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S10: Critique & Contemplation

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    Originally posted by RealmOfX View Post
    LOL I too used to be a complete set weirdo!! Unfortunately or fortunately (depending on how you look at it) Stargate Command seriously broke me of that habit. Now my criteria for purchasing something is "Will I watch it again?" and if the answer is no then it don't get bought.

    My Stargate: SG-1 collection ends at Season 8

    I'm going to check out the next movie, just like I did for AoT and if it passes the repeat watchability test then I'll buy it.

    Star Trek fiction books cured me of that. Egads they got really bad for a while. And now... they are continuing stories that use characters I don't know or care about and also often cross shows. No Way. Meh.

    I thought B5 cured me of getting the whole DVD series. Apparently not. I found S5 at a great deal and bought it. I'm hoping my frustration with who was chosen to play Lockley (would Stephanie Beecham have kicked butt in that role - minus the hokey ex-wife bit) has been tempered.

    SG-1 ownership ends with S8 for me too. What a shock (not!) considering how many posts I have on this thread. Stargate Command is not good for my blood pressure.

    Mourning Sanctuary.
    Thanks for the good times!


      Originally posted by Nolamom View Post
      Funny - my boxed sets of sg:1 end at season 8 too. I wonder why? /sarcasm
      Im another with the special edition S1-S8 box set.

      HEY S5 of B5 have some good eps once you get past the crappy Byron stuff....and Lockey is put in the background more (as a newbie should be).
      Joseph Mallozzi -"In the meantime, I'm into season 5 of OZ (where the show takes an unfortunate hairpin turn into "the not so wonderful world of fantasy")"

      ^^^ Kinda sounds like seasons 9 and 10 of SG-1 to me. Thor, ya got Aspirin?

      AGateFan has officially Gone Fishin (with Jack, Sam, Daniel, Teal'c) and is hoping Atlantis does not take that same hairpin turn.


        Originally posted by RealmOfX View Post
        LOL I too used to be a complete set weirdo!! Unfortunately or fortunately (depending on how you look at it) Stargate Command seriously broke me of that habit. Now my criteria for purchasing something is "Will I watch it again?" and if the answer is no then it don't get bought.

        My Stargate: SG-1 collection ends at Season 8

        I'm going to check out the next movie, just like I did for AoT and if it passes the repeat watchability test then I'll buy it.
        Heh, by the time I get around to buying the seasons, there may not be much of anything left on regular tv that's actually "watchable" and S9 and 10 might actually be looking halfway desirable.

        It'll be a while before I get to that point and have to make that decision....
        IMO always implied.


          When I was in the hospital last weekend, I only had season one of B5. I really need to getthe rest. I enjoyed most of that series a lot. At least JMS had an overarching point of view for some overall cohesiveness.


            Ooo, yes. That's another one of the tv shows on my list of must haves. Eventually. I'll probably get it before Stargate.
            IMO always implied.


              Originally posted by suse View Post
              Star Trek fiction books cured me of that. Egads they got really bad for a while. And now... they are continuing stories that use characters I don't know or care about and also often cross shows. No Way. Meh.
              Titan makes me shudder.

              I had the same sort of response to the Star Wars EU novels. My Star Wars EU universe stops right before Vector Prime. *insert strongly worded questioning of the story planners' heritage with a caveat that I don't blame Salvatore, just the masterminds*

              Strictly speaking, I did read through two thirds of Star by Star, but after that, I don't consider anything Vector Prime or later to be canon. The idiots caught the "shake things up" bug.
              Originally posted by suse View Post
              SG-1 ownership ends with S8 for me too.
              Ditto, go figure. Now that my little sister is hooked, I've been letting her borrow our seasons on DVD. I love my sister, which is why I'm not getting S9 and S10 for her.
              Tilting windmills since... well... too long ago to remember...


              My portfolio and repository:


                Isn't it telling that they even changed the packaging of the DVDs with season nine?

                In memory of Deejay.
                May we all be so well loved.


                  Originally posted by scifithinker View Post
                  Isn't it telling that they even changed the packaging of the DVDs with season nine?
                  Meh. Anything to save a buck.

                  <<hugs her 'old style' packaging>>

                  Mourning Sanctuary.
                  Thanks for the good times!


                    I've finally watched the Barf of Truth and I could hardly keep my eyes open.

                    Boy, was it slooooow and boring.
                    The Bori stuff was a lot of nothing-ness, and the replicator stuff was the only thing that kept me half awake. I used to love the replicators in the show, but after Reckoning (parts 1 and 2), nothing could top that fun, and the Barf of Truth came nowhere near the excitement of those episodes.

                    The replicators seemed such a random thing to add to the film and seemed, to me, just to be filler to give Sam and Cam something to do. Actually, Sam had very little to do, being shut in a room in front of a computer. Cam was there to be our super-hero, and be shown off in a fight that went on faaaar too long.

                    Poor Teal'c was reduced to being part of a film on behalf of the British Columbia tourism agency.

                    Overall, I found the film to be slow and lacking any excitement.

                    Roll on Continuum. Surely it can only be better than the Barf of Truth!


                      Sad, but true. And I agree that
                      the fight went on toooo long.


                        Originally posted by dipsofjazz View Post
                        Poor Teal'c was reduced to being part of a film on behalf of the British Columbia tourism agency.[/spoilers]
                        Oh, but what a beautiful place BC is. With or without Teal'c

                        I used to live in the Pacific Northwest, but haven't been back in years. I miss it greatly.


                          Originally posted by dipsofjazz View Post
                          I've finally watched the Barf of Truth and I could hardly keep my eyes open.

                          Boy, was it slooooow and boring.
                          The Bori stuff was a lot of nothing-ness, and the replicator stuff was the only thing that kept me half awake. I used to love the replicators in the show, but after Reckoning (parts 1 and 2), nothing could top that fun, and the Barf of Truth came nowhere near the excitement of those episodes.

                          The replicators seemed such a random thing to add to the film and seemed, to me, just to be filler to give Sam and Cam something to do. Actually, Sam had very little to do, being shut in a room in front of a computer. Cam was there to be our super-hero, and be shown off in a fight that went on faaaar too long.

                          Poor Teal'c was reduced to being part of a film on behalf of the British Columbia tourism agency.

                          Overall, I found the film to be slow and lacking any excitement.

                          Roll on Continuum. Surely it can only be better than the Barf of Truth!
                          Originally posted by hisg1fans View Post
                          Oh, but what a beautiful place BC is. With or without Teal'c

                          I used to live in the Pacific Northwest, but haven't been back in years. I miss it greatly.
                          I noticed the scenery shots were nice. Too bad they had Teal'c dredging through it though.

                          yep, AoT was a snooze fest for me too.

                          I still have hope for continuum, just hope tptb didn't over do it special effects. In the trailer seems like a bit much.
                          Grammar, Logic, Rhetoric.


                            There is a thread in one of the off topic forums. I want to answer the question but would probably just annoy people if I actually dared to answer it in that thread, so I will answer it here (and no I didnt bother reading the thread yet)

                            "what's sorta, kinda, like sg1?"
                            Before S9, very little is like it. I may compare it to an Indiana Jones as it is an action adventure with humor but some serious undertones.

                            S9-S10, pretty much any cliche scifi show. After S9 it became pretty standardized cliche scifi that has been done by dozens of shows throughout the years. Cleopatra 2525 comes to mind often when I think S9-S10... certainly the later seasons of Andromeda compare and that show (which was never really very good) took the same bizzar turn into a completely different show in its later season.

                            EDIT: After reading the responses in the thread I agree that S9-S10 are very much like Farscape, even having criminals and enduendo and women objectified and everyone in leather. But Farscape and the earlier seasons of SG-1 are quite different. One being an Avant Guard type with standard scifi theme and the other being more grounded workman like and with a different angle on scifi (being in the here and now and the goodguys not having any ships......."we have a...shuttle"... B5 would be a better comparison, but its an ARC based show and SG-1 is episodic so not so close after all.)
                            Last edited by AGateFan; 02 May 2008, 06:04 PM.
                            Joseph Mallozzi -"In the meantime, I'm into season 5 of OZ (where the show takes an unfortunate hairpin turn into "the not so wonderful world of fantasy")"

                            ^^^ Kinda sounds like seasons 9 and 10 of SG-1 to me. Thor, ya got Aspirin?

                            AGateFan has officially Gone Fishin (with Jack, Sam, Daniel, Teal'c) and is hoping Atlantis does not take that same hairpin turn.


                              I have to agree... I found S9-10 a lot more like Farscape. Especially given how much of it took place on ships and that poor round, spinny thing just collected dust in the background (for the most part) ...


                                Originally posted by JessM View Post
                                I have to agree... I found S9-10 a lot more like Farscape. Especially given how much of it took place on ships and that poor round, spinny thing just collected dust in the background (for the most part) ...
                                Too bad for TPTB that I never really liked Farscape...

