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S10: Critique & Contemplation

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    i think sam's reassignment to area 51 wasn't anything was a quick 'dang, ok, how do we explain where she is????' response.

    notice that sam's time at area 51 has had ZERO effect on the overall plot. she's never referred to connections there. nor have we ever run across 'yeah, we worked together on....'

    I think that it was just an off handed remark to explain her absence, and likely something that was thought up relatively late, or sam's time at area 51 would have had some 'pay off' during s9 at some point.
    Where in the World is George Hammond?



      sam's 51 crap was done on purpose. JM basically explain it as..."after season 8 the team all went on with their lives and perused different interest." to me that says..."we purposely broke up the team and gave them dumb reason not to have them separated so Cambo can ride in on a white horse and put them back together like our little hewo."

      tptb never put much thought into Sam's reason to leave the team.

      Daniel: on his way to atlantis, feasible.

      Teal'c: building the free nation of Jaffa, possible.

      Sam: Area 51, why on Earth would she want to work there?

      Heck, they might as well have had her married with a kid in Washington!

      tptb knew long before hand that their would be a squawk about her "co-leading" for that was put in the script and filmed in season 9...if memory serves me. As I recall cambo spoke of the team without Vala..."both teal'c and Jackson are civilians. Sam and I are the same rank, I don't feel like anyone is in charge." then our confidant general landry replies, "so do I." (this is from memory...not exact quotes here guys.)

      tptb knew there would be an issue, made a half arse attempt to sooth it away by making "no one in charge" not even the general.

      tptb could have taken a far different approach, used Sam's absence to their advantage along with RDA's retirement. Could have given RDA more than a minute of screen time in the season opener...but that would have required actual writing.

      the season opener of 9 failed to:

      give logical explanations for Sam and Jack's absence.
      establish the new general as believable character.
      establish the new doctor as a character that could fill Janet's shoes. (they have yet to fill anyone shoes.)

      establish a history for Mitchell that would be in cannon and with in regulations. With his character age of 36 he couldn't be more than a lt.colonel....that is his top rank for the years in the air force. He could have been established as a Major with no real thought though.

      Establish Mitchell as someone who is an adult, actual officer material, no whining, crying, stomping feet till he gets his way.

      establish mitchell as SG-1 material.

      Give Mitchell a realistic personality. He was a bit flaky in the opener, not to mention too naive.

      tptb failed to establish a believable reason for Vala to even be there.

      tptb failed to establish Daniel as Daniel but deliberately changed him to Action Jackson.

      tptb failed to establish Teal'c motive for returning to the sgc after trying very hard to set forth a new nation.

      just failed on sooo many levels.
      Grammar, Logic, Rhetoric.


        tptb knew long before hand that their would be a squawk about her "co-leading" for that was put in the script and filmed in season 9...if memory serves me. As I recall cambo spoke of the team without Vala..."both teal'c and Jackson are civilians. Sam and I are the same rank, I don't feel like anyone is in charge." then our confidant general landry replies, "so do I." (this is from memory...not exact quotes here guys.)
        Actually, that was done in season 10, in uninvited, and it was done then in an attempt to address the issues fans had and have with 'green officer leading experienced officer'

        they made mitch an impossiblle conundrumn

        had to be young, had to be experienced, had to be cool, had to be adventurous, had to be a leader, had to be a rogue.

        in focusing on the young, they made it impossible for him to be a full colonel. yet they couldn't have their leading male told what to do by a WOMAN!!!!, thus we get the cheesiness of 'co-leaders'

        i think the writers knew that some fans would not take sam submissive yet again yet they had to have mitch as the boss, but he was too young to be a ful bird, and that'd really be a mimick of jack.

        so co-leaders was a bad compromise for a poorly conceived situation. tehy tried to have their cake and eat it too, and cam suffered for it, as did sam
        Where in the World is George Hammond?



          Originally posted by Skydiver View Post
          Actually, that was done in season 10, in uninvited, and it was done then in an attempt to address the issues fans had and have with 'green officer leading experienced officer'

          they made mitch an impossiblle conundrumn

          had to be young, had to be experienced, had to be cool, had to be adventurous, had to be a leader, had to be a rogue.

          in focusing on the young, they made it impossible for him to be a full colonel. yet they couldn't have their leading male told what to do by a WOMAN!!!!, thus we get the cheesiness of 'co-leaders'

          i think the writers knew that some fans would not take sam submissive yet again yet they had to have mitch as the boss, but he was too young to be a ful bird, and that'd really be a mimick of jack.

          so co-leaders was a bad compromise for a poorly conceived situation. tehy tried to have their cake and eat it too, and cam suffered for it, as did sam
          That's stupid! Major Mitchell would have worked so much better. And Sam just look how cool she was as commander of Atlantis in season 4. In fact having Cam be only a lowly Major would have partially explained his eagerness and his general gang-ho attitude...


            i agree

            but oddly enough, tptb didn't ask me
            Where in the World is George Hammond?



              Originally posted by Skydiver View Post
              i agree

              but oddly enough, tptb didn't ask me
              Do you think when Sam was written as leader of Atlantis it was TPTB way to acknowledge the mistake they made with her in S9-10?


                Originally posted by Skydiver View Post
                Actually, that was done in season 10, in uninvited, and it was done then in an attempt to address the issues fans had and have with 'green officer leading experienced officer'

                they made mitch an impossiblle conundrumn

                had to be young, had to be experienced, had to be cool, had to be adventurous, had to be a leader, had to be a rogue.

                in focusing on the young, they made it impossible for him to be a full colonel. yet they couldn't have their leading male told what to do by a WOMAN!!!!, thus we get the cheesiness of 'co-leaders'

                i think the writers knew that some fans would not take sam submissive yet again yet they had to have mitch as the boss, but he was too young to be a ful bird, and that'd really be a mimick of jack.

                so co-leaders was a bad compromise for a poorly conceived situation. tehy tried to have their cake and eat it too, and cam suffered for it, as did sam
                it was? Shows how much I care for stargate command, huh?
                Grammar, Logic, Rhetoric.


                  Thanks for the random compensatory greens, y'all. That's not what I was angling for, but thanks. I was mostly wondering if it's a violation of terms to wander into a thread that you know full well doesn't represent your views, then go about redding people for it. If nothing else, it just seems so... petty and ill-advised.

                  I've gotta stop expecting common sense, I guess.
                  Tilting windmills since... well... too long ago to remember...


                  My portfolio and repository:


                    Originally posted by Silverwings View Post
                    Thanks for the random compensatory greens, y'all. That's not what I was angling for, but thanks. I was mostly wondering if it's a violation of terms to wander into a thread that you know full well doesn't represent your views, then go about redding people for it. If nothing else, it just seems so... petty and ill-advised.

                    I've gotta stop expecting common sense, I guess.
                    It's an open forum, so unfortunately people will troll in to just red others, knowing full well they won't like what is said in the thread

                    but hey, you must be doing something right to earn your RED badge of courage

                    my fanfic


                      There was an episode in S9 (I think it was the one with Anubis's son) where SG1 step through the gate and Mitchell talks to the SGC starting with "this is SG1-leader". That reeled me beyond measure.
                      Sam lead the team for a year and was never really acknowledged as a leader. In S10 they tried to fix that, but IMO it was too little, too late, and it made no sence at all.


                        Originally posted by silly sally View Post
                        Do you think when Sam was written as leader of Atlantis it was TPTB way to acknowledge the mistake they made with her in S9-10?
                        no. I think sam was made leader of Atlantis because they needed someone to fill the job and Sam was an existing character played by an actor they liked.

                        same reason we're gettig woolsey

                        the one big difference... sam the character had the experience to lead a city while woolsey has rarely been played as anything but the burocratic buffoon
                        Where in the World is George Hammond?



                          Originally posted by Silverwings View Post
                          Thanks for the random compensatory greens, y'all. That's not what I was angling for, but thanks. I was mostly wondering if it's a violation of terms to wander into a thread that you know full well doesn't represent your views, then go about redding people for it. If nothing else, it just seems so... petty and ill-advised.

                          I've gotta stop expecting common sense, I guess.
                          No, but on an open forum it's expected. I consider those types of posters to be more trollish. They can't counter your post and be on subject on an anti thread so they retaliate with redding people. Kind of immature if you ask me. To counter abuse the reds aren't worth as much as it really doesn't mean anything.

                          Originally posted by jasminaGo View Post
                          There was an episode in S9 (I think it was the one with Anubis's son) where SG1 step through the gate and Mitchell talks to the SGC starting with "this is SG1-leader". That reeled me beyond measure.
                          Sam lead the team for a year and was never really acknowledged as a leader. In S10 they tried to fix that, but IMO it was too little, too late, and it made no sence at all.
                          and tptb made no real effort to establish Sam as SG-1 leader in season 8 to boot. She was in charge but much of season 8 was still Jack centered.

                          Come stargate command...sam was wallpapered beyond belief.
                          Grammar, Logic, Rhetoric.


                            Originally posted by atfan View Post
                            .... Teal'c not really doing much of anything either except when he got captured. The whole Sudan thing would have been really cool if Teal'c had experienced it a different kind of Jaffa not loyal to the Goa'uld but instead they ruined it by having Camshaft muck up first contact and then have to fight for his life. This may have been in season nine but I get the two mixed up sometimes.
                            Yes, the Sodan thing would have been a great opportunity for a TEal'c episode.


                              Originally posted by jckfan55 View Post
                              Yes, the Sodan thing would have been a great opportunity for a TEal'c episode.
                              I think it was originally supposed to be a Teal'c episode, but they decided...Hey let's give it to Mitchell

                              my fanfic


                                Originally posted by Mandysg1 View Post
                                I think it was originally supposed to be a Teal'c episode, but they decided...Hey let's give it to Mitchell
                                Yeah, the new and improved SG1 leader.
                                I wouldn't have minded so much except we had a whole string of 90% Mitchell episodes.
                                Last edited by jckfan55; 25 March 2008, 01:47 PM.

