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S10: Critique & Contemplation

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    Originally posted by Skydiver View Post
    add landry, add lam

    just lose the daddy issues

    add vala

    just lose miss sexpot and keep her off daniel's arm

    add cam

    just make him a major and let him grow

    IMHO, they could have made every single casting change they wanted to make...but they could have been made in a way more acceptible to the general fan, thus in a way less likely to turn off viewers and keep the ratings
    I couldn't agree more.
    Originally posted by Skydiver View Post
    he just an't contradict himself. he can't say that the hardcore fans are just this tiny minority and then blame their actions - downloading, etc - on the show's cancellation which is waht one his answers implies.

    the hard core fan are who will be downloading and reading reviews and surfing for info on the show. but if tehy are such a small minority and the casual viewers are the ones that count...well i doubt we'll see many casual viewers spending hours online sussing out info.

    were teh casual viwers put off by the frakking long hiatus? maybe. they're the most fickle of the bunch. but i doubt they had anything to do with the ratings points lost by downloaders and the like. those are the hardcore fans, the ones willing to invest time and money is being able to watch the show as opposed to the casual ones that catch it when it's on and, if they miss one, just make a note to catch the rerun

    simple fact, hardcore AND casual fans dont' like the show as much anymore. thus they aren't watching.

    the hardcore fans are talking about it, the casual fans have just turned teh channel and have forgotten all about it

    Ratings data is from Gateworld (except for 'The Shroud', which was estimated as 1.1 by data from outside sites. It is possible that it will be a 1.2)

    The dropoff in viewership is dramatic - and steady.

    I find it astonishing that the Daniel and Jack fans (whether seen as a couple or as individuals) didn't make more of a dramatic upwards change in the ratings for 'The Shroud'. Both Shanks and Anderson were back for that episode, and yet, the ratings hardly changed at all. The folks who like those characters (and those who thunk after the actors) - many of those fans would surely have their ears and eyes open watching for the return of their favorites? What comes across to me, however, is that too many folks don't like the new direction of the show over the past couple of years and it isn't worth watching their favorite characters and actors in episodes that the fans don't like or appreciate - or even look forward to... it's more like watching to see if things 'aren't that bad'... and that's depressing. Better off doing something else with the time.
    Last edited by gatephysics102; 09 May 2007, 07:31 PM.


      Originally posted by AGateFan View Post
      An hour is not all they killed but some of the flavor of the stargate universe. But then again they have been killing that flavor for 2 years so might as well go for the BIG Saurakraut change in the final show.
      Hey! Leave Sauerkraut alone! it's the best part of a hot dog! Sauerkraut with a nice spicy mustard on a Hebrew National. Yummm.

      I resent that you would malign sauerkraut by using it as the S9/S10 reference.

      Mourning Sanctuary.
      Thanks for the good times!


        Originally posted by majorsal View Post
        they didn't advertise that jack/rda was in it. it made a reference in my tv page from the newpaper, but it didn't say he was 'in' the ep (just something about o'neill and the team or something).

        i remember seeing the coming attractions for 'the shroud', and not seeing one, single scene or mention that jack/rda was in it. i can't help but think this 'lack' of advertising -that they *knew* would bring in the fans- was done on purpose.
        Those promos didn't play up the RDA aspect, but they did play up that this episode represented and important storyline turning point--a "special episode" so to speak.

        SciFi's promo department made a decision to promote the story and not the stunt casting. It's not necessarily a wrong decision. RDA has shown up on several episodes of SG-1 and Atlantis by now. It's not necessarily a big deal anymore. He was on Atlantis only a few weeks ago. You can't fault SciFi for this.
        Last edited by MediaSavant; 10 May 2007, 01:20 AM.


          Originally posted by majorsal View Post
          they didn't advertise that jack/rda was in it. it made a reference in my tv page from the newpaper, but it didn't say he was 'in' the ep (just something about o'neill and the team or something).

          i remember seeing the coming attractions for 'the shroud', and not seeing one, single scene or mention that jack/rda was in it. i can't help but think this 'lack' of advertising -that they *knew* would bring in the fans- was done on purpose.

          As a Jack/RDA fan I was really disappointed in his appearance in 200 and the Real World. Quite a few fans who had left the show came back to see RDA in these two eps. If they were disappointed as well that could contribute also to the poor ratings. Plus IMO these two eps were stinkers and could also reminded people why they left in the first place. If I remember right the Return I and II didn't have high ratings because of the RDA factor either. Even RDA can't save this sinking ship.
          Last edited by Rogue; 10 May 2007, 04:07 AM.
          Odo's last wishes: cremate me, put me in my bucket, then shoot me through the wormhole.



            the fans that will tune into drek just to get an actor fix...well those are hardcore fans.

            and those are the fans that we've been told are a minority.

            casual viewers...those are the ones that won't even know that sam's joining atlantis until it premieres. tehy don't know the how or why behing casting decisions. they only know what they're told on teh show...when they remember to catch it and when there's not other stuff out there to do

            coop and the boys can blame whomever they want, but the numbers speak for themselves. they may be making a show that THEY love and like...but it's not a show that teh general casual viewer likes.

            so eitehr thier choices and interpretation of 'good' is wrong, or whomever is directing their decisions doens't have the feel for the audience that they think they do.

            either way, the show is dead.

            and if the trend for the episodes continues for the movies, we likely won't be sujected to the third incarnation.
            Where in the World is George Hammond?



              Originally posted by suse View Post
              Hey! Leave Sauerkraut alone! it's the best part of a hot dog! Sauerkraut with a nice spicy mustard on a Hebrew National. Yummm.

              I resent that you would malign sauerkraut by using it as the S9/S10 reference.

              Shivering from the horror of the bad childhood memories with saurkrat. dry roasted with polish sausage in old pot. my mother didn't know about covers.
              Grammar, Logic, Rhetoric.


                Originally posted by Skydiver View Post
                well, rick called it the coolest prop on tv
                I have often thought of this since the age of the space ship has come upon us.
                I wish TPTB would take heed.
                Distinguished Service Ribbon Goa'uld Campaign
                My Stories zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz Artwork by Mala


                  well you know, they heard about how we all like ship (as in relatinship) but being typical guys, didn't think the word mean relationship, thought we all lusted after little cgi space ships adn went to town

                  teh lack of space ships is what used to make sg1 unique. there was no 'gotta qualify to get in the service to serve on a ship' limitation. theoretically anyone could go through the gate, thus anyonoe could go along on a mission

                  now it's all aobut elitist and exclusionary and effects, can't forget the effects
                  Where in the World is George Hammond?



                    Originally posted by Skydiver View Post
                    well you know, they heard about how we all like ship (as in relatinship) but being typical guys, didn't think the word mean relationship, thought we all lusted after little cgi space ships adn went to town

                    teh lack of space ships is what used to make sg1 unique. there was no 'gotta qualify to get in the service to serve on a ship' limitation. theoretically anyone could go through the gate, thus anyonoe could go along on a mission

                    now it's all aobut elitist and exclusionary and effects, can't forget the effects
                    Yes and isn't amazing that they went from retro fitting a glider to big honk'in ship in just a few years.

                    The Stargate is what made the show unique, it beats ships and transporters any ol'day. It kinda makes me wonder if they sold off the stargate in one of the Ebay auctions.
                    Odo's last wishes: cremate me, put me in my bucket, then shoot me through the wormhole.



                      Originally posted by the dancer of spaz View Post
                      Haha, I think the fact the contestant only said "Stargate" the first time suggests that he's not all that familiar with either series to me. I'd bet that Stargate Atlantis was probably the first things that came to his mind.
                      I don't know about this. I've called SG-1 Stargate from the beginning. When there was only one show, the need for the distinction wasn't there. ( I just pretend the movie doesn't exist.)

                      In memory of Deejay.
                      May we all be so well loved.


                        Originally posted by MediaSavant View Post
                        Those promos didn't play up the RDA aspect, but they did play up that this episode represented and important storyline turning point--a "special episode" so to speak.

                        SciFi's promo department made a decision to promote the story and not the stunt casting. It's not necessarily a wrong decision. RDA has shown up on several episodes of SG-1 and Atlantis by now. It's not necessarily a big deal anymore. He was on Atlantis only a few weeks ago. You can't fault SciFi for this.
                        I think it would have been in their best interests to promote both: Richard Dean Anderson returns for a mission that proves pivotal in the war against the Ori.

                        There are fans who would tune in for the stunt casting even though RDA's prior forays into season ten have been underwhelming.

                        In memory of Deejay.
                        May we all be so well loved.


                          Originally posted by Rogue View Post
                          Yes and isn't amazing that they went from retro fitting a glider to big honk'in ship in just a few years.

                          The Stargate is what made the show unique, it beats ships and transporters any ol'day. It kinda makes me wonder if they sold off the stargate in one of the Ebay auctions.

                          I would agree that all the "trekking" has not been to the series best interest. The gate is one of the things that set the show apart from the trek like space dramas. As well as the realistic portrayal of the military and the regulations.

                          Beyond the technobabble and the aliens was the core of the show. A realstic military team exploring the galaxy in secret. With the intro of the Prometheus the series started to make that "trek" turn. In the last two seasons the show has made a habit of blowing up and cranking out ships.

                          To make the "trekking" even more unbelievable, the ships are too large to be produced in such a short time frame and the ships have too much Asgard technology in them. The beam out beams and the glider fighters make the show a cross between star wars and star trek. It lost the stargate somewhere in that transformation.
                          Grammar, Logic, Rhetoric.


                            yeah, here we are, a country who...ok that twister that hit greensburg kansas last weekend. we know that it'll be MONTHS or YEARS before all the homes are it takes years to rebuild a town but we can crank out a space ship in weeks???

                            we, who can't even get back to the moon without years of planning, can crank out intergalactic ships like they're brownies???

                            Part of stargate's charm used to be ordinary folks, dealing with extraordinary situations with the skeptism and cynicism that mirrored that of your random person on the street.

                            they used a device that literally anyone could use. and hey, you know, the fact that it was grounded in 'reality' is what made it fun. it's what fired the imagination and fed the 'well...what if---' wonderings

                            but now, especially with bounty and family ties, they've pushed that envelope of believability so much that it's ripped to shreds. they took a show that used to treat its characters and situations with respect and turned it into a goofy farce

                            all we need is spandex uniforms and we'll have trek again. all the other pieces are there
                            Where in the World is George Hammond?



                              Originally posted by Jackie View Post
                              Shivering from the horror of the bad childhood memories with saurkrat. dry roasted with polish sausage in old pot. my mother didn't know about covers.
                              have you tried deep frying them and then eating them with Heinz spciy brown mustard??? (sigh-they don't sell that brand here and I have to rely on the kindness of strangers)
                              Franklin said, "They that can give up essential liberty for a little safety deserve neither liberty nor safety."

                              "Do or do not. There is no try." Yoda


                                Originally posted by Skydiver View Post
                                yeah, here we are, a country who...ok that twister that hit greensburg kansas last weekend. we know that it'll be MONTHS or YEARS before all the homes are it takes years to rebuild a town but we can crank out a space ship in weeks???

                                we, who can't even get back to the moon without years of planning, can crank out intergalactic ships like they're brownies???

                                Part of stargate's charm used to be ordinary folks, dealing with extraordinary situations with the skeptism and cynicism that mirrored that of your random person on the street.

                                they used a device that literally anyone could use. and hey, you know, the fact that it was grounded in 'reality' is what made it fun. it's what fired the imagination and fed the 'well...what if---' wonderings

                                but now, especially with bounty and family ties, they've pushed that envelope of believability so much that it's ripped to shreds. they took a show that used to treat its characters and situations with respect and turned it into a goofy farce

                                all we need is spandex uniforms and we'll have trek again. all the other pieces are there
                                once a trekkie-always a trekkie!
                                Franklin said, "They that can give up essential liberty for a little safety deserve neither liberty nor safety."

                                "Do or do not. There is no try." Yoda

