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S10: Critique & Contemplation

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    Hmmm it does sound like them and its got the expected director but the writer is...
    WRITTEN BY - Damian Kindler
    DIRECTED BY - Peter DeLuise
    Joseph Mallozzi -"In the meantime, I'm into season 5 of OZ (where the show takes an unfortunate hairpin turn into "the not so wonderful world of fantasy")"

    ^^^ Kinda sounds like seasons 9 and 10 of SG-1 to me. Thor, ya got Aspirin?

    AGateFan has officially Gone Fishin (with Jack, Sam, Daniel, Teal'c) and is hoping Atlantis does not take that same hairpin turn.


      Ok, I know I've said this before; but I don't understand why he is taking Vala? I assume she is not being monitored anymore; she's a member of SG1. She must be totally trusted;
      Galling isn't it? After 8 years of constantly proving his loyalty to Earth, Teal'c still caused palpatations when he got himself a flat off base. Jonas wasn't allowed to even leave the base for - what - several months at least? And both of them knew how to keep a secret and understood the meaning of the word discretion.

      Here we have Vala - the girl who can't keep her foot out of her mouth and whose main trait is to blurt out anything that comes into her head as soon as it hoves into view - allowed to wander around at will wherever the heck she likes.

      Hello? Massive security risk!

      If they keep letting her interact with the general public and mouthing off all over the place, I can't see the Stargate remaining secret for much longer.

      Listen, we had General Ryan come on and do a little cameo for us, and he's a real live four star, one of the big guys. And I had to ask him point blank, because there's a certain irreverence that I bring to the character, and denseness, but while we were doing this scene, I just looked at him and said, "Do you have guys like me in...?" and he stopped me and said, "Yes, and worse, and you're doing a fine job, son."

      Richard Dean Anderson


        Plausible deniability. Who would believe her? Especially as soon as they found her lying about something else... and she would end up lying about something else, that’s just in the character as written thus far.

        EDIT: she is the official wormhole extreme. Built in misinformation.
        Joseph Mallozzi -"In the meantime, I'm into season 5 of OZ (where the show takes an unfortunate hairpin turn into "the not so wonderful world of fantasy")"

        ^^^ Kinda sounds like seasons 9 and 10 of SG-1 to me. Thor, ya got Aspirin?

        AGateFan has officially Gone Fishin (with Jack, Sam, Daniel, Teal'c) and is hoping Atlantis does not take that same hairpin turn.


          Oh BTW, Carter did not get prompted to Lt Col because she got captured. Likely her and O'Neill BOTH got promoted due to that whole, little, itsy bitsy, saving the world thingy in the privious episode. Oh and all the saving the world in the previous 8 years, oh and the saving the asgard from the replicators.... twice (second time with TEAM).... but thats just my guess.
          Exactly. I don't see the connection between the two at all and I didn't see any connection with Sam's promotion and the events of New Order, at the time. I never thought she'd been promoted because of her actions in those episodes. I always thought she'd been promoted because it was well overdue considering everything she'd done for a long period between being made a Major and then a Colonel.

          I haven't seen MM, so I can't comment too much on why Vala has suddenly been made an official member of SG1. But if it's specifically because of the events of MM, then that makes no sense to me. There could be a case for it, given her actions during S9's finale/S10's premiere. She was an invaluable source of aid/intelligence then. But if that's the reason, then I'd have expected it to have been stated as the reason in MM. And I gather from comments on the ep I've heard that this wasn't the case. The distinct impression given by the ep does seem to be that it was the fact that she got kidnapped and they realised they missed her that led to Landry 'promoting' her. Which simply sucks as a reason imo.

          Listen, we had General Ryan come on and do a little cameo for us, and he's a real live four star, one of the big guys. And I had to ask him point blank, because there's a certain irreverence that I bring to the character, and denseness, but while we were doing this scene, I just looked at him and said, "Do you have guys like me in...?" and he stopped me and said, "Yes, and worse, and you're doing a fine job, son."

          Richard Dean Anderson


            Originally posted by Albion
            Exactly. I don't see the connection between the two at all and I didn't see any connection with Sam's promotion and the events of New Order, at the time. I never thought she'd been promoted because of her actions in those episodes. I always thought she'd been promoted because it was well overdue considering everything she'd done for a long period between being made a Major and then a Colonel.

            I haven't seen MM, so I can't comment too much on why Vala has suddenly been made an official member of SG1. But if it's specifically because of the events of MM, then that makes no sense to me. There could be a case for it, given her actions during S9's finale/S10's premiere. She was an invaluable source of aid/intelligence then. But if that's the reason, then I'd have expected it to have been stated as the reason in MM. And I gather from comments on the ep I've heard that this wasn't the case. The distinct impression given by the ep does seem to be that it was the fact that she got kidnapped and they realised they missed her that led to Landry 'promoting' her. Which simply sucks as a reason imo.

            I watched most of the episode, but when Landry brought out the patch, I had to switch the channel or risk having to use one of my buckets!

            my fanfic


              Originally posted by AGateFan
              Hmmm it does sound like them and its got the expected director but the writer is...
              WRITTEN BY - Damian Kindler
              DIRECTED BY - Peter DeLuise
              And to think we won't get to see more of their wonderful ideas for season 11.


                Originally posted by Sg Gato
                Ok, I know I've said this before; but I don't understand why he is taking Vala? I assume she is not being monitored anymore; she's a member of SG1. She must be totally trusted; otherwise why place on the blasted team. Heck, she now one of his subordinates. (What happen to regs). Are we going to see Mitchell on one arm and Daniel on the other pulling Vala to see who get's her?

                I must be dense as a block of cement because I surely don't get his taking Vala.
                Well see what the rest of the team told him, when he asked them:

                Sam:Sorry Cam, I'm...uh...working on a naquada reactor....and washing my hair that night.

                Daniel: Sorrry Cam, but I just can't go through that again, not after what happened when I took Jack to mine.

                Teal'c: I must refrain Col. Mitchell, I have already made plans to be captured and tortured yet again on that day.

                Lam: Sorry Cam, but daddy won't let me date anyone from the base, that's why he's letting them date each other.

                Landry: What after that hunting trip we had together, you didn't even ask me to your prom?

                Vala:Sure Cam I'll go with you, Sam told me its a very enlightening thing to attend, and I'd learn so much about earth culture. Oh do I get flowers to put in my pigtails? Oh and don't forget you have to take me shopping to get the right dress and shoes, and.....

                my fanfic


                  Originally posted by ParadoxRealities
                  you know the thing that freaked me out the most last night? SGA feels more realistic. it takes place in a different galaxy, in a city made by aliens, and it feels more realistic than the top secret military installation on Earth.
                  for MM and M&MM
                  i actually felt like if i wrote a proof like that, Sam could show up at my door and whisk me away to another galaxy. i didn't feel like i could run into Val at Sol's Diner. Earth diner v. another galaxy.
                  i also can't bring myself to care about the characters in MM, besides the odd Sam and Teal'c moment...oh, wait...though i did care about Sam in M&MM.

                  ooh, an overdone knock-out-the-robbers scene.
                  uh oh, Vala just got kidnapped. again. maybe we should call all the units on duty and have them set up road blocks.
                  oh, ok, guess not. Mr. hewo wants to take a motorcycle from a cop, you know, trained to do this, to chase after Vala. hmm...mitchell taking a job someone else should be where have i seen that before? but at least BB got to be on a motorcycle. good thing his contract lets him. oh, wait...
                  ohmygod! vala's car just flipped over!!! good the mitchell's on the way, she must be severely wounded. don't think she was even wearing a seat belt(?). hey, someone's getting out of the car!! ohmygod, it's Vala, and without a scratch on her. wait...didn't the car just flip over?
                  oh look, mitchell got shot. am i supposed to be sympathetic? wow, what a strong guy, gets shot, is bleeding freely, and doesn't even feel the need to put pressure on the wound.
                  oh look, Mitchell's handcuffed to a bed, naked, eating junk food. and :gasp: a stupid joke term used loosely about it. personally, while i enjoy Sam teasing mitchell, i think the joke was misplaced.
                  alternatively the only thing i didn't like in M&MM was that
                  Shep (or actually all of them) didn't know his name was Meredith. you think it'd be written somewhere. like you know, in his file. fun though, i loved Jeanie's "so somewhere down there, my husband is giving my daughter a bath". lovely, really put it all in perspective, made it real. unlike some shows i could mention.
                  Agree on all points. SGA definitely seemed way more realistic than SG-1 last night. I won't even get into
                  Vala suddenly deserving to be a member of SG-1, and Sam telling her so. *shudders*


                    Originally posted by AGateFan
                    This is also why I am not on board with Save Stargate. If I felt I was actually Saving SG-1 I would be there in a sec. However, I do not consider the last two years SG-1 and neither does TPTB with their idiotic "this is season 2 of a new series" statements. I am not going to try to save this new series. Now if I knew they honestly wanted to bring back SG-1 then I would be doing whatever was required to save it.
                    Yep, nailed it right there.


                      Originally posted by ToasterOnFire
                      The biggest problem with MM is that it didn't feel like an SG1 ep at all. It felt like the characters were shoehorned into a crummy cop show or something.
                      I felt that way about it, too.


                        Originally posted by grasshopper64
                        I have to jump into this thread after seeing Memento Mori, I never thought I would say this but after seeing that I can't be sorry the show is being cancelled. It has to be one of the worst eps ever.......

                        Vala becoming a member of SG1 so easily, not the mention the whole pushing of Daniel/Vala. Now it seems Daniel can't have a scene without Vala or talking about Vala. In fact it's become like "everyone loves Vala".

                        Yes I think everyone at the SGC has gone mad or as mentioned before somewhere under some alien influence affecting their behaviour. Perhaps the Foothold aliens have taken over.

                        Recently I've been re-watching S1-3 and while I know everything wasn't perfect then, there were some bad eps, by and large the show was about the TEAM not individuals or pairings being pushed to the expense of everyone else.

                        I give up........
                        Ditto to everything you said. I feel the exact same way. I've been rewatching S1-S3 a lot lately myself and I keep thinking that if S10 isn't a completely different show (I know tptb have said that "it's season 2 of a new show!" stuff), then it's only a shell of what it was formerly.

                        I can only hope that if they do a miniseries or film for the big screen, it won't be the same as this...though I don't hold out much hope...


                          Originally posted by Mandysg1
                          I'm not Oooober, but I can answer this for you
                          The episode is Bounty and is about
                          Cameron Mitchell finds himself the target of an alien bounty hunter, who tracks him to his high school reunion

                          Stargate90210 anyone
                          It might be like Fantasia (or Mr. Toad's Wild Ride) while you're - well you know .
                          This episode could be hysterical - the best of the season!
                          Distinguished Service Ribbon Goa'uld Campaign
                          My Stories zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz Artwork by Mala


                            Originally posted by Zoser
                            It might be like Fantasia (or Mr. Toad's Wild Ride) while you're - well you know .
                            This episode could be hysterical - the best of the season!
                            Yea, but most likely it won't be written as a comedy

                            my fanfic


                              Originally posted by Skydiver
                              i was playing 'what if'

                              what if...teal'c had been out with vala, maybe taking her to krispy kreme when they were over powered and she was snagged?

                              or what if sam had taken vala out shopping (vala is quite the clothes horse)

                              then deal with either of those two dealing with 'losing' a teammate. (hell, even landry woulda been unique)

                              and the ending? too cheesy for me. tone it down. this isn't high school.
                              Those would be interesting scenarios. I guess tptb feel they wouldn't be as good, because Vala is so "special" to Daniel. *barf*

                              I think I mentioned this here already, but I was gagging throughout the ending.


                                Originally posted by Mandysg1
                                Yea, but most likely it won't be written as a comedy
                                I thought this show was a comedy.
                                You know, those darn "screwups" going around the galaxy through the gate on ships having "fun".
                                Joseph Mallozzi -"In the meantime, I'm into season 5 of OZ (where the show takes an unfortunate hairpin turn into "the not so wonderful world of fantasy")"

                                ^^^ Kinda sounds like seasons 9 and 10 of SG-1 to me. Thor, ya got Aspirin?

                                AGateFan has officially Gone Fishin (with Jack, Sam, Daniel, Teal'c) and is hoping Atlantis does not take that same hairpin turn.

