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S10: Critique & Contemplation

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    Originally posted by Jackie View Post
    Yet at the same time thats how many fans see it. It's not stargate it's Fargate! If they let BB abd CB interact more and far less Vaniel the ratings might have bounced back slightly.

    Over all--they wanted names to replace RDA. Instead of settling on one well known name..Ben B...we got a whole bunch and very little quality writing.
    Personally, I think that their best bet would have been Beau Bridges to replace RDA in Jack's capacity as base commander - the role of leader of SG-1 was already filled, and very nicely too - and to have either CB OR BB as the new Captain/Major assigned to the team - just because CB had previously played Vala is no reason why they couldn't have had her play a new character, they've recycled actors before.

    Originally posted by Jackie View Post
    Yep, they wanted ben for his name...even back then. They could have hired Ben and a no name new General and brought in CB as a reoccurring character for maybe half the season. Then you would get those farscape fans tuning in just to see BB and CB on screen again. With CB and BB as regulars on the same show--it lost it's novelty appeal.
    Surely just one of the two would have been a draw for Farscape fans? I sometimes keep my eyes peeled for the actors from favourite shows and I can assure you that I've never rejected a project of Actor A's simply because Actor B wasn't also in it.

    Sig courtesy of RepliCartertje


      Originally posted by Vale_Sg1 View Post
      Yes, but that was after they had CB on set for PU. It was on Mallozzi's blog as well. Someone once asked if they'd ever had some guest actors on set that made a good impression on the producers and were called back for more episodes.

      Joe had three names: David Hewlett, Robert Picardo, and Claudia Black.

      The decision to have them both on the show wasn't thus made a priori.
      Thankfully, they didn't bring Jeri Ryan (or another Voyager actor) in as Woolsey's assistant/significant other/nemesis/whatever.

      Sig courtesy of RepliCartertje


        Originally posted by ReganX View Post
        Personally, I think that their best bet would have been Beau Bridges to replace RDA in Jack's capacity as base commander - the role of leader of SG-1 was already filled, and very nicely too - and to have either CB OR BB as the new Captain/Major assigned to the team - just because CB had previously played Vala is no reason why they couldn't have had her play a new character, they've recycled actors before.
        Exactly, Beau B was actually the biggest name on the show, many people in and outside of the scifi genre didn't know who Ben B was, but Beau has been in many movies and series. And yet they get an actor of Beau's calibre and make his character such an idiot, making one dumb decision after another

        Surely just one of the two would have been a draw for Farscape fans? I sometimes keep my eyes peeled for the actors from favourite shows and I can assure you that I've never rejected a project of Actor A's simply because Actor B wasn't also in it.
        Even if they brought in Ben, and made his character a Major, I doubt his fans would have been offended by his rank, as long as he was given a roll that was well written and fit nicely into the show.

        my fanfic


          I suppose we should be thankful they didn't hire William Shatner to play the new general.

          However, if they just wanted a household name that would rival RDA's well then they could have hired Eddy Murphy since JM thinks stargate is a comedy.
          Grammar, Logic, Rhetoric.


            they tried a little too much 'having thier cake and eating it too'

            as to AT's pregnancy...dude, all they needed to do was have the first 4 eps take place over a short period of time - say a week or two - and have sam off somewhere. They've done that before - albeit it was a mistake - when they said that death knell took place a month after they got hte telchak device...thus making evolution, grace, fallout and death knell all happen in a roughly 30 day time span. Which doesn't make sense given the events and sam's injuries...but my point it, they COULD have written a series of four short adventures that all took place over a short period of time, and have sam only being gone a week or so.

            maternity leave solved.
            Where in the World is George Hammond?



              Originally posted by silkie View Post
              I'm not comfortable talking about actors but I think a little of both...

              Neither am I ....... I feel kinda bad saying what I did. Because I think
              AT is a fabulous actor and really got a raw deal from TPTB.
              Go home aliens, go home!!!!


                I can't believe this thread has gone for over 660 pages
                Go home aliens, go home!!!!


                  Originally posted by ChocolateLovingEntity View Post
                  Neither am I ....... I feel kinda bad saying what I did. Because I think
                  AT is a fabulous actor and really got a raw deal from TPTB.
                  I don't think AT would have stayed with the show if she hadn't wanted to. She has enough connections in Vancouver that she could have gotten stable work on other projects. For example, she was offered a part on a Canadian series after Season 9 finished and had to turn it down b/c it interfered with filming Season 10. She could have left then but she didn't want to. That series is still in production in Vancouver, I believe. Seasons 9 and 10 must have been a little frustrating for her, but as far as I can tell she is a team-player and it seems she just made the best of the situation. She's not the type to go storming off and have a hissy fit just b/c her character is not getting much screen time.

                  I think there are a whole bunch of reasons why she stayed with the show. She really likes working with the people on SG and considers them to be like family and she likes living in Vancouver. I would imagine SG also pays better than almost any other gig in Vancouver, so that was probably a factor too. But I don't think she stayed b/c she was desperate for work.


                    i think - while i feel that s9 was far from what she expected or may have been happy with - that her tenacity has paid off. She's got atlantis, sanctuary and a wonderful reputation. And that will live longer than what may have happened during s9 and 10
                    Where in the World is George Hammond?



                      What's this Santuary show about?
                      Go home aliens, go home!!!!



                        amanda plays Helen Magnus, the leader of an organization that helps 'abnormals', or as Ashley, her daughter calls them, freaks.

                        the first 4 webbys are free, check them out
                        Where in the World is George Hammond?



                          Originally posted by ReganX View Post
                          As I sincerely hope that TPTB possess the math skills to be able to estimate from Amanda's expected date of return how many episodes they could expect to be without Sam for -ie. a whopping four, the same number they were missing MS/Daniel for in Season Ten. And wasn't the lovely linguist/archaeologist they brought in to replace him when he was gone and who kept his job afterwards just fantastic... oh, wait.

                          Amanda's pregnancy is no excuse.

                          RCC becoming over-excited about his shiny new toys and tossing the old ones to the furthest corner of his playpen might be closer to the mark.
                          Besides, he overused Claudia even when she, her hubby AND her baby - the boy was nearly hospitalized - were very ill and wouldn't even give her some down time to recover.

                          Last edited by suse; 06 November 2007, 07:43 PM.
                          Mourning Sanctuary.
                          Thanks for the good times!


                            Originally posted by Skydiver View Post

                            amanda plays Helen Magnus, the leader of an organization that helps 'abnormals', or as Ashley, her daughter calls them, freaks.

                            the first 4 webbys are free, check them out

                            Oh it's a web series like the one they did for Ghost Whisperer but on
                            the internet only........ I'll check it out. Hopefully it won't lock me out
                            because some shows wont play outside the US.....

                            The Dr who stuff for example won't open outside of the UK
                            Go home aliens, go home!!!!


                              sanctuary will play all over the world. they've had subscribers from all over the world
                              Where in the World is George Hammond?



                                Originally posted by Skydiver View Post
                                i've always had the impression that scifi or mgm 'encouraged' bridge to hire someone to replace rick as star. but it wasn't necessarily something that bridge wanted to do, so - while they 'had' to hire a new star, no one at mgm or scifi thought to make them use said new star.

                                IE: (with all due respect to ben) he was hired to be a star in name only.

                                personally? if he was REALLY the 'star' of the show, he and vala would have had that connection. of course, then it really would have been farscape redux.

                                as soon as they made the casting decisions they made, they casted themselves into a corner

                                I'm not so sure about that. They wanted Ben for Pete. Then for Shep. (That woulda worked for me. ) I think they would have used him as lead more if Sam had been on the Apollo. Though with Vaniel.... who knows. Farscape redeux ... <<<shudder>>>

                                There are so many talented actors. Why get both stars from a recently "retired" show?

                                I think as least some recognized how untenable the situation was. Or those eyerolls would have never made it past the cutting room floor. Unfortunately not the ones who had the authority to do something about it.

                                Oh, to have been a fly on that wall when they had to merge SG-1 and Stargate Command.

                                Mourning Sanctuary.
                                Thanks for the good times!

