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S10: Critique & Contemplation

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    Originally posted by jckfan55 View Post
    See they thought it was *funny.* Sacrificing character for what they think is a laugh. Vala never would have survived on the run etc if she was dopey enough to weigh herself down with non-essentials like that. Primping at the base maybe, not on a mission.
    Exactly, for Vala to have survive that long on her own, she would knowledgeable enough to know you only pack essentials. She was introduced at a smart, able, kick ass, if a slightly untrustworthy character, but not flighty or flaky at all. Even when re-introduced in Avalon she only had a satchel and when she "left" in Dominion she "left" with nothing. So really, they know that she's not really the type to take frivolous things on a mission, but like you said they wanted a laugh, and really, it didn't work for me. And non too complimenting to the character.
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      if they wanted something extra...chocolate, bottle of soda, some earth 'delicacy' that she wanted to bring

      the hair dryer was jsut stupid
      Where in the World is George Hammond?



        IIRC from the commentary, she had some kind of stuffed animal in one take but they decided to go with the hair dryer b/c it was funnier. (or so they thought ) Actually, having a stuffed animal she didn't want to part with would have made her more sympathetic to me.


          Originally posted by jckfan55 View Post
          IIRC from the commentary, she had some kind of stuffed animal in one take but they decided to go with the hair dryer b/c it was funnier. (or so they thought ) Actually, having a stuffed animal she didn't want to part with would have made her more sympathetic to me.
          Same here.

          Sig courtesy of RepliCartertje


            Originally posted by isabelqc View Post
            Exactly, for Vala to have survive that long on her own, she would knowledgeable enough to know you only pack essentials. She was introduced at a smart, able, kick ass, if a slightly untrustworthy character, but not flighty or flaky at all. Even when re-introduced in Avalon she only had a satchel and when she "left" in Dominion she "left" with nothing. So really, they know that she's not really the type to take frivolous things on a mission, but like you said they wanted a laugh, and really, it didn't work for me. And non too complimenting to the character.
            Wouldn't there also be some kind of control over what supplies teams bring with them?

            Sig courtesy of RepliCartertje


              Originally posted by heliosphere View Post
              I read nearly every pairing for both Sam and Daniel, and there have been some spectacular femmeslash and gen stories between Sam and Vala. Cool interaction and really getting into their histories. Same with Daniel and Vala. You spend time reading these, and you wonder why couldn't the writers go anywhere near that sort of thing? Not femmeslash, obviously, but rather than two girls a shoppin that we had, how both a real moment between two women with a cruddy past involving host issues?
              Exactly. There was so much potential there. I was reading one of the most recent SG-1 novels (on the advice of a friend), and although they didn't go much into depth as far as this particular connection goes, they made some pretty good allusions to it.

              (spoiler space just in case)

              The name of the novel is called "Roswell" and the plot sounds pretty similar to the second movie Continuum. Vala gets trapped in an alternate timeline with Cam and somehow she becomes host to Qetesh. Whenever Vala's past as host (in the "real" timeline) was brought up, quite often they'd have something like "Sam was sympathetic to Vala's plight, having been a host once herself."

              So, it was at least touched upon. Much more than the show seems to have done. They also went into some of Vala's backstory. If this had been a real episode of SG-1 in S10 I think I could have very well tolerated it, maybe even liked it.

              Sad that moments like the one from Morpheus where Sam asks Vala how she's adjusting to the base and she's here to talk if Vala needs it were cut for time, supposedly to move the plot forward.

              And I still don't understand why they wrote Daniel so friggin grouchy. It's like he had a permanent wedgie, and I don't like feeling that way about my second favorite character. And I don't blame the actor for it either. I saw the one behind the scenes vid of Bad Guys where the director was telling MS to shout and holler at the two women that were squealing. Why did they feel the need to direct him in a way as to make him sound like his undies were chafing?
              Daniel had always been one of my favorites as well and I found myself losing respect for him, especially in the last 2 seasons. Yeah, I know he's been through a lot, has seen a lot, has become more jaded, but I don't know why he has to be so grouchy and almost arrogant. I really disliked him in Company of Thieves, the way he didn't seem all that concerned about what Sam had gone through, the way he acted when he sat in the commander's chair, and of course there was his waving to the bad guy once he'd gotten beamed out into space.

              And yeah, he was OTT in Bad Guys. Permanent Wedgie Man. *snicker*


                Originally posted by isabelqc View Post
                Oh my god, YES! I absolutely agree with this. Because, seriously, a hair dryer for god sakes!?! WTF? I love Vala entirely, but I agree with much of what you said, I personally would have loved to see more the PU Vala than any other. Sure I later enjoyed the bits of comedy she added, because honestly some of the stuff they gave her wasn't all bad, but the moment with the hair dryer was really one of those What The Hell Where They Even Going With That moments for me with her character. Seriously almost anything else would have better, a sparky water bottle, a magazine, a book, anything, but a hair dryer. Really? Just
                Totally agree. If they kept her original characterization and kept her recurring, like Janet's screentime or a bit more than that, I'd have no problems with her at all. She was all over the place though, and going from flirty to little girl to flirty again was creepy.

                And I really wanted to see Daniel start falling for someone again, or have someone take an interest in him again. There are parts of Daniel/Vala that I like, but there are parts of Vala's side of things that bug me, like her interactions with Tomin, who is still her husband, and parts where she is so heavily flirtatious with so many people, including letting Cameron's parents think they are doing it (and OMG wasn't that episode so dumb) and sitting on that guys lap.

                Daniel so does not need his heart ripped from his chest again, thanx pleaz. It's why I find D/V more interesting in fanfic, because people write her as more than a walking sex toy/naughty little girl that the show made her.
                sigpic Heliosphere- multi-shipper, multi-thunker


                  Originally posted by heliosphere View Post
                  Totally agree. If they kept her original characterization and kept her recurring, like Janet's screentime or a bit more than that, I'd have no problems with her at all. She was all over the place though, and going from flirty to little girl to flirty again was creepy.

                  And I really wanted to see Daniel start falling for someone again, or have someone take an interest in him again. There are parts of Daniel/Vala that I like, but there are parts of Vala's side of things that bug me, like her interactions with Tomin, who is still her husband, and parts where she is so heavily flirtatious with so many people, including letting Cameron's parents think they are doing it (and OMG wasn't that episode so dumb) and sitting on that guys lap.

                  Daniel so does not need his heart ripped from his chest again, thanx pleaz. It's why I find D/V more interesting in fanfic, because people write her as more than a walking sex toy/naughty little girl that the show made her.
                  I always thought Daneil had something with Sara /Osirus, even when she was the Goa'uld you could see how he cared for her. Then when the Goa'uld was removed and he was with Sara in the infirmary, I had hoped they would take that relationship seemed to make more sense and his character was more caring with her.

                  my fanfic


                    Originally posted by ReganX View Post

                    It came across as the other characters liking Mitchell as a person, but not bothering to call him on his stupidity because they knew there was no point. He wasn't going to improve, so they worked around him as best they could.
                    That's exactly the feeling I had. Whatwith all the eyerolling it just didn't make sense that he was never called to task by *someone*.

                    Is anyone else wishing that Coop had made that spin-off and left Stargate: SG-1 in the hands of someone who didn't want to make a new show and was okay with treating an established show like - Shock! Horror! Blasphemy! - an established show?

                    Obviously, "The Super Duper Adventures of Jackson the Magnificent" would have been the suckiest show that ever sucked, but since I wouldn't be watching it, I wouldn't care.

                    I wish he had just made a new show also. The other showrunner might have added the new people in a reasonable manner and I'd have enjoyed the last few years.

                    Mourning Sanctuary.
                    Thanks for the good times!


                      Originally posted by isabelqc View Post
                      Oh my god, YES! I absolutely agree with this. Because, seriously, a hair dryer for god sakes!?! WTF? I love Vala entirely, but I agree with much of what you said, I personally would have loved to see more the PU Vala than any other. Sure I later enjoyed the bits of comedy she added, because honestly some of the stuff they gave her wasn't all bad, but the moment with the hair dryer was really one of those What The Hell Where They Even Going With That moments for me with her character. Seriously almost anything else would have better, a sparky water bottle, a magazine, a book, anything, but a hair dryer. Really? Just
                      The hair dryer was an homage to Spaceballs.

                      Mourning Sanctuary.
                      Thanks for the good times!


                        Which movie was the glass cutter and suction cup from? Kind of scratching my head on that one.
                        Grammar, Logic, Rhetoric.


                          Originally posted by isabelqc View Post
                          Exactly, for Vala to have survive that long on her own, she would knowledgeable enough to know you only pack essentials. She was introduced at a smart, able, kick ass, if a slightly untrustworthy character, but not flighty or flaky at all. Even when re-introduced in Avalon she only had a satchel and when she "left" in Dominion she "left" with nothing. So really, they know that she's not really the type to take frivolous things on a mission, but like you said they wanted a laugh, and really, it didn't work for me. And non too complimenting to the character.
                          Isa!! Tsk, tsk...I see you in here!

                          Okay, so I'm generally a very "pro" person (as many who I have butted heads with in the past can attest to) but...I totally agree with you. I wouldn't rant about this in other threads, but I was more than a little annoyed at the hair-dryer bit. It made me laugh at first, but when I thought about it for a second, I was like....really? I love Vala. I will defend Vala on almost any account. But even that moment made me cringe. The one thing I love about Vala is that she's resourceful and smart. That one act alone nullified both of those.

                          I have never thought Vala stupid enough to think that bringing a hair dryer on a mission (where there are no electrical outlets) was a necessity. Nonetheless on a mission to find the one weapon they would need to defeat one of the most powerful enemies she's ever faced. But hey, what do I know? The Quest, Pt.1 has THE WORST depiction of Vala out of any episode (yes, worse than Bounty...because at least I could justify that). I make no excuses for was just lazy writing...and it served no purpose to the storyline (at least the glass cutter was used and fit with Vala's "be prepared for anything" personality).

                          *slinks back out of the thread*


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                            Originally posted by jckfan55 View Post
                            IIRC from the commentary, she had some kind of stuffed animal in one take but they decided to go with the hair dryer b/c it was funnier. (or so they thought ) Actually, having a stuffed animal she didn't want to part with would have made her more sympathetic to me.
                            You see the stuffed animal in the deleted scene, but it's just the head poking out of her bacpack. In that scene, she actually switches the hair dryer with a curling iron. She does, though, kiss the stuffie's head before she closes her backpack.

                            If they'd gone for the stuffed animal *alone*, it would have made some sense. After all, the woman has *huge* rejection / abandonment issues, it would have been perfectly normal for her to try and compensate with someone who can't possibly hurt her.

                            It could have been something pre-SG1 as well. A carved knife, or a similar item.

                            Also, for a thief who's probably had to lay low / hide rather frequently, she gets bored a little too quickly. They make her come off as flaky and easily bored, yet she spends entire nights with Daniel, working with him on his projects, reading mission reports (that would bore *me* out of my mind), and seems to like books. And art, since she has a Van Gogh reproduction in her quarters rather than, say, a David Duchovny poster.

                            Is a little continuity too much to ask for?


                              the stuffie would have been a nice touch. and kinda angsty.

                              poor vala suffered from 'screw the character, gimme my joke' a lot. seh stopped being resourceful and smart and became a 'dumb blonde' (just with dark hair....on and i'm a blonde too so no offense meant) easily bimboized for a 'yuk-yuk' moment

                              seh was turned into a joke, because coop thought he was makign a comedy. and then, when we didn't laugh, he metaphorically stomped his feet and tossed a tantrum.

                              I'm not a fan of the daniel and vala romance, but i'd love to see some gen vala centric fic, further exploring her
                              Where in the World is George Hammond?



                                Originally posted by Vale_Sg1 View Post

                                Is a little continuity too much to ask for?
                                Continuity is your friend writers, your friend!

                                But really, yeah, I think I would have been okay with the stuffed animal because it could be justified. And had it been something from her past, well you could have coloured me happy because that to me would have made the most sense of all. We later learned (FT, which don't even get me started on) she kept little trinkets from her past that her father gave. She could have had one that is her "lucky charm" or what not, but no, they went for the hair dryer and even if it was a movie reference, I would have traded it out in a snap.

                                They just made her jump through so many hoops trying to make her everything they wanted (imho they do this a lot, with all the characters). The vixen. The pirate. The flirt. The woman. The comedy relief. And while props to CB for making it work most of the time, there were others like this where even if she did sell it to us, it just didn't work.

                                Hmm, as for fic, none really pop into my mind that are just gen. The only I can think of is "Before I Walk Away Against My Will" by sorrel rowan @ It pretty gen with Daniel and Vala friendship.
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