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S10: Critique & Contemplation

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    Originally posted by smurf View Post
    I could sum it up for you if you like:
    S10 great, bit of a surprise the show lasted so long. Favourite characters created; Baal, Osiris, and Athena (no don't laugh ), least happy with Hailey.
    Fav ep of his own is Ripple Effect.
    Bit bitter (may be a joke) about cancellation because they had so many stories left to tell (may be a joke ).

    Probably not my place to point out exactly where TPTB went wrong, but those great stories left to tell? Might have been a good idea to have used them rather than rehashing the old stuff.
    Thanks for summing it up, because the link is not working for me

    my fanfic


      Originally posted by AGateFan View Post
      ROFL Yea, maybe they should have used those great stories.
      OBTW Hailey was cool. Very good starting point for a character.

      Baal used to be cool before they ruined him. Osiris was thankfully killed off before they could ruine her. Athena? I have no clue as I was not stupid enough to watch that ep. But I have heard nothing but bad things... and that includes reviews from the "OMFG THAT WAS AWESOME" people.
      I have no clue who that is either, could someone please explain who she is, and which episode she was in...I'm sure I've seen them all

      my fanfic


        Originally posted by Mandysg1 View Post
        I have no clue who that is either, could someone please explain who she is, and which episode she was in...I'm sure I've seen them all
        athena was the blond baddie in Memento Mori
        Where in the World is George Hammond?



          Originally posted by Skydiver View Post
          athena was the blond baddie in Memento Mori
          Well that explains why I can't remember her

          my fanfic


            Originally posted by Mandysg1
            Thanks for summing it up, because the link is not working for me
            Check the spelling of 'magazine'.


              Originally posted by Mandysg1 View Post
              Well that explains why I can't remember her
              so much of MM was forgettable...heck even vala blacked out part of it
              Where in the World is George Hammond?



                Originally posted by ses110 View Post
                Indeed.TPTB had a number of characters to select so why the need to go outside the SG-1 universe? I cannot wait to see a behind the scenes Show about SG-1 in 20 Years.Maybe we will get some answers as to why the Show went in such a different direction.
                Because they wanted BB and CB in the show.
                Odo's last wishes: cremate me, put me in my bucket, then shoot me through the wormhole.



                  Originally posted by JessM View Post
                  possible spoilers:
                  So the final shot is to be a "team shot" is it? Now this I'll have to see...
                  It's what comes before the team shot that worries me. I watch the show for the team and so hearing that it ends on the team makes me happier...but if just before that shot it has them discussing the wedding of so-and-so (complete with said people making out or something) or some lame beam up action shot then a gratuitous team shot really won't make up for the bad stuff before it. Also I agree with what others pointed enjoyment level of that "team shot" will depend on how they are shot and who's in it. Maybe that's picky but that's just how I feel about it.
                  Last edited by Veritas21; 17 October 2006, 10:48 PM.


                    Originally posted by JessM View Post
                    Hear, hear! I've heard people say that they thought Daniel's character was getting stale and really needed something, and Vala's brought that out of him. I liked him just fine before that.

                    I agree as far as the conflict between Jack and Daniel goes. We knew that they still respected each other. The only conflict I see on the show now, if it can actually be defined as such, is when Daniel snipes at Vala as the "hate" part of their "love/hate relationship"
                    Yeah I'd have to agree with you and grasshopper64. Others have said this before but I really think it would depend on what forums you read comments at because there may be Daniel fans that are happy that he's getting screentime but there are just as many (if not more) that are unhappy with the way in which it's happening. It shouldn't be about quantity necessarily but rather about quality and for a great number of us Daniel fans, the quality just isn't there. I love the team though my favorite if I had to pick would be Daniel...but the Daniel that's hanging out with Vala isn't the Daniel that I like. Her character doesn't have a positive influence on him in my opinion and that effects how I view his character. Just because Michael and Claudia like to work together doesn't mean that it's the best thing for the show to have their characters constantly be together (especially to the exclusion of the others since I really miss seeing Daniel hang out with Sam and Teal'c). I need to add that I do think there are some new fans that call themselves Daniel fans when really they are more Vala fans and they only really like Daniel because in actuality they like Vala and Vaniel instead (not that there is really all that much of a difference between Daniel vs Vaniel anymore).

                    I also agree with you about Daniel and Jack's interactions. I used to love watching them work off each other and I'm not sure I see where people are coming from if they think that Daniel and Mitchell have a better relationship than J/D did.


                      Originally posted by Veritas21 View Post
                      I also agree with you about Daniel and Jack's interactions. I used to love watching them work off each other and I'm not sure I see where people are coming from if they think that Daniel and Mitchell have a better relationship than J/D did.
                      Huh? Daniel and Mitchell have a relationship? Where? All I’ve seen on screen is a coldly professional one at the most.

                      As for Jack not respecting Daniel.... HUH?

                      From what I’ve seen Daniel gave it back to Jack as well as he took it through the years. They fight. They bicker. They p*ss each other off. They lose their temper with each other. Call each other nasty names. At the end of the day they are still friends, have talked each other off the ledges, and all those disagreements later still have each other’s back. Isn’t that what the true essence of being a friend is all about? Showing your warts off and the other person still likes and respects you despite them.

                      How can anyone say Daniel and Mitchell have a better relationship? From what I’ve seen they don’t have one. I haven’t seen them fight or disagree once. How can you even judge what type of relationship they have?
                      Jack O’Neill: When it absolutely, positively, needs mocked, shot, or destroyed overnight!


                        Originally posted by Veritas21 View Post
                        It's what comes before the team shot that worries me. I watch the show for the team and so hearing that it ends on the team makes me happier...but if just before that shot it has them discussing the wedding of so-and-so (complete with said people making out or something) or some lame beam up action shot then a gratuitous team shot really won't make up for the bad stuff before it. Also I agree with what others pointed enjoyment level of that "team shot" will depend on how they are shot and who's in it. Maybe that's picky but that's just how I feel about it.
                        Oh, no, I agree.
                        It does depend on what happens before the "team shot" to me. I'm wondering if they're just going to throw it in there to please us team fans, sort of as a way of saying "yeah, this last episode was a stinker.. yeah, Vaniel are now in wedded bliss or have been making out all over the place, but hey, it's all right because it's got a team shot at the end! Great stuff, huh? ...... Huh?"


                          Originally posted by Veritas21 View Post
                          Yeah I'd have to agree with you and grasshopper64. Others have said this before but I really think it would depend on what forums you read comments at because there may be Daniel fans that are happy that he's getting screentime but there are just as many (if not more) that are unhappy with the way in which it's happening. It shouldn't be about quantity necessarily but rather about quality and for a great number of us Daniel fans, the quality just isn't there. I love the team though my favorite if I had to pick would be Daniel...but the Daniel that's hanging out with Vala isn't the Daniel that I like. Her character doesn't have a positive influence on him in my opinion and that effects how I view his character. Just because Michael and Claudia like to work together doesn't mean that it's the best thing for the show to have their characters constantly be together (especially to the exclusion of the others since I really miss seeing Daniel hang out with Sam and Teal'c). I need to add that I do think there are some new fans that call themselves Daniel fans when really they are more Vala fans and they only really like Daniel because in actuality they like Vala and Vaniel instead (not that there is really all that much of a difference between Daniel vs Vaniel anymore).
                          The part in bold is it in a nutshell. That's exactly how I feel. There was a time when I didn't mind seeing Daniel get more screentime, but those days are long gone. I have to actually be able to stand Daniel and I almost find it hard to watch him when he's with Vala. I agree she has a negative influence on his character. A lot of people talk about the refreshing new side she brings to him, and I know I've said this before, but I liked the old one better - and I don't see this side as refreshing, it's almost grating to me. He has a more natural chemistry with Jack (and Sam and Teal'c). Those two would argue and be sarcastic to one another, but neither character ever grated on me the way that Vaniel does. It just seems too OTT for me.

                          And I agree - just because the actors like working together and might have chemistry doesn't mean that their characters need to spend most or all of their screentime together. Daniel has been friends with Sam and Teal'c for so long now and it's nice to see a reminder now and then that they are all friends. Vaniel is pretty much destroying that.

                          I also agree with you about Daniel and Jack's interactions. I used to love watching them work off each other and I'm not sure I see where people are coming from if they think that Daniel and Mitchell have a better relationship than J/D did.
                          Yep, same here... it almost makes me wonder if part of the reason why they hardly (if ever) referred to Jack at all in S9 was so that they could put all the focus on Daniel and Mitchell becoming bestest buddies. There was that one scene at the end of Origin (I think?) but how long was it - a minute or so? I thought Jack and Daniel's interaction was a little...awkward, aloof... I guess there was a reason it had to be that way.

                          I miss the Jack/Daniel friendship. I hope to see some of it
                          in The Shroud, but I'm not holding out very much hope.


                            Originally posted by JessM View Post
                            And I agree - just because the actors like working together and might have chemistry doesn't mean that their characters need to spend most or all of their screentime together. Daniel has been friends with Sam and Teal'c for so long now and it's nice to see a reminder now and then that they are all friends. Vaniel is pretty much destroying that.
                            cool, the actors have chemistry. I think even the most ardent anti-sam/jack person could admit that AT and RDA had chemistry with each other.....but even as someone that likes the ship angle, i dont' and didn't want that chemistry hogging the show.

                            its not the sam/jack hour with thier two side kicks any more than it's teh sam/teal'c hour with thier two side kicks thus it shouldn't be the Vaniel hour with those three sidekicks

                            too much of anything is bad and balance is theykey

                            but they've lost that balance in their efforts to promote vaniel and it's done little more than to polarize the fans

                            Since s7 especially, every episode of the show has been polarizing. they USED to write for no one in particular. FIAD was very much a daniel eps, but we got to see how his issues/decision effected his friends. same with ITLOD where the story was just as much how jack, daniel and teal'c dealt with their friend's possession as it was dealing with sam and jolinar. In fact, it was very rare to have one actor focused on more than the others.

                            Fifth Race was as much about his team trying to help him - and nearly getting killed in the process - as it was jack dealing with having the ancient download

                            but they don't do that anymore. Grace was 90% about Sam, Lifeboat was great for teryl and michael but there wasn't very much else in there for anyone else. Same with Enemy MIne, a wealth of daniel and unas while jack adn sam pretty much took the week off

                            Episodes focuse more and more on only ONE aspect of the show, one character, and ignore the rest.

                            now i know why they started doing this. to accomodate rda's schedule they started to write and set things up that allowed them to use 2-3 crews at once and literally tape 3 episodes at once in separate studios/parts of town

                            they did this to do 9 months worth of work in 6

                            but the departure of rda and the inclusion of the oh so hallowed mitchell into the show shoulda taken care of this. tptb made a point of praising ben for his devotion. so why haven't things changed? why haven't we gone back to the central focus? why haven't we gone back to less polarizing episodes with a singular focus on a single character/pairing???

                            weak writing/show running is all i can come up with. they're now so comfortable breaking everyone up and separating the characters/actors that they apparantly don't have the desire/skill to go back to the forumla that got them 6 years of work

                            all they seem to want to do is to pick a favorite ane promote him/her/them to the exclusion of all others....then scratch their heads in puzzlement as they fail to realize that appealing to only a small segment of the fandom only leads to less ratings as more and more people get annoyed and just turn off the set
                            Where in the World is George Hammond?



                              Originally posted by JessM View Post

                              I miss the Jack/Daniel friendship. I hope to see some of it
                              in The Shroud, but I'm not holding out very much hope.

                              you will probably see more concern for Daniel in that episode, than we saw in the season 8 opener for Sam.
                              Franklin said, "They that can give up essential liberty for a little safety deserve neither liberty nor safety."

                              "Do or do not. There is no try." Yoda


                                Originally posted by suse View Post
                                There's a new article with Jow Mallozzi at

                                I have but one thing to say:


                                Clueless, I tell you. C-L-U-E-L-E-S-S.

                                Beyond Clueless!
                                Words like pre-mature--S10 best writing ever blah blah.
                                More like clueless in an alternate reality.
                                Last edited by Skydiver; 18 October 2006, 06:47 AM.

