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S10: Critique & Contemplation

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    One question about Mitchell and LitS
    So, he a surgeon now? Didn't we use to slap on a field dressing and head for the gate? When I saw the clamp with the bloody gauze I scratched my head. (I was also amazed at the fact that I was awake but it was early and I just had a vat of coffee.)

    I was also glad I was alone - I get embarrassed when I'm watching hokey cr@p and someone else has ammunition to make fun of me.

    After seeing
    Jack last week in Atlantis - Is this still a secret?
    I felt deprived. Although I did like the
    pseudo whales
    It reminded me of the same creatures in Myst - which reminds me I never did finish Myst - Exile.
    Distinguished Service Ribbon Goa'uld Campaign
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      Originally posted by Zoser View Post
      One question about Mitchell and LitS
      So, he a surgeon now? Didn't we use to slap on a field dressing and head for the gate? When I saw the clamp with the bloody gauze I scratched my head. (I was also amazed at the fact that I was awake but it was early and I just had a vat of coffee.)
      yeah, that stretched belief a good bit. then again, i was so happy that he did SOMETHING. took him long enough.

      Originally posted by Zoser View Post
      It reminded me of the same creatures in Myst - which reminds me I never did finish Myst - Exile.
      i love Myst, i think someone in the SGA props and/or CGI department does too.
      "Out of the Abyss" (SJ Angst)....................Best New Author.................."Else Close the Wall Up" (Sam)
      Hic Comitas Regit. Welcome to Samanda.


        umm, i've had folks with military adn medical experience say taht actually field medic kits are more than just bandaids and alcohol wipes.

        they have said that cam'e med kit is very realistic.

        I really didn't have any issues with sam/cam but more along the line of mister cliched villager, ready to sell everyone out to save his own skin. needed for the story, sure. but...i dunno, maybe he'd have been more sympathetic had he been a parent trying to save his child or something. more motivation beyond being a coward
        Where in the World is George Hammond?



          Did anyone else notice that in the trailers for next weeks episode the announcer said :"Amanda" is trapped in a parallel reality.

          (They should've said Carter) I hope Amanda is careful!


            yep, poor amanda's gonna get in trouble
            Where in the World is George Hammond?



              Originally posted by Suzotchka View Post
              Did anyone else notice that in the trailers for next weeks episode the announcer said :"Amanda" is trapped in a parallel reality.

              (They should've said Carter) I hope Amanda is careful!
              Originally posted by Skydiver View Post
              yep, poor amanda's gonna get in trouble
              I wonder if she'll be back in time for the movies


                Originally posted by Skydiver View Post
                umm, i've had folks with military adn medical experience say taht actually field medic kits are more than just bandaids and alcohol wipes.

                they have said that cam'e med kit is very realistic.
                I had more of a problem with Cam being Mr. Surgeon? With a wound like that its not like you can sew the ends closed Oh who's kidding who, I had a few more problems with the episode Like mentioned before, why wasn't anyone watching Sam's back when she was trying to get device back on line to save everyone? The pep talk Cam gives Sam about getting the band back together...its lucky for him she was wounded and so doped up on morphine that she didn't haul off and hit him, (that I would have loved to see ) And why at the end, was Sam still in the infirmary...don't they remember thiir own new cannon, that Vala heals everyone? Guess they wrote themselves into a major plot hole there, but you know what, it's okay because SG1 fans are so stupid they won't notice...cuase they love everything TPTB give them

                I really didn't have any issues with sam/cam but more along the line of mister cliched villager, ready to sell everyone out to save his own skin. needed for the story, sure. but...i dunno, maybe he'd have been more sympathetic had he been a parent trying to save his child or something. more motivation beyond being a coward
                But sky, what would TPTB do without their over used cliches, its not like they can write without them

                not sure if we still need spoilers?

                my fanfic


                  Originally posted by Suzotchka View Post
                  Did anyone else notice that in the trailers for next weeks episode the announcer said :"Amanda" is trapped in a parallel reality.

                  (They should've said Carter) I hope Amanda is careful!
                  I noticed that too! wonder if they'll fix it during the week for the rest of the promos...

                  On Line in the Sand
                  I did think "so now Mitchell knows surgery too?! But then I figured (as was mentioned above) that there are times when they'd need to do a quick and dirty stitch-up of wounded & probably get basic training in that. And I was glad to know Sam isn't the *only* one with field medic training. It always used to be up to Sam. I didn't think she was a "princess." I thought it seemed pretty realistic that she was fairly incapacitated--too often people get shot and run around afterward like they have a hang nail. Though I did think there should have been more blood on the floor & her clothes. But then again this is network TV show, so they have to be careful about that. Finally a good Sam episode.


                    I do find Vala far more tolerable when Daniel is not there. The ep last night had some drawbacks. As much as I like Ben B, he just can't seem to get this character. He's either too agressive or not aggressive enough. Could have done without the grandma refrences.

                    I did like Tomin and Vala scenes. the best part of the whole show was Tomin. (loved him) Can we get Tomin on SG-1 and get rid of Jackson?

                    Sam...oh, poor Sam.
                    Mitchell would have some basic field surgery skills, that didn't bother me. Sam laying on the cot and saying that she was dying and her make up made her look pretty fresh seemed odd. She looked pretty good for someone as sick as she was.

                    Teal'c kicked butt when they started transporting down on the rings. He seemed to have something more to do and I loved the scowel when the chicken sold him out.

                    Villiagers were over all too cliche to really care about. I honestly didn't care about thier village.
                    However, the excuse for not evactuating was just so lame.
                    Grammar, Logic, Rhetoric.


                      Originally posted by Jackie View Post
                      Sam...oh, poor Sam.
                      Mitchell would have some basic field surgery skills, that didn't bother me. Sam laying on the cot and saying that she was dying and her make up made her look pretty fresh seemed odd. She looked pretty good for someone as sick as she was.

                      Yea I caught that too,
                      I would put the blame either the make-up artist or the director. As the director is in charge of how the scene looks Remember In The Line of Duty, at the end when Sam was dying...they actually had her look pale and at death's door. Oh yea the good old days when little things like that mattered

                      my fanfic


                        Originally posted by Mandysg1 View Post
                        Yea I caught that too,
                        I would put the blame either the make-up artist or the director. As the director is in charge of how the scene looks Remember In The Line of Duty, at the end when Sam was dying...they actually had her look pale and at death's door. Oh yea the good old days when little things like that mattered
                        it occurred to me too that she should have been looking pale. But AT did convey the weakness well.


                          Originally posted by jckfan55 View Post
                          I noticed that too! wonder if they'll fix it during the week for the rest of the promos...
                          So far, nope.

                          It's late afternoon Saturday, and the voice-over still has Amanda headed for trouble in the promo-zone (that's another dimension, isn't it?), and I'm still laughing at the ineptness that I've come to identify with all things on the Sci-Fi channel. If it was supposed to be inside joke, it's pretty much backfired from my point of view. I'm definitely laughing at them, not with 'em.

                          Run, Amanda! Run! You have a whole week! Maybe you can get far enough away that you won't be trapped!

                          On the subject of LitS:


                          I guess I'm in the minority, but I wasn't impressed. It was better than usual, but, nowhere near good, imo. The whole thing was hokey, contrived, and generally about as subtle as Ted Nugent concert mounting 60K watts of speakers at each side of the stage.

                          First everything was manipulated to get the large scale test of the gizmo underway, and the manipulations were about as delicately understated as a boxer telegraphing his next move with his whole body, too.

                          And then somebody ought to have to walloped Vala over her vivaciously perky-as-can-be head with a RainbowBrite doll for volunteering Sam to make everything a success. Jerk...ess. I guess that was supposed to come off as cute and enthusiastic. All I got was idiotic. I now suspect I'd have liked Qetesh much better as a character.

                          Then Cam, owner of those wonderful leadership skills, can't even muster the military gumption to put the appropriate protection on the way-cool gizmo (and its operator) that they're there to test. What if a whole squad/group/bunch of Ori fanatics had blundered in on Colonel Carter? She'd have gotten shot multiple times and probably been dead and one P-90 after the fact probably wouldn't have beat said squad/group/bunch of Ori fanatics off. They'd have been down one unreplaceable Merlinic gizmo and one equally unreplaceable genius. And, it's not like it's a stretch to imagine such a scenario, that it should strain a lieutenant colonel's strategic planning and tactical foresight to think of it and at least acknowledge the possibility, if not actually plan for it, either. Once again, incredibly contrived.

                          Somebody needed to stick a sock in Cam's mouth and shut him up, too. Or maybe just make him hold that clamp between his hewoic teeth for the rest of the ep. Ye gods, I am tired of his Grandma. If all that was the writers' idea of how to motivate a person who thinks they're dying in hopes of keeping them alive, I found it woefully inadequate. And I thought that whole thing about sometimes just having faith is the important thing was danged inane, and getting it in there was predictable as the sunrise tomorrow morning.

                          Amanda's acting was good (as it always is ) while she was playing wounded, but I think the hair and makeup people did neither her efforts nor the intent of the scenes any good with their work. I couldn't stop snickering about how perfect her hair and makeup stayed during her "injured" scenes. I never ever would have guessed that field medics' kits included lip gloss, foundation, mascara, combs, hair-spritz and instructions sufficient for a prototypical 'guy' like Cam to apply them with professional results, but wow! That's how it came off looking. 'Oh, dear - the ever lovely Colonel has a life threatening owie, but, it doesn't disturb a single carefully-coiffed blonde hair around her perfectly made up face.' After Grace and Death Knell, it certainly came off as a genteel and supremely seemly potentially deadly injury to me - it was an injury for a heroine in a melodrama, not for an officer in the formerly-semi-realistic military-based show that Stargate once was.

                          The whole 'teach the mother of the Orisi' thing was both predictable and hokey, too. What? Do they want to keep the big O's mom around in case they need to breed another one? I saw the whole subplot as yet another case of blatantly telegraphing the punches to get Tomin to see the pompous Prior's pontificating for the scripture-twisting self-justification it was. Predictable. Oh so predictable.

                          And, of course, we had yet another rendition of the the spinelessly cowardly villager that's apparently all-but de rigueur in areas scheduled for imminent Ori conversion. Sheesh. Maybe that's why the Prior's pick some places to convert, but not others - there isn't a high enough incidence of gutlessness in the area, so they can't be sure someone will cave in a timely manner. After all, can't expect to run an invasion on a timetable if the lily-livered worshipers-to-be don't accept Origin on schedule.

                          I kept thinking, there at the end, that Janet wouldn't have let that particular patient who was recovering from that serious a wound have her laptop, let alone contraband cookies, too - in between thinking that the SGC infirmary must have taught Cam his makeup skills. :snerk: I think Sam would have appreciated a visit from Teal'c more - and he'd probably have brought her blue jello, too.

                          I think this whole ep could have used some serious reconstructive surgery to remove the contrivances and install some subtlety before it ever got to the point of being a shooting script. Final verdict from me: Pretty much a waste of my time.

                          Nerd-o-rama: Oh, I almost forgot. Sam also had the power of Xenotechnological Deus Ex Machina for a few seasons (can use any alien technology if it suits the script's purpose.) Then they gave it to Jack for some reason.
                          So that's why we've seen so little of Sam and Jack in these past two seasons. They're spending all their free time as the Xenotechnological Deus Ex Machina League fighting evil in Washington DC.


                            you brought up some good points.

                            in retrospect i did have to ask myself...had it been vala who's been injured, or daniel, would i have enjoyed it as much?

                            and - unless it has been the pair of vala hurt, sam comforting, i'd have to say no. daniel chewing the scenery does nothing for me. neither would cam. we know that teal'c will never be injured unless he's being tortured

                            It would have been interesting, however, had it been vala and sam paired up and owied.

                            of course, then we would not have had the tomin and vala stuff.

                            and you know, if we'd have had more of LITS vala and less 'let's make babies', i would like the character more. she and tomin had some real depth in their scenes
                            Where in the World is George Hammond?



                              Originally posted by Skydiver View Post
                              umm, i've had folks with military adn medical experience say taht actually field medic kits are more than just bandaids and alcohol wipes.

                              they have said that cam'e med kit is very realistic.
                              i believe you misinterpreted me. hands down he should have that kit; i had no problem with that. i guess i was rather pissed off that he does...everything. excluding doing any sort of immediate first aid but including field surgery and randomly getting the utterly complex machine to work. i know it's full well possible, though i'm not sure i'd call it probable, that he'd have such training. i guess it was just too OTT for my system.
                              to me really, the whole thing felt cliche. don't get me wrong, amanda was incredible, as was sam. kick a** girls, both of them! but that doesn't mean the entire situation didn't fit the "woman gets hurt, man comes to rescue, man helps woman do x." why couldn't mitchell have been realistically shot for a change?
                              anyway, sorry for the outburst and subsequent misunderstanding.

                              P.S. i'd like to address all those who :ahem: requested that i write LitS with Jack. i feel it is my duty to inform them that they are out of their minds to think that i could complete, or even not complete, such a task. i can't write worth a dmie.
                              "Out of the Abyss" (SJ Angst)....................Best New Author.................."Else Close the Wall Up" (Sam)
                              Hic Comitas Regit. Welcome to Samanda.


                                i can see where you're coming from. and yeah, it was a bit convenient.

                                i think it just came from having only 4 characters and the need to have them in multiple parts of the plot and not enough 'regulars' to go around
                                Where in the World is George Hammond?


