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S10: Critique & Contemplation

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    oh we'll always be bad guys. cause it's more fun to say that the viewers' tastes have changed - just like it is to keep blaming lack of promotion - than to accept that the powers that be changed the recipe of the show adn they changed it into something far less popular than it was before they got thier hands on it.

    they - or if you're into conspiracy theories, scifi directed the change - don't have the handle on their viewers that they think they have. We don't have much patience for the T&A hour. We're not all that impressed with a steady diet of boobs, butts and bombs. We're easily bored with effects cause, really, we've seen them all before. We're the generation that grew up on trek and star wars and space ships in a star field....well some of us can recreate that in our basements.

    What we liked was 'the little humans that could'. ordinary people in extraordinary circumstances dealing wtih things the best that they could and geting out - not with plot device of the week - but with our brains and smarts and good old fashioned luck.

    we were the plucky little humans and characters that people could identify with in a real sense.

    What we have now are OTT charictures and farces. an over reliance on plot device of the week and deus ex machina, an obsession with space ships and a distinct lack of original stories

    They took a show that was unique in its ordinaryness, with a dependance on the coolest plot in the world...a round spinny ring that literally anyone could walk through, and turned it into a poor copy of any other space dramedy out there.

    Stargate turned itno andromeda. it turned from a relatively unpredictible show to scifi by the numbers that was dumbed down so as not to tax the brain power of all involved.

    Their writing killed the show. and all the revisionist history and blame game in the world won't change the fact that even the most superficial of fen can see the drastic difference in plot from s1-8 to s9&10
    Where in the World is George Hammond?



      Originally posted by Skydiver View Post
      Their writing killed the show. and all the revisionist history and blame game in the world won't change the fact that even the most superficial of fen can see the drastic difference in plot from s1-8 to s9&10
      I could see it and I'd only been watching a few months and had only seen Seasons One and Two.

      I think my exact words were "That's not Stargate!"

      Sig courtesy of RepliCartertje


        Originally posted by Skydiver View Post
        What we liked was 'the little humans that could'. ordinary people in extraordinary circumstances dealing wtih things the best that they could and geting out - not with plot device of the week - but with our brains and smarts and good old fashioned luck.

        we were the plucky little humans and characters that people could identify with in a real sense.
        I agree with the whole post but this part in particular.

        What I find most odd is Coop said (about the third series) ;
        "...One of the things that we love about Stargate is that is us -- it's our military, it's our scientists, it's our people -- and we're going out into the galaxy and the universe to discover all the wonders that are out there, and dealing with our own limitations versus things that are far more advanced than us.
        "That's identifiable. It's what we deal with every day, in terms of medicine and science and astrophysics. We're just babies in all that. And we would always want to maintain that in anything that is Stargate-related."
        We have a disconnect here. What show is he making that I'm not watching? I'd like *this* show.

        Cliche alert!

        Talk is cheap.
        Actions speak louder than words.

        Mourning Sanctuary.
        Thanks for the good times!


          if he honestly believes that season 9 and 10 have been something like this :"...One of the things that we love about Stargate is that is us -- it's our military, it's our scientists, it's our people -- and we're going out into the galaxy and the universe to discover all the wonders that are out there, and dealing with our own limitations versus things that are far more advanced than us.
          "That's identifiable. It's what we deal with every day, in terms of medicine and science and astrophysics. We're just babies in all that. And we would always want to maintain that in anything that is Stargate-related."

          well then i guess he's viewing the show through rose colored glasses.

          we havent' been anything but galactic thieves and rogues. we havent figured anything out, we've just sussed out the location of the newest tool and left behind toy to solve our problems.

          We're nothing more than Indiana Jones'esque thieves on a treasure hunt to find the super dooper plot device that'll solve all our problems. Heck, even iwth merlin's toy, all sam really did was find a way to tweak what already existed, she didn't create anything.
          Where in the World is George Hammond?



            He's living in the past, not in the present seasons.
            One of the things I always liked about SG1 in the early seasons was that it current day people dealing with things way beyond them. No convenient beaming, no flying space ships & things were new and dangerous for the team. And I also gravitated to the show because they used to deal with issues to some extent along with the adventure--not the issue of the day so much as more universal themes of friendship, loyalty, right and wrong, moral ambiguity etc. I think that's seen especially when we had the "Outer Limits" guys of Glassner and Wright at the helm. I'm not saying it was Shakespeare, but it could be thought provoking.


              Originally posted by Skydiver View Post
              if he honestly believes that season 9 and 10 have been something like this :"...One of the things that we love about Stargate is that is us -- it's our military, it's our scientists, it's our people -- and we're going out into the galaxy and the universe to discover all the wonders that are out there, and dealing with our own limitations versus things that are far more advanced than us.
              "That's identifiable. It's what we deal with every day, in terms of medicine and science and astrophysics. We're just babies in all that. And we would always want to maintain that in anything that is Stargate-related."

              well then i guess he's viewing the show through rose colored glasses.

              we havent' been anything but galactic thieves and rogues. we havent figured anything out, we've just sussed out the location of the newest tool and left behind toy to solve our problems.

              We're nothing more than Indiana Jones'esque thieves on a treasure hunt to find the super dooper plot device that'll solve all our problems. Heck, even iwth merlin's toy, all sam really did was find a way to tweak what already existed, she didn't create anything.
              Plus how can you possibly maintain that now after unending?

              You kill off one of the races that made the Stargate universe interesting and yes even unique (despite the fact the Asgard looked cliché alien they most definitely were not) and you have that race declare us "the fifth race" and hand us the keys to all their toys. Now how do you go back? Convenient plot device so all that goes away just like they do whenever they write themselves in a corner. Thus meaning the Asgards death was as meaningless as it appeared.

              The Asgard didn’t fit in their new "universe" so they were offed just like Frasier just like Jacob. I guess we should give them points for not just forgetting them like the Tokra or the Nox or the giant Aaalienss or turning them into a farce like the furlings. But I really don’t feel like giving them points for destroying a fantastic universe to create their stupid bland one....but that’s just me.

              All their talk about "what the show is all about" and about "team" and "humans in the here and now". It’s just like their talk telling us Cam is "such a great soldier" or that Vala "deserved" to be on SG-1. What they tell us is not what they show us. They are incongruent just as the Stargate universe is now. It is an uncomfortable place to be because it "feels" wrong, because you know it’s supposed to be otherwise because they tell you it is and because it was in the past. But now its just...... wrong.
              Joseph Mallozzi -"In the meantime, I'm into season 5 of OZ (where the show takes an unfortunate hairpin turn into "the not so wonderful world of fantasy")"

              ^^^ Kinda sounds like seasons 9 and 10 of SG-1 to me. Thor, ya got Aspirin?

              AGateFan has officially Gone Fishin (with Jack, Sam, Daniel, Teal'c) and is hoping Atlantis does not take that same hairpin turn.


                The thing they tried to do with the Ori is make us look week compared to them. In fact they said in the lead up to season 9 that they would hit the reset button and make us be so weak that we would have to go look for better technology again. unlike early seasons where we were exploring planets looking for the slightest hope to fight against the Goa'uld in season 9 and 10 we were given a almost straight forward search for this so called weapon to stop them. It seemed too rushed. The first time SG1 went on a search like this it was for the harcesis. But that didn't stop the show from doing stand alone eps and even when they did they actually meant something and learned something from them. Unlike season 10 when we go to a planet cause a rukus and go away again not really getting anything from it.

                If in this new series they intend for us to look weak again i think they are going to have a hard time doing it escpcially since we have all the asgard toys now. The only way i see it working is if there is some accident involving an experiment with the ninth chevron that strands a team on the other side of the universe with no way to get home ( which i think they tried to do on Atlantis but failed misrerably
                Insert Witty Remark Here


                  Originally posted by jckfan55 View Post
                  He's living in the past, not in the present seasons. One of the things I always liked about SG1 in the early seasons was that it current day people dealing with things way beyond them. No convenient beaming, no flying space ships & things were new and dangerous for the team. And I also gravitated to the show because they used to deal with issues to some extent along with the adventure--not the issue of the day so much as more universal themes of friendship, loyalty, right and wrong, moral ambiguity etc. I think that's seen especially when we had the "Outer Limits" guys of Glassner and Wright at the helm. I'm not saying it was Shakespeare, but it could be thought provoking.
                  Yeah, I find this funny especially since after RCC took over, exploring and learing about other cultures was replaced by ship battles and treasure hunts. We went from retro fitting gliders to having a fleet of a big ass ships in a few short years. We haven't invent anything, we either stole it or it was givin to us. A culture has to grow along with its technology advances. Our culture is way to inmature for such technology. I think is hilarious that only after ten short years of gate travel and our political climate, we have been declared the
                  5th race and have all of the asgards toys. Now RCC has plenty of toys to play with in his movie. Unfortunatly, Star Trek has beaten him to the punch. We have all seen it before.
                  Odo's last wishes: cremate me, put me in my bucket, then shoot me through the wormhole.



                    Originally posted by Rogue View Post
                    Yeah, I find this funny especially since after RCC took over, exploring and learing about other cultures was replaced by ship battles and treasure hunts. We went from retro fitting gliders to having a fleet of a big ass ships in a few short years. We haven't invent anything, we either stole it or it was givin to us. A culture has to grow along with its technology advances. Our culture is way to inmature for such technology. I think is hilarious that only after ten short years of gate travel and our political climate, we have been declared the
                    5th race and have all of the asgards toys. Now RCC has plenty of toys to play with in his movie. Unfortunatly, Star Trek has beaten him to the punch. We have all seen it before.
                    Um....didn't you get the memo? It's now Star Trek: SG1

                    my fanfic


                      Originally posted by Mandysg1 View Post
                      Um....didn't you get the memo? It's now Star Trek: SG1
                      so how long before one of their retrofitted ships gets lost in the Delta Quadrant?
                      Franklin said, "They that can give up essential liberty for a little safety deserve neither liberty nor safety."

                      "Do or do not. There is no try." Yoda



                        or they come across an enigmatic race with pointed ears and pushed-up boobs in cat suits???

                        Watch Stargate Universe, starring Deus Ex Machina
                        Where in the World is George Hammond?



                          Originally posted by pittsburghgirl View Post
                          so how long before one of their retrofitted ships gets lost in the Delta Quadrant?
                          Well let's see, Janeway Sam gets her new ship, her second in command is Chakotay Cam, they have a half alein half human B'Elana Teal'c. Oh don't forget the ever so intelligent Tuvok Daniel and let's see, I guess they would have to have the sexy alien too Seven of Nine Vala.

                          Hmmm....wasn't Seven Vala one of the reasons for the demise of the show

                          my fanfic


                            wow, maybe coop IS braga's long lost brother
                            Where in the World is George Hammond?



                              Originally posted by pittsburghgirl View Post
                              so how long before one of their retrofitted ships gets lost in the Delta Quadrant?
                              I think you just uncovered the plot for Stargate Universe.

                              Boldly go where no one has gone before!
                              Last edited by Rogue; 27 March 2007, 08:01 AM.
                              Odo's last wishes: cremate me, put me in my bucket, then shoot me through the wormhole.



                                Originally posted by Rogue View Post
                                I think you just uncovered the plot for Stargate Universe.

                                Boldly go where no one as gone before!
                                Stargatetrek Redux - major cause of Gastric Reflux
                                Distinguished Service Ribbon Goa'uld Campaign
                                My Stories zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz Artwork by Mala

