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S10: Critique & Contemplation

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    RoX, I sorta felt similarly to you. The main difference is that I've been so worn down that it takes a lot to make me feel hatred or anger toward the show anymore. I've become somewhat inured.

    There's a thread about 'What's up with Carter?' and my answer was that AT seems to be having trouble figuring how to play or fit in Carter with Mitchell and Vala. As you (and many many others) have pointed out, many of Carter's distinguishing traits have been parcelled out to the n00bs. Moreover, it's got to be hard to know how to play the Carter-Vala dynamic when Vala's presence doesn't make a whole lot of sense from a S1-8 perspective.

    I want to write a longer post about the slickness with which the writers are handling the Carter-Mitchell leadership fiasco. One thing I certainly did enjoy in Uninvited was
    hearing the 'control' != 'lead' interpretation so popular last week being blown completely out of the water.


      Originally posted by RealmOfX

      Well I loved it.

      No, I'm not going daft - I also hated it!!

      I loved seeing Sam in charge at the SGC - but there was no logical reason (military wise peeps) when we know there are a few more senior colonels stationed there. What?? they were ALL off base? Sam did however fill the role with style.

      Lots of good small character moments. Sam / Teal'c moments were great!! and I did enjoy the Teal'c / Vala moments.

      I have a love / hate thing going with Vala. I am a big CB fan so I enjoy watching her BUT there is just no damn logical reason why the hell she is anywhere near the SGC let alone always being with SG-1 BAH!!!!

      OK now onto the serious not like part

      Mitchell - aaarrgghhhh where do I start?? Let me just say that I did not enjoy the Landry / Mitchell moments. Landry should just turf him out, he isn't fit to lead and should never have gotten the job in the first place. They spent an entire season telling us what a great hero Mitchell was with "outstanding leadership skills" and then proceeded to show us just how bad an officer he is. Any general worth their salt wouldn't have appointed him in the first place and after the whinge Mitchell had last week about not leading anyone and his comments this week on top of his less than stellar performance in S9, they should be sending him back to the flight line where he belongs.

      My major complaint about Mitchell has always been that he is a poorly written character. I really do not like how Mitchell and Vala soooo don't belong at the SGC and their characters are poorly written, so much so that the TPTB try to take something uniquely the "classic team" and give it to the noobs to try and make them fit in. So Sam had the leaders job and they took it off her and gave it to Mitchell. Sam has a classic car so Mitchell gets one, Sam has ...... ooops that would be a spoiler for a future ep!! Sam can use Gou'auld tech but wasn't allowed to use it previously because that would make the plots too easy however Vala gets free reign Teal'c is a real warrior so we get Mitchell goes Sodan Mitchell steps onto the bridge of the 303/4's and the captain lets him take over etc etc etc

      Is it just me and my bias about these two poorly written characters or could we have actually just taken them out of the first 5 episodes and the story would still have worked?? Seriously folks, review the eps and you can remove them without substantially impacting the story, doesn't say much for the characters does it?

      I mean they bring NOTHING new to the series that wasn't there already and TPTB have a habit of dumbing down / writing OOC those characters with the misfortune to have to interact with the noobs so that these two actually have something to do. Probably the only thing that would need replacing is the scenes with Landry at the cabin or ..... wait a minute! Landry could have bonded with a real warrior - Teal'c

      Other nitpicks -

      They let Agent Barrett back to work after a week!!! Geez that's just asking for trouble, how do they know the extent of the brainwashing. I sure as hell wouldn't let him back so soon.

      If that was an ordinary cordless phone at the cabin then Landry was talking classified top secret info over a clear line to Sam.

      Mitchell, the great noob, assumed that dude was from the Trust and blabbed classified top secret info to him. Rule number 1 NEVER divulge Top Secret stuff unless you have to!

      A minor Ugh, those stupid stand out boots with the camo gear from Babylon (I whinged about them then too), helloooooo if it stands out it aint camouflage!

      They addressed the leadership issue and it's STILL unresolved and we STILL don't know Sam's actual position but we do know that Mitchell doesn't lead anyone. DOH!

      Like I said - I loved and hated it. Loved it because it was so much better than S9 and they are working to try to fix it BUT I hated it because it still aint Stargate - IMHO.
      You said it!!!
      I was speechless last night and unable to articulate my disappointment but I agree with MOST of what you said!! Oh, and what about Mitchell using his laptop at the cabin? And Landry casually pokes fun at him for maybe writing field reports?!! OMG has anyone heard of SECURITY? I know TPTB are trying to make things right but at the cost of the important details that you enumerate. And this is not about Jack O'Neill not being present. Even Jack cannot overcome the shoddy writing and lack of attention to detail in maintaining the continuity of storyline and character development. It's almost as if they are dumbing down the show. But, is it to attract a younger audience or have TPTB lost the "magic" for writing kick-a$$ shows??!! Sadly, I could go on but I won't kick 'em while they're down.


        Originally posted by nell
        You said it!!!
        I was speechless last night and unable to articulate my disappointment but I agree with MOST of what you said!! Oh, and what about Mitchell using his laptop at the cabin? And Landry casually pokes fun at him for maybe writing field reports?!! OMG has anyone heard of SECURITY? I know TPTB are trying to make things right but at the cost of the important details that you enumerate. And this is not about Jack O'Neill not being present. Even Jack cannot overcome the shoddy writing and lack of attention to detail in maintaining the continuity of storyline and character development. It's almost as if they are dumbing down the show. But, is it to attract a younger audience or have TPTB lost the "magic" for writing kick-a$$ shows??!! Sadly, I could go on but I won't kick 'em while they're down.
        Now you know how all those names\SSN were stolen from that guy with the department of defense a month or so back.
        It was Mitchells computer they stole
        Joseph Mallozzi -"In the meantime, I'm into season 5 of OZ (where the show takes an unfortunate hairpin turn into "the not so wonderful world of fantasy")"

        ^^^ Kinda sounds like seasons 9 and 10 of SG-1 to me. Thor, ya got Aspirin?

        AGateFan has officially Gone Fishin (with Jack, Sam, Daniel, Teal'c) and is hoping Atlantis does not take that same hairpin turn.


          OH MY!

          Let me set up the scence at my house--the grandkids came over and we all sat down to watch SG and before it was half way through--husband was watching the deer in the backyard, kids began playing as they lost interest and I fell asleep.

          Enough said...........................


            Originally posted by kazzyk
            OH MY!

            Let me set up the scence at my house--the grandkids came over and we all sat down to watch SG and before it was half way through--husband was watching the deer in the backyard, kids began playing as they lost interest and I fell asleep.

            Enough said...........................

            So does this mean you enjoyed it because it gave you blissful sleep, your husband, a newfound appreciation of wildlife and your grandkids important playtime?

            Much credit to Replicatertje and Ann Sgc_Fan for their lovely sigs


              Originally posted by Sg Gato
              So does this mean you enjoyed it because it gave you blissful sleep, your husband, a newfound appreciation of wildlife and your grandkids important playtime?
              Well there you go lol


                Their is no way I can see
                Sam being Friends with Vala.Talk about forced.Sam and Janet had real friendship.I also think Landry is clueless as well.You may as well have the NID or Trust come in and take over the SGC.Vala and Mitchell again were an annoyance and just do not fit on SGC.If Daniel had problems with Jack at times how can he not have exploded at Mitchell by now?


                  Originally posted by ses110
                  Their is no way I can see
                  Sam being Friends with Vala.Talk about forced.Sam and Janet had real friendship.I also think Landry is clueless as well.You may as well have the NID or Trust come in and take over the SGC.Vala and Mitchell again were an annoyance and just do not fit on SGC.If Daniel had problems with Jack at times how can he not have exploded at Mitchell by now?
                  Mitchell is the white elephant on the table that no one will address. Sorry, but Landry's attempt was weak. OMG it's getting too easy for me to be negative. What happened to my favorite show??


                    Originally posted by nell
                    Mitchell is the white elephant on the table that no one will address. Sorry, but Landry's attempt was weak. OMG it's getting too easy for me to be negative. What happened to my favorite show??
                    Well there is Alternate Reality due to Mobieus.
                    Or Feldger and the Gamekeepers machine.

                    Take your pick.
                    Joseph Mallozzi -"In the meantime, I'm into season 5 of OZ (where the show takes an unfortunate hairpin turn into "the not so wonderful world of fantasy")"

                    ^^^ Kinda sounds like seasons 9 and 10 of SG-1 to me. Thor, ya got Aspirin?

                    AGateFan has officially Gone Fishin (with Jack, Sam, Daniel, Teal'c) and is hoping Atlantis does not take that same hairpin turn.


                      Originally posted by nell
                      You said it!!!
                      I was speechless last night and unable to articulate my disappointment but I agree with MOST of what you said!! Oh, and what about Mitchell using his laptop at the cabin? And Landry casually pokes fun at him for maybe writing field reports?!! OMG has anyone heard of SECURITY? I know TPTB are trying to make things right but at the cost of the important details that you enumerate. And this is not about Jack O'Neill not being present. Even Jack cannot overcome the shoddy writing and lack of attention to detail in maintaining the continuity of storyline and character development. It's almost as if they are dumbing down the show. But, is it to attract a younger audience or have TPTB lost the "magic" for writing kick-a$$ shows??!! Sadly, I could go on but I won't kick 'em while they're down.
                      what WAS that?! at first i thought 'ok, landry's an idiot, but that's not what mitchell's actually doing. he's just trying to kill time.' but then, OH NO, "i finished an hour ago." grrrrr. i never even bought them taking laptops to their houses (which i think someone did once), but THIS. and to get into RL, HOW many government laptops have been stolen in recent months? (and to get out of RL) and what about area 51? can we show a LITTLE thought for security? just a tiny bit?
                      i would believe sam and vala being friends. really, i would. the actresses are great (even if CB isn't my favorite), and there's definite room for an interesting reliationship. but WHY? what's hooking them together? you'd think sam would be more wary of a con artist, too. then again, you'd think everyone would be.
                      "Out of the Abyss" (SJ Angst)....................Best New Author.................."Else Close the Wall Up" (Sam)
                      Hic Comitas Regit. Welcome to Samanda.


                        I would like to point out that plotholes can be reported here so the episode can compete in the "Hole-ier than thou" awards.

                        Gateworld Forum Troublemaker Extraordinaire.


                        Support the (r)Evolution: Gregorius for Moderator.
                        Gregorius, because clowning about is his raison d'être.


                          last night's eps was very slow moving. to the point of dragging

                          the good

                          sam in command
                          i could feel for cam being stuck with landry - try being alone with your boss, see how much fun it would be
                          sm and teal'c bits - they were absollutely great
                          vala nd teal'c bits - notice that he's the only one NOT to indulge the petulant child

                          the bad

                          moving jack's cabin from minn to colorado to facilitate the story. geez, could ya have at least gotten another building????
                          nit - lack of safety orange in a forest full of hunters....that's one way to get really dead, really fast
                          those monsters sfx were HORRIBLE. truly and totally bad. what? di dthey knock it out in a weekend???? the animator should be ashamed
                          vala---someone shut her up please. her 'speaking out of turn' schtick is ok in small doses, but every single time she opens her mouth? and what? has daniel made them swear not to speak crossly to the poor dear? why are they just tolerating her?

                          all in all, not as horrible as i thought it could be. I honestly can't think of any easy ways to make it better it was just a mediocre filler episode that was blissfully ori free
                          Where in the World is George Hammond?



                            I actually thought those creatures looked sort of...amusing to me. It really didn't look real, as if it actually could exist. And as been mentioned, I really can't stand Vala. I didn't like Mitchell or Vala last season, but this year I can stand Mitchell at least to some degree. But really, I wished those monsters (or what ever you want to call them. ) would have got a Vala-snack. I really don't understand what she has to offer to the SGC or SG-1, except for bad humor. For 8 wonderfull years, Stargate has been all about keeping it as real as possible with the AF and such, but I doubt Vala would be on a "real" SG-1 team.

                            Best thing about "Uninvited" was Sam in charge!

                            At least SGA is moving in the right direction, getting better and better. SG-1 is sinking without trace for me. I wonder, should I be hopefull about 200??


                              Originally posted by Skydiver
                              the bad

                              moving jack's cabin from minn to colorado to facilitate the story. geez, could ya have at least gotten another building????
                              Oh, that ticked me off so much!! They have no concept anymore of continuity. Jack's cabin is in Minnesota. End of story. That "cabin" was not Jack's. They all would have not driven separately the many hours to go to Jack's cabin to then turn around and have a COLORADO sheriff come by? And there's no way that Jack would have a cabin so close to hunting grounds.

                              The left hand doesn't know what the right hand is doing up there at Bridge. B@B has officially lost it.


                                This is my post from Samanda, PR you're not alone as you can tell. ps since its from Samanda, its a lot nicer than my usual posts.

                                Originally posted by Mandysg1
                                Let's see, last nights Uninvited

                                I did like Sam being in charge of the SGC, but I do not beleive she is the 2IC as she was in charge until Reynolds took over. Since he was still fulfilling his duties as an off-world team member, it would make no sense for him to take command, just to go off world again. I did like the scenes with Teal'c in the lab

                                As for Vala, this is not a put down just an observation, so for those who like Vala please don't take it the wrong way I found that every member of SG1reacted towards her like they didn't want her around, or wasn't worth listening to. Now if this is true, what is she doing there she obviously doesn't really have anything to contribute to the team. And as for there being 2 monsters, how many of us saw that coming? *puts hand up* which is a very cliched monster/horror movie plot.

                                The monster was INDEED ridiculous, I hope they didn't spend too much money on that special effect

                                I have to agree with all those who asked "what the hell" were Landry and Mitchell doing running around the woods filled with anxous hunters wearing cammo's? Did they want to get shot

                                Now for the little talk, I guess it does come down to one's interpretation I saw it as Landry telling Cam, that if was there to learn from the best, he should be learning, and not trying to run things. As for the line of Cam getting them back together, I still don't buy it, and I guess I never will.

                                I found the line where Cam saying "he couldn't do any of this without Sam, Teal'c and Daniel", very telling, because we all know they can do quite well without him. So this tells me that Cam may have the title, but not the skills that fits the title. I hope this doesn't come out sounding like Cam bashing, because its just observations and conclusions that I have come up with.

                                I did feel while watching this episode, that I really had no feelings for it, not anger, not happy, nothing....and I have to say, I think this is a first for me maybe for me its just too late and now all I can hear is the song "You've lost that loving feeling"

                                my fanfic

