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S10: Critique & Contemplation

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    Originally posted by jckfan55 View Post
    I noticed she tried to put the best light on things. I was kind of hoping she'd say there were some good moments w/ Sam and Daniel & Sam and TEal'c in the 2nd half of season 10. Looks like maybe a couple of fleeting ones is all we'll get. It's so sad to lose that sense of the Sam & Daniel friendship. I think that's one of my major complaints about the "new" Daniel.
    I think Sam and Teal'c got sacrificed to RCC's "new vision." IMHO, rather than accepting that SG1 was continuing, he tried to make his new show anyway & the original team just wasn't part of that in his book.
    I noticed that too. Well, I guess a few fleeting moments is better than absolutely nothing.... But I'm with you - that is one thing I can't stand about the New Daniel (oh, what was my nickname for him? "New and Improved with Built-In OTT Snark"... or something like that).

    Originally posted by Skydiver View Post
    yep. and his 'new and improved show' is the Galactic Adventures of Vaneil and the Bori

    everything else is just baggage that has to be dealt with
    Yep, that about sums it up, sadly.

    Galacksy Kwest: The Homage starring Vaniel the Dynamic Duo and their enemies, the Dastardly Bori!

    Or maybe not
    Last edited by JessM; 08 January 2007, 06:07 PM.


      Originally posted by Jackie View Post
      I wonder if Daniel stayed as Daniel if it would have kept the team dynamics more in touch. If Daniel was his true character his reactions to Vala would be very, very different. I guess that irritated me the most was how much Daniel had changed from earlier seasons.
      I've often thought about that, and I agree that if Daniel had encountered Vala back when he was still Daniel (well, to me), his reactions would have been different. Then again I can't see much of a reason for introducing Vala back then anyway...

      Originally posted by Jackie View Post
      Some people will say it's only natural to change--but Daniel didn't just change. He became a totally differnet character. Not for the better either.
      I don't like "Action Jackson" and I never will. I can't connect with the new Daniel and Vaniel just makes new daniel 10 times worse.
      Originally posted by jckfan55 View Post
      To me it's not even "action Jackson" it's the smart aleck Daniel that is so unlike what we know of him. He's not a milquetoast but he's never been nasty.
      I've never been crazy about the way Daniel has changed either. He has become rather smart alecky in the past two seasons especially. I know Daniel never refrained from being sarcastic even in the earliest seasons, and he always had a bit of a snark from time to time, but lately it's just been a bit OTT for me, as well as the nastiness. When I saw him in In the Company of Thieves I almost thought "who is this guy?"


        Originally posted by jckfan55 View Post
        To me it's not even "action Jackson" it's the smart aleck Daniel that is so unlike what we know of him. He's not a milquetoast but he's never been nasty.
        Eh. He wasn't so nice in Full Circle. Kinda rude actually. There was at least one more time that raised my hackles but I can't remember the ep. It was just a few lines but I was thinking, "What the heck was that?!?!"*

        * Please note I am remarking on the character Daniel, not the actor Michael Shanks.

        Mourning Sanctuary.
        Thanks for the good times!


          ever since he descended, daniel has had a bit of a mean streak

          maybe glowhood didn't agree with him?
          Where in the World is George Hammond?



            Interesting to see that it took MS & BB to swap roles in the Farscape skit. Good grief, they seriously thought it was a good idea clever hilarious *stops strike tag, have run out of words* to have John and Aeryn played by John and Aeryn?
            Not only that, for all the Vala love they haven't understood the basics of her character. Why in the universe would she cast Mitchell as her hero? [snark]no one else does[/snark]
            The 200th episode so clearly showed they do not understand the show any more.

            Nice to hear AT's (politely) honest appraisal of the seasons. Too bad none of the PTB are as interested in characters as the actors are.


              Originally posted by Skydiver View Post
              i don't knwo if i want him wimpy. he's no 98 pound weakling that must be protected.

              he's a well educated man who likely had a several thousand frequent flyer miles before he got his first tooth.

              he probably grew up with mom and dad on digs and has a broader cultural basis than any of the others.

              the guy may not be 'manly' in the 'let's blow stuff up' way, but he is very masculine in his simple maturity and broad knowledge base.

              he's more open to different cultures, less ethnocentric and likely a bit more tolerant than your average crusty colonel

              that doesn't make him a wimp. It makes him a human who, with a likely lacking emotional childhood (ie he grew up reallly fast, very emotionally isolated) is just as much of a man as jack or teal'c.

              Just because daniel is better talking than shooting, doesn't make him a wimp. He cna and does shoot when he needs to. and has a backbone of steel and a stubborn streak a mile wide.

              course, he can also be pissy and grumpy and very narrowly focused when he's on a mission ...but jack can be pissy and grumpy too.

              daniel's no saint, but he's no wimp either.
              Yeah. Wimpy wouldn't rush out and greet the people of Chulak (who turned out to be priests of Apophis) like he did in COTG.

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                Originally posted by Skydiver View Post
                ever since he descended, daniel has had a bit of a mean streak

                maybe glowhood didn't agree with him?
                Well, how do we know it was daniel that descended? Maybe the next big shocker (TPTB's way of fixing it) would be Anubis descended and is pretending to be Daniel.

                *He-Haw song*
                Oh, where Oh, where are you are you tonight? Why did you leave me here all alone? I searched the world over and thought I found *Daniel* You met another and pthh you were gone.

                Grammar, Logic, Rhetoric.


                  Originally posted by Jackie View Post
                  Well, how do we know it was daniel that descended? Maybe the next big shocker (TPTB's way of fixing it) would be Anubis descended and is pretending to be Daniel.

                  *He-Haw song*
                  Oh, where Oh, where are you are you tonight? Why did you leave me here all alone? I searched the world over and thought I found *Daniel* You met another and pthh you were gone.

                  man oh man-i thought I was the only one that remembered that old song.
                  Franklin said, "They that can give up essential liberty for a little safety deserve neither liberty nor safety."

                  "Do or do not. There is no try." Yoda


                    Originally posted by suse View Post
                    Eh. He wasn't so nice in Full Circle. Kinda rude actually. There was at least one more time that raised my hackles but I can't remember the ep. It was just a few lines but I was thinking, "What the heck was that?!?!"*

                    * Please note I am remarking on the character Daniel, not the actor Michael Shanks.
                    I noticed that too. It also struck me a bit how he sort of brushed Sam off, when it seemed that he'd never even come to visit her like he did with Jack and Teal'c.

                    Originally posted by Skydiver View Post
                    ever since he descended, daniel has had a bit of a mean streak

                    maybe glowhood didn't agree with him?
                    That's an interesting theory... it left him with some dyspeptic condition perhaps? Might explain some of those interesting facial expressions he's had quite a lot of (thinking S8 especially).

                    (I am also remarking on the Daniel character here, not Michael Shanks)


                      Originally posted by Jackie View Post
                      Well, how do we know it was daniel that descended? Maybe the next big shocker (TPTB's way of fixing it) would be Anubis descended and is pretending to be Daniel.

                      *He-Haw song*
                      Oh, where Oh, where are you are you tonight? Why did you leave me here all alone? I searched the world over and thought I found *Daniel* You met another and pthh you were gone.

                      Good one, Jackie ... maybe while he was at the Dead Like Me "diner" Anubis did some body/spirit/essence/whatever switching type of thing and it was Anubis who descended, while Daniel is still stuck there as "Jim."

                      Yeah it doesn't work, but is it really any worse than some of the ideas shown in recent eps?


                        Originally posted by Jackie View Post
                        Well, how do we know it was daniel that descended? Maybe the next big shocker (TPTB's way of fixing it) would be Anubis descended and is pretending to be Daniel.
                        i thought of that once. what if daniel wasn't really daniel but a spy or nuby....but if they wanted to use that particular party trick, they needed to use it in s7 (remember death knell, they never did find out who told nuby what sam and jacob were working on. the implication during the eps was that the sgc had been sold out...and who better to do that than a dark sided daniel??)

                        It would have been a cool plot twist. Three years ago.

                        I do think it's just folks trying to manly up daniel, and not quite hitting the right chord
                        Where in the World is George Hammond?



                          And *their idea* of what "manly" is, not what it *really* is.


                            Originally posted by jckfan55 View Post
                            And *their idea* of what "manly" is, not what it *really* is.
                            Their idea of manly goes well with their idea of what consitutes womanly.


                              it's a relative term. LIke Beauty, grace, compassion, ugly, mean, etc

                              just like humor, it's subjective.

                              which is why, when you're deliberately trying to attain one of these traits, your efforts sometimes backfire since what you're puttin forth and saying 'isn't this hilarous???' some will agree, some will raise their eyebrows and go Huh???
                              Where in the World is George Hammond?



                                Originally posted by JessM View Post
                                I noticed that too. It also struck me a bit how he sort of brushed Sam off, when it seemed that he'd never even come to visit her like he did with Jack and Teal'c.
                                (I am also remarking on the Daniel character here, not Michael Shanks)

                                Wasn't there a scene in Full Circle that was cut, where Daniel was explaining to Sam why he didn't visit her or something like that? That would have made sense and perhaps the editing was a bit amiss there.

                                It's a shame that it always seems to be these little character interaction scenes that get cut.........

                                Thanks to Kidwizz for sig

