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S10: Critique & Contemplation

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    Despite the caution I have comparing ratings across years (different bases, methodologies), a 30% drop between two weeks when the sample is essentially the same is significant.

    I thought the Quest, Part 2 was pretty mediocre, but I didn't realize people in the Nielsen panel would agree with me and decide to do something else this week. Can't speak for Atlantis because I didn't watch it, but its drop wasn't as big.

    It's unlikely that the "Live + 7" ratings will make up for a drop that size.


      Not surprised by the ratings drop. BSG has dropped like a rock too.

      Last weeks episode was better than the mid season premier but still not good enough to be classic stargate.

      I expect the ratings for The Shroud to be the highest for the second half of the season. The rest will be over all--low.

      I just wished that season 8 was the last year and that Stargate Command had never happened. Coops new vision has ruined Stargate for me. To the point where I don't even care to write fanfics anymore. Without the classic Jack and Daniel banter--there is no real stargate.

      I don't know what they are going to do to Atlantis's ratings in season 4. I kind of expect to find myself on the anti season thread, if I continue to watch the show.

      I watch SG-1 out of loyalty and nothing else. I don't have that same loyalty with Atlantis. I find the majority of SGA's characters so under developed that they don't pull me in like the old Stargate did.

      I do hold out a little hope for the second movie but I have already decided not to bother with the ark of truth.
      Grammar, Logic, Rhetoric.


        Originally posted by binkpmmc View Post
        so disappointing to see such a great show go out on such a sad note with the ratings simply tanking - it really is too bad that they drove the show into the ground the way they did after season 8 did so well. I hope cooper is happy.
        the 7 month wait and youtube didn't help


          yep, the long wait. the fact that there's nothing new out there, not really. yes, casual fans will know nothing, but also, i'm pretty sure, that many of the reviewers aren't reviewing week to week...they've likely seen all the eps and are reviewing it overall.

          I'm sure that coop and the boys will blame sweeps. May is a big sweeps month, season/series finale time for the networks. and since the may sweeps determines ad rates all the way until the fall (there is a july sweeps but it's largely ignored and discounted) they will pull out all the stops.

          so coop and the kids will continue to deny that the show has lost quality adn will blame scifi for delaying thier airing until may and cite increasing competition against new network shows (despite the fact that the last few episodes will air in the vast re-run wasteland of june)

          Coop and teh boys may honestly be making a show that they think is great and grand and fun. and maybe if it had been allowed to stand on its own and be its own entity from the beginning it would stand a better chance. but they - either on thier own or because of scifi - tried to stick thier new show under the name of an old, established and somewhat respected show...and people had no patience for the blatant bait and switch.

          Imagine how you'd feel if the promo said Stargate sg-1 and you turned on the set and got Andromeda. I'd feel ripped off, ticked off and i'd change the channel cause i found andromeda to be a show that HAD potential in the beginning but it lost it very quickly (i think when i watched the first few eps i considered it a blessing when the whole crew died and didn't have to put up with the ego of the captian and those uber cheesy lines)

          The arrogance of tptb hasn't helped either. dunno bout you, but being called names adn mocked doesn't quite endear me to a person and, for example, when word about the save teh show campaign first broke, my attitude was 'dude, i've been called a person with issues and been told that i'm stupid if i can't enjoy the changes in the show...why the hell would i want to help these folks that obviously dont' want anything to do with me as a fan?'

          TPTB are no longer sympathetic figures, caught in between a network and a studio and stuck doing stuff tehy may not want to do....they come across as very arrogant and stuck up folks with a distinct lack of respect and empathy for anyone but themselves.

          they made thier bed, they can lie in it.

          I just feel sorry for the fokls caught in the crossfire...the actors, cast and crew, all of whom are out of jobs because TPTB couldn't keep it together.
          Where in the World is George Hammond?



            What I find a bit funny is that now that S10 are doing really bad, Nielsen rating system is crap and doesn't show the true numbers. I'm certain it's not 100% accurate, but I highly doubt it's THAT wrong. It's like a show can never decline and loose it's viewers, just cause some thinks it's still great or new fans that think it's better than before. It really is nice that they enjoy it, but that doesn't mean everyone else does. Just looking at GW I think the fanbase has really been split up, and so therefore the numbers in ratings are pretty much showing what is seen on here, and GW doesn't have that many fans to even make up the number of viewers. Here are only the really, really big fans.

            The other thing everyone is blaming is the D word. It's like the show has never been downloaded before. US has always been 3rd after UK and Canada to show the 2nd half, yet ratings never used to least not this much. Sure the long wait might play a part, but looking at the 1st half...the show was already heading down. How do people explain the loss of viewers in the 1st half, I doubt everyone chose to grab it of the net rather than watch it "live"...rant over.


              Originally posted by Jackie View Post
              Not surprised by the ratings drop. BSG has dropped like a rock too.

              Last weeks episode was better than the mid season premier but still not good enough to be classic stargate.

              I expect the ratings for The Shroud to be the highest for the second half of the season. The rest will be over all--low.

              I just wished that season 8 was the last year and that Stargate Command had never happened. Coops new vision has ruined Stargate for me. To the point where I don't even care to write fanfics anymore. Without the classic Jack and Daniel banter--there is no real stargate.

              I don't know what they are going to do to Atlantis's ratings in season 4. I kind of expect to find myself on the anti season thread, if I continue to watch the show.

              I watch SG-1 out of loyalty and nothing else. I don't have that same loyalty with Atlantis. I find the majority of SGA's characters so under developed that they don't pull me in like the old Stargate did.

              I do hold out a little hope for the second movie but I have already decided not to bother with the ark of truth.
              I don't care enough to do even that!
              Distinguished Service Ribbon Goa'uld Campaign
              My Stories zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz Artwork by Mala


                Originally posted by Skydiver View Post
                yep, the long wait. the fact that there's nothing new out there, not really. yes, casual fans will know nothing, but also, i'm pretty sure, that many of the reviewers aren't reviewing week to week...they've likely seen all the eps and are reviewing it overall.

                I'm sure that coop and the boys will blame sweeps. May is a big sweeps month, season/series finale time for the networks. and since the may sweeps determines ad rates all the way until the fall (there is a july sweeps but it's largely ignored and discounted) they will pull out all the stops.

                so coop and the kids will continue to deny that the show has lost quality adn will blame scifi for delaying thier airing until may and cite increasing competition against new network shows (despite the fact that the last few episodes will air in the vast re-run wasteland of june)

                Coop and teh boys may honestly be making a show that they think is great and grand and fun. and maybe if it had been allowed to stand on its own and be its own entity from the beginning it would stand a better chance. but they - either on thier own or because of scifi - tried to stick thier new show under the name of an old, established and somewhat respected show...and people had no patience for the blatant bait and switch.

                Imagine how you'd feel if the promo said Stargate sg-1 and you turned on the set and got Andromeda. I'd feel ripped off, ticked off and i'd change the channel cause i found andromeda to be a show that HAD potential in the beginning but it lost it very quickly (i think when i watched the first few eps i considered it a blessing when the whole crew died and didn't have to put up with the ego of the captian and those uber cheesy lines)

                The arrogance of tptb hasn't helped either. dunno bout you, but being called names adn mocked doesn't quite endear me to a person and, for example, when word about the save teh show campaign first broke, my attitude was 'dude, i've been called a person with issues and been told that i'm stupid if i can't enjoy the changes in the show...why the hell would i want to help these folks that obviously dont' want anything to do with me as a fan?'

                TPTB are no longer sympathetic figures, caught in between a network and a studio and stuck doing stuff tehy may not want to do....they come across as very arrogant and stuck up folks with a distinct lack of respect and empathy for anyone but themselves.

                they made thier bed, they can lie in it.

                I just feel sorry for the fokls caught in the crossfire...the actors, cast and crew, all of whom are out of jobs because TPTB couldn't keep it together.
                I gave Andromeda (Hercules in Space) a chance too. Interest premise but in the end lousy execution - sounds like Stargate of latter years.

                The arrogance of TPTB is the last straw. Although it is only felt by the rabid fan - I was taken aback by two who were singled out. We don't criticize because we are mean and hate it - we loved it and miss it. We actually care. If we didn't care we wouldn't even bother to watch. Oops - oh yeah, check the ratings! Yes, I guess alienating the few fans left is a great idea!
                Distinguished Service Ribbon Goa'uld Campaign
                My Stories zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz Artwork by Mala


                  Originally posted by saberhagen83 View Post
                  What I find a bit funny is that now that S10 are doing really bad, Nielsen rating system is crap and doesn't show the true numbers. I'm certain it's not 100% accurate, but I highly doubt it's THAT wrong. It's like a show can never decline and loose it's viewers, just cause some thinks it's still great or new fans that think it's better than before. It really is nice that they enjoy it, but that doesn't mean everyone else does. Just looking at GW I think the fanbase has really been split up, and so therefore the numbers in ratings are pretty much showing what is seen on here, and GW doesn't have that many fans to even make up the number of viewers. Here are only the really, really big fans.

                  The other thing everyone is blaming is the D word. It's like the show has never been downloaded before. US has always been 3rd after UK and Canada to show the 2nd half, yet ratings never used to least not this much. Sure the long wait might play a part, but looking at the 1st half...the show was already heading down. How do people explain the loss of viewers in the 1st half, I doubt everyone chose to grab it of the net rather than watch it "live"...rant over.
                  From what i read it's a 30% drop from last weeks show, so I'm more inclined to belive that viewers may have had enough of this Merlin and dragon crap we've been getting since S9...It's NOT SG1's some poorly made clone...oh and I think we've had enough of clones too

                  my fanfic


                    Originally posted by Mandysg1 View Post
                    From what i read it's a 30% drop from last weeks show, so I'm more inclined to belive that viewers may have had enough of this Merlin and dragon crap we've been getting since S9...It's NOT SG1's some poorly made clone...oh and I think we've had enough of clones too
                    Agreed, I like to think so too. Fact is that they alienated alot of fans with S9 and never really bothered to turn things around in S10. They have tried in a few eps, but they are few and very far between. The show has gone from scifi into fantasy now, and the Stargate is more or less non-existent on the show in S9/10.


                      Originally posted by Zoser View Post
                      I gave Andromeda (Hercules in Space) a chance too. Interest premise but in the end lousy execution - sounds like Stargate of latter years.

                      The arrogance of TPTB is the last straw. Although it is only felt by the rabid fan - I was taken aback by two who were singled out. We don't criticize because we are mean and hate it - we loved it and miss it. We actually care. If we didn't care we wouldn't even bother to watch. Oops - oh yeah, check the ratings! Yes, I guess alienating the few fans left is a great idea!
                      I take it you've read JM's blog blast.
                      Franklin said, "They that can give up essential liberty for a little safety deserve neither liberty nor safety."

                      "Do or do not. There is no try." Yoda


                        I have to say that I agree on the ratings stuff - it seems to me that if people didn't like Quest 2 they would not bother tuning in for Line in the Sand - how people feel about the show when they do watch pretty much influences whether they come back so my guess, along with others here, is that Q2 didn't really impress many people and ratings tanked. To me the dragon was cheesy and ridiculous and I wasn't impressed with the show but I watched lits anyway because I like Sam - too bad the actual episode suffers from alot of the same problems the whole show does now, crappy writing and plot-holes so big maybe the people who make show could get their ego swollen heads through them, maybe.

                        I'm really sad that the show is doing so badly - it is embarrasing for the actors who seem to have worked so hard for so long (I'm talking about RDA, AT, MS and CJ) to build it up. I don't feel sorry for the people in charge now though - they seem to have made alot of the decisions in the last 2-3 years, plus they're the writers and directors and showrunner, that have made the show so bad now.


                          Originally posted by MediaSavant View Post
                          Despite the caution I have comparing ratings across years (different bases, methodologies), a 30% drop between two weeks when the sample is essentially the same is significant.

                          I thought the Quest, Part 2 was pretty mediocre, but I didn't realize people in the Nielsen panel would agree with me and decide to do something else this week. Can't speak for Atlantis because I didn't watch it, but its drop wasn't as big.

                          It's unlikely that the "Live + 7" ratings will make up for a drop that size.

                          If I may.

                          Does Nielsen still use the quarter hour measurement (actual live viewing) or have they stopped that. Also are those who are in the Nielsen panel allowed to find alternate means of viewing the episodes way before hand. And yes I mean the "d" word. Or does that violate the terms and agreement that they have with the company.


                            Originally posted by smurf View Post
                            Wow. For the first time in two/three years I'm actually surprised by something relating to SG-1.
                            That's quite a ratings drop when you think last week it managed an okay 1.5.

                            ETA: okay, for S10 that is...

                            Interesting that it's being interpreted by some fans to as proving how much the show needs Daniel Jackson. Daniel was in the Quest, Part II and it got a 1.5. No Daniel and the ratings tank. Then when Daniel returns in "The Shroud" the best guess is that the ratings will be much better again. Well, sure maybe Jack might have a bit to do with that , but ratings rise and fall on the presence or absence of Daniel, according to some.


                              people will see what they want to see.

                              regardless of which actor is in it and how his/her fen feel...there is teh simple fact - a belief that is becoming more of a fact with each week's's vision of a show is NOT a success.

                              In fact, imho, if this new and 'improved' show had been a totally new endeavor, your random space adventure, we'd be looking at a season 2 cancellation. I think the only thing that's kept it going this long are the 'rabid' fen who keep hanging on ,hoping for it to get 'better'...and who have finally had enough and found something else to watch
                              Where in the World is George Hammond?



                                Originally posted by Skydiver View Post
                                people will see what they want to see.

                                regardless of which actor is in it and how his/her fen feel...there is teh simple fact - a belief that is becoming more of a fact with each week's's vision of a show is NOT a success.

                                In fact, imho, if this new and 'improved' show had been a totally new endeavor, your random space adventure, we'd be looking at a season 2 cancellation. I think the only thing that's kept it going this long are the 'rabid' fen who keep hanging on ,hoping for it to get 'better'...and who have finally had enough and found something else to watch
                                Actually Sky, I don't think it would have made it through S1

                                *Wonders what the ratings for the new show Painkiller Jane will mean*

                                my fanfic

