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S10: Critique & Contemplation

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    landry and daniel?????

    so....Laniel? or Dandry?

    ahem, anyway, if jack is too old for sam, then landry is sure as hell too old for daniel

    talk about may/december
    Where in the World is George Hammond?



      Originally posted by Skydiver View Post
      landry and daniel?????

      so....Laniel? or Dandry?

      ahem, anyway, if jack is too old for sam, then landry is sure as hell too old for daniel

      talk about may/december
      I love Dandry. Actually Ma'chello is still in Daniel's body and the age difference is no problem, that's also why he is so testy lately.
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        Originally posted by Zoser View Post
        I love Dandry. Actually Ma'chello is still in Daniel's body and the age difference is no problem, that's also why he is so testy lately.
        If Ma'chello was so smart, how come he never figured out how to ascend? After all it seems like everyone and their brother know how to do it now adays.

        Originally posted by ReganX View Post
        You mean Daniel never got out of the hospital he was locked up in in "Legacy"?
        Naw, the problem is they let Landry out and then his last commander promoted him to get him out of his chain of command. Happens in the military sometimes....usually not to generals. Unless he was already a general when he lost his happy meal fries.
        Joseph Mallozzi -"In the meantime, I'm into season 5 of OZ (where the show takes an unfortunate hairpin turn into "the not so wonderful world of fantasy")"

        ^^^ Kinda sounds like seasons 9 and 10 of SG-1 to me. Thor, ya got Aspirin?

        AGateFan has officially Gone Fishin (with Jack, Sam, Daniel, Teal'c) and is hoping Atlantis does not take that same hairpin turn.


          Originally posted by the dancer of spaz View Post

          I've given up on Daniel/Sam scenes for a couple of reasons, so I wasn't really expecting it. Meh. Nothing lost there.

          I guess it's just all a part of the silent agreement to never have The Original 3 (or 4, for that matter) have a moment together, without Vala or Cameron involved.

          I didn't mind their involvement in this episode, really. But considering this was (foolishly) the last SG-1 episode Jack/RDA was ever in, it's ridiculous that they never thought to include a scene with just Jack, Sam, Teal'c and Daniel. What a wasted opportunity.
          Let's see, Daniel's known Vala for almost 2 years and most of their relationship has been antagonistic, and he's known the rest of the team for 10. So let's make the emotional scene with our golden girl VALA. Bleh. Oh for a Daniel-Sam scene like S 1-8. (sighs, wistfully) At least they did have a scene with Daniel and Jack. I thought for sure Teal'c was going to do his "Jaffa seeing into another person's soul" thing, but they barely played up their scene at all.
          My expectations are so low, I take the crumbs, but I'm not necessarily happy.


            I agree. It does seem to be an unwritten rule that the "big 3" can't have nice moments with each other. The only ones they can have such moments with are the newcomers.

            I know the show has become more plot-driven recently and the character moments are very few - but I can't help noticing that when we do get these character moments, they mostly end up being Sam/Cam, Daniel/Vala ... with a tiny bit of Sam/Vala and Cam/Vala. Great for the people who enjoy that, but "meh" for those who like seeing Sam, Daniel and Teal'c interact and miss it.


              to put it simply robert cooper fraked up the show IMO.

              everything was fime until brad let him take control.


                Usually it is about this time of the season when the ratings bottom out and then begin to climb towards the end of season peak.

                It's usually the 6th last episode, which is coming up this week and in my opinion Bounty deserves a low rating (pity ratings have nothing to do with audience approval of the ep shown). So anyone care to make predictions?

                The current low is 1.1
                • will that low be beaten? by how much?
                • will Classic Stargate reruns score higher ratings than first runs?
                • how high will the last ep score?

                In my opinion 3 out of the last 6 eps are stinkers (Bounty, Bad Guys & Family Ties), 1 watchable (Talion) and the other 2 are opportunities missed in a big way(Dominion & Unending).

                I reckon we'll see a low of 0.9-1.0 and a high of 1.5

                Personally I think the stinkers deserve even less.


                  Remember though this is a different time of year then the 6th ep normally hits so it may not follow the same pattern. For all we know that 6th week was hitting in the midst of March Maddness previously.

                  will that low be beaten? by how much? Probably. But probably not as low as it deserves... probably only 1.0 or sowill Classic Stargate reruns score higher ratings than first runs? Dont they already beat 1.1. I have no idea but they certainly deserve higher high will the last ep score? If the eps previous to it are stinkers then I think it will score in the same range as them. Unless there is some LAST EP EVER advertising campaign.
                  Joseph Mallozzi -"In the meantime, I'm into season 5 of OZ (where the show takes an unfortunate hairpin turn into "the not so wonderful world of fantasy")"

                  ^^^ Kinda sounds like seasons 9 and 10 of SG-1 to me. Thor, ya got Aspirin?

                  AGateFan has officially Gone Fishin (with Jack, Sam, Daniel, Teal'c) and is hoping Atlantis does not take that same hairpin turn.


                    I just finished watching the Shroud and that was the dullest supposed finale to a storyline I've ever seen. The first 2/3rds were all talk, meetings and exposition. The scenes between Jack and the other characters seemed forced as if people who had gone through a divorce are pretending to get along in front of the kids. It didn't feel like old Stargate at all.

                    Maybe it was appropriate that such boring villains should meet such a ho-hum end, if it was indeed the end. If it wasn't, "ho-hum" to that, too.


                      Originally posted by MediaSavant View Post
                      I just finished watching the Shroud and that was the dullest supposed finale to a storyline I've ever seen. The first 2/3rds were all talk, meetings and exposition. The scenes between Jack and the other characters seemed forced as if people who had gone through a divorce are pretending to get along in front of the kids. It didn't feel like old Stargate at all.

                      Maybe it was appropriate that such boring villains should meet such a ho-hum end, if it was indeed the end. If it wasn't, "ho-hum" to that, too.
                      Yea, I think "ho-hum" is a pretty good description myself

                      my fanfic


                        Originally posted by MediaSavant View Post
                        I just finished watching the Shroud and that was the dullest supposed finale to a storyline I've ever seen. The first 2/3rds were all talk, meetings and exposition. The scenes between Jack and the other characters seemed forced as if people who had gone through a divorce are pretending to get along in front of the kids. It didn't feel like old Stargate at all.

                        Maybe it was appropriate that such boring villains should meet such a ho-hum end, if it was indeed the end. If it wasn't, "ho-hum" to that, too.
                        There was a chuckle moment for me in The Shroud when Woolsey and Landry were coming out of the the latter's office, with Landry's belt-hangover quite apparent in semi-profile. He then proceeded to say "I don't have the stomach for it."

                        My thought "Oh, yes you do!"


                          and the head is still in the sand:

                          Anonymous #2 writes: “All the "oh they don't advertise enough" and "the fans just won't accept what we're giving them" won't fly if the series fails.”

                          Answer: Yet the fact is that after a six month lay-off, lack of any significant promotion, and previous airings throughout the world and on the internet, both Stargates have seen their numbers dip. It doesn’t take a genius to connect the dots.
                          Snurched from JOe's blog.

                          they still can't/won't even consider that their work and changes is at the root of the show dying.

                          hubris like this is why, as much as i want atlantis to suceed, i have serious doubts about it and anything beyond the movies. As long as they're gonna blame any and everyone, there is little to no chance of them 'seeing' that they CAN control the show and aren't
                          Where in the World is George Hammond?



                            Originally posted by Skydiver View Post
                            and the head is still in the sand:

                            Snurched from JOe's blog.

                            they still can't/won't even consider that their work and changes is at the root of the show dying.

                            hubris like this is why, as much as i want atlantis to suceed, i have serious doubts about it and anything beyond the movies. As long as they're gonna blame any and everyone, there is little to no chance of them 'seeing' that they CAN control the show and aren't
                            Again I say (to joe) the show was cancelled BEFORE the layoff.
                            People (those you had left) DID tune back in for the premeir of the second half of the season just not the shows after that.
                            MGM is the one that choose to air the show around the rest of the world before the us not scifi.

                            You know it really doesnt take a genius to figure it out. I would hope that someone who is a professional writer and whose "turn" it is to be a show runner would be able to figure it out....but apparently not.

                            Oh and promotion? promotion is such a non issue its ridiculous. The show has NEVER had promotion and certainly had more in S9 start of S10 then any stargate in history, at least in my viewing experience. But I guess all the love that you got at the start of S9 did kind of dry up after people actually saw that crp.
                            Joseph Mallozzi -"In the meantime, I'm into season 5 of OZ (where the show takes an unfortunate hairpin turn into "the not so wonderful world of fantasy")"

                            ^^^ Kinda sounds like seasons 9 and 10 of SG-1 to me. Thor, ya got Aspirin?

                            AGateFan has officially Gone Fishin (with Jack, Sam, Daniel, Teal'c) and is hoping Atlantis does not take that same hairpin turn.


                              teh show WAS cancelled long before the lay off

                              scifi, i believe, chose to delay the airing in the states while i think mgm honored thier contracts with the rest of the world and let them air it when they usually do instead of delayed to pimp pain killer jane

                              but do you really think that there are THAT MANY downloaders??? surely those are only that small minority of hard core fans

                              Now i do think that having the show available overseas sooner, thus we few hardcore fans who have heard reviews from fellow fen might have had an effect...but still the general casual fan doesn't lurk online and read reviews from across the ocean.

                              he contradicts himself in 'hard core fans are a tiny minority' and 'it's all the fault of the delay and fans turning off the set'

                              teh only folks that would care about the delay etc are the hard core fans, those that are just a tiny fraction of the viewership
                              Where in the World is George Hammond?



                                Originally posted by Skydiver View Post
                                and the head is still in the sand:

                                Snurched from JOe's blog.

                                they still can't/won't even consider that their work and changes is at the root of the show dying.

                                hubris like this is why, as much as i want atlantis to suceed, i have serious doubts about it and anything beyond the movies. As long as they're gonna blame any and everyone, there is little to no chance of them 'seeing' that they CAN control the show and aren't
                                Joe is <snip>-this show is watched on the internet-discussed-written about-argued about and every other "about" there is-the six-month layoff would have been nothing had the viewer really wanted to watch and cared about what was going on-the show would have been hiatus for a year and nobody would have minded and watched when it returned. ask the fans of the 4400, the Closer, the Dead Zone-24-they will tell you-it doesn't matter how long they have to wait-as long as it comes back.
                                Last edited by Skydiver; 08 May 2007, 07:30 AM.
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