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S10: Critique & Contemplation

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    Originally posted by Skydiver View Post
    i'll be counter greening as well...and trust my green trumps about anyone else's on the forum
    Sky's SuperGreen


      Originally posted by Nolamom View Post
      Only a two year old post eh? Guess they were hunting through some "back pages" hehehe.
      "back pages"...I've actually had someone accuse me of deliberately NOT answering their post too. Like I really have time to go back and check every stinking thread to see if anyone actually posted something to a post that was of my own opinion.

      Unless I'm searching for something, I don't bother to go back past the last day...especially on a very active or long thread. I have too many other things to do and if I sat all day on the computer. I'm sure I would be going blind even faster. (the screen just hurts my eyes).

      Back on topic...

      Gee, I have nothing to add that's on topic right now. blank, let me dig up some horrible ep that I purposely forgot.

      I know...Unending. I have seen some opinions that The Last Man was as horrible as that ep.

      I would have to disagree...nothing has come close to Unending in the terms of nauseating, snooze fest. Though TLM was kind of boring and the ship, kind of forced.

      Hmm, I do see parallels though.
      Grammar, Logic, Rhetoric.


        there were definite parallels between unending and last man

        sole survivor, unrequited/tragic love, deaths of all thsoe around them...and by the end of the eps, none of it happened. thus you basically wasted an hour on the plot device of 'christmas caroling' the hero
        Where in the World is George Hammond?



          oh I dunno-I actually liked the episode-it is one of the very very few in the last oh-i dunno-5 years that I have actually watched twice-and on the same day.
          Franklin said, "They that can give up essential liberty for a little safety deserve neither liberty nor safety."

          "Do or do not. There is no try." Yoda


            Ok, I pulled out my S9 DVDs this weekend to watch while paying bills...
            Fourth Horseman was really one of the better episodes (2 parter) except that it went down the road of very jarring clinkers several times. (Such as the prurient interpretation of Sam/Orlin and the forced Landry-Lam stuff) Well, that and the fact that Sam mostly stood around in doorways asking Orlin if he was ok... Teal'c got to shine though.

            ...Ok, another example of promise unfulfilled.


              Originally posted by pittsburghgirl View Post
              oh I dunno-I actually liked the episode-it is one of the very very few in the last oh-i dunno-5 years that I have actually watched twice-and on the same day.
              it did have moments. I just, more than once, felt that the flashbacks were there to kill time and the rest was just there to set up part 3
              Where in the World is George Hammond?



                Originally posted by jckfan55 View Post
                Ok, I pulled out my S9 DVDs this weekend to watch while paying bills...
                Fourth Horseman was really one of the better episodes (2 parter) except that it went down the road of very jarring clinkers several times. (Such as the prurient interpretation of Sam/Orlin and the forced Landry-Lam stuff) Well, that and the fact that Sam mostly stood around in doorways asking Orlin if he was ok... Teal'c got to shine though.

                ...Ok, another example of promise unfulfilled.
                They should have re-written that episode when they found out they couldn't get Sean Patrick Flannery to reprise the role.
                Imagine how much more poignant it would have been with Kasuf or Skarra instead.



                  The Last Man;

                  the flashbacks were just awful. It was like watching a animal house movie on just how many ways someone can be blown up and killed. Sam...blown up. Ronon...blown up. teyla...found murdered. Keller...actually, I liked her death. Slow and painful. Bit whiny though. Sheppard was Listed KIA when they figured out he was 45,000 years in the future. Rodney never said HOW he died. I imagine it was of old age though.

                  Then of course, the who object of the plot was to set the old reset button. So, all those tragic and heroic deaths were complete waste of air time.

                  There was nothing on Teyla's baby. We don't know if he even lived...nothing and the child was key to the whole...end of mankind.

                  I felt like they just wasted a 40 minutes on a subplot that could have been done in ten minutes view Micheal telling shep how he killed everyone and what happened to the child.

                  I would rather they had shep just go 45 years into the future and meet the grown up kid. Find out everyone died in ten minutes and then come face to face with Lord Micheal...king of the hybrids.

                  Micheal tries to kill or hybrid shep and the kid actually helps shep return back in time with needed info on where his mother died.

                  That would have been far less boring imo.

                  Grammar, Logic, Rhetoric.


                    Originally posted by Frostfox View Post
                    They should have re-written that episode when they found out they couldn't get Sean Patrick Flannery to reprise the role.
                    Imagine how much more poignant it would have been with Kasuf or Skarra instead.

                    That would have been cool to have Skaara come back.
                    Grammar, Logic, Rhetoric.


                      the writers' favorite standby tool:


                        Nolamom I love the use of a spinning red reset button. Too bad the original
                        round spinning thing ( Stargate ) wasn't used too much in s9 and 10.

                        I'm also getting the feeling that it won't be used that much in season 5 of Atlantis either.


                          Apparently TPTB can only keep their minds on ONE round spinny thing at a time


                            Originally posted by jckfan55 View Post
                            Ok, I pulled out my S9 DVDs this weekend to watch while paying bills...
                            Fourth Horseman was really one of the better episodes (2 parter) except that it went down the road of very jarring clinkers several times. (Such as the prurient interpretation of Sam/Orlin and the forced Landry-Lam stuff) Well, that and the fact that Sam mostly stood around in doorways asking Orlin if he was ok... Teal'c got to shine though.

                            ...Ok, another example of promise unfulfilled.
                            SG-1 had had such a good record with two-parters, and I thought the set up was well-done. When I was 3/4ths of the way through the second part, and there was no real movement to a resolution, that's when I knew it was time to give up the ghost.

                            I knew I wasn't enthusiastic about the beginning of season nine because AT wasn't there, but I kept watching, cringing at the appropriate moments and waiting for it to get better. After The Fourth Horseman was over, I knew that it wasn't going to be as good as it had been ever again. I kept watching, hoping there would be flashes of its former brilliance, but there weren't. As soon as they made Vala a member of SG-1, I knew it would never make it to season eleven. Even brilliant writers couldn't get them out of the corner they had painted themselves into.

                            The Fourth Horseman was the pivotal episode for me.

                            In memory of Deejay.
                            May we all be so well loved.


                              Originally posted by Jackie View Post
                              "back pages"...I've actually had someone accuse me of deliberately NOT answering their post too. Like I really have time to go back and check every stinking thread to see if anyone actually posted something to a post that was of my own opinion.

                              Unless I'm searching for something, I don't bother to go back past the last day...especially on a very active or long thread. I have too many other things to do and if I sat all day on the computer. I'm sure I would be going blind even faster. (the screen just hurts my eyes).

                              Back on topic...

                              Gee, I have nothing to add that's on topic right now. blank, let me dig up some horrible ep that I purposely forgot.

                              I know...Unending. I have seen some opinions that The Last Man was as horrible as that ep.

                              I would have to disagree...nothing has come close to Unending in the terms of nauseating, snooze fest. Though TLM was kind of boring and the ship, kind of forced.

                              Hmm, I do see parallels though.
                              I didn’t think Last Man was that bad. It seemed to have more in common with Voyagers “Year of Hell” then Unending. In Last Man at least
                              everyone died in a reasonably heroic way and were doing something useful, not sitting on a ship acting like spoiled brats (Mitchell\Jackson) or just being a general nuisance (Vala \ Landry [um, why was he even there?]). Oh and no one superior species was shown as quitting and committing mass suicide for absurdly stupid reasons (so immature, violent humans can take over their stuff) and they didn’t ruin Sheps hair .....oh and they proved how carpy the uniforms (which I have been screaming are carpy all year) really are.

                              The ep also pulled on previous Stargate canon and involved the Stargate, not some spaceship or shinny new Ancient device (which McKay and Zelenka have no doubt been working on for weeks but never shown on screen, like the replicator plot-table).

                              I didn’t necessarily like the implication that if Sheppard had been there it would all be different. Though I can see how Rodney would think that (little hero worship there). And of course we all know the universe itself would be different if it wasn’t for SG1 and the REAL Daniel Jackson after that quantum mirror incident.

                              I did think they should have just ended it either after showing Shep say bye to the holographic McKay, or Shep coming through the gate giving a little explanation about it now getting interesting and then end. The building collapsing was just stupid and it’s obvious no one but redshirts get hurt so why have it there at all?

                              Year of Hell was an awesome ep, but the complete reset switch, without even one person having witnessed the events made it truly seem like a waste. In “Before I Sleep” Weir was the witness and told the others what happened. In this ep Shep is the witness and will tell the story. Even in 2010 there was the “note” that in a way told the story and in Mobius there was the videotape. But in Year of Hell, no one, nothing, no clue at all in the universe lets anyone know that anything happened. There were so many moments of character growth but nothing was gained in that two parter because it was a complete and full reset. To me there is some type of internal difference that makes me sad.

                              Oh and as for Fourth Horseman, that was the really the switching point from me to more anti from the more pro stance I had earlier in the season. I mean Babylon was the height of bad in a bundle of bad season eps but then they recovered with Prototype a bit so I had more hope. The Fourth Horseman dashed those hopes and left me with a sinking feeling in my stomach that became physical illness by the time Stronghold showed up and pushed me right off the fence and into the anti yard. The inclusion of a willful slaving attempted murder as a member SG-1 ensured I had no more respect for the team then I did the NID and caused me root for its cancellation so that the Stargate universe would not be too far destroyed. Never expected RCC to wipe out the Asgard as he went down in flames…. It was kind of like he was saying (this is my imagining of what he is saying btw) “oh yeah, you don’t like my New version of the Stargate universe, I will make sure theres not going back…. See the asgard are dead and teal’c is old, and carter … dam you JM for trying to save her…”
                              Joseph Mallozzi -"In the meantime, I'm into season 5 of OZ (where the show takes an unfortunate hairpin turn into "the not so wonderful world of fantasy")"

                              ^^^ Kinda sounds like seasons 9 and 10 of SG-1 to me. Thor, ya got Aspirin?

                              AGateFan has officially Gone Fishin (with Jack, Sam, Daniel, Teal'c) and is hoping Atlantis does not take that same hairpin turn.


                                Originally posted by AGateFan View Post
                                I didn’t think Last Man was that bad. It seemed to have more in common with Voyagers “Year of Hell” then Unending. In Last Man at least
                                everyone died in a reasonably heroic way and were doing something useful, not sitting on a ship acting like spoiled brats (Mitchell\Jackson) or just being a general nuisance (Vala \ Landry [um, why was he even there?]). Oh and no one superior species was shown as quitting and committing mass suicide for absurdly stupid reasons (so immature, violent humans can take over their stuff) and they didn’t ruin Sheps hair .....oh and they proved how carpy the uniforms (which I have been screaming are carpy all year) really are.

                                The ep also pulled on previous Stargate canon and involved the Stargate, not some spaceship or shinny new Ancient device (which McKay and Zelenka have no doubt been working on for weeks but never shown on screen, like the replicator plot-table).

                                I didn’t necessarily like the implication that if Sheppard had been there it would all be different. Though I can see how Rodney would think that (little hero worship there). And of course we all know the universe itself would be different if it wasn’t for SG1 and the REAL Daniel Jackson after that quantum mirror incident.

                                I did think they should have just ended it either after showing Shep say bye to the holographic McKay, or Shep coming through the gate giving a little explanation about it now getting interesting and then end. The building collapsing was just stupid and it’s obvious no one but redshirts get hurt so why have it there at all?

                                I saw the last man as a totally pointless ep. The whole was about...a reset button. Unending was about...a reset button. I see a common theme here.

                                I did state TLM wasn't as nauseating as Unending...but for a season final it was rather redundant and anti-climatic. Stopping when holographic mckay said goodbye to sheppard would have helped but over all...the ep was still pretty boring to me.

                                I can't help but feel the whole ep was nothing but a plot device. The whole ep focused on "everyone dies becuase Micheal got his hands on the baby and finished his hybrids."

                                The ep totally missed telling us anything about the baby, why these hybrids were powerful, what became of the hybrids, why Micheal is enemy number one now.

                                Throwing shep 45,000 years into the future was kind of silly...only needed to go 45 years into the future to find the answer to what should have been the questions to answer. Shep finding out everyone died should have taken about 10 minutes and we certainly didn't need to have all the redundant flashback.

                                I think shep should have found out how Micheal won from Micheal and Micheal should have tortured him by telling him the fate of his if it was public knowledge to the hybrids.

                                I also think Shep should have actually met Teyla's grown up son, who should be a hybrid and consider Micheal his father.

                                Shep would have to convince the son his life would have been better if he was raised by his mother and as a human. The son should be the one helping Sheppard get back and not...McKay to the rescue as usual.

                                Just my opinion though.
                                Grammar, Logic, Rhetoric.

