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S10: Critique & Contemplation

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    Originally posted by Skydiver View Post
    sg1's merlin was a watered down version of dumbledore
    Okay, I laughed so hard that I had coffee coming out my nose.

    I'm out of green--here's some smiles instead...

    Originally posted by jckfan55 View Post
    It's because the list is so appallingly long that we have kept up this thread so long.
    And I missed a few too!

    Originally posted by Mandysg1 View Post
    Or because we like to have our nice intellectual conversaitons

    I also feel like I'd rather discuss SGA s4 with this lot rather than going into the S4 threads

    ETA: and I don't necessarily mean it has to be negative.
    I can't help being negative--it's in my nature along with sarcasm and a sick sense of humor (however, I do not like horror movies. Horror movies are not funny--just sick.)

    I would love to discuss SGA with the group on this thread. Much more thoughtful in critiquing eps. Not like the Anti Carter threads I've run across. No real issues to discuss...more like opinions instead. I stay away from that thread because there is no real issues to discuss with Sam as a character on that thread. Just statements like.."I don't want her on MY show."

    The other thread about Atlantis I avoid is the anti season 4 thread. No one has even seen the first ep yet and already there is a bunch of anti statements. Grr...that burns my burner. At least actually view it before making conjure and speculations about how bad it will be.

    When I heard about the changes for season 9...I welcomed them under the impression that Stargate would still be stargate. It wasn't stargate it was fargate and that wasn't right. At least I waited to actually see the show before I started my complaining.

    Originally posted by jckfan55 View Post
    I was thinking the same thing. We've got such a nice group here. We may be complainers but we have fun.
    Ditto--I don't see it as complaining but as critiquing the show. Many real issues brought up on this thread I can incorporate into fics I write.

    Also, I want ya all to know, thanks to this thread and things you guys brought to my attention--I have managed to avoid some pitfalls in my original works. Writing an entire series or epic based in science fiction is rather difficult. Things that I never would have thought about--like regulations--I have addressed in my story called Strings. You guys have also kept me from making my villain to mysterious and boring. This type of villain could have easily gone way of the Ori...the villain is a symbitic being that can possess a person like a demon. In order to give, Tsar (villain nub 1) more depth I have him talk to his host when looking in a mirror. He taunts his host and brags to the host about everything he has done and how powerless the host is to stop him. (Kind of like jeckle and hyde or the weird little troll on LOTR).
    Grammar, Logic, Rhetoric.


      Originally posted by jckfan55 View Post
      I was thinking the same thing. We've got such a nice group here. We may be complainers but we have fun.
      lol! You know I never posted on an anti thread until S9. Its RCC fault, he made me a complainer.
      Odo's last wishes: cremate me, put me in my bucket, then shoot me through the wormhole.



        Originally posted by Jackie View Post
        Hmm, how much longer can we beat this dead horse?

        Oh, let's see what else is wrong with season 10.

        List of things wrong:

        Mitchell in command of SG-1 after Sam's return.
        Vala on the team.
        Action Jackson
        Sam wallpapered.
        Teal'c wallpapered.
        The end of the Asgard
        Thor and suicide.
        Incompetent General Landry
        CMO being CO's Daughter
        Lack of seeing Tokra, few Jaffa
        One too many Ba'als
        No more Gao'uld to really speak of.
        The Bori
        Adria's too clich'e
        Vala in pig tails through most of the season...very unprofessional for being on SG-1 IMO.
        Mitchell is about as exciting as the Bori.
        Mitchell's high school reunion just a few notes shy of being Mitchell's Hig School Musical.
        Lack of Gate
        Too many ships
        Too many "beam me up scotty" moments
        The Lucerian Alliance was really a joke of a bad guy
        The only character who seemed like a real person was Dr. Lee and he was the brunt of the jokes.
        Sam's IQ dropping dramatically.
        Lack of exiting story for Jack.
        The futile attempt to pass off Fargate as SG-1.
        Originally posted by Rogue View Post
        How about Vaniel?
        Originally posted by Zoser View Post
        How about adding Merlin and his pointy hat to the 'Woulda, Coulda, Shoulda' List
        Don't forget the silly dragon. It was yet another moment that left me wondering what on earth had happened to my favourite show.


          Originally posted by Skydiver View Post
          wait, wait, wait, i think you've stumbled across the plot for the next spinoff

          Who me?

          You mean this?

          Originally posted by ChocolateLovingEntity
          Maybe Ben Browder could morph into John Chrichton Moya could land
          on Earth and they could build a wormhole weapon and sink the Bori...
          Go home aliens, go home!!!!


            Originally posted by ReganX View Post
            Because despite the fact that TPTB had no idea what to do with Sam, they knew that without her or Jack, the ratings would tank.

            It could have been a fun game for all the family - how low can they go?

            Wasn't it?

            Mourning Sanctuary.
            Thanks for the good times!


              Originally posted by Skydiver View Post
              sg1's merlin was a watered down version of dumbledore
              White Bumblebee Enterprises...

              I loved Dumblodore.

              Merlin? Nope. The Ancients must really hate the (B)Ori.'s not like the Ancients haven't factionalized. Oma. Orlin. The chick on SGA.

              What was that dragon. Norbert?

              Mourning Sanctuary.
              Thanks for the good times!


                Originally posted by dipsofjazz View Post
                Don't forget the silly dragon. It was yet another moment that left me wondering what on earth had happened to my favourite show.
                *coughs* The fun continues on Stargate Atlantis! Now that SG-1 Redux or SG-1 Mark II has been stopped in it's track, its improbable-plot-devices-and-twists drive has been transplanted into Atlantis.

                And now a bit more serious: Haven't they learned their lesson from SG-1 Redux? Why does it seem to be so hard for them to write a decent episode these days or have we become too critical?

                P.S. Yes, I am trying to discuss Atlantis here also because this thread is at least safe from the anti-<insert name> groups...

                Gateworld Forum Troublemaker Extraordinaire.


                Support the (r)Evolution: Gregorius for Moderator.
                Gregorius, because clowning about is his raison d'être.


                  Well since this does seem to be the thread to gripe in I might throw
                  m 2c worth into the ring.

                  When Atlantis first started here on my side of the world it was a breath
                  of fresh air and a great show. It still is a great show but Torri Higginson
                  copped a lot of *****iness from peopel saying she was too bony, too
                  skinny, and too unfit to be the leader of such an off world mission....

                  Yet watching that very first season to me she fit the bill perfectly and
                  i like Dr. Weir a lot.

                  Any thoughts.
                  Go home aliens, go home!!!!


                    Originally posted by ChocolateLovingEntity View Post
                    Well since this does seem to be the thread to gripe in I might throw
                    m 2c worth into the ring.

                    When Atlantis first started here on my side of the world it was a breath
                    of fresh air and a great show. It still is a great show but Torri Higginson
                    copped a lot of *****iness from peopel saying she was too bony, too
                    skinny, and too unfit to be the leader of such an off world mission....

                    Yet watching that very first season to me she fit the bill perfectly and
                    i like Dr. Weir a lot.

                    Any thoughts.
                    I liked the concept of Dr Weir not so much the excecution. She was created as a civilian expert negociator put in charge of a far off base. One would assume SGA would be about exploring the pegasus galaxy and thus her skill of negociation would come in handy building bridges with allies and truce with some enemies and such. However since they turned SGA crew into a group of bumbling fools starting one war after another, Weir never had room to shine. It didnt help that they weakened her authority at almost every turn by having her constantly give into Shep and Mckay when she was right to begin with.

                    Hey speaking of that was anyone else annoyed that tonight Shep actualy
                    made a correct (and suprisingly non emotional) decision only to be completely ignored by Mckay and the new doctor (good start).
                    One would think that would teach Shep a lesson and that he will show Carter more respect and follow orders better when she shows up. But more likely it just continues the current writing of the show which started in S9 of Stargate where everyone just does whatever the heck they want and ignore anyone making actual good decisions because it doesnt "feel good" to them.
                    Joseph Mallozzi -"In the meantime, I'm into season 5 of OZ (where the show takes an unfortunate hairpin turn into "the not so wonderful world of fantasy")"

                    ^^^ Kinda sounds like seasons 9 and 10 of SG-1 to me. Thor, ya got Aspirin?

                    AGateFan has officially Gone Fishin (with Jack, Sam, Daniel, Teal'c) and is hoping Atlantis does not take that same hairpin turn.


                      Yeah, in a way I think Shep got to see the shoe on the other foot. He used to pull that stuff on Weir.

                      I liked the idea of Weir too, but I think they weren't sure what they were doing with her. No fault of TH's, she did a great job when she got stuff to work with.


                        Originally posted by jckfan55 View Post
                        Yeah, in a way I think Shep got to see the shoe on the other foot. He used to pull that stuff on Weir.

                        I liked the idea of Weir too, but I think they weren't sure what they were doing with her. No fault of TH's, she did a great job when she got stuff to work with.

                        That's why I still like her as leader and also prefer watching Atlantis
                        to SG1.
                        Go home aliens, go home!!!!


                          Torri did a great job as leader of SGA in season 1 and half of 2. Then the writing for her started going really south. She suddenly had no authority and Shep/McKay could get away with anything and always seemed right.

                          SGA season 3 was bad...not as bad as SG-1 season 9 and 10 but getting closer.

                          The writers admitted they made mistakes and were stretched too thin.

                          Unfortunately, it's now going to season 4 and Torri finally gets an interesting arc and she leaves the show. TPTB only seem to be able to write like that when it requires a pink slip.

                          Anyways, I read Torri's interview...she seems ready to go on with her career and find greener pastures for herself professionally.

                          I am relieved that Weir's departure won't be another "Sunday" ep which was totally lame, stupid and a waste of an hour of my time to watch it.

                          I just hope that TPTB are focused enough and have learned enough from the last 2 seasons to not make the same mistakes again.
                          Grammar, Logic, Rhetoric.


                            guys, while i sympathize with a lack of places to really discuss atlantis, this thread isn't it either.

                            mentioniong atlantis as part of sg1 is one thing, turning this into an atlantis discussion thread isn't.

                            So let's get this back on topic please
                            Where in the World is George Hammond?



                              Ok since it's off topic here, may I make a suggestion? We could always dust off the Blue Jello Corner in the Off Topics area and post there?

                              Blue Jello Corner

                              my fanfic


                                works for me.
                                Where in the World is George Hammond?


