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S10: Critique & Contemplation

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    Oy, I just saw Family Ties, and I have to say if you haven't seen it, don't bother, unless you just want to see the last 30 secs. It was just boring, and I agree no plot. Instead of making me feel like I'm going to miss SG1, it makes me think "Is it over yet?"

    my fanfic


      it's sad to see the show fading away liek this. you would think if they knew 'dang, we only have 12 episodes left' they'd have extended themselves and really cranked out something stellar...instead it just seems to be 'eh, ok, so we're cancelled, they can't do anything else with us, ok what goofy and cheap story do you want to tell now????? come on boys, indulge your inner fanfic writer and have some fun!!!!'

      You would think they'd want most of the last season to be 'must see' rather than 'well you need to watch quest 2 and shroud, but you can give the other 8 episodes a miss, cause they're nothing but self-congratulatory fluf'
      Where in the World is George Hammond?



        Originally posted by Jackie View Post
        That's bad! Oh boy! Well, I can always go back to seasons 1-8 and remember the good old days.

        On a plus note--I'm going to TX for a vacation in four weeks. Yeah, something to look forward too!

        Maybe when I'm on vaca I will be inspired to finish a fan fic. I will just pretend season 9 and 10 never happened. Tranquility.
        Oh, yeah.

        The "heart to heart" regarding her father and the oh-so-kewt little grins they give each other in the briefing room were enough to induce dry heaves...

        Nothing at all between the Big 3, not that I was expecting anything different of course. Daniel - I mean Jackson - is now incorporated into Vaniel, and as far as he is concerned Sam and Teal'c are mere pieces of furniture wishing they had the honor of being his sidekick. </rant off>

        That's what I'm going to do. I'll just have to keep reminding myself this isn't SG-1 - it's Stargate Command, a bad parody.

        Oh, you lucky girl. I so need a vacation myself right now.


          Originally posted by Hubble View Post
          I think even the last 2 episodes can be tuned out without missing anything that would be required to understand the movie. We all know they aren't going to defeat the Bori in the next eppy and "Unending" sounds like it will just be a big reset button after 'that contingent' gets a kiss between two popular characters. Ewwww!!!!
          Maybe I'm not understanding right, but if they write the show just for themselves, why would they feel the need to please 'that contingent' (or any contingent really)? Not that I'm justifying them writing it only to please themselves (I really don't like it either), it just seems kind of contradictory to me.

          Unless TPTB themselves are also included in 'that contingent'....


            Originally posted by JessM View Post
            Maybe I'm not understanding right, but if they write the show just for themselves, why would they feel the need to please 'that contingent' (or any contingent really)? Not that I'm justifying them writing it only to please themselves (I really don't like it either), it just seems kind of contradictory to me.

            Unless TPTB themselves are also included in 'that contingent'....
            It's reasonable to assume that with a fandom the size of Stargate's, some "contingent's" desires will align with what TPTB like themselves.

            In their desire to please themselves, they are bound to please someone else as well. Maybe not everybody, maybe not even the majority, but somebody ("contingent" member or not)


              they are pleasing 'somebody'

              that's evidenced by the simple amount of 'wow, best episode evah' posts.

              Yet, their job, my interpretation of it, is to please a MAJORITY.

              It's cool that they are writing what they like. Fantastic freedom and i'm sure it makes the job more enjoyable. However, they're not novelists or fanfic writers banging stuff out for thier own enjoyment, their job is to make a show that enough people watch and want to watch that it's a profitable endeavor, not just for them but for the network as well.

              They're not doing that anymore.

              They may be enjoying what they're creating, but a good 30% of the existing viewership has turned off the set and left for something they find more enjoyable.

              So if the writers' job is to really create something that the public in general enjoys, they'er not doing that. And haven't been doing that for years.

              It's kinda like scifi hired them to make a profitable show, but TPTB instead took that money, made what they WANTED to see and then handed it back to skiffy with a 'yeah, i know it's not what you wanted, but try it, you'll like it'

              I've dealt with ad agencies that have done this. Ignored what we've asked them to do, instead given us 'something that we know you'll like better' and we end up fighting with them over 'dude, just give me what the frak i hired you to give me'

              Of course, they are ad agencies that we don't work with anymore, for that very same reason.
              Where in the World is George Hammond?



                It's possable that skiffy has influenced them not to do a good job. Skiffy wanted the show just long enough to get the record. I remember in an interview I read at the end of season 8 that JM and Co. were really surprised that they were renewed and did slat that there would be money issues down the road.

                My theory is that Skiffy saw the record and decided to drop enough money for 2 more seasons just to beat out X Files. Then cancell the show ASAP when TPTB started talking season 11.

                I doubt that "Stargate Command" would have been picked up as a new series--even if it was pitched so. The over all story arc is lame--though it had potential. The only draw would have been the big 3 and with Vaniel in the pic, I don't think the network would have liked that as much as the shippers.

                It just seems like the writers were able to get away with much more than normal becuase skiffy just wanted the record.
                Grammar, Logic, Rhetoric.


                  Originally posted by Jackie View Post
                  It's possable that skiffy has influenced them not to do a good job. Skiffy wanted the show just long enough to get the record. I remember in an interview I read at the end of season 8 that JM and Co. were really surprised that they were renewed and did slat that there would be money issues down the road.

                  My theory is that Skiffy saw the record and decided to drop enough money for 2 more seasons just to beat out X Files. Then cancell the show ASAP when TPTB started talking season 11.

                  I doubt that "Stargate Command" would have been picked up as a new series--even if it was pitched so. The over all story arc is lame--though it had potential. The only draw would have been the big 3 and with Vaniel in the pic, I don't think the network would have liked that as much as the shippers.

                  It just seems like the writers were able to get away with much more than normal becuase skiffy just wanted the record.
                  While agree with a lot of what you said, I don't think Skiffy is all that innocent in this. I believe they are the ones responsible for forcing Mitchell to be the leader of SG1...which really worked out well as well as forcing the Vala character as a member of SG1 (where's that barfing smilie?) So while the writers did a crappy job, Skiffy was in there stirring the pot.

                  Boy do I miss Gekko

                  my fanfic


                    true. i do beleive that skiffy is calling some of the shots, such as casting and the like...but while they may have said 'ok, ben WILL be on the show and he WILL be the team leader', the HOW was likely left up to the writers.

                    and many people have expressed, it's not THAT the characters joined, but how that joining was handled.

                    did cameron really have to be mister wide eyed innocent? did he have to fluctuate between sensible commander and kid on a sugar high? does vala really have to run around with pig tails and hanging off daniel's arm?

                    both cam and vala had potential in thier most basic form. man who fought back from a crippling injury to live out his dream, battered ex-host who finds redemption and purpose with the sgc.

                    but neither lived up to that potential. and then toss in with it the endless homages and silliness and what is left? a show that less and less people watch by the week
                    Where in the World is George Hammond?



                      Originally posted by MediaSavant View Post
                      It's reasonable to assume that with a fandom the size of Stargate's, some "contingent's" desires will align with what TPTB like themselves.

                      In their desire to please themselves, they are bound to please someone else as well. Maybe not everybody, maybe not even the majority, but somebody ("contingent" member or not)
                      Yeah, that does sound reasonable to me.


                        Originally posted by Mandysg1 View Post
                        Oy, I just saw Family Ties, and I have to say if you haven't seen it, don't bother, unless you just want to see the last 30 secs. It was just boring, and I agree no plot. Instead of making me feel like I'm going to miss SG1, it makes me think "Is it over yet?"
                        You know the
                        Teal'c scene at the end was cute but it seems that it would have been funnier if it had happen in a earlier season.
                        Odo's last wishes: cremate me, put me in my bucket, then shoot me through the wormhole.



                          Originally posted by Rogue View Post
                          You know the
                          Teal'c scene at the end was cute but it seems that it would have been funnier if it had happen in a earlier season.
                          Yes I agree that scene was cute, but its not worth wading through the crapfest to get to it...just use the nice fast forward feature is my reccomendation

                          my fanfic


                            It was totally worth it for just that last 30 seconds though, I have to say. Otherwise, what can I say that hasn't been already? Terribly rushed, over-reaching, cartoonish, awkward, ridiculous mess of an episode. And I am the worlds' BIGGEST Fred Willard fan in all things, but his entire character was just misplaced from the planning stages.

                            But oh those last 30 seconds...!!!!!! So worth it.


                              Note to self: Skip episode except for last 30 seconds.
                              Grammar, Logic, Rhetoric.


                                Note to self: Skip most of the final 10 eps

                                Seriously though, the jury is still out on Dominion and Unending, but thus far all someone really needs to see - arc/plot wise - is quest 2, shroud and a few minutes of LITS/TRNT to reveal that sam's project works

                                the rest is fluff and a waste of the precious last episodes of the show

                                It is almost like TPTB, after getting cancelled, said 'oh well, what CAN they do to us' and then decided to just sit back and indulge themselves in all those sily stories they'd never had time to tell.

                                Or, i think more likely, realized that they didn't have enough plot for 10 episodes AND the movie, so they took the Bori arc out of much of s10 to save it for the movie - which kinda makes sense since if these movies flop, i think the third series is dead in the water - and then had to scramble to come up with something to do and rather than delving into any dangling plot threads, they just came up with superficial stories that were easy to write, 'fun' and fluffy

                                It's sad to watch a show that used to be so anticipated and good just fade away with a sad little wimper
                                Where in the World is George Hammond?


