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S10: Critique & Contemplation

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    I've just listened to Cooper's interview and, boy, he just drones on....and on...
    He talks in a mono-tone.
    I agree with all the above posters that he just doesn't get it, especially about the team.
    I also laughed at the part where he talked about keeping to the mythology of the show, considering that they seemed to dismiss much of the shows canon for seasons 9 and 10.


      Does anyone else besides me think that Robert Cooper is hilarious??? either that or he has his head so far up his a$$ it isn't even funny anymore.

      He says: "emotional tribute to the "ten seasons that have come before, and to feel like it was the last chapter in the book -- but not necessarily in the series of books. It was a chance to show, using science fiction, to show people one version of what the future might be like for these characters that they've spent so much time with and loved so much.
      And I think if there's one thing that fans have always been very vocal about, liking about the show, is the team and liking team episodes, and wanting to spend time where the team is all together. So ... "You want a team episode? You want them to be together? I'll give you them together! They'll be together for 50 years!"

      He does realize that 8 of the 10 years he mentions were spent with Jack, Sam, Daniel and Teal'c doesn't he??? It seems that, at this point, he wouldn't know a "team" episode if it came up and hit him in the side of the head. I'm not sure who he thinks he's kidding, maybe the "new" Stargate Command fans.
      Last edited by binkpmmc; 01 July 2007, 09:02 AM.


        Originally posted by RealmOfX View Post
        Good idea to watch some early DVD's. I think I'll do a mini marathon tonight as there's nothing much worth viewing tonight on TV.
        oddly enough, check out the Red Green show on pbs

        it's spookily funny

        and you get to see felger and find out what's behind felger's fascination with duct tape
        Where in the World is George Hammond?



          Originally posted by binkpmmc View Post
          He does realize that 8 of the 10 years he mentions were spent with Jack, Sam, Daniel and Teal'c doesn't he??? It seems that, at this point, he wouldn't know a "team" episode if it came up and hit him in the side of the head. I'm not sure who he thinks he's kidding, maybe the "new" Stargate Command fans.
 this disgusts me. they lay claim to all ten years, and yet ignore what happened in eight of them. 200's "wizard of oz" still sticks in my craw. mitchell is not scarecrow. vala is not dorothy. we've known that for eight (nine, actually) years. it's...disgusting. they don't talk about it, they don't care about it. well, you know what, i do. respect your own g**d*** show, dammit! despicable.

          no, don't blame the royal bartender, i'm don't we have a growling dog or anything? eh, close enough.
          "Out of the Abyss" (SJ Angst)....................Best New Author.................."Else Close the Wall Up" (Sam)
          Hic Comitas Regit. Welcome to Samanda.


            Originally posted by dipsofjazz View Post
            I've just listened to Cooper's interview and, boy, he just drones on....and on...
            He talks in a mono-tone.
            I agree with all the above posters that he just doesn't get it, especially about the team.
            I also laughed at the part where he talked about keeping to the mythology of the show, considering that they seemed to dismiss much of the shows canon for seasons 9 and 10.
            and this surprises anybody why?

            there is no way that he is going to even suggest thay maybe, perhaps, possibly, could have, might have etc been a major fantastic screw up and if they started season 10 like seaon 9 didn't exist everybody would have said, okee dokee and moved on.
            Franklin said, "They that can give up essential liberty for a little safety deserve neither liberty nor safety."

            "Do or do not. There is no try." Yoda


              That was pretty righteous, PR.


                Originally posted by binkpmmc View Post
                Does anyone else besides me think that Robert Cooper is hilarious??? either that or he has his head so far up his a$$ it isn't even funny anymore.

                He says: "emotional tribute to the "ten seasons that have come before, and to feel like it was the last chapter in the book -- but not necessarily in the series of books. It was a chance to show, using science fiction, to show people one version of what the future might be like for these characters that they've spent so much time with and loved so much.
                And I think if there's one thing that fans have always been very vocal about, liking about the show, is the team and liking team episodes, and wanting to spend time where the team is all together. So ... "You want a team episode? You want them to be together? I'll give you them together! They'll be together for 50 years!"

                He does realize that 8 of the 10 years he mentions were spent with Jack, Sam, Daniel and Teal'c doesn't he??? It seems that, at this point, he wouldn't know a "team" episode if it came up and hit him in the side of the head. I'm not sure who he thinks he's kidding, maybe the "new" Stargate Command fans.
                Yeah I did have to laugh a little, even thought it's not really funny

                His idea of team is the Daniel/Vala show with Sam, Teal'c and even Mitchell as backup.

                Thanks to Kidwizz for sig


                  Team eps. I was watching the marathon marveling at the TEAM eps. Even eps that were not necessarily supposed to be team like Forever and a Day were more team then anything I saw in S9 and heard about in S10.

                  Another examples is the first unas ep that was very teamy even though Daniel was trapped with Chaka. You still felt the team care, saw the team go after him and trust Tealc when he tied them up and trust Daniel when he said not to shoot Chaka.

                  Solitudes...RCC wrote that? Really? That was a team ep. Sure it was supposed to be in a way a Carter and O'Neill ep. But you could feel the stress Daniel and Teal'c and even Hammond (maybe even gateguy) felt as they struggled to find a way to rescure their friends. Then the excitement at them both asking for permission to go to antartical that was classic. BTW I never noticed any ship outside the gun line until people insisted it was there...that is how SHIP should be done so people like me can just ignore it.

                  Watch the old shows and be amazed. Shake your head and wonder how the heck they ever got to where they are today. It is really the opposite of everything they ever is a Bizzaro AU that should be ignored from cannon. Its sad that anything stargate in the future now has to live with this mark. In fact I think it is pretty much un-overcomeable except for perhaps in Atlantis where they have MOSTLY ignored it. Worst thing would be for Carter to come over and bring all the crp from the last two seasons with her. Any reference she thoughs out should be about earlier SG-1 eps or no reference back should be done at all (and I dont see how you can do that).
                  Joseph Mallozzi -"In the meantime, I'm into season 5 of OZ (where the show takes an unfortunate hairpin turn into "the not so wonderful world of fantasy")"

                  ^^^ Kinda sounds like seasons 9 and 10 of SG-1 to me. Thor, ya got Aspirin?

                  AGateFan has officially Gone Fishin (with Jack, Sam, Daniel, Teal'c) and is hoping Atlantis does not take that same hairpin turn.


                    Originally posted by binkpmmc View Post
                    Does anyone else besides me think that Robert Cooper is hilarious??? either that or he has his head so far up his a$$ it isn't even funny anymore.

                    He says: "emotional tribute to the "ten seasons that have come before, and to feel like it was the last chapter in the book -- but not necessarily in the series of books. It was a chance to show, using science fiction, to show people one version of what the future might be like for these characters that they've spent so much time with and loved so much.
                    And I think if there's one thing that fans have always been very vocal about, liking about the show, is the team and liking team episodes, and wanting to spend time where the team is all together. So ... "You want a team episode? You want them to be together? I'll give you them together! They'll be together for 50 years!"

                    He does realize that 8 of the 10 years he mentions were spent with Jack, Sam, Daniel and Teal'c doesn't he??? It seems that, at this point, he wouldn't know a "team" episode if it came up and hit him in the side of the head. I'm not sure who he thinks he's kidding, maybe the "new" Stargate Command fans.
                    The interview is strange. It's like he knows exactly what is wrong with the show, but just loses the understanding between talking about it, and doing something about it.

                    Yes, we all want team. But where was the team in the 50 years of Unending?
                    There was Sam fixing the problem - almost completely solo.
                    Daniel spending nearly all his time alone on the database.
                    Landry dedicated to growing plants in his room.
                    Mitchell running around the ship on his own.
                    God only knows what Teal'c was doing.
                    The only character interacting with anyone was Vala, and she disappeared to wherever Teal'c was when not with Daniel.

                    I know they didn't spend any time together apart from to eat, because there was no real comradery at that table, or even any tension - which you are more likely to get if you spend a lot of time with a very small group of people.

                    RCC talks about the morality of the Ark and appears to see nothing wrong in the morality of what happened in The Shroud. After all, that was just deciding to kill a load of people/beings who disagreed with you.

                    Spoiler for the Ark of Truth:
                    Woo! We're taking a spaceship through the supergate. Whee, that means easy saves available! Yay!
                    Relying on a small team going through a Stargate is so passé.

                    Also, it's nice for it to be confirmed that the whole Asgard thing from Unending is merely a plot device for the movie.

                    Incidentally, in the 8 years, there was another character.


                      Originally posted by binkpmmc View Post
                      Does anyone else besides me think that Robert Cooper is hilarious??? either that or he has his head so far up his a$$ it isn't even funny anymore.
                      Yes, I found that interview utterly amusing.

                      Edit: My favourite part of the interview: "I think one of the things fans have always appreciated the series for is the fact that we don't reset to zero at the end of every episode, that we've been a part of the show from the beginning and we have a respect for the mythology we've developed -- and that it expands. It's there for us to pay tribute to."
                      Last edited by Gregorius; 01 July 2007, 05:02 AM.

                      Gateworld Forum Troublemaker Extraordinaire.


                      Support the (r)Evolution: Gregorius for Moderator.
                      Gregorius, because clowning about is his raison d'être.


                        Originally posted by smurf View Post
                        The interview is strange. It's like he knows exactly what is wrong with the show, but just loses the understanding between talking about it, and doing something about it.
                        he sees what he wants to see and admits what he wants to admit...and will still believe and put forth that he did nothing wrong, WE - the fans are wrong, cause we just couldn't apprecaite his greatness.
                        Originally posted by smurf View Post
                        Spoiler for the Ark of Truth:
                        Woo! We're taking a spaceship through the supergate. Whee, that means easy saves available! Yay!
                        Relying on a small team going through a Stargate is so passé.

                        Also, it's nice for it to be confirmed that the whole Asgard thing from Unending is merely a plot device for the movie.

                        Incidentally, in the 8 years, there was another character.
                        so i was right????? sweet.

                        although it's a sad bit of sweet, i wanted to be wrong. but i kinda knew that 35 mintues of the show existed to kill time after the plot device was put into play to insure him no shortage of deus ex machinas to compensate for slip shod writing

                        Originally posted by Gregorius View Post
                        Yes, I found that interview utterly amusing.

                        Edit: My favourite part of the interview: "I think one of the things fans have always appreciated the series for is the fact that we don't reset to zero at the end of every episode, that we've been a part of the show from the beginning and we have a respect for the mythology we've developed -- and that it expands. It's there for us to pay tribute to."
                        has he READ his scripts???? did he watch unending? did he watch moebius? lifeboat and any other episodes where status quo was slapped neatly back into place 30 seconds before the credits rolled

                        prior to s9, and s7 especially, the characters actions had ramifications. they were referred to, they changed them, altered them, altered the outcomes of future eps.

                        but with coop we have not only the endless use of the reset switch but the 'no worries' clause as well...which guarantees no matter what the characters do or what happens to them, they'll be sparkly clean and minty fresh by the end, with no worries about anything they've done, cause they're teflon and nothing sticks to them
                        Where in the World is George Hammond?



                          Originally posted by binkpmmc View Post
                          Does anyone else besides me think that Robert Cooper is hilarious??? either that or he has his head so far up his a$$ it isn't even funny anymore.
                          I think you got it with the second option, bink.

                          And I think if there's one thing that fans have always been very vocal about, liking about the show, is the team and liking team episodes, and wanting to spend time where the team is all together. So ... "You want a team episode? You want them to be together? I'll give you them together! They'll be together for 50 years!"
                          He thought that was a team episode? They were on the same ship but they were certainly not operating as a team.


                            Originally posted by Gregorius View Post
                            Yes, I found that interview utterly amusing.

                            Edit: My favourite part of the interview: "I think one of the things fans have always appreciated the series for is the fact that we don't reset to zero at the end of every episode, that we've been a part of the show from the beginning and we have a respect for the mythology we've developed -- and that it expands. It's there for us to pay tribute to."
                            Wow, I'm amazed anyone made it through reading the whole interview, I had to quit when I got that queasy feeling

                            Any way, I think he is saying what fans want to hear, because a lot of what we didn't like about S9 and 10 (the no team, or continuity with the previous 8 seasons) He says is in there I just don't know where he is looking And yes SG1 did lose a lot when he took over the reigns

                            *mumbles to self* just because you've been there since the beginning, doesn't mean you know how to run the show

                            my fanfic


                              Originally posted by RealmOfX View Post
                              Yeah well I did post over there and it got deleted. I guess it's not like this thread where you can actually disagree with each other on what you think the actual problems are and the best way to get your greivances heard. Maybe if I revert to a petulant child and join in the plans to embarass the actors at the Comic Con I'll fit in. Nah, not worth it.
                              I saw your post RoX and was quite disappointed when I went back to look for it and found it missing

                              One thing about the plan is that they say its just a joke, but how many people who read the thread and don't post may take it seriously, you always have to be careful what you say on line when you don't know how many people read these things

                              my fanfic


                                Originally posted by Skydiver View Post
                                has he READ his scripts???? did he watch unending? did he watch moebius? lifeboat and any other episodes where status quo was slapped neatly back into place 30 seconds before the credits rolled
                                He probably thinks there is nothing wrong with them and that we are whining too much. It reminds me of Star Trek: Voyager (HMS Reset Button) and Star Trek: Enterprise when Berman and Braga where still in charge and before Manny Coto took over their position of showrunner in the last season of latter series.

                                I think it's what happens when you have the same PTB in charge for a too long period of time. They start to think alike and over the course of a few years all critical minds are removed from the staff because they don't agree with the people in charge, this of course also ensures that only writers who agree with the status quo are hired. And due to this you get to see that the quality of the episodes shows a downwards curve.

                                Of course the are exceptions, but that's usually due to the showrunner(s) having an outline which details what the arcs are for the next x seasons and/or due to the showrunner(s) having a close companion who doesn't think alike and/or due to the showrunner(s) having the ability to listen to the critism from fans etc... and the ability to admit he/she/they were/was wrong and bring the series back on track.

                                prior to s9, and s7 especially, the characters actions had ramifications. they were referred to, they changed them, altered them, altered the outcomes of future eps.
                                Season 6 is a good example of that, the reluctant acception of Jonas, etc.. As well as season 3 where a lot of thing from the previous seasons came together.

                                but with coop we have not only the endless use of the reset switch but the 'no worries' clause as well...which guarantees no matter what the characters do or what happens to them, they'll be sparkly clean and minty fresh by the end, with no worries about anything they've done, cause they're teflon and nothing sticks to them
                                Or in other words, the show has turned from a story driven show into a framework show.

                                Gateworld Forum Troublemaker Extraordinaire.


                                Support the (r)Evolution: Gregorius for Moderator.
                                Gregorius, because clowning about is his raison d'être.

