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S10: Critique & Contemplation

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    I hate resets in any series, the writers lost it.

    While a nice episode There is no way this episode is worthy of a season finale let alone the series finale. It would have made an ok episode. The Vala Daniel shipping didn't belong. I was glad when he finally let her have it

    What was wrong with there shields? Couldn't they recharge the shields while they were in the field?

    The episode should have had more azgard dialog 10 minutes is too litttle Now we have no advance allies. Even though we have there technology and possibly and instruction manual, you still need allies as advanced or more advanced then you.

    I always had hoped that in a series finale the Stargate program would finale be revealed to the world. .

    Not using the gate until the very end was stupid, the shows stargate Sg-1 not starship SG-1.

    If this was the best send off the writers could give, I fear for SGA, and any future spinoff. I hope the movies will redeem my negative opinion of most of the last two seasons but not holding my breath.

    This technology would most likely either be lost/destroyed or unusable in SGA or a future spinoff. Making the azgard sacrifice useless, or they would just introduce an enemy with comparable technology.

    I'm guessing here but in the movies bal'al probably gets some of this technology and that how he's able to do what he does (so there goes not letting the technology into the wrong hands)

    The episode was poorly written and rushed

    I read some of the posts and like most of you I feel SG-1 ended on a high note at the end of Season 8. 9/10 are more of a spin-off they kept attached to get the record


      I knew I shouldn't have watched it!! What a lousy way to end a series. Cooper and his childish ways really has killed SG-1.

      I'm off to resurrect a few of my old sig banners. Cooper is never going to get me to pay for his next movie. Zip Nada Zilch - he deserves even less.


        So as I understand it (somebody who has seen the ep, feel free to correct me)...
        We (Earth) are no longer McGyvering solutions for our lack of advanced tech. Nor Indiana Jonesing a solution. But are being handed it on a plate?? (Spiderman-ed? Sorry cant think of anything else)

        So now we have an
        all-powerful spaceship.
        Would it be too much to ask that the movies reference the Stargate at all?


          so....stargate joins the x-files, forever knight, quantum leap, xena and voyager in the 'great series to begin with but the finale SUCKED SWAMP WATER' category huh????

          did we REALLY expect anything different from these boys???

          Seriously, they're all so 'we're having fun and we're gonna tell the story we love' taht did you honestly expect them to take a look at the fans that they love to mock so much and go 'mmhm, ok, let's do this'
          Where in the World is George Hammond?



            I just went to read the spoilers for the movies in desperate hope for something that sounded slightly less crappy than the final episode...and RCC is writing one all by his lonesome. And the other is about
            time travel

            At least SG-1 is over, and their opportunites to make the SG universe any worse are getting fewer. Now I just have to stop myself from watching the mess that SGA S4 will be.

            did we REALLY expect anything different from these boys???

            Seriously, they're all so 'we're having fun and we're gonna tell the story we love' taht did you honestly expect them to take a look at the fans that they love to mock so much and go 'mmhm, ok, let's do this'
            I know, I shouldn't have expected any better, having read some of Mallozi's blog entries. But I felt like Linus watching S10. Good Stargate episodes were my Great Pumpkin; they never arrived, but I just kept hoping foolishly...
            Last edited by jerkface; 14 March 2007, 04:35 AM.


              i would have liked to have hoped...but the arrogant attitude from tptb in the past year or two have pretty much killed that

              they mock us. And it's not even a teasing mockage, it's a downright 'we are so better than you you lemming scum' kind of cruelty that i don't expect much at all from them.

              there has been such an arrogance, so many insults laced with 'teasing' that i expect nothing from them. they have continually mocked and belittled fans. their 'love letter to the fans' that was 200 was little more than the big brother 'teasing' his little sibling by wedgieing him in front of all his friends...then patting him on the back 'dude, it was funny, dont' you get it????'

              There is good natured teasing and there is arrogant cruel teasing..and these boys have more of the latter than the former.
              Where in the World is George Hammond?



                Unending? Thankfully, that isn't true...

                I put these in spoiler tags A) To save space, and B) Because they're copies of posts I made other threads earlier. Now I'm going to go watch DVD's, and plot nasty ends for TPTB.

                For all the warrior-types and friendly peoples and advanced cultures out there, the Asgard always struck me as the most noble of them all. They were proud without being egotistical, protective of those unable to defend themselves from vastly superior enemies, willing to extend a helping hand to those they felt had come far enough to warrant it - I imagine the Nox would still consider humanity too "young" to concern themselves with - and they were not afraid fight for a cause, no matter how hopeless it may have seemed.

                To simply say frak it, hand over their tech to us, and blow themselves away, is not only a terrible way for them to go out, it's also completely out of character.

                If TPTB felt that invoking Plotius Devisius and arbitrarily killing off the Asgard would somehow be a good thing - and, IMO,they were VERY wrong - at the very least they owed it to such characters to give them something worth dying for.


                Originally Posted by jerkface
                All in all, a mediocre ending to what's became a mediocre-to-poor show. Here's hoping they bring something other than uber-tech, space battles, and childish characters to the movies. (I don't think they write well enough to drag Atlantis out of the hole they've put it in.)
                Reading through all of these rave reviews, I thought maybe I'd been watching the wrong show last night. It seems I'm not the only one.

                As I expressed on another thread, not only was killing off the Asgard a terrible invocation of Plotius Devisius, but it was horribly done. Completely out of character for the Asgard to go out like that, and a pathetic ending for such a noble race. And Jack never even gets a mention, in an episode where one his best friends is about to blow himself up, along with his whole planet?!

                About the only thing I liked about the entire episode was the slight development between Daniel and Vala - not the relationship itself, as I've always loathed Vaniel, and what they did with Vala's character after PU. What I liked was that Vala's character actually managed to grow more than a little. Of course, TPTB took that growth away in the end...morons.

                Of course, Sam misses the obvious solution to the time-reversal-energy-source-problem, and the Hewo is the one who spots it and saves them all.

                And LANDRY?!?!

                1) Was his death actually supposed to have some kind of effect on everyone? Apart from laughter?

                2) What was with trying to pass him off as a third-rate Hammond in the last scene???


                A friend told me, "At least it ended the same way it's gone on the past two years. Craptacularly."

                Consistency, in this case, wins you nothing...

                We'll miss your little grey butts


                  Originally posted by AGateFan View Post
                  I suppose they had to end it the way they did. They have alienated all but one group of fans so they only really had to please that group. The shippers and us anti-shippers are unimportant only that new group of fans is important. And with that you might as well
                  kill off the asgard because its not like those new fans know or care about Thor anyway.
                  The people who care were discarded a while ago the show is made only for the squeeling few now.
                  Yeah, the "will satisfy THAT contigent" thing really tipped me off.

                  I am so relieved the show has ended... somewhat sad it had to end on such a crappy note of course, but I suppose it was to be expected.

                  Okay, so it really ended in S8. So I guess I'm glad that Stargate Command has ended.


                    Originally posted by Skydiver View Post
                    so....stargate joins the x-files, forever knight, quantum leap, xena and voyager in the 'great series to begin with but the finale SUCKED SWAMP WATER' category huh????

                    did we REALLY expect anything different from these boys???

                    Seriously, they're all so 'we're having fun and we're gonna tell the story we love' taht did you honestly expect them to take a look at the fans that they love to mock so much and go 'mmhm, ok, let's do this'
                    ROFLMAO--I feel better now. I wasn't the only one who found the asgard cop-out out of character. Fanfics to the rescue!

                    Originally posted by jerkface View Post
                    I just went to read the spoilers for the movies in desperate hope for something that sounded slightly less crappy than the final episode...and RCC is writing one all by his lonesome. And the other is about
                    time travel

                    At least SG-1 is over, and their opportunites to make the SG universe any worse are getting fewer. Now I just have to stop myself from watching the mess that SGA S4 will be.

                    I know, I shouldn't have expected any better, having read some of Mallozi's blog entries. But I felt like Linus watching S10. Good Stargate episodes were my Great Pumpkin; they never arrived, but I just kept hoping foolishly...
                    I feel like Linus everyday. I keep hoping foolishly!
                    Grammar, Logic, Rhetoric.


                      Originally posted by Skydiver View Post
                      so....stargate joins the x-files, forever knight, quantum leap, xena and voyager in the 'great series to begin with but the finale SUCKED SWAMP WATER' category huh????

                      did we REALLY expect anything different from these boys???

                      Seriously, they're all so 'we're having fun and we're gonna tell the story we love' taht did you honestly expect them to take a look at the fans that they love to mock so much and go 'mmhm, ok, let's do this'
                      I definitely felt as though I was being mocked, as someone who dislikes Vaniel and a fan of the Big 3 and their friendships.

                      I'm going to pretend it never happened. Heck, I'm going to pretend the movies won't be happening as well.


                        Originally posted by jerkface View Post
                        I know, I shouldn't have expected any better, having read some of Mallozi's blog entries. But I felt like Linus watching S10. Good Stargate episodes were my Great Pumpkin; they never arrived, but I just kept hoping foolishly...
                        Very good analogy... I think I was the same way at least part of the time.


                          Originally posted by SionnachOghma View Post
                          Unending? Thankfully, that isn't true...

                          I put these in spoiler tags A) To save space, and B) Because they're copies of posts I made other threads earlier. Now I'm going to go watch DVD's, and plot nasty ends for TPTB.
                          Watching some of the earlier episodes sounds good.
                          The only antidote I can find for the taste "Unending" left in my mouth is to go back and watch "The Fifth Race" again. Ah, Thor and his skinny grey ass was alive and Vala wasn't even a thought in anyone's mind.


                            I gave unending **1/2 stars simply for the concept and writing of the first half, plus the more impressive than usual reset at the end, my standards are definately lowering though, if it were a season 6 episode it wouldn't have gone above * (and so few this season deserve above that). The Asgard's exit was nothing short of a joke. Thankfully, its all over, Rob Cooper can't hurt SG1 anymore, may the show rest in peace. I may get the Winchester boys to salt and burn the bones, just in case.
                            Equality is not a concept. It's not something we should be striving for. It's a necessity. Equality is like gravity. We need it to stand on this earth as men and women. And the misogyny that is in every culture is not a true part of the human condition. It is life out of balance, and that imbalance is sucking something out of the soul of every man and woman who is confronted with it.
                            - Joss Whedon - Equality Now


                              well although i haven't seen any of season 10 (by choice) i saw this talk of resets and i reminded me of something i heard in a commentary not sure which one by Coop. He said something like "I like how our show doesn't have a reset button that things that happen in one episode have and effect in another"

                              Just wanted to say that it seems that coop has come to love the reset button in season 9 and 10, every ep seems to have some kind of reset. i mean the "new and improved" SG1 started with a reset makes sense it would end with one.
                              Insert Witty Remark Here


                                Originally posted by AGateFan View Post
                                I suppose they had to end it the way they did. They have alienated all but one group of fans so they only really had to please that group. The shippers and us anti-shippers are unimportant only that new group of fans is important. And with that you might as well
                                kill off the asgard because its not like those new fans know or care about Thor anyway.
                                The people who care were discarded a while ago the show is made only for the squeeling few now.

                                You know TPTB have managed to do the once unthinkable - unite shippers (of the non-D/V variety obviously) and anti shippers. Threads was mentioned on here, now it's not a ep that I make a habit of watching (well except for a certain flag scene ) but the big difference between that and Unending was that Threads was open to interpretation, Unending there was no subtext, no possible other interpretation, D/V was there in your face, if you don't like it tough

                                As to the Asgard
                                it's like they needed someone to kill off in this ep, and why not someone who has been there from the early seasons, I guess poor old Thor
                                isn't cool enough , they ignored Jack, why not get of his buddy Thor too

                                I know I shouldn't have expected anything from this ep, as soon I read spoilers I knew I wouldn't like it, but I guess I was hoping I would be wrong, that there would be something good out of the last ever ep, but it's one thing to read spoilers and another to see the things you least want to see happen on your TV screen in full colour, it was hard to watch and I still need that bucket

                                Oh well back to the S1-8 DVDs

                                Thanks to Kidwizz for sig

