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S10: Critique & Contemplation

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    Originally posted by JessM View Post
    "the dungheap of sharkpoo"... that is perfect!

    Sig courtesy of RepliCartertje


      Originally posted by JessM View Post
      The Vancouver con is this weekend... I heard that RCC would be there one of the days, talking about the dvd movies... I've been checking the con thread and haven't heard anything. Can just imagine what was said...
      'it's so great. vala is just hilarous. and the ori, oh just wait unitl you see what happens to the ori. and the effects, oh those will just blow your socks off. they're absolutely spectacular...oh, and i made it so you know those with good taste and intelligence will love it'
      [/snark off]

      HOnestly, unless TPTB radically change for the third series, i don't give it much hope. they may start out totally distanced from the original 2 series, but i'd give them less than a season before htey start to stunt cast and have 'special guest stars' so that htey can fall back on the old and familiar.

      the only way this series stands a chance is to share nothing more with Stargate than that round spinny thing and the name. And given that these boys can't refrain from homaging their own work, they won't let it stand on their own.

      they'll fall back on homages and frat house humor and T&A and effects and cliches...just like they have for the past two years
      Where in the World is George Hammond?



        Originally posted by Skydiver View Post
        'it's so great. vala is just hilarous. and the ori, oh just wait unitl you see what happens to the ori. and the effects, oh those will just blow your socks off. they're absolutely spectacular...oh, and i made it so you know those with good taste and intelligence will love it'
        [/snark off]

        HOnestly, unless TPTB radically change for the third series, i don't give it much hope. they may start out totally distanced from the original 2 series, but i'd give them less than a season before htey start to stunt cast and have 'special guest stars' so that htey can fall back on the old and familiar.

        the only way this series stands a chance is to share nothing more with Stargate than that round spinny thing and the name. And given that these boys can't refrain from homaging their own work, they won't let it stand on their own.

        they'll fall back on homages and frat house humor and T&A and effects and cliches...just like they have for the past two years
        Darn where did I put my buckets

        my fanfic


          Originally posted by Mandysg1 View Post
          Darn where did I put my buckets
          Aren't they overflowing by now?

          Sig courtesy of RepliCartertje


            Originally posted by ReganX View Post
            Aren't they overflowing by now?
            You have no idea, how many buckets I've gone through

            my fanfic


              Originally posted by Mandysg1 View Post
              You have no idea, how many buckets I've gone through
              Maybe we all need to invest in gigantic barrels. Or have someone dig a swimming pool.

              Sig courtesy of RepliCartertje


                Originally posted by Skydiver View Post
                'it's so great. vala is just hilarous. and the ori, oh just wait unitl you see what happens to the ori. and the effects, oh those will just blow your socks off. they're absolutely spectacular...oh, and i made it so you know those with good taste and intelligence will love it'
                [/snark off]

                HOnestly, unless TPTB radically change for the third series, i don't give it much hope. they may start out totally distanced from the original 2 series, but i'd give them less than a season before htey start to stunt cast and have 'special guest stars' so that htey can fall back on the old and familiar.

                the only way this series stands a chance is to share nothing more with Stargate than that round spinny thing and the name. And given that these boys can't refrain from homaging their own work, they won't let it stand on their own.

                they'll fall back on homages and frat house humor and T&A and effects and cliches...just like they have for the past two years
                Yeah, I think this will happen also. All the fresh ideas seem gone. Or lost under the fanboi testosterone rush.

                A tiny part of me wants (but knows Cretin would never allow) someone to have asked Coop exactly what they were thinking giving Cam the rank and position they did when they were going to write him all over the board. And if they were ordered to 'sex up' the show by Skiffy (a la Tripping the Rift) or decided to have 'fun' and thought it was a great odea themselves.
                Mourning Sanctuary.
                Thanks for the good times!


                  Originally posted by suse View Post
                  Yeah, I think this will happen also. All the fresh ideas seem gone. Or lost under the fanboi testosterone rush.

                  A tiny part of me wants (but knows Cretin would never allow) someone to have asked Coop exactly what they were thinking giving Cam the rank and position they did when they were going to write him all over the board. And if they were ordered to 'sex up' the show by Skiffy (a la Tripping the Rift) or decided to have 'fun' and thought it was a great odea themselves.
                  I'd be curious about whether they expected or wanted the show to continue past Season Ten or if they just wanted to move on to their spin-off.

                  Sig courtesy of RepliCartertje


                    Originally posted by ReganX View Post
                    I'd be curious about whether they expected or wanted the show to continue past Season Ten or if they just wanted to move on to their spin-off.

                    Frankly I'm not sure if they believe their own press or not.

                    If so they thought they'd get a S11 because S9/S10 were asGOLD as Teal'c's tatoo.

                    If not they were already starting to look at the new series.

                    I tend toward the first. S10 did get better as it went. Mostly. And if they thought it was ending I don't think they's have come up with the movies. So it was getting attention I don't think it've had without the hope of renewal.

                    Or perhaps it was some combination. SGA has sure had some stinkers.

                    I still think two series is too much for this bunch of showrunners/writers/directors. At least with the amount of people hired. Turning out a shoddy product is not a good way to increase profits. At least for more than a one-off. Sustained shoddiness = viewers leaving in droves. <sigh>

                    Meh. Who can tell?

                    Mourning Sanctuary.
                    Thanks for the good times!


                      Originally posted by ReganX View Post
                      I'd be curious about whether they expected or wanted the show to continue past Season Ten or if they just wanted to move on to their spin-off.
                      I just want Sanctuary to he** with them

                      my fanfic


                        Originally posted by Mandysg1 View Post
                        I just want Sanctuary to he** with them
                        There is that!

                        Mourning Sanctuary.
                        Thanks for the good times!


                          Originally posted by ReganX View Post
                          I'd be curious about whether they expected or wanted the show to continue past Season Ten or if they just wanted to move on to their spin-off.
                          From the way they treated the actual stargate universe in the last two years I think they wanted a universe of their own design that had little to do with what Stargate was. They may now get it, too bad they keep up the charrade that it has anything to do with Stargate. They are just leaching off the goodname that Stargate had made in eight years.

                          Oh well, as I said, at least they cant hurt SG-1 anymore (well after the two movies that is). Atlantis, well it never had that somethin, somethin that SG-1 had anyway. Universe, if it ever gets made, will only last a season or so. UNLESS they actually hire someone else to help them and then listen to them. That is the only way to save the franchise. However, I strongly suspect this "saving" will come years down the line when some of the people who were Classic SG-1 fans find themselves in a position to make a remake.
                          Joseph Mallozzi -"In the meantime, I'm into season 5 of OZ (where the show takes an unfortunate hairpin turn into "the not so wonderful world of fantasy")"

                          ^^^ Kinda sounds like seasons 9 and 10 of SG-1 to me. Thor, ya got Aspirin?

                          AGateFan has officially Gone Fishin (with Jack, Sam, Daniel, Teal'c) and is hoping Atlantis does not take that same hairpin turn.


                            Originally posted by Skydiver View Post
                            'it's so great. vala is just hilarous. and the ori, oh just wait unitl you see what happens to the ori. and the effects, oh those will just blow your socks off. they're absolutely spectacular...oh, and i made it so you know those with good taste and intelligence will love it'
                            [/snark off]

                            HOnestly, unless TPTB radically change for the third series, i don't give it much hope. they may start out totally distanced from the original 2 series, but i'd give them less than a season before htey start to stunt cast and have 'special guest stars' so that htey can fall back on the old and familiar.

                            the only way this series stands a chance is to share nothing more with Stargate than that round spinny thing and the name. And given that these boys can't refrain from homaging their own work, they won't let it stand on their own.

                            they'll fall back on homages and frat house humor and T&A and effects and cliches...just like they have for the past two years
                            Sadly (well, I guess not so much sadly anymore) I have to agree.


                              Originally posted by AGateFan View Post
                              From the way they treated the actual stargate universe in the last two years I think they wanted a universe of their own design that had little to do with what Stargate was. They may now get it, too bad they keep up the charrade that it has anything to do with Stargate. They are just leaching off the goodname that Stargate had made in eight years.
                              It is very much like that. The recipe for stargate (the little humans that could, 'reality' grounded, quirky but respectful humor) worked for eight years.

                              then it seemed that, once gecko was out of hte picture, the little kids left behind couldn't wait to run aruond and get rid of all that pesky continuity and make the universe into thier own. (a significantly dumbed down, super hero characters, charictures, cliches and potty humor) and then got all huffy if anyone called them on the bait and switch.

                              It's like they felt that they could make anything they wanted, as long as it was under the stargate umbrella, we'd buy it wholesale and lap it up.

                              When we don't buy it, we get mocked and made fun of and even as 'proof' that thier idea of good isn't what the viewing public calls good comes in - plummeting ratings and cancellation - they still can't/won't see that the audience hasn't changed, THEY have changed the show. and they've changed it to an unsustainable formula

                              That's one reason i don't give Universe much of a chance. since it's new, it can likely go two years, but it won't be 'the little show that could'. It won't be a respected show in the industry or something that anyone looks up'll be a comedic farce and a POS to be mocked. IMHO, they will continue with the potty humor and cliches and slapdash writing and continue to mock anyone that criticizes.

                              It'll be seen like Andromeda or Enterprise....shows that COULD have done ok...but were dumbed down and T&A'd to death
                              Where in the World is George Hammond?



                                Originally posted by Skydiver View Post
                                When we don't buy it, we get mocked and made fun of and even as 'proof' that thier idea of good isn't what the viewing public calls good comes in - plummeting ratings and cancellation - they still can't/won't see that the audience hasn't changed, THEY have changed the show. and they've changed it to an unsustainable formula
                                You mean we're not the bad guys for not accepting change any more? We can't be if there was no change to accept in the first place.

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