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S10: Critique & Contemplation

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    jonas appealed to me.

    I never felt that i ws sold or that he was pushed upon me

    different writers, different time, different story

    I liked how he was the new guy, without 'NEW GUY' written all over him
    Where in the World is George Hammond?



      Originally posted by Skydiver
      jonas appealed to me.

      I never felt that i ws sold or that he was pushed upon me

      different writers, different time, different story

      I liked how he was the new guy, without 'NEW GUY' written all over him
      So true Sky, the really knew how to introduce a new character back then, too bad they didn't remember how to do it

      my fanfic


        Originally posted by Descent
        "The Powers That Be".
        Good grief. It's like looking at an entirely different person, isn't it? Wow.


          The thing is, there are people saying that Vala is meant to bring a more lighthearted atmosphere to the cast but there's a difference between that and being annoyingly childish. I like her look better with her hair down like in that picture or even in a ponytail. But the pigtails in combination with the jumpy behavior make her seem like an hyper kid who has no business on the team.

          Quest Pt. 1:

          I actually liked it more than I thought I would mainly because the cast was together the entire time and they actually showed them interacting in different ways than they have lately. That said, I agree that the dragon was terrible and while I did like Vala more than I usually do there were still moments that annoyed me. For instance, when she right away started running in the wrong direction and Daniel had to physically stop her. Not to forget the dream...they were smart enough to pick up on the old guy being an Ori in disguise yet they didn't question why or how Vala had that dream?

          Also the hairdryer thing. Someone on another board felt that they each put something in the chest that in a way represented their character. I didn't see what everyone put in the chest but if that was the case, can we take that as confirmation that Vala is an airhead?


            Originally posted by Skydiver
            i do agree, some complaints are a bit trivial. Fine if cam's 'for cryin out loud' bugs some. It's a common enough phrase that it didnt' bug me personally. to each his/her own.
            That phrase seems to be a regional thing. The only person I know in person who uses it is from Michigan. And that's a good 1000 miles away. I just don't see goos ol' Southern Kansas boy using it. But as things go it's not a biggie IMO.
            I persoanlly find the 'sam's past with jolinar is a forbidden topic, but let's make sure that vala's ex-host powers are promoted as much as possible' to be far more offensive to folks. Just as i find the perpetual ignoring of the show's canon when it's inconvenient to be a far larger 'crime'
            I cannot believe they haven't even broached that Sam was also a host. And I'm still not sure how
            Vala retained all her abllities and memories of Qetesh when the snale was removed from her while Jolinar died within Sam, leaving the memories and abilities
            . <sigh>
            I do feel, however, that there is a concentrated and deliberate campaign to make the show look better accepted. There are folks on the forum who p lan and discuss ways to promote and defend the show. And rigging polls is just one way to provide 'proof' for their beliefs.

            Just like crusade last season. Prior to that eps, the gateworld polls had 5000 or less voters.(some eps only had a few hundred voters)..yet crusade had 18,000...i think some folks' mouse buttons got a workout. yet, imho, the folks that did it did it to prove a point...and didn't take tiem to realize that such an anomalous outcome doesn't prove anything. the sheer disparity of numbers would have the results tossed out and discounted.
            Sky!! You know that Crusade (or was it Cam-a-lot?) was Just!That!Good!
            i think that some folks either on this forum or simply visitors to gateworld likely have a feeling and belief if the polls on the site 'prove' that the show is loved and adored it will assist with the campaign to 'save' it

            I don't visit the campaign site, however tweaking polls was certainly a tactic used during the last campaign in this fandom, and that campaign was run by many of the same folks that are participating/orchestrating this one
            I sure never got an answer about the survey being flawed. So they can basically make those deliberately? very poorly worded answers say anything they want then to say.

            Last edited by suse; 23 September 2006, 09:50 PM.
            Mourning Sanctuary.
            Thanks for the good times!


              Originally posted by Skydiver
              jonas appealed to me.

              I never felt that i ws sold or that he was pushed upon me

              different writers, different time, different story

              I liked how he was the new guy, without 'NEW GUY' written all over him
              The sad thing is, the writers aren't different. I think that is why I am much more disappointed in Mitchell than I probably should be. I've seen them produce an interesting character and cleverly integrate him into the team in an emotionly logical way, so I don't understand how Mitchell ended up such a dud.

              I'm beginning to think Jonas worked because BW showruns in such a way that CN had the freedom to filter all the scripts through his own interpretation of the character's growth. (Not cut anything, but to choose his own intonation.)
              From the season 9 interviews with BB, it seems that is now a lost freedom.


                Originally posted by suse
                That phrase seems to be a regional thing. The only person I know in person who uses it is from Michigan. And that's a good 1000 miles away. I just don't see goos ol' Southern Kansas boy using it. But as things go it's not a biggie IMO.
                For research purposes, I grew up in Pennsylvania and have lived in New York for 25 years. I've heard it in real life all the time.

                Edited to add:
                I found a google site that explains the origins of the word and the origins are English:


                Given that all of America has English-origins and the South, in particular, has a greater part of the population with that ethnic background, I don't see any reason it would be a less common phrase in the South than anywhere else.

                The google search also revealed it's the name of a Meatloaf song and a band.
                Last edited by MediaSavant; 24 September 2006, 06:03 AM.


                  it is the same writers, however i would argue that these writers act/work differently under different show runners. Brad, apparantly, ran a tight ship and wasn't above rewriting someone's script if it didn't meet his own standards.

                  dunno if coop's ever rewritten someone else's script or not but the level of quality control/over all image of the show is a full 180 from what it u sed to be.

                  now, personal preferences aside, stargate under brad's leadership seemed to have a far wider appeal, better ratings and better overall image while stargate under rob's control seems to have a very polarized appeal (focus on one actor/aspect per episode, thus making each eps appealing to ony a small segment of hte fandom at a time) , the ratings are falling and the image of the show has gone from 'the little show that could' to 'the little show that shouldn't have'
                  Where in the World is George Hammond?



                    Originally posted by Skydiver
                    it is the same writers, however i would argue that these writers act/work differently under different show runners. Brad, apparantly, ran a tight ship and wasn't above rewriting someone's script if it didn't meet his own standards.

                    dunno if coop's ever rewritten someone else's script or not but the level of quality control/over all image of the show is a full 180 from what it u sed to be.
                    I'm also wondering if either Coop is very lenient when it comes to rewrites or his rewrites are actually whats causing this dip in quality. Its pretty apparent to me that Brad didn't pull any punches when it came to rewrites and I think that is also apparent on Atlantis right now.
                    "Space is disease and danger wrapped in darkness and silence."
                    DS9 Superior|Farscape|Legend of the Seeker|Stargate Universe|STAR WARS


                      Originally posted by Racingtime

                      Quest Pt. 1:


                      Also the hairdryer thing. Someone on another board felt that they each put something in the chest that in a way represented their character. I didn't see what everyone put in the chest but if that was the case, can we take that as confirmation that Vala is an airhead?

                      As Teal'c would say, "Indeed"

                      Other ideas:

                      Hairdryers produce white noise, so her character should be tuned out.

                      It could also represent vanity. (Though that is normally done with a mirror, however that could be misinturprated as being reflective.)

                      Flexablity, meaning that she's will to adapt to Earth culture. (Which would likely be the reason they would give for her )

                      Another idea is that she's basically just full of hot air.

                      There are a few dirty ones I can think up to, but I won't mention them here.


                        Originally posted by Descent
                        I'm also wondering if either Coop is very lenient when it comes to rewrites or his rewrites are actually whats causing this dip in quality. Its pretty apparent to me that Brad didn't pull any punches when it came to rewrites and I think that is also apparent on Atlantis right now.
                        one or the other. both are logical conclusions

                        a) the writers are just making stuff up and coop can't/wont' control them and exercise quality control

                        b) what were're seeing IS coop's idea of quality
                        Where in the World is George Hammond?



                          re: "For crying out loud"

                          Geez o pete, this is like arguing about whether Charles Shultz made a "good decision" when he chose "good grief" as a catchphrase for Charlie Brown. Talk about your "unhelpful" criticism.


                            Can any of you explain something to me?

                            What part of:

                            10 year-old show+ 25-30% ratings drop+ falling demographics = Cancelled show

                            Don’t people understand?

                            I just don’t get it. The math is VERY simple. I’m not even touching the whole “it’s not a rating issue”.... When the boys in charge were urging fans to get people to watch the show... It’s a ratings issue.

                            Jack take me away! I need a cake moment.
                            Jack O’Neill: When it absolutely, positively, needs mocked, shot, or destroyed overnight!


                              Originally posted by Crow T. Robot
                              Can any of you explain something to me?

                              What part of:

                              10 year-old show+ 25-30% ratings drop+ falling demographics = Cancelled show

                              Don’t people understand?

                              I just don’t get it. The math is VERY simple. I’m not even touching the whole “it’s not a rating issue”.... When the boys in charge were urging fans to get people to watch the show... It’s a ratings issue.

                              Jack take me away! I need a cake moment.
                              You forgot to name rising cost which TPTB were pounding us with earlier in the season. (but that could be in the 10 year old show part)
                              Joseph Mallozzi -"In the meantime, I'm into season 5 of OZ (where the show takes an unfortunate hairpin turn into "the not so wonderful world of fantasy")"

                              ^^^ Kinda sounds like seasons 9 and 10 of SG-1 to me. Thor, ya got Aspirin?

                              AGateFan has officially Gone Fishin (with Jack, Sam, Daniel, Teal'c) and is hoping Atlantis does not take that same hairpin turn.


                                Originally posted by AGateFan
                                You forgot to name rising cost which TPTB were pounding us with earlier in the season. (but that could be in the 10 year old show part)
                                I kind of slide all that under “10 year-old show” myself.

                                I think I made the head/desk assumption that others would too.
                                Jack O’Neill: When it absolutely, positively, needs mocked, shot, or destroyed overnight!

