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S10: Critique & Contemplation

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    Originally posted by Skydiver View Post
    Jack would have found a way to flush them out
    Sky wins. Thanks for the laugh.

    In memory of Deejay.
    May we all be so well loved.


      ^RDA would have flushed the whole concept.


        Originally posted by scifithinker View Post
        The Ori would be emasculated by the lack of toilet bowl ships.
        OMG! ROTFL! I will never look at (not that I see them on a yearly basis as it is but . . .) an Ori ship again without thinking about this reference. LOL! Thank you.
        Thanks to Oma-1 for the beautiful banner!


          Originally posted by Skydiver View Post
          Jack would have found a way to flush them out
          ROTFL! You win.

          Originally posted by jckfan55 View Post
          ^RDA would have flushed the whole concept.

          Agreed. Miss him being involved in Stargate so much. *sniff*
          Thanks to Oma-1 for the beautiful banner!


            Originally posted by leiasky View Post
            OMG! ROTFL! I will never look at (not that I see them on a yearly basis as it is but . . .) an Ori ship again without thinking about this reference. LOL! Thank you.
            I'd love to take credit for it, but suse was the one who pointed it out to me. As soon as she did, I wondered why I hadn't immediately made the connection.

            It really does represent TPTB's sense of humor, doesn't it?

            In memory of Deejay.
            May we all be so well loved.


              Jack would have called them "toilet bowl ships." I mean he already once referred to the Gate as flushing sideways. Extra points to anyone who knows the episode.

              Can you just hear the changes in dialogue...

              Flesh and Blood. Sam is floating by the supergate talking on the radio

              "The toilet ships left a few hours ago."

              Was it "pegasus project" where Teal'c uses the Ori ship & the gate to destroy the wraith ship?

              "I have flushed them, Colonel Carter."


                Originally posted by scifithinker View Post
                I'd love to take credit for it, but suse was the one who pointed it out to me. As soon as she did, I wondered why I hadn't immediately made the connection.

                It really does represent TPTB's sense of humor, doesn't it?
                I'm kicking myself, too. I can't believe I didn't make the connection either! LOL!

                And yet, RDA's toilet humor is hysterical.
                Thanks to Oma-1 for the beautiful banner!


                  Originally posted by jckfan55 View Post
                  ^RDA would have flushed the whole concept.
                  <<misses RDA in S9/S10 to this day>>

                  And I don't mean in his acting capacity.

                  Mourning Sanctuary.
                  Thanks for the good times!


                    Originally posted by suse View Post
                    <<misses RDA in S9/S10 to this day>>

                    And I don't mean in his acting capacity.



                      Originally posted by scifithinker View Post
                      I'd love to take credit for it, but suse was the one who pointed it out to me. As soon as she did, I wondered why I hadn't immediately made the connection.

                      It really does represent TPTB's sense of humor, doesn't it?
                      I read it somewhere on GW (I think), though I think I'm the one who pointed out the the Doci are wearing the piece of the toilet that women are always yelling at men to remember to put down again.

                      Mourning Sanctuary.
                      Thanks for the good times!


                        Originally posted by scifithinker View Post
                        Not only were the joke just plain bad, many were also offensive. The biggie that comes immediately to mind is Landry's comment about Sam and Orlin having an intimate relationship, but Vala's sexual harassment of Daniel was just awful... and ongoing. *cringes*
                        Yeah, there were aspects to Vala that I liked, but I cringed too at most of her behavior with Daniel, and the way Daniel responded to her at times.

                        I think a lot of humor in S9/10 also felt like the writers were just trying to tell jokes, as opposed to allowing the situation to be funny. I've been watching a lot of S1-5 recently, *hugs Hulu* and so many of the lines I laughed at wouldn't have been funny if taken out of the context of the show. Jack's 'so do bacteria' from Entity, Daniel's 'maybe he read your report' from WoO, Sam's Yu joke from Summit, etc.

                        There seemed to be less of that in the later seasons, though I did like Daniel's 'magic' line from Camelot.

                        Originally posted by scifithinker View Post
                        The Ori would be emasculated by the lack of toilet bowl ships.
                        Oh man, I'd never thought about the ships that way before, thanks for that visual. It's going to mean taking them seriously as an enemy that much harder.



                          yeah, the latter seasons the humor was forced, at least to me.

                          I have a low personal tolerance to humiliation someone getting food dumped on them for a joke, or being embarrassed or humiliated for laughs. I find it cruel and unnecessary.

                          but that's the kind of humor coop and the guys gravitated towards. where one character laughs at the misfortune of others rather than at the situation.

                          early seasons there was a kinder spirited irreverance about the situations they were in. Seriously, when you listen to anubis go off on a tangent who isn't going to say 'please, who talks like that?' cause that's how he was talking, in a silly OTT manner. Jack often said what we were thinking.

                          the early seasons of sg-1 were like Indiana Jones or Star Wars...characters commenting on the ridiculousness of their situation with a quip. whereas seasons 9 and 10 were like American Pie...crudity and sex and yuks tossed out to appeal to the lowest common denominator, often with one or more characters being embarrassed to make the others laugh

                          I was the butt of too many jokes in my life to enjoy watching anyone, even fictitious characters, being humiliated by the 'school bullies' to elicit a laugh

                          there was no kindness in seasons 9 and 10. Just a bunch of people cranking it out and then getting grumpy when we didn't think they were as great as they thought they were
                          Where in the World is George Hammond?



                            Originally posted by jckfan55 View Post
                            Yes. It sort of felt like they were saying "let's just say this & have lots of explosions & the audience won't know how thin our explanations are."

                            I really never could buy the idea that faith=energy food for the Ori. Again, it was a bit too far out for science.

                            I could accept (barely) the idea of ascension and energy beings--but for me those were best used few and far between. Unfortunately, when those are the producer's "baby"...
                            faith=power is common in the USA...we have the "ascended one" who has come to improve our lives and he gets very angry at the "unbeleivers" who dare to question him..... I had no problem seeing it at the time and find it very apt today. SF as political commentary....

                            Originally posted by Skydiver View Post
                            yeah, the latter seasons the humor was forced, at least to me.

                            I have a low personal tolerance to humiliation someone getting food dumped on them for a joke, or being embarrassed or humiliated for laughs. I find it cruel and unnecessary.

                            but that's the kind of humor coop and the guys gravitated towards. where one character laughs at the misfortune of others rather than at the situation.

                            early seasons there was a kinder spirited irreverance about the situations they were in. Seriously, when you listen to anubis go off on a tangent who isn't going to say 'please, who talks like that?' cause that's how he was talking, in a silly OTT manner. Jack often said what we were thinking.

                            the early seasons of sg-1 were like Indiana Jones or Star Wars...characters commenting on the ridiculousness of their situation with a quip. whereas seasons 9 and 10 were like American Pie...crudity and sex and yuks tossed out to appeal to the lowest common denominator, often with one or more characters being embarrassed to make the others laugh

                            I was the butt of too many jokes in my life to enjoy watching anyone, even fictitious characters, being humiliated by the 'school bullies' to elicit a laugh

                            there was no kindness in seasons 9 and 10. Just a bunch of people cranking it out and then getting grumpy when we didn't think they were as great as they thought they were
                            we didn't watch the same show at all. I loved seasons 9 & 10 and I have a very low tolerance for crudity and potty-humor. I enjoyed the new spirit of SG1 -- RDA wasn't all "there" for the second half of 7 and all of 8... it was obvious to me his heart wasn't in it. When I compare seasons 1-6 to 7 & 8 the difference is startling. With Cam we had an SG1 team leader who was "there", not wishing he was elsewhere. I will rewatch the final two seasons frequently. (but then I am a huge Vala fan. ) Yes I was a long-time SG1 fan before the final seasons...I caught the first season on showtime in '97, but i could tell when RDA got "tired of the show" as he has admitted he did. he had the conflict many Divorced/split parents have.... child in one location, job in another. I understood his situation, but.... it did affect his role IMHO, of course.

                            Now, if they had turned the show into "the SGC" as Rcc wanted, would there still be these complaints by some? probably... after hearing the commentary for avalon and realizing that TPTB went into season 9 like it was a new show, I just divide the series at that point.


                              Originally posted by Rac80 View Post
                              faith=power is common in the USA...we have the "ascended one" who has come to improve our lives and he gets very angry at the "unbeleivers" who dare to question him..... I had no problem seeing it at the time and find it very apt today. SF as political commentary....
                              Riiiight.... Ok, but we're not talking about politics and voters. We're talking about faith transcending our level of existence. That's not SF, that's magic and fantasy.

                              Originally posted by Rac80 View Post
                              we didn't watch the same show at all. I loved seasons 9 & 10 and I have a very low tolerance for crudity and potty-humor. I enjoyed the new spirit of SG1 -- RDA wasn't all "there" for the second half of 7 and all of 8... it was obvious to me his heart wasn't in it. When I compare seasons 1-6 to 7 & 8 the difference is startling. With Cam we had an SG1 team leader who was "there", not wishing he was elsewhere. I will rewatch the final two seasons frequently. (but then I am a huge Vala fan. ) Yes I was a long-time SG1 fan before the final seasons...I caught the first season on showtime in '97, but i could tell when RDA got "tired of the show" as he has admitted he did. he had the conflict many Divorced/split parents have.... child in one location, job in another. I understood his situation, but.... it did affect his role IMHO, of course.

                              Now, if they had turned the show into "the SGC" as Rcc wanted, would there still be these complaints by some? probably... after hearing the commentary for avalon and realizing that TPTB went into season 9 like it was a new show, I just divide the series at that point.
                              Sam was also the leader who was there in s8, and Mitchell replaced her not Jack. RDA did started to pull back from the show but the other actors were there to pick up the slack and there was no need for someone to replace him as the lead. It's ironic that some has mentioned that before it was the RDA show and everyone else were tagging along, when the earlier season had a much more team feeling and it felt far more natural. Later it become Mitchell the Hewo and Vaniel the 'High school musical', going on their separate ways with those few other people tagging after them and filling the empty space in the background.

                              The spark that the show had was gone. Everything was forced in, starting from the team leader with zero experience, the manly man Daniel, the former (present?) thief on a front line team, Landry/Lam soap opera worthy drama, to the 'look they walk through the gate together all the time' so they're a teamy team in every second episode, to the second grade humor (cause most of the time it did make the characters look like idiots and humiliated them in order to get a laugh. Who in their right mind would bring a hairdryer on a mission where the fate of the galaxy depended from it's success, to name just one of cases of 'you must laugh cause that's supposed to be funny')

                              I'm glad you can say you enjoyed those seasons, but I can't say the same.
                              If the show did become SG command and made the same decisions and the same mistakes the last two season of sg1 did I still would have minded the destruction of what was my favorite show.
                              Last edited by jasminaGo; 11 August 2009, 06:57 AM.


                                I think, had they been allowed to change the name, people would feel differently. Because then it wouldn't be 6 - 8 years of history that coop and his buddies described as 'baggage' to be dealt with, ignored and rewritten. It would have been all new

                                and, for many of us, we wouldn't have watched a show we enjoyed being (the b word the filters won't allow through)-ized into a parody of itself.

                                IMHO, once they knew they weren't going to be allowed to make their own new show they should have respected the history and kept making Stargate, not Vaniel and their backup singers. The feeling i got from coop & co was 'ok, fine, they won't let us rename it but we'll show them, we'll keep doing things our way and everyone will see in the end that we were right' petulance.

                                The network made them hire a new male lead, so they did. but did they give him a story or reason to be there? Nah, they cobbled together some Marty Stu version and coop went onto his true 'love' Daniel Jackson and his girl friend.

                                Vala, who had wonderful potential, was often reduced to a running gag, sex object or simple butt of jokes. Daniel was morphed into this 'oh, so you think i'm gay? well I'll show YOU' hyper macho and often insensitive jerk. Teal'c was reduced to wordless muscle to be taken out and tortured once a season or so. Sam was shoved into the corner with her laptop as often as they could do it (cause coop couldn't get his way and get rid of the character, since he 'didn't know what to do with her' after jack was gone and he couldn't ship her) and Cameron was used as an intergalactic punching bag.

                                Ba'al, an intriguing villain was turned into a joke with multiple clones (because coop has taken waaayyy too seriously the 'no one dies in scifi' line).

                                The latter two seasons were just a mess. The writers didn't seem to know from week to week what they were doing, so the characters were written all over the place. they were twisted and morphed to fit stories cobbled together, rather than stories being written to fit the characters.

                                In two years, or really one to some because many say that s9 was so bad they gave up on s10, coop and his misguided estimate of his own talents and greatness, massacred a show that had been doing pretty well. I'd have respected him had he said 'well, you won't let me make stargate command, so I'll go elsewhere and make my idea'

                                instead he took the easy way out, playing the bait and switch and tried to pull a bit of smoke and mirrors, telling the viewers to ignore what they were seeing and instead see what he was saying.

                                And if we - the viewers and fans - expressed anything but unbridled joy and wonderment at their work, were were mocked, belittled and made fun of. fun.
                                Where in the World is George Hammond?


