaten to death again, and then probably burned at the stake for good measure.

                              I will pick this up tomorrow I used all of my library time on one one post


                                Originally posted by poundpuppy29 View Post
                                As I said earlier RDA left so they had to find a new lead because AT nor MS carried a show before BB has and I think they needed new blood and the people you suggested did not did carry a show there is your first flaw. The second flaw in your argument Sam was not just a soldier if she was you would have an argument she was a scientist too that's why having a command at area 51 was the best of both worlds for Sam the character and once she left the command of SG-1 they had to fill it and IMHO she was going into the next phase of her life before she was dragged back and just because she came back doesn't mean she gets command back the position was filled the choice was made again it is not all about Sam this seems to be a hard for some to accept that it is not all about Sam.
                                Nope, not all about Sam at all. However, when the character lead the team - and whether you think it was a good idea or not she *was* commander of SG-1 - being on the team as not the leader was not cool. What many on this thread have pointed out time and time again, recently and not so recently is that we could have taken Mitchell as lead had they given him the proper credentials and training. Instead we got a mess of contradictions and Sam moved (by TPTB, as a character on a show she certainly didn't decide *on her own* to move to Area 51) to make room for the Lead Male Action Hero to be the leader of the team.

                                I don't think it was a bad introduction considering we have never met him before but I get the feeling it was all about Sam & Jack for you and nothing would made you happy unless Sam & Jack were front and center.
                                Just because someone is a fan of / it does not mean they need it to be the whole show.

                                again they are introducing a new lead so they have to make him important RDA is gone something I think you were unwilling to accept that is the impression I get
                                Again, you'll find many reasoned posts (a few from Hedwig, IIRC) on this thread that point out that it's not that RDA was gone - most were happy for him getting to spend more time with his daughter and were looking forward to stories that weren't bent around his availability it was the introduction/backstory of Cameron Mitchell that left a bad taste.

                                I thought Landry was a good General and was a better General than Jack to be honest and RDA was gone they had to fill the position I thought they did the best they could under the circumstances. You can't expect to know everyone Jack knows lets be reasonable here
                                I agree about us not knowing about Landry isn't an issue. Having Landry at his bratty daughter work in the same command structure? No. Landry a good general? Really? He openly insinuates (the were in a hallway!) that Sam is a pedophile - along with the bratty daughter, they found it very amusing (Fourth Horseman Pt 1). He ignored the maker of a weapon's recommentations and goes with Vala's assertation that they will be fine (Line In The Sand) with an untested weapon. First bad decision: handing over a stack of "pre-screened" personnel folders for what might be good SG=1 members. All were idiots in one way or another. (Avalon 1 or 2, I think). He didn't secure the base computers against Sam's code when Baal was loose and had Sam hostage. That is protocol, period. She was compromised. (Insiders). Need I go on?

                                I really don't understand your anger is the the only Father Daughter relationship allowed in SG-1 Sam & Jacob in your world. I liked Lam I liked her edginess she was interesting.
                                Already remarked upon, I agree 100% with Hedwig

                                I really don't understand your anger I loved Vala she was more than just a sexy alien to me. I saw her as a complicated woman who was colorful or since you clearly see things as black and white she was shades of grey. Not all women in the SGC have to be just like Sam and just so you know AT and CB wanted more scenes together and AT didn't want them to be rivals that's why Joe Mallozzi wrote those scenes in Family Ties with them together. If it is not between the actors nor the characters what's the point of having all that anger towards CB/Vala.
                                I like shades of gray. I don't like the way Vala was written in S9 and chunks of S10. What you call sexy I call a sexually harassing (most eps), "whorelette" (Claudia's term for Vala; The Ties That Bind) who was willing to enslave a planet (The Powers That Be) for profit. She sent people into the mines to die to line her pockets, not to improve their lives. She carried a hair dryer on an offworld mission. What is the show, Spaceballs? She grew up offworld, was there an outlet for her to use? I do have to admit she was the best part of the ep "Bounty". But I didn't think of that as an SG-1 ep. <<shrug>> I feel it was bad writing. She could have been so much more. She didn't have to be Sam. She could been conflicted and showed depth without being Sam. Instead, for the most part she was played for laughs. Because SG-1 was a comedy and I just missed the memo. Silly me.

                                <<ending my participation in this with this post>>
                                Mourning Sanctuary.
                                Thanks for the good times!

