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S10: Critique & Contemplation

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    Originally posted by Crow T. Robot View Post
    That and these tactics never work. They either cause an author to stick to their preferred paring or cause authors to say screw it and leave the fandom.

    I tend to see these tactics more tactics of desperation more than anything else. It goes to show despite a few rapid fans Daniel and Vala really haven’t hit a cord with the main stream fan fiction writers or fan. Cruise the general archives and Jack/Daniel is still the most popular slash pairing being posted and Sam/Jack the most popular ship.
    and always will be.

    no amount of frantic slap dash writing in a 2 year span can overtake eight years of steady writing which was also written by a much larger quantity of people
    Where in the World is George Hammond?



      Originally posted by JessM View Post
      I agree. It shouldn't be an issue. I've heard some catty things about Claudia's looks too, which is a real shame.

      I haven't heard anything about Browder getting treatment like this. Some years ago (maybe 5?) I was at a site where a few people were saying a few things about Shanks. From what I remember they were RDA fans and one person in particular kept talking about how Shanks has a "big head" - and not in terms of ego, in terms of morphology.

      But even those comments were few and far between as compared to the ones the women are getting.
      Here's what cracks me up. I attended a convention many years ago. I've seen many pictures which people have posted regarding their experiences at Stargate conventions. I've also seen pictures some fans just post of themselves on line. Many of these women I've seen are overweight (some really, really overweight), not physically attractive by most people's standards; none of them are going to win any beauty contests at all, which of course has nothing to do with the worth of a person.

      But by and large, it seems that it's these same people who tend to rag on about the actors physical appearance — they've gained weight; they have bad hair, they look old, have too many wrinkles, etc. Being no beauty queen myself and needing to shed a few pounds, I'm not about to make some petty comments about actors physical appearance's. Beyond that it just shows a lack of class, IMO.


        Originally posted by JessM View Post
        It does seem to be more about desperation. I woudn't doubt it has something to do with the series ending. Maybe they think that, if there are oodles and oodles of D/V stories out there, tptb will take notice and think that maybe everyone just LOVES the pairing, so they'd better make a nice Vaniel resolution to end the show. Have Daniel and Vala go traipsing off to another planet to get married or go on their honeymoon.

        I don't know what goes on in their heads, but I wouldn't doubt that some of them are looking for that.

        given the crap that gets passed off as ship, why on EARTH would they want that????

        these men can't write relationship stuff to save their lives. without rick adn amanda's skills to overcome thier cliches these writers' shortcomings are very, very evident

        let them have thier vaniel ending. if it keeps the writers from totaly screwing up sam and jack i'm all for it.

        whateer the writers come up with will NEVER match what the fans want. NEVER.

        i remember when the first spoilers for summit/last stand came out and the slash and daniel fans were all gaga over the prospect of Slave Daniel. they anticipated and played and wrote spec fic and the whole nine yards

        then teh show aired and....near total disappointment. daniel wasn't enough of a slave, he wasn't whumped enough, jack didn't care enough, jack iddn't rescue him, yadda, yadda, yadda

        fans' anticipation built the show up to an unsustainable level thus one of hte more highly anticipated episodes is one of the most disappointing
        Where in the World is George Hammond?



          Originally posted by JessM View Post

          I agree. I think it would be wrong if they spent two seconds in one episode grieving for him and then suddenly straightened up and went on a mission, but that wasn't what happened. It would have been too much if they spent, like you said, the finale AND the first 5 or 6 episodes of the next season moping. I thought it was handled pretty well.

          And I did like how Jonas was introduced. Pity that Vala wasn't introduced gradually like he was.

          Completely agree, I rewatched Meridian and Revelations just recently and felt they handled the whole thing pretty well. Meridian is a powerful ep (can't watch it without shedding a tear I'll admit) and Revelations showed the team handling it as I think they would. I loved the scene at the end where the wind blows and Jack smiles before he gets into the elevator, knowing it's Daniel, so understated but it works.....

          Yes Jonas had to really work hard for the others, especially Jack to gain his trust and become an accepted member of the team. What have we had with Vala? Daniel comparing her to Teal'c, her joke of a psych evaluation - incidentally I wish they would have had Dr MacKenzie doing that, you really wouldn't want to be in a session with him - another forgotten character.
          But then that would have taken away from the comedy of it

          Oh yes I forgot she has been on some missions, one of which she called Reynolds and his team "amateurs" or something like that......
          Jonas never showed anything but respect (as far as I remember) for SGC personnel, when has Vala showed any respect, or indeed pledged her allegiance to the tau'ri like Teal'c did.
          But then I guess because in some people's eyes, Vala is just so cool, she can do whatever she likes

          Thanks to Kidwizz for sig


            Originally posted by Skydiver View Post
            given the crap that gets passed off as ship, why on EARTH would they want that????

            these men can't write relationship stuff to save their lives. without rick adn amanda's skills to overcome thier cliches these writers' shortcomings are very, very evident

            let them have thier vaniel ending. if it keeps the writers from totaly screwing up sam and jack i'm all for it.

            whateer the writers come up with will NEVER match what the fans want. NEVER.

            i remember when the first spoilers for summit/last stand came out and the slash and daniel fans were all gaga over the prospect of Slave Daniel. they anticipated and played and wrote spec fic and the whole nine yards

            then teh show aired and....near total disappointment. daniel wasn't enough of a slave, he wasn't whumped enough, jack didn't care enough, jack iddn't rescue him, yadda, yadda, yadda

            fans' anticipation built the show up to an unsustainable level thus one of hte more highly anticipated episodes is one of the most disappointing
            What gets me (and this is only my opinion of course) is that the show never, showed any J/D slash moments, friendship yes, but slash no. Now in fanfic it's okay, but I can't see how they really expected to see it on the show

            my fanfic


              because SOME of the ardent j/d fans used to be in the Sentinel fandom. and the two actors there heard about slash adn, once they knew the show was canned, played it up, so in a way, folks expected rick and michael to do the same

              but they never will because neitehr of the two men are very fond of hearing 'wow, i prefer you gay'

              and many of the slashers don't want it overt on tv. they're happy to project. but there are a few

              what's so funny, Vaniel is such a cliche. bad girl with a heart of gold is 'redeemed' by giving birth to the 'savior' and teh love of a good man????

              sounds like the plot of any one of a hundred 'romance' novels to me

              but anyway, the topic at hand is s10 issues, so we need to stop this venturing into the past please.
              Where in the World is George Hammond?



                Originally posted by Skydiver View Post
                they don't scare me as much, simply because i do hang with them but also...shippers are a lazy bunch. they whine adn moan amongst themselves but rarely take their complaints to the loud and public level that SOME of the ardent daniel fans do
                That's the kind of shipper I like - we may be passionate but not loud or demanding. We let fanfic fill the hole TPTB left (are they or aren't they - tune in next week!!!). As for seasons 9 & 10 the holes (plot holes, missing beloved character, etc) you could drive a mothership through there isn't enough quality fanfic to spackle up that hole.
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                  Originally posted by JessM View Post
                  It's good to know I'm not alone. I've been wondering if Daniel has been taken over by a pod person - or maybe this is some odd AU replacement. His attitude has been grating on my nerves a bit as well. Daniel has always had a sarcastic streak in him and could be snarky when he wanted to be, but it's been a bit too OTT for me the past couple of years. A lot of the fanfiction I write takes place during earlier seasons because I can't really bring myself to write Daniel as he is now... no matter how ridiculous it may seem. snip, snip.
                  You all are certainly NOT alone. I can't even stomach watching the Daniel character anymore for the most part. When he is with Vala it is fast forward all the way. When he is with Mitchell same thing. When he is with Sam or Teal'c I can stand to watch but just barely since this new persona they have given him permeates with a bad smell no matter who he is with or what the scene calls for. The charcater is starting to stink to high heaven he is becoming so much of a different character - well I guess it goes along with what others have said, they make a new show but don't change the name, they make a new character but instead of changing the name they leave it as Vala, etc., so why not make Daniel a new character and not change the name, who really cares and if the people in charge of the show are making the decisions then their attitiude is probably that the fans are too stupid to notice so who cares. Too bad for them approxiamtely 30% of their viewing audience wasn't stupid enough to miss these changes (which in my opinion were bad all the way around) and they have tuned out. It will be fascinating to see what the mid-season premiere gets in ratings in March (my wild guess is 1.4 or below. I think they'll be lucky to drag-in the 1.4 that the season premiere got).


                    Originally posted by Mandysg1 View Post
                    What gets me (and this is only my opinion of course) is that the show never, showed any J/D slash moments, friendship yes, but slash no. Now in fanfic it's okay, but I can't see how they really expected to see it on the show
                    I think it depends on what you take as slash. On the show (besides a joke here and there), no it's very unlikely that you'll actually get any m/m kissing or anything obvious like that. But really if you like the chemistry between the men, then you can get the slash out of a scene if you want. (And even then, talk to any two slashers and you could easily get two different interpretations of a scene just like with any viewer). I mean, Supernatural for instance has a huge slash fanbase and those two characters are brothers so they'll definitely never get anything on the show. I don't personally think it's any different then when shippers get excited by Jack's hand on Sam's arm in a scene or something to that effect. I can see the J/D slash within the friendship moments but then I'm left going "huh???" when people point out Jack/Sam ship moments because I can't see anything romantic working between them (though when they do try to make it obvious I usually tend to cringe because it feels awkward to me, for ex, most of their conversation in Lost City at Jack's house). When it comes down to it, I'd prefer that they just keep the subtext and allow fans to read from it what they will because I just don't think they do romance very well. I've seen Daniel/Mitchell slashers out there for the last two seasons too...whatever does it for you I guess.
                    Last edited by Veritas21; 24 October 2006, 11:20 AM.


                      Originally posted by Rogue View Post
                      They used the same tactic with Jack and Cam. Remember the handing off the baton scene in the fighter. Jack stamped his approval on Cam so Cam must be ok.
                      Actually, while that's what I thought at first, Jack never said anything about how he felt about Mitchell being in charge or expressed faith in his ability as team leader.

                      Jack: He said you're going to be fine, Mitchell.
                      Jack says nothing about his own opinion of Mitchell, he merely tells him Landry's - makes me wonder what Jack really thought about Mitchell being in command.

                      Sig courtesy of RepliCartertje


                        Originally posted by Skydiver View Post
                        they were upset because, to them, daniel was an orphan therefore for anyone else to be an orphan, it was stealing that trait from daniel
                        Poor Daniel. The only orphan ever to exist, on any planet, since the dawn of time. If only that were the case. Sadly, far too many children lose their parents.

                        Sig courtesy of RepliCartertje


                          Originally posted by ReganX View Post
                          Actually, while that's what I thought at first, Jack never said anything about how he felt about Mitchell being in charge or expressed faith in his ability as team leader.

                          Jack says nothing about his own opinion of Mitchell, he merely tells him Landry's - makes me wonder what Jack really thought about Mitchell being in command.
                          I actually wrote a fanfic about that subjiect...but of course it's what I thought Jack would think about Cam being in command

                          my fanfic


                            Originally posted by Mandysg1 View Post
                            I actually wrote a fanfic about that subjiect...but of course it's what I thought Jack would think about Cam being in command
                            I'm working on a fic involving an investigation after (yet) another screw-up by Mitchell. I've got my theories about Jack's plans for Mitchell, his feelings about the command situation and the reason he hasn't intervened to have Sam returned to command.

                            Sig courtesy of RepliCartertje


                              Originally posted by ReganX View Post
                              Poor Daniel. The only orphan ever to exist, on any planet, since the dawn of time. If only that were the case. Sadly, far too many children lose their parents.
                              One would have thought there would be a higher percentage of orphans among children brought up in war torn countries.

                              I don't understand why people have claim particular aspects of a character. Don't make characters identical by all means, but it's like saying there can only be one astrophysicist in the show ever.


                                Originally posted by smurf View Post
                                One would have thought there would be a higher percentage of orphans among children brought up in war torn countries.
                                Exactly. Daniel's parents died in a horrible accident. Who knows what happened to Jonas' family?

                                Sig courtesy of RepliCartertje

