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S10: Critique & Contemplation

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    Originally posted by ShadowMaat
    Of course he has skills! TPTB have told us "He has skills! He deserves to be here!" That's all you need to know.
    Are they planning on showing any of these mysterious abilities, or are Mitchell's skills limited to the realms of wise-cracking and tomfoolery?

    Sig courtesy of RepliCartertje


      Originally posted by ShadowMaat
      Of course he has skills! TPTB have told us "He has skills! He deserves to be here!" That's all you need to know.
      [zombie] yes, Cam has skills, Ori good, plot bad, realistic characters bad, sexiness and inuendo good.[/zombie] *comes out of trance* what the hell was that? Wow, subliminal messages in the DVD audio commentaries! Thats their master plan! Cam does have that one skill, the ability to, no matter who it is, annoy the hell out of people. To paraphrase Sawyer in Lost "Even Ghandi would hit that guy"
      Equality is not a concept. It's not something we should be striving for. It's a necessity. Equality is like gravity. We need it to stand on this earth as men and women. And the misogyny that is in every culture is not a true part of the human condition. It is life out of balance, and that imbalance is sucking something out of the soul of every man and woman who is confronted with it.
      - Joss Whedon - Equality Now


        Originally posted by ReganX
        Are they planning on showing any of these mysterious abilities, or are Mitchell's skills limited to the realms of wise-cracking and tomfoolery?
        Weren't you listening? They don't NEED to show it, they've TOLD us it's true! Haven't you ever heard the mantra "Trust TPTB"?


        In other words, no, we'll never see anything. They'll just keep TELLING us how great he is.


          Originally posted by ShadowMaat
          Weren't you listening? They don't NEED to show it, they've TOLD us it's true! Haven't you ever heard the mantra "Trust TPTB"?


          In other words, no, we'll never see anything. They'll just keep TELLING us how great he is.
          I'm afraid I stopped trusting TPTB when I started watching Season Nine.

          Sig courtesy of RepliCartertje


            Originally posted by Simhavaktra
            As near as I can figure, in the homaging tradition of season 9, the presence of the "cAmateur" on SG-1 is an homage to Jack, or a paraphrase of him: "The powers that be think we need a twerp to offset our overwhelming competence."
            Sorry. Should've been clearer - I think that line of Jack's about SG-1 needing a geopolitical nerd to offset their overwhelming coolness is the entire point of psycho-genesis for the Mitchell character in the writers' subconsciouses. Here they were with the chance to make the show their own, new, different - not your father's Stargate. (bah) So, in their minds, SG-1 needed something different than they already were/had; something to contrast with their primary characteristics: competence, unity of purpose, mutual support, well-honed skills, years of experience... As the King of Siam would say: "Et cetera, et cetera."

            And voila - Mitchell sprang from their inmost subconscious imaginings/adolescent fantasies of "contrast! cool - not boring like competence and responsibility' new! different!" to/from the rest of SG-1 and their history, and immediatley landed in the deep end of ignominy in their word processors.

            Landry has to be the one who made the decision that put the cAmateur in charge: if Jack had still been commanding the SGC, we wouldn't have seen Cambo at all in season 9. He would have been off getting the requisite training, and, if that didn't make him into an Air Force Officer instead of Cambo, I can't imagine Jack so endangering the lives of his closest friends as to put them in Mitchell's keeping.
            ...a very cranky blog:


              Originally posted by ShadowMaat
              Of course he has skills! TPTB have told us "He has skills! He deserves to be here!" That's all you need to know.

              Yeah, all sorts of mad skills.


                I'm so not buying the season nine disks. Waist of time and money, especally since they played the first half of season nine to death on Scifi. I used to be able to sit there and watch the majority of the episodes more than once, now I can't stomach it. Season nine has done that to me. The only ones that I will attempt to watch in repeats are season six, just because I like Jonas so much. Other than that I got better things to do. Like complain in this thread


                  Originally posted by Simhavaktra
                  Sorry. Should've been clearer - I think that line of Jack's about SG-1 needing a geopolitical nerd to offset their overwhelming coolness is the entire point of psycho-genesis for the Mitchell character in the writers' subconsciouses. Here they were with the chance to make the show their own, new, different - not your father's Stargate. (bah) So, in their minds, SG-1 needed something different than they already were/had; something to contrast with their primary characteristics: competence, unity of purpose, mutual support, well-honed skills, years of experience... As the King of Siam would say: "Et cetera, et cetera."

                  And voila - Mitchell sprang from their inmost subconscious imaginings/adolescent fantasies of "contrast! cool - not boring like competence and responsibility' new! different!" to/from the rest of SG-1 and their history, and immediatley landed in the deep end of ignominy in their word processors.
                  Why didn't they put a twelve year old on the team and be done with it?

                  Originally posted by Simhavaktra
                  Landry has to be the one who made the decision that put the cAmateur in charge: if Jack had still been commanding the SGC, we wouldn't have seen Cambo at all in season 9. He would have been off getting the requisite training, and, if that didn't make him into an Air Force Officer instead of Cambo, I can't imagine Jack so endangering the lives of his closest friends as to put them in Mitchell's keeping.
                  Maybe Cameron's secret skill is hypnosis or mind-control. He brainwashed Jack into offering him the position of his choice, Sam into going to Area 51 and then Landry into letting him command SG-1 and had actually been practicing his 'surprised' face for his "What about Colonel Carter?" line for weeks.

                  Sig courtesy of RepliCartertje


                    Originally posted by ShadowMaat
                    Of course he has skills! TPTB have told us "He has skills! He deserves to be here!" That's all you need to know.
                    He does have a skill - that of embracing his own incompetence with great joy, verve, intensity and enthusiam. Apparently Cambo's talent lies in suffering fools not only gladly, but, with great relish, even when he's the fool in question.

                    Either that, or he got hit on the head a whole lot harder than anyone realized when he crashed in Antarctica.
                    ...a very cranky blog:


                      Originally posted by ReganX
                      Why didn't they put a twelve year old on the team and be done with it?
                      Child labor laws are a real drag on a television production.

                      Originally posted by ReganX
                      Maybe Cameron's secret skill is hypnosis or mind-control. He brainwashed Jack into offering him the position of his choice, Sam into going to Area 51 and then Landry into letting him command SG-1 and had actually been practicing his 'surprised' face for his "What about Colonel Carter?" line for weeks.
                      Considering that I see Landry as a two star, gold-plated jerk I suspect Carter skedaddled to Area 51 the moment he started his kryptonite routine with her, not even waiting for noises about 'technically, Colonel Mitchell will rank you, won't he Carter? hero pilot, perfect record, saved your butt, didn't he? he'll be a great addition to SG-1, really sound good when the civilian board reads his file - much less if the program ever goes public, huh? Landry-wink'

                      It would have been the smart move for her, 'cause Landry sure seems to like Mitchell and/or Mitchell's butt-kissing.

                      Shadow! That's Mitchell's skill - he kisses boss-butt at the Olympic level! LOL!
                      ...a very cranky blog:


                        Originally posted by Skydiver
                        heck no. Jack certainly woulda let cam be ON a team. but not lead it.

                        not until he actually went through the gate for hte first time that is.

                        Nine years ago when the SGC was new, of course they had to have commanders with no gate experience. Kinda hard to get experience on something you only got to work last week

                        but this isn't 9 years ago. This is 'now', when the SGC has over 20 teams and plenty of folks with experience to lead the flagship team
                        EXACTLY the point so many tried to make when mallozzi was on-line and his sorry excuse was "they had people like Jack in charge who had no experience either" - that, among a few others, was one of the sorriest, most laughable and illogical and stupidest things mallozzi has ever posted. He must really, really think the fans are idiots if he thought that ludictrous excuse would be bought by anyone after EIGHT (8) years of experience, and some 20-odd SG teams with Gate travel.


                          Originally posted by ReganX
                          What skills and expertise does Cameron bring to SG-1 that its members do not already possess and that could not be found among the officers already stationed at the SGC?
                          I asked this same question of mallozzi several times on the AJM thread, on his blog and in private e-mail and lo-and-behold NEVER, EVER received any kind of plausible, believable, logical answer except once or twice when he tried the sorry excuse mentioned in my previous post.


                            Originally posted by binkpmmc
                            EXACTLY the point so many tried to make when mallozzi was on-line and his sorry excuse was "they had people like Jack in charge who had no experience either" - that, among a few others, was one of the sorriest, most laughable and illogical and stupidest things mallozzi has ever posted. He must really, really think the fans are idiots if he thought that ludictrous excuse would be bought by anyone after EIGHT (8) years of experience, and some 20-odd SG teams with Gate travel.
                            in one way he's right. back in the beginning, when they had 9 teams, 8 of them were led by folks that had no experience (or maybe just 7, i seem to recall feretti getting a team)

                            however, as time goes on and they get more teams, they're gonna draw thier pool of leaders from WITHIN thier ranks or, at the very least, have potential team leaders hang with experienced ones for a few missions (such as Jack taking makepeace out on a mission or three to show him the ropes before he and his team are cut loose. and possibly a joint mission to let one team train the other)

                            and now that they have what? 22 teams last we heard??? well that's a pool of 88 people they can pull from to get team leaders

                            his excuse doesn't wash now
                            Where in the World is George Hammond?



                              Originally posted by PtahTheCreationGod
                              Now your not being fair, he does have skills, like... well there is.... but what about.... you might have a point you know
                              well doesn't being cute and adorable count?
                              *runs very fast away and hides from skydiver and Ptahthecreationgod
                              Franklin said, "They that can give up essential liberty for a little safety deserve neither liberty nor safety."

                              "Do or do not. There is no try." Yoda


                                Originally posted by pittsburghgirl
                                well doesn't being cute and adorable count?
                                *runs very fast away and hides from skydiver and Ptahthecreationgod

                                he is easy on the eyes. Now if he'd just grow some competancy we'd have it made
                                Where in the World is George Hammond?


