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S10: Critique & Contemplation

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    Originally posted by col aga View Post
    Can you elaborate on this a little? Admittedly I don't pay much attention to who directs which episode, but this whole desire on MW part to kill off characters is news to me..
    He talks about it quite a bit on Sanctuary commentaries and on a few SG1 commentaries too. The idea that the audience won't feel like the characters are really in jeopardy unless you know that they really may die--and you know that only if some *do* die.


      Sam used to use a Dell XPS laptop...its their top of the line gaming lappy, i'm gonna assume either gotten cause it looks cool with the light effects, or with the presumption that sam would need the extra ram and power usually used for gaming to run her programs...or it's what Dell gave them to pimp the 2000+ machines

      (Actually, over the years, she's used various Dells, various Inspirons and others)
      Where in the World is George Hammond?



        Originally posted by col aga View Post

        Well, The Fourth Horseman was just plain awful. I'd have called it the worst episode(s) ever made, except later in season 10 episodes like Bounty and Family Ties happened. *shudders*

        For me, Family Ties is the epitome of how low SG1 sank. I couldn't stand this episode, not even the last scene with Sam and Vala. OMG it was so bad. The show got along so well with relatively unknown actors for so many years, why did they think they needed a special guest star for one episdoe all of a sudden?

        I tried to write a fan fiction story once and I got a prompt to write about Family Ties given to me. What a miserable failure my story was. I just couldn't get into it and so have never tried writing another story again. Too afraid of the scarring memories I guess.

        *runs screaming, covers eyes and gives self 40 lashes for reading this thread and seeing those dreaded "Family Ties" words*

        P.S. This is not your fault for typing what you said, it is my fault for reading about season 10 again. It is like a train wreck I just can't look away from I guess. Why oh why can't I just stay away?!?!?!?


          I also noticed in Line in the Sand, that Sam keeps her "final letters" with her trusted friend, Laptop. Of course if it were ever destroyed, I hope she has backup copies just in case.


            Originally posted by hisg1fans View Post

            For me, Family Ties is the epitome of how low SG1 sank. I couldn't stand this episode, not even the last scene with Sam and Vala. OMG it was so bad.
            I am so with you. I rank this up there with the worst things to come from TPTB's brains along with Irredeemable Pt. 1 & 2 (or whatever those 2 episodes were officially called ) on Atlantis.

            Must try to forget....


              Originally posted by col aga View Post
              The sad thing is, in most of the eps there are some nice bits. You get a look, a gesture, sometimes even whole scenes that are good and remind you how great the show used to be
              ^^ This is the reason I kept watching. There would be *just* enough good stuff to give me hope they TPTB would improve. And S10 was better. Faint praise as it is, it's better than S9.

              Mourning Sanctuary.
              Thanks for the good times!


                Originally posted by jckfan55 View Post
                too true! Sam/Laptop

                Pictures the scene...

                Cam: Jackson, you're with Vala. Teal'c's with me. Sam, you're with Laptop. Go fix the ship.
                the only reliable ship in the later seasons. makes you miss sam being around Daniel


                  see, it's a top secret, Thor downloaded part of himself into that lappy, so he was there to help her

                  she's so talented she can watch her own back
                  Where in the World is George Hammond?



                    Originally posted by jckfan55 View Post
                    too true! Sam/Laptop

                    Pictures the scene...

                    Cam: Jackson, you're with Vala. Teal'c's with me. Sam, you're with Laptop. Go fix the ship.
                    Really, Sam/Laptop makes me want to make bad puns, like, "she sure knows how to push it's buttons."

                    I think my brain has rolled over and died....
                    Originally posted by Callista
                    Ahhh! Ashizuri can see into the future!!
                    Originally posted by HPMom
                    She saw the candle light as many things.


                      Originally posted by Skydiver View Post
                      see, it's a top secret, Thor downloaded part of himself into that lappy, so he was there to help her

                      like the pic, unfortunately it's from a terrible ep)


                        Originally posted by siles View Post
                        That's exactly the point. Sg-1 from seasons 1-8 felt like a team, heck it felt like a family (even when Jonas replaced Daniel). The season 9-10 "team" was just a bunch of people thrown together: even relationships between the old team members suffered a lot imho (Sam/Daniel, Sam/Teal'c, Teal'c/Daniel) and Jack became the one who shall never be named...
                        Yeah, that was one of the things that became more apparent in hindsight to me as I watched more of S1-8 and compared them to 9-10, how the latter team seemed to more often be at cross-purposes or off doing their own thing as opposed to collaborating together, though this happened more in 9 than 10 I think.

                        And it also made me realize how thin the Ori orc was, since essentially all it took to defeat them was finding and activating the Sangraal, and then finding and activating the Ark.

                        Originally posted by jckfan55 View Post
                        He talks about it quite a bit on Sanctuary commentaries and on a few SG1 commentaries too. The idea that the audience won't feel like the characters are really in jeopardy unless you know that they really may die--and you know that only if some *do* die.
                        For me, how much I feel the characters are in jeopardy depends on how well they're written into and out of it, and like you said the pacing of it is important too. I never really felt the characters were in danger in the Quest because the story failed to build up the tension, IMO, while I think they did to a good job of putting the characters in jeopardy in LITS, even though I knew none of them were really going to die.



                          Originally posted by EvenstarSRV View Post

                          IMO, while I think they did to a good job of putting the characters in jeopardy in LITS, even though I knew none of them were really going to die.
                          I do agree with LITS, I really got the feeling of the jeopardy Sam was in (great acting ). But then in...(darn can't remember the episode ) the episode where Adria has locked a door and Daniel is suffocating...I never felt Daniel was in danger...but then again, it could be because he never really dies

                          *I also have to give honourable mention to Vala and Tomin in this episode, it was the best Vala episodes IMO*

                          my fanfic


                            Originally posted by Mandysg1 View Post
                            I do agree with LITS, I really got the feeling of the jeopardy Sam was in (great acting ). But then in...(darn can't remember the episode ) the episode where Adria has locked a door and Daniel is suffocating...I never felt Daniel was in danger...but then again, it could be because he never really dies
                            I never got a sense of jeopardy in general.

                            I also have to give honourable* mention to Vala and Tomin in this episode, it was the best Vala episodes IMO*
                            Oh, by *far*. I wish we had seen more of this Vala.

                            *Canadians! (and Brits and Aussies too...)
                            Mourning Sanctuary.
                            Thanks for the good times!


                              yes, LITS Vala was good, as was Uninvited Vala

                              in fact, anytime you pry her away from Daniel she was pretty good
                              Where in the World is George Hammond?



                                Originally posted by Skydiver View Post
                                yes, LITS Vala was good, as was Uninvited Vala

                                in fact, anytime you pry her away from Daniel she was pretty good
                                True. If I hadn't been so blasted *ticked off* that Sci Fi required that they have Vala back in S9 I'd have enjoyed that late (Crusade?) S9 ep more. Nice. A guest/recurring character got more story in early S9 and that ep than the female lead did in 15 eps. (Bitter? Me? *)

                                * Not really. I'm not venting anymore, just observing how I felt then.
                                Mourning Sanctuary.
                                Thanks for the good times!

