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S10: Critique & Contemplation

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    Originally posted by ChevronSeven View Post
    You've got to understand the way NBC (who own SciFi) treats its executives. The more they screw up, the higher they get promoted. It worked for Jeff Zucker.
    ah yes, the ever popular Peter Principal-you get promoted to the level of your incompetence.
    Franklin said, "They that can give up essential liberty for a little safety deserve neither liberty nor safety."

    "Do or do not. There is no try." Yoda


      Originally posted by Jackie View Post
      I seem to recall Mark Stern's reasoning for setting air dates back was to--in some magical way--have better rating for skiffy and make it so they could set new ad rates in oct.

      Now, if that was the real reason behind the move--then I would call for the chief officer's resignation. That would make no sense because sweeps effects all the networks.
      You are misinformed.

      The famous "sweeps" refer to when local ratings diaries are sent out to the 200 or more individual markets (called DMA's). The reason they became important is that once upon a time, those "four time a year" rating books were the only rating books that those markets got. Thus, they set ad rates locally. Because networks like ABC, NBC, and CBS have affiliates, it was in their best interest to make sure their affiliates got good ratings so they program their best stuff during sweeps. The networks themselves have no reason other than that. National ratings are measured every day of the year using meters, not diaries.

      None of this applies to cable. They don't have affiliates. They get ratings every day of the year. No month is any more important than another.

      What Mr. Stern was referring to, however, is that the network's ratings were very inconsistent from month-to-month. When they bunched up all their higher rated shows together, those months had good ratings, while other months had very bad ratings. That's not good for a cable network that's trying to sell advertising 12 months a year. The strategy of spreading their shows out was and is an attempt to have decent ratings every month of the year and not just for a few months.

      That strategy may have worked. While they don't get the monthly highs they used to get, they don't get the lows either. It's a much more evenly rated network across the year.

      As an FYI, the sweeps themselves are declining in importance to the broadcast networks also. The top ten markets now have ditched the diary and get metered ratings every day of the year just like the national ratings.


        Originally posted by ChevronSeven View Post
        You've got to understand the way NBC (who own SciFi) treats its executives. The more they screw up, the higher they get promoted. It worked for Jeff Zucker.
        Like Col. Samuels.


          And that Col. Kennedy from the NID (remembering Jack's "talk about failing upwards" comment from Enigma)


            the recipe for a network exec

            when your arrogance outstrips your imcompetance and manifests itself with greed
            Where in the World is George Hammond?



              Originally posted by Skydiver View Post
              the recipe for a network exec

              when your arrogance outstrips your imcompetance and manifests itself with greed
              I'll give 'em one thing. The decision to cancel SG-1 was the right one. If they had renewed for Season 11, all they'd be getting is ratings below a 1 in 2008 for a very expensive series that they have no financial interest in.

              Of course, they may get that for renewing Atlantis.


                Originally posted by MediaSavant View Post
                I'll give 'em one thing. The decision to cancel SG-1 was the right one. If they had renewed for Season 11, all they'd be getting is ratings below a 1 in 2008 for a very expensive series that they have no financial interest in.

                Of course, they may get that for renewing Atlantis.
                Yeah but Atlantis is cheaper than SG-1. Still can't get how "Irresponsible" got better ratings than TRNT !
                Anxiously expceting ratings for "The Shroud" (and the poor f***kers didn't advertise RDA/Jack's presence in it )
                Last edited by petemoretti; 01 May 2007, 05:31 AM.


                  Originally posted by MediaSavant View Post
                  I'll give 'em one thing. The decision to cancel SG-1 was the right one. If they had renewed for Season 11, all they'd be getting is ratings below a 1 in 2008 for a very expensive series that they have no financial interest in.

                  Of course, they may get that for renewing Atlantis.
                  yeah, but mgm has a vested interested in perhaps forking out more money for atlantis than they could/would for the pair of them

                  If mgm honestly wants to keep the franchise alive, it makes sense for them to cut thier losses...a 10 year old show whose popularity has been fading for favor of a newer and cheaper show, and use all thier resources to pimp atlantis in the hopes that it gets near stargate's origianl popularity so that it can keep the franchise going until this rumored third series takes flight...and once Universe premieres - if it does - i give atlantis 2-3 seasons past that at the most before it's canned.

                  It's also possible that they're hoping to use atlantis to keep the franchise going so that when they make universe (a stupid name by the way) they can shop universe to another network and cut thier losses with skiffy

                  In other words, they might be willing to operate at a bit of a loss on atlantis for while to use it to buy them time for universe and allow them to get away from scifi and its issues
                  Where in the World is George Hammond?



                    Originally posted by petemoretti View Post
                    Yeah but Atlantis is cheaper than SG-1. Still can't get how "Irresponsible" got better ratings than TRNT !
                    Anxiously expceting ratings for "The Shroud" (and the poor <mod snip....the language filter is there for a reason> didn't advertise RDA/Jack's presence in it )
                    Yeah, I couldn't belive "Irresponsible" got even better ratings than "Echoes" or, like you said, TRNT which was much better episode. "Irresponsible" is possibly the worst episode ever on SGA, and I hope that kind of eps won't be included next season.

                    I like Atlantis, and I would hope it goes on. It made it good enough in ratings to be renewed for a S4, and it's cheaper than SG1. However I used to think S5 was very possible, but I'm starting to have my doubts about that now. I wonder if it could survive with these kind of ratings, or even more possibly, lower ratings? Cause I really can't see it picking up in ratings next season, the trend seems to be loss of viewers for every season. SG1 increased in ratings by every season, and peaked in S8, then we all know what happened.


                      SG1 would still be on the air, had MGM been willing to pony up what scifi wanted for it.

                      It's my understanding that - using totally imaginary numbers - let's say that out of the 1000 making budget for each episode, mgm kicked in 400, scifi 600, using ad rates to come up with that money. then came negotiations for s11 and skiffy said 'you know, 400 just isn't gonna cut it. we'll still air the show, but you need to pay us 700 per episode for us to air it.'

                      mgm went 'dude, i'm not paying a dime over 500'

                      tehy reached an impasse and skiffy said 'see ya'

                      Now, if mgm really wants to pimp the franchise, they MIGHT pony up more money for atlantis - take more of the costs upon themselves, thus giving skiffy less to pay and - if the ad rates are right - a larger profit margin, just to keep the franchise alive.

                      In that way, atlantis MIGHT go on for a bit longer, or as long as MGM is willing to pay what scifi wants them to pay to keep it on the air

                      Had mgm been willingto meet scifi's demands, scifi woulda renewed it. Basically MGM could have ended up paying scifi to air it, operating at a loss, then hoping for merchandising and licensing to make up that money difference
                      Where in the World is George Hammond?



                        I expect MGM will do that for S5 of SGA to get a nice round syndication package. There's nothing in it for Sci Fi to have a S5 - unless all their other shows fall apart.


                          i too, see mgm doing all they can to make it until 5 so that there's a nice neat 100 episode package to sell
                          Where in the World is George Hammond?



                            Originally posted by Skydiver View Post
                            If mgm honestly wants to keep the franchise alive, it makes sense for them to cut thier losses...a 10 year old show whose popularity has been fading for favor of a newer and cheaper show, and use all thier resources to pimp atlantis in the hopes that it gets near stargate's origianl popularity so that it can keep the franchise going until this rumored third series takes flight...and once Universe premieres - if it does - i give atlantis 2-3 seasons past that at the most before it's canned.
                            If this year's Atlantis ratings are any indication, I don't see the ratings improving just because they add an SG-1 actor to the cast.

                            It's also possible that they're hoping to use atlantis to keep the franchise going so that when they make universe (a stupid name by the way) they can shop universe to another network and cut thier losses with skiffy
                            It's not as stupid a name as "Stargate Command" would have been. I swear that sounded like something you'd expect Leslie Nielsen to star in it.

                            As to shopping it to another network, I don't see any other network interested. Not too many networks keep shows on air that have ratings as low as SciFi does. SciFi is the last stop for shows like this, not the first one.

                            That's why I chuckle at fans who think SciFi's contract clause prevented SG-1 from going to another network. Even if there weren't any clause, it wouldn't go to another network.

                            In other words, they might be willing to operate at a bit of a loss on atlantis for while to use it to buy them time for universe and allow them to get away from scifi and its issues
                            SciFi's issues are no different than any other network's issues. They all want high rated shows and make a profit on them.

                            IMO, if there is a future in this franchise it will be foretold by the "straight to DVD" test for SG-1. Let's see how many people (fans) will support the franchise out of their own pocket.


                              Originally posted by MediaSavant View Post

                              SciFi's issues are no different than any other network's issues. They all want high rated shows and make a profit on them.

                              IMO, if there is a future in this franchise it will be foretold by the "straight to DVD" test for SG-1. Let's see how many people (fans) will support the franchise out of their own pocket.
                              I for one won't buy something just because it's labelled "Stargate". Luckily I have friends like that so I'll get a chance to sample the products before buying !!! And if it's anything like the "new show" they won't see any money from me !!!


                                I agree with all points. AT is very good and I like the Sam character but I do not think it will have a big impact on the success of Atlantis. Antlantis is losing so popular character for season 4 and that will hurt. I also think another network would not much interest in SG-1 and the DVD Movies will be a test to see how many Fans will support SG-1.

