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S10: Critique & Contemplation

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    Jack, who I love, made the mostpertinent social comment in diplomatic relations. The Asgard obviously had great faith in him in Star Trekian manner. He was incredibly gun-ho to the Russians and all other world powers who of course were realistically portrayed as egotistical meglomaniacs with no concern for their planet. So why in Season 10 was it left to Vala to make a few comments about the DaVinci code. I personally think they could have made her character much stronger, since she was channelling Jack. Of course there was that incident where she told the Ori tea lady to go procreate with herself before getting burnt to a crisp. So that was something!


      WoO simply showed that, when life hands you lemons, you make lemonade

      jack and teal'c were gonna go bonkers reliving the same 16 hours for 3 months, they ahd to do somethinhg to break the stress, and goofing off was that something. it kept them sane.

      the same way jack fishes or quips. it's his coping mechanism.
      Where in the World is George Hammond?



        So I've seen Ark of Truth and IMHO it's watchable once (yeah shocker), but it's not worth to buy it unless you really loved seasons 9&10


        1. Replicators - give me a break not again!
        2. Adria/Morgan battle - rehash after Anubis/Oma battle in Threads
        3. Hewo Mitchell
        4. Pretty much wallpaper Sam
        5. Teal'c is only good as muscles and as a wallpaper
        6. Cam is addressed as Colonel and commands the Odissey, Sam isn't - I can't determine if either of them got a promotion (not on screen)
        7. Surprisingly Vaniel doesn't take much screen, and even more surprisingly Tomin doesn't die
        8. Landry felt plastered and does not have anything to do in this - I wouldn't have missed him one bit (I'm interested to see his and Jack's role in Continuum)
        9. Ori are dead (so easy?) and Adria has their power (a real waste of 10 minutes of Morenna Baccarin's time)
        Last edited by silkie; 22 December 2007, 06:20 AM. Reason: Forgot about Landry and Adria - trust me it's easy!


          Originally posted by silkie View Post
          So I've seen Ark of Truth and IMHO it's watchable once (yeah shocker), but it's not worth to buy it unless you really loved seasons 9&10


          1. Replicators - give me a break not again!
          2. Adria/Morgan battle - rehash after Anubis/Oma battle in Threads
          3. Hewo Mitchell
          4. Pretty much wallpaper Sam
          5. Teal'c is only good as muscles and as a wallpaper
          6. Cam is addressed as Colonel and commands the Odissey, Sam isn't - I can't determine if either of them got a promotion (not on screen)
          7. Surprisingly Vaniel doesn't take much screen, and even more surprisingly Tomin doesn't die
          8. Landry felt plastered and does not have anything to do in this - I wouldn't have missed him one bit (I'm interested to see his and Jack's role in Continuum)
          9. Ori are dead (so easy?) and Adria has their power (a real waste of 10 minutes of Morenna Baccarin's time)
          Wow! I'm impressed, that does sound amazingly watchable. Thanks for the info...
          EDIT: Thanks silkie.
          Last edited by Nikki; 22 December 2007, 07:51 AM.

          (Credit to RepliCartertje for the beautiful sig and to Mala for smilies.)


            Still sounds like crp to me. Still focus on nothing actually SG-1 related.
            Was the stargate used in this or was it all space ships? Meh, who cares. If SG-1 (aka Carter, Teal'c, Daniel) are not actually present and useful then I have no use for the movie.
            Joseph Mallozzi -"In the meantime, I'm into season 5 of OZ (where the show takes an unfortunate hairpin turn into "the not so wonderful world of fantasy")"

            ^^^ Kinda sounds like seasons 9 and 10 of SG-1 to me. Thor, ya got Aspirin?

            AGateFan has officially Gone Fishin (with Jack, Sam, Daniel, Teal'c) and is hoping Atlantis does not take that same hairpin turn.


              Originally posted by AGateFan View Post
              Still sounds like crp to me. Still focus on nothing actually SG-1 related.
              Was the stargate used in this or was it all space ships? Meh, who cares. If SG-1 (aka Carter, Teal'c, Daniel) are not actually present and useful then I have no use for the movie.
              Indeed. However, it does sound watchable when compared to S9/10 and esp when I'm comparing it to how I thought this movie was gonna be like (trust me - I had extremely low expectations).

              There obviously isn't stuff we're gonna want/like as this movie is based around the Bori storyline however there is
              little if any D/V, more Tomin (without him dying) and little if any Landry
              , so that makes this movie better than what I expected it to be like.

              Obviously, I'm gonna have to watch it to have a fair opinion on it - but so far it's looking better than it is worse.

              (Credit to RepliCartertje for the beautiful sig and to Mala for smilies.)


                Yeah, the Big 3 all the way for me too. (And Daniel as Daniel, not Jackson). Maybe I can get a cheap rental of Barf of truth along the way just to see... but no way I'm buying it.


                  Originally posted by jckfan55 View Post
                  Yeah, the Big 3 all the way for me too. (And Daniel as Daniel, not Jackson). Maybe I can get a cheap rental of Barf of truth along the way just to see... but no way I'm buying it.
                  I'm with you there Jckfan, they won't see a penny of my money for this Barf

                  my fanfic


                    Originally posted by Mandysg1 View Post
                    I'm with you there Jckfan, they won't see a penny of my money for this Barf
                    I won't be buying it either, but I think I will watch it - I sat through 9/10 so this can't be much worse (I hope anyway).

                    (Credit to RepliCartertje for the beautiful sig and to Mala for smilies.)


                      Originally posted by Nikki View Post
                      I won't be buying it either, but I think I will watch it - I sat through 9/10 so this can't be much worse (I hope anyway).
                      Nikki how's it going? Have you watched it yet?
                      Be careful there's possible some relationship spoilers

                      Sam/Cam scenes at the end mirroring LITS only it's Sam who bakes maccaroons and gives him a peck on the cheek


                        Originally posted by silkie View Post
                        Nikki how's it going? Have you watched it yet?
                        Be careful there's possible some relationship spoilers

                        Sam/Cam scenes at the end mirroring LITS only it's Sam who bakes maccaroons and gives him a peck on the cheek
                        Yep, so far it's going ok. I think I have a pretty slow connection because I've only got about 8% so far - so I'll probably have to wait until tomorrow to watch it. And thanks for the warning, I saw the screencap of the scene your referring to and I think it should be pretty nice. I liked the scene in LITS and thought it added to the friendship because they haven't really had much interaction together over the last two years so this should do the same.

                        (Credit to RepliCartertje for the beautiful sig and to Mala for smilies.)


                          Originally posted by Nikki View Post
                          Yep, so far it's going ok. I think I have a pretty slow connection because I've only got about 8% so far - so I'll probably have to wait until tomorrow to watch it. And thanks for the warning, I saw the screencap of the scene your referring to and I think it should be pretty nice. I liked the scene in LITS and thought it added to the friendship because they haven't really had much interaction together over the last two years so this should do the same.
                          Oh come they're practically joined at the hip. With who does Sam interact the most in season 9-10? Daniel? - hardly 1-2 scenes together (Morpheus+1 scene in Unending), Teal'c? - only Unending comes to mind, Vala (Uninvited, Family Ties, Unending), Cam (Avalon pt 1, Collateral Damage, Ripple Effect, Arthur's Mantle, Camelot, Flesh and Blood, Pegasus Project, Line in the Sand, Unending)
                          • Teal'c - 1 episode
                          • Daniel - 1-2 episodes
                          • Vala - 3 episodes (and bare in mind she wasn't a regular in season 9)
                          • Cam - 9 episodes

                          Basically Cam took Daniel's place as friend and confidant!


                            Originally posted by silkie View Post
                            Oh come they're practically joined at the hip. With who does Sam interact the most in season 9-10? Daniel? - hardly 1-2 scenes together (Morpheus+1 scene in Unending), Teal'c? - only Unending comes to mind, Vala (Uninvited, Family Ties, Unending), Cam (Avalon pt 1, Collateral Damage, Ripple Effect, Arthur's Mantle, Camelot, Flesh and Blood, Pegasus Project, Line in the Sand, Unending)
                            • Teal'c - 1 episode
                            • Daniel - 1-2 episodes
                            • Vala - 3 episodes (and bare in mind she wasn't a regular in season 9)
                            • Cam - 9 episodes

                            Basically Cam took Daniel's place as friend and confidant!
                            Season 9 was Cam. It was so Cam heavy you could call it 'The Adventures of Cam Mitchell', so his interaction with Sam was the same as his interaction with Daniel and Teal'c as well - even then the only Sam and Cam heavy eps were 'Collateral Damage' and 'Arthur's Mantle'. And in season 10 the only ep they had was 'Line in the Sand' (my fav S10 ep along with 200). 'Unending' was completely Sam and Teal'c and in 'The Pegasus Project' she was on the ship with Cam yes but with Mckay and everyone else as well - for me 'The Pegasus Project' was more Sam and Mckay (which I love ) than Sam and Cam. 'Flesh and Blood' - she was in space most the ep, only near the end did they get a few scenes. That ep was totally D/V.

                            God, it's hard remembering stuff from eps you've only watched once. I had to do a lot of looking up in transcript, lol.

                            (Credit to RepliCartertje for the beautiful sig and to Mala for smilies.)


                              Originally posted by silkie View Post
                              So I've seen Ark of Truth and IMHO it's watchable once (yeah shocker), but it's not worth to buy it unless you really loved seasons 9&10


                              1. Replicators - give me a break not again!
                              2. Adria/Morgan battle - rehash after Anubis/Oma battle in Threads
                              3. Hewo Mitchell
                              4. Pretty much wallpaper Sam
                              5. Teal'c is only good as muscles and as a wallpaper
                              6. Cam is addressed as Colonel and commands the Odissey, Sam isn't - I can't determine if either of them got a promotion (not on screen)
                              7. Surprisingly Vaniel doesn't take much screen, and even more surprisingly Tomin doesn't die
                              8. Landry felt plastered and does not have anything to do in this - I wouldn't have missed him one bit (I'm interested to see his and Jack's role in Continuum)
                              9. Ori are dead (so easy?) and Adria has their power (a real waste of 10 minutes of Morenna Baccarin's time)

                              Well, I didn't love, or even like a little, seasons 9 and 10 (except for several episodes in season 10), so it is not surprising that that I wouldn't be interested in this movie. It sounds like there may be more Sam than I even expected, but not by much, and I just don't care for Cam, Daniel/Vala, and the Ori. I find the storyline utterly boring, and this just concluded this storyline.

                              So, I'll wait for Continuum where there is no Ori, probably very little Daniel/Vala, some Jack, and I'll just have to live with Cam there. I do like BB, but I never cared for Mitchell.

                              For me, SG-1 is just seasons 1-8, and then Sam on Atlantis now.


                                Originally posted by chocdoc View Post
                                Well, I didn't love, or even like a little, seasons 9 and 10 (except for several episodes in season 10), so it is not surprising that that I wouldn't be interested in this movie. It sounds like there may be more Sam than I even expected, but not by much, and I just don't care for Cam, Daniel/Vala, and the Ori. I find the storyline utterly boring, and this just concluded this storyline.

                                So, I'll wait for Continuum where there is no Ori, probably very little Daniel/Vala, some Jack, and I'll just have to live with Cam there. I do like BB, but I never cared for Mitchell.

                                For me, SG-1 is just seasons 1-8, and then Sam on Atlantis now.
                                You've got a good idea there with waiting for Continuum because I doubt you'd enjoy AOT very much.

                                I'll keep the comments general so I won't spoil anyone but cliche Cooper struck again. If you want to watch a mindless space romp and can disassociate the characters from SG-1 then it's a decent enough movie. However it suffers from the same flaws as S9 & 10 so if you had problems with those seasons you'll probably have a problem with AOT.

                                I guess they couldn't figure out how to get the team to solve the Ori problem and so created a side story to keep Sam & Cambo busy. Yep we get Cambo again - Mr run off by myself to be da Hewo when I'm supposed to be elsewhere Characters once again do dumb things to further the plot Inconsistencies with the plot Stupid homages

                                The music is great, very reminiscent of the early Showtime days and it is very nicely shot. I wouldn't mind seeing the finished version just to see the completed CGI but I'll have to turn the sound down

                                Personally I think Coop should just rack off and go make some big screen mindless space spectaculars and leave Stargate alone because I think he'll be very good at it. And NO that wasn't taking a shot at Coop, as I happen to like that kind of thing (hey I really love Armageddon!!). I happen to think he'd be very good at it, he just doesn't seem to be very good at taking an existing and very successful show and staying true to it's roots. He took something unique and turned it into a bog standard cliche space show.

