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S10: Critique & Contemplation

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    Originally posted by JesterDala View Post
    There were some good moments in Unending (Sam and Teal'c hug, the Vala and Teal'c interaction, some others) but overall, it seemed incredibly implausible. Not only major plot points like killing off an entire race with no preamble, but the smaller things, as well. I mean, really, when has Landry been in command of a ship like that? Too far out.

    It all seemed do sudden, like they were pulling ideas out of inappropriate places.
    That stuck me a bizarre but more so his outfit. We have seen him duded up in camo (for no reason) so why wear a tie and dress shoes to pilot a space ship. Okay, I know they were on their way to a diplomatic mission to the Asgaard, R.I.P., but it still looked just dumb.
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      Originally posted by saberhagen83 View Post

      And as you say about Landry. I was suprised to see him on the ship there and I really didn't feel he fit in at all in that position. I have nothing against Landry, him I can stand a little at least, he's no Hammond but still OK. It really just felt like they put him there just cause it was the last ep, and considering they were no where near SGC or a Stargate I suppose there would only be room for him in a bout 20sec right at the end otherwise. Meh, I was so depressed when I watched it, I had to re-watch the last 5 eps of S8 the day after.
      I could see Landry being there, but *in addition to* the regular commander of the ship. Like how Admirals have a flagship, but the captain runs it. (If I understand that correctly.)
      Since they were
      going to meet with the Asgard about something so important, I could see Landry going along (though it was a stretch) but it would have made more sense for him to be more like an observer, IMHO, than being in command of the ship. He still could have ordered Colonel whoever to leave with the others, so just the main cast was left on the ship in the end.
      Upon reflection, I think this episode was probably a fitting final episode for *Stargate Command*--good moments, but rather contrived & sacrificing of characters to fit the plot.


        Originally posted by jckfan55 View Post
        I could see Landry being there, but *in addition to* the regular commander of the ship. Like how Admirals have a flagship, but the captain runs it. (If I understand that correctly.)
        Ah yes true, that would have worked for me, and make a lot more sense.


          Originally posted by jckfan55 View Post
          I could see Landry being there, but *in addition to* the regular commander of the ship. Like how Admirals have a flagship, but the captain runs it. (If I understand that correctly.)
          Since they were
          going to meet with the Asgard about something so important, I could see Landry going along (though it was a stretch) but it would have made more sense for him to be more like an observer, IMHO, than being in command of the ship. He still could have ordered Colonel whoever to leave with the others, so just the main cast was left on the ship in the end.
          Upon reflection, I think this episode was probably a fitting final episode for *Stargate Command*--good moments, but rather contrived & sacrificing of characters to fit the plot.
          Since they were going to meet the Asgard, Jack should have gone along. Have the ship's commander there, and have him beam to the surface with the others.

          Plothole fixed.

          They had the man signed for five episodes. The plot called for him. I really don't understand why RDA wasn't there. Shoehorning Landry in wasn't just illogical, it wasn't necessary.

          But since he was there, why didn't Landry
          call Mitchell onto the carpet for his complaining? It was bad for morale and not behavior befitting a leader. Not to mention annoying. Reinforcing Sam's guilt is a stupid way to support her efforts to solve the problem.

          Having dimished expectations let me actually enjoy some of the episode. It wasn't as bad as I expected, so I damn it with faint praise.

          In memory of Deejay.
          May we all be so well loved.


            Originally posted by scifithinker View Post
            Since they were going to meet the Asgard, Jack should have gone along. Have the ship's commander there, and have him beam to the surface with the others.

            Plothole fixed.

            They had the man signed for five episodes. The plot called for him. I really don't understand why RDA wasn't there. Shoehorning Landry in wasn't just illogical, it wasn't necessary.

            But since he was there, why didn't Landry
            call Mitchell onto the carpet for his complaining? It was bad for morale and not behavior befitting a leader. Not to mention annoying. Reinforcing Sam's guilt is a stupid way to support her efforts to solve the problem.

            Having dimished expectations let me actually enjoy some of the episode. It wasn't as bad as I expected, so I damn it with faint praise.
            What I can't wrap my head around is why they would show a shot of Jack in the 'Unending' commercial if he wasn't going to be in it. It promotes false expectation and adds nothing of any substance to the preview.

            As for Mitchell...

            I agree completely. He shouldn't have even left his room if all he was going to do was comlplain and, in the process, highlight the guilt Sam must have been feeling. The tearing up his room scene didn't bother me, though. In fact, I particularly liked it because Cam's frustration was handled well. He took out his anger in a private but in a very severe way. It's the most emotion we've gotten from the character since... as far as I can remember.



              i agree. the

              tearing up the room scene worked

              but yeah, landry should have taken cam to task for 'not helping'...or heck, they were gonna reset it all anyway, what if can went nuts and tried to blow up the ship or something and they had to kill him??

              not that i advocate killing cam, i don't, but it would be a dramatic illustration of the fact that some people simpy cannot handle containment and they go bonkers
              Where in the World is George Hammond?



                Originally posted by Skydiver View Post
                i agree. the

                tearing up the room scene worked

                but yeah, landry should have taken cam to task for 'not helping'...or heck, they were gonna reset it all anyway, what if can went nuts and tried to blow up the ship or something and they had to kill him??

                not that i advocate killing cam, i don't, but it would be a dramatic illustration of the fact that some people simpy cannot handle containment and they go bonkers
                That would have created some much needed suspense for the ep. There wasn't much moving it along in that way.



                  Yes, Landry
                  should have taken Cam to task. He did eventually say something like "I don't want to hear it" but that is a far cry from telling him to shut up and get with the program.

                  And as far as Jack
                  if anyone should have been there with the Asgard it was O'Neill. After all, he's been the one the Asgard have thought was special from their first meeting, for crying out loud. He and Thor have a special relationship. (no, not a shippy one--that's Thor and Sam ) Thank goodness we had a decent scene with Sam and Thor. He and Sam had a strong working relationship & I loved that he said he respected her and thought of her as a friend.


                    Originally posted by jckfan55 View Post
                    And as far as Jack
                    if anyone should have been there with the Asgard it was O'Neill. After all, he's been the one the Asgard have thought was special from their first meeting, for crying out loud. He and Thor have a special relationship. (no, not a shippy one--that's Thor and Sam ) Thank goodness we had a decent scene with Sam and Thor. He and Sam had a strong working relationship & I loved that he said he respected her and thought of her as a friend.
                    Whew, for a minute there I thought we had a new ship started

                    my fanfic


                      Originally posted by jckfan55 View Post
                      Yes, Landry
                      should have taken Cam to task. He did eventually say something like "I don't want to hear it" but that is a far cry from telling him to shut up and get with the program.

                      And as far as Jack
                      if anyone should have been there with the Asgard it was O'Neill. After all, he's been the one the Asgard have thought was special from their first meeting, for crying out loud. He and Thor have a special relationship. (no, not a shippy one--that's Thor and Sam ) Thank goodness we had a decent scene with Sam and Thor. He and Sam had a strong working relationship & I loved that he said he respected her and thought of her as a friend.
                      Originally posted by Mandysg1 View Post
                      Whew, for a minute there I thought we had a new ship started
                      Oh come everybody knows that Thor loves them both. Maybe we should ask Zuz to make a Sam/Jack/Thor shippy smilie! (after all she did make these Sam/Jack/Janet )


                        Part of me wonders if the episode would've worked better

                        had they not had that pesky matter converter.

                        Then, we wouldn't have had decades to work with, but only a matter of months.


                          Veering a bit o/t I guess, but I just read the Shanks interview.

                          Guess we were right that Ark of Truth is going to be The Vaniel and the Bori movie.

                          I just hope they manage to get all of that out of their systems with that movie and that Continuum will be worth watching.


                            Originally posted by JessM View Post
                            Veering a bit o/t I guess, but I just read the Shanks interview.

                            Guess we were right that Ark of Truth is going to be The Vaniel and the Bori movie.

                            I just hope they manage to get all of that out of their systems with that movie and that Continuum will be worth watching.
                            Well at least I know, I won't be buying that one

                            my fanfic


                              I read MS interview about Daniel and his snapping out at Vala and why?

                              what a bunch of horse hockey!
                              Franklin said, "They that can give up essential liberty for a little safety deserve neither liberty nor safety."

                              "Do or do not. There is no try." Yoda


                                Originally posted by Mandysg1 View Post
                                Whew, for a minute there I thought we had a new ship started

