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S10: Critique & Contemplation

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    Originally posted by DEM
    Yeah, my immediate reaction at the end of 'Flesh and Blood' was "I give up."
    That bad?

    Sig courtesy of RepliCartertje


      I am a newer viewer, and While the ori concept is interesting, and seems to have a very big potential for ideas, since they are alleged to be equivalent to the aincents, it is starting to seem like the writers are out of ideas, or are intentionally dragging things out.

      I find it a bit hard to believe that they have a desperate rush to stop the supergate, and or invasion force, and get their tails ground up in the process.
      and the whole situation seems dire and hopeless, the darkness before the light, a cliffhanger and then in next weeks episode, ......they all get some sort of apparent unrelated virus?
      its like a bait and switch game, and the whole arthurian deal, just when you think the storyline is arriving, it ends up being a dead end. If they are fishing, and plan on letting the audience bite the hook anytime soon, then maby, but if they keep messing around we will loose interest.

      Don't get me wrong I like long complex stories, but its like they are changing the directon of the story in the middle of writing it, and their is only so long you can drag a story, with the potential implications of this one out, before it becomes obvious that either they havent developed the backstory for themselves, or they are just making it up as they go along.


        Commercials much? Maybe its jsut me,(i've been watchign commercial-free DVDs seasons 1-5 for the past four months or so) but it seems like for every 8 minutes of show, there was 2 and a half minutes of commercials. Way way way too many. I got seriously aggrivated. Instead of watching them live, I think i'll just TiVo them instead and spend my friday nights doing other things, cause i'm not gonna ditch my friends for a half hour of commercials.

        After watching tonight's episode I watched an episode from season 5. ITs jsut not the same without the characters I love. Hammond and O'Neil. I just can't relate with the new characters. I don't care for them. If Vala, Mitchell, or the general(Beu Bridges, I don't even know his characters name) died, I honestly would not care, at all. Thats gotta say something.

        So yah.
        "When the going gets wierd, the wierd turn pro."-Dr. Hunter S. Thompson

        Baltar for President.


          "Well, for one, it seems to me like the team interaction isn't what it used to be in the beginning."
          -from "Citizen Joe."

          Without O'Neill, much of the chemistry between the original team members is completely dissolved. The writers tried to cover up the gaping hole left by O'Neill's absence with the characters, Mitchell and Vala, to compensate for the lack of both O'Neill's sense of duty and his comical wit, respectively. Unfortunately, without O'Neill, we lose the romantic tension between O'Neill and Carter, and we lose the powerful friendships between both Teal'c and Jackson, and O'Neill. Speaking of Teal'c, his role has been played down considerably. His hilarious one liners, his practical insight, and his epic nobility are all but missing from the show now. He rarely ever says anything memorable anymore. (He doesn't do that eyebrow thing much anymore either.) The only quote that I can remember from season 9 that had me in tears was "Darth Vader." Compare that to the old classics like:
          "What is an Oprah?"
          "In my culture I would be well within my rights to dismember you."
          "I am not Lucy."
          The new Teal'c is missing his pizzazz. His character hasn't been featured enough in the last two seasons.
          I think Mitchell, Landry, and Dr.Lam are all fillers of O'Neill, Hammond, and Frasier, respectively. Vala is interesting, and has potential, but none of the other new characters bring anything else to the table. (I liked this new, maternal side of her.)

          (This is all just my opinion and it doesn't really matter for anything so don't take it seriously. Also, I still love the show, and watch it religiously.)
          : Jaffa jokes? Let's hear one of them.
          : I shall attempt to translate one, O'Neill. A serpent guard, a Horus guard, and a Setesh guard meet on a neutral planet. It is a tense moment. The serpent guard's eyes glow. The Horus guard's beak glistens. The Setesh guard's…nose drips.


            Well--for me it was just boring. I really dont like the Ori. But I only gave it 15 minutes and only that because my husband wanted to see if it was better--(he switched to wrestling).
            I am getting my "over the top crazed religious fanatics" on Fox news at the moment.

            I did find intersting BW interview for GW. Appears they do read the forums--what I find troubling is he couldnt find any constructive critism.
            I dont know how to do the hidden spoiler thing so I wont quote any of the article but am interested what you guys think once you read it.
            Last edited by kazzyk; 15 July 2006, 03:44 AM. Reason: changes


              Originally posted by Albion
     change there, then.

              I seem to recall mucho talk from TPTB that they HAD to focus constantly, almost every episode on the Ori in S9 because they were introducing a new enemy. But that once they'd been established, in S10 they could ease up on making them the focus week after week after week after week....

              One more 'promise' broken then, huh, guys?

              If S10 is going to All Ori, All The Time...well been there, done that, was bored out of my gourd last year, fellas. Don't see much point in sticking around to be bored out of my gourd again!

              1. Last years cliff-hanger was heavy Ori, so they kinda had to tie the loose ends up. They can't just ignore what happened in Camelot.

              2. Episode 2 doesnt involve the Ori much, if at all, nor 3. or 4, or 5, or 6, or 7, or 8. or 9 actually. So, they have stuck to their promise.


                . Episode 2 doesnt involve the Ori much, if at all, nor 3. or 4, or 5, or 6, or 7, or 8. or 9 actually. So, they have stuck to their promise.
                That only makes half a season. Of episodes we haven't seen yet. I'll won't hold my breath till I see it. And, as I was responding here to chocadoc's post, which quoted AT as saying, "S10 is very much the arc of the Ori...well, think the evidence seems to be more for S10 being Ori-heavy than not. Wouldn't you say? I mean AT must know, having filmed the eps. Unless, of course, she meant to say S9.

                Talking of promises...

                I noticed on the F&B thread someone saying that the last scene in the episode:

                was a set up to 'go back to our roots' from this point on in S10. Er...wasn't that what they told us back at the start of S9? And look how well that turned out. <rollseyes>

                Listen, we had General Ryan come on and do a little cameo for us, and he's a real live four star, one of the big guys. And I had to ask him point blank, because there's a certain irreverence that I bring to the character, and denseness, but while we were doing this scene, I just looked at him and said, "Do you have guys like me in...?" and he stopped me and said, "Yes, and worse, and you're doing a fine job, son."

                Richard Dean Anderson


                  Well I wasn't impressed actually I was depressed. Silly me, I keep on hoping.
                  The new SG-1 has amazing regenative powers - half dead one minute and off to fight again the next. Didn't we wind up in the infirmary occasionally. I do so like a taste of realism in my scifi. Oh and did we bother about orders - nope, had to go chase the unbeatable bad guys. And Woolsey, oh Woolsey in Season 8 he grated on me but was a useful character, but I'm sick to death of him. I prefer the slimy Col. Simmons or my fav Maybourne as our DC interface. There was so much to complain about but I've go better things to do.
                  Distinguished Service Ribbon Goa'uld Campaign
                  My Stories zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz Artwork by Mala


                    Thought the Vala scenes were just plain boring! And way too many of them. And Daniel...I didn't watch all of last season, but when did his character change so much? It hardly seemed like Daniel at all. Missed Teal'c scenes; he seemed barely there. And they still just seem to "insert" Mitchell ("Time for Hero! Cue Cam!"), like he's a prop rather than part of the team. Too bad also that Sam is reduced to "Gee, thanks Cam!" instead of being the one who pulls ideas out of her b..., er, head to save them.


                      Originally posted by g8tr
                      Missed Teal'c scenes; he seemed barely there.
                      I think CJ had less than 12 words of dialogue total.

                      And they still just seem to "insert" Mitchell ("Time for Hero! Cue Cam!"), like he's a prop rather than part of the team.
                      He was a walking, talking, Swiss Army knife.


                        Originally posted by Albion
               change there, then.

                        I seem to recall mucho talk from TPTB that they HAD to focus constantly, almost every episode on the Ori in S9 because they were introducing a new enemy. But that once they'd been established, in S10 they could ease up on making them the focus week after week after week after week....

                        One more 'promise' broken then, huh, guys?

                        If S10 is going to All Ori, All The Time...well been there, done that, was bored out of my gourd last year, fellas. Don't see much point in sticking around to be bored out of my gourd again!


                        Okay… I have a question. In Season 1, they had to introduce not only a new villain, but also a huge number of new characters. In mean, the basic concept and O’Neill and Jackson were introduced in the movie. But most of it was brand new.

                        So how come they didn’t devote all of Season 1 to the Goa’uld if you have to devote so much time to introducing the enemies? Sure, they had many episodes in Season 1 about Apophis and the Goa’uld, but for the most part the episodes dealt with the characters and developing them. Most importantly, they developed the relationships between the team members. In fact, the whole series through season 8 is not about enemies – it’s about the team. The Replicators, the Goa’uld, the other minor groups like the Reetou were all interesting but they were not what the series was about.

                        So how can they say that they have to devote whole seasons to introducing and developing a new enemy (a not very interesting one at that)? And why do they have to sacrifice character development and interaction in order to do so?

                        It is like a whole a new show, but not one I find very interesting. And last night's episode proved that. But I'm still hoping that things will improve. Pathetic, I know.


                          So how come they didn’t devote all of Season 1 to the Goa’uld if you have to devote so much time to introducing the enemies?
                          Melora, I was just thinking this myself, this afternoon, after I last posted. As an explanation for the Ori-heavy S9 it's a complete crock, of course. As you say, S1 managed to tell us all we needed to know about the Goa'uld, their agenda, their personalities, their aims, their technology...and all the rest...without cramming them down our throats and making practically every episode connect to them in one shape or form.

                          Ah...those were the days. When we got intelligent writing and where the writers took the time and trouble to be inventive, instead of taking the simplest, most boring and predictable route to get us through the hour.

                          Listen, we had General Ryan come on and do a little cameo for us, and he's a real live four star, one of the big guys. And I had to ask him point blank, because there's a certain irreverence that I bring to the character, and denseness, but while we were doing this scene, I just looked at him and said, "Do you have guys like me in...?" and he stopped me and said, "Yes, and worse, and you're doing a fine job, son."

                          Richard Dean Anderson


                            Originally posted by kazzyk

                            I did find intersting BW interview for GW. Appears they do read the forums--what I find troubling is he couldnt find any constructive critism.
                            I dont know how to do the hidden spoiler thing so I wont quote any of the article but am interested what you guys think once you read it.

                            if folks put thier egos on h old, there is plenty of constructive crit out there, and on this forum. but to see it as anything but 'they didn't wuv it wahhhh' folks have to realize that no matter what they write, everyone won't like it. only some. in fact, a 'most' is about the best they can hope for

                            i just shook my head and sighed when i read about how peopel can't accept change. just another dismissal of anyone that isn't fangirlishly squeeing in joy

                            as to the spoiler tags, type {spoiler} {/spoiler} just substitute [] for {}
                            Where in the World is George Hammond?



                              Originally posted by Albion
                              Melora, I was just thinking this myself, this afternoon, after I last posted. As an explanation for the Ori-heavy S9 it's a complete crock, of course. As you say, S1 managed to tell us all we needed to know about the Goa'uld, their agenda, their personalities, their aims, their technology...and all the rest...without cramming them down our throats and making practically every episode connect to them in one shape or form.

                              Ah...those were the days. When we got intelligent writing and where the writers took the time and trouble to be inventive, instead of taking the simplest, most boring and predictable route to get us through the hour.

                              i think they're aiming for quantity over quality

                              F&B didn't suck. but there were no thrilling moments. notihng unpredicitble happened. there were no 'wow' moments. just a simple coast through the hour
                              Where in the World is George Hammond?



                                Okay, I could have really done without (F&B)
                                Mitchell flying the Odyssey to save Sam. Come on, I'm supposed to assume that Mitchell, great fighter pilot he may be, can fly the Odyssey better than anyone else who actually works on that ship? Smelled like a "hero!!11!!" moment to me.

