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S10: Critique & Contemplation

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    I really, really want to live in Ashizuri's world, where S9/10 were just a dream that Cam was having while in a drug induced haze recovering from his injuries.

    Originally posted by Alan View Post
    Ah, there's the rub. But am I right in saying that even if Stargate SG-1 had been renamed as Stargate Command it would still have gone down the way we know Seasons 9 and 10 went...down.
    Originally posted by EvenstarSRV View Post

    I also agree that renaming the show would have made the changes perhaps a bit easier to take for a lot of viewers. I came to Stargate late season 9 and caught up on a lot of season 1-8 before season 10 premiered, and to me, in addition to the new characters and villain, there seemed to be a definite change in the tone of the show post-season 8.

    If someone didn't like SG-1 seasons 9-10 than they probably wouldn't have enjoyed Stargate Command season 1-2, but the name change would have perhaps encouraged viewers not to expect much continuity from season 1-8, which seems to be a major aspect of people's problems with seasons 9-10.
    Exactly. SG Command would have still been basically the same show, but I and many others wouldn't have tuned in expecting to see Sam in charge, leading a team made up of Daniel, Teal'c and new guy. With lower expectations we might have been able to watch the show and enjoy it for what it was, a spin-off of SG-1.


      Originally posted by KatG View Post

      Exactly. SG Command would have still been basically the same show, but I and many others wouldn't have tuned in expecting to see Sam in charge, leading a team made up of Daniel, Teal'c and new guy. With lower expectations we might have been able to watch the show and enjoy it for what it was, a spin-off of SG-1.
      This is a good point, but it would still be called Stargate Command, and with the Stargate name, I wouldn't expect them to have a character like Cam leading any just doesn't fit with any Stargate.

      But it would have been easier to tune out and forget about it.

      my fanfic


        Originally posted by Mandysg1 View Post
        This is a good point, but it would still be called Stargate Command, and with the Stargate name, I wouldn't expect them to have a character like Cam leading any just doesn't fit with any Stargate.

        But it would have been easier to tune out and forget about it.
        Another reason to NOT change the name.


        Mourning Sanctuary.
        Thanks for the good times!


          I'd love a recap (complete with links) with some comments make early on in the development/airing of S9. I know for a fact at one point Mitchell was supposed to be Major Mitchell again with the alliteration because when they did the first Waterkeeper Alliance Auction with lunch on the set they did a synopsis used an early version of the character, listing him as a major. I'd love to know what they intended to do with the remaining charaters at that point... I've heard rumors of a new team with the long-time characters used not on the team, but I hesitate to say that is fact without source verification.


          Mourning Sanctuary.
          Thanks for the good times!


            Originally posted by KatG View Post
            I really, really want to live in Ashizuri's world, where S9/10 were just a dream that Cam was having while in a drug induced haze recovering from his injuries.

            Exactly. SG Command would have still been basically the same show, but I and many others wouldn't have tuned in expecting to see Sam in charge, leading a team made up of Daniel, Teal'c and new guy. With lower expectations we might have been able to watch the show and enjoy it for what it was, a spin-off of SG-1.
            The name change would of made no difference to me. Mitchell would of still been leading SG1 instead of Sam and TPTB would of still been infatuated with Vala. So no enjoyment for me.



              Originally posted by suse View Post
              Another reason to NOT change the name.


              Makes me think of the lolcats.

              @ TPTB:

              Good decisions: You're doing it wrong!
              Originally posted by Callista
              Ahhh! Ashizuri can see into the future!!
              Originally posted by HPMom
              She saw the candle light as many things.


                I first came across SG1 on SciFi when I was flipping channels one night. I think they were playing one of the early seasons on a marathon. I almost immediately was hooked and had to find out when it was regularly on. If I had been flipping channels and first come across the show in S9 or 10, I think I would have kept on going.


                  Originally posted by Mandysg1 View Post
                  This is a good point, but it would still be called Stargate Command, and with the Stargate name, I wouldn't expect them to have a character like Cam leading any just doesn't fit with any Stargate.

                  But it would have been easier to tune out and forget about it.
                  True. I think I kept watching, because I kept expecting to see "my" team, or to at least get the team feel back to it. Sadly, for me, that just never happened.

                  Originally posted by suse View Post
                  I'd love a recap (complete with links) with some comments make early on in the development/airing of S9. I know for a fact at one point Mitchell was supposed to be Major Mitchell again with the alliteration because when they did the first Waterkeeper Alliance Auction with lunch on the set they did a synopsis used an early version of the character, listing him as a major. I'd love to know what they intended to do with the remaining charaters at that point... I've heard rumors of a new team with the long-time characters used not on the team, but I hesitate to say that is fact without source verification.


                  I know you're right about "Major Mitchell". That's why I was expecting Sam in charge with Mitchell as the "new guy", ready to learn from the best. Even if they had done SG Command, with more of a focus on different teams, or a new team made up of other minor characters from the SG verse, I might have enjoyed it.


                    Why all the hate for 9 and 10? Sure there were a few bad episodes but the Ori were spot on in replacing the Goa'uld and it was really fun to watch most of the time.
                    The show is still about SG-1. Why change the title?
                    Of course, Sergeant Syler, Walter, Doctor Lee and Felger need to get their own show. Is that what you guys meant?


                      Originally posted by suse View Post
                      I'd love a recap (complete with links) with some comments make early on in the development/airing of S9. I know for a fact at one point Mitchell was supposed to be Major Mitchell again with the alliteration because when they did the first Waterkeeper Alliance Auction with lunch on the set they did a synopsis used an early version of the character, listing him as a major. I'd love to know what they intended to do with the remaining charaters at that point... I've heard rumors of a new team with the long-time characters used not on the team, but I hesitate to say that is fact without source verification.


                      Now either of those scenarios I would have gone with. Either a whole new SG-1 team OR have Mitchell at a rank lower than Lieutenant Colonel and temporarily commanding the team until Sam returned after giving b--- *ahem* I mean being at Area 51. *cough*


                      After writing that...5-years later and I'm realising just how bitter I still am about what TPTB did to Sam. Almost a decade on the team and a year of command...and they did this to her?! It's my feelings right now that make me realise just why I don't go back to watch Seasons 9 and 10 and The Ark of Truth. I'd be in a semi-state of fury every time I see Mitchell leading the team. Stargate: Continuum I don't have too much of a problem with. To me the SG-1 team was Daniel, Teal'c, Mitchell, and Vala whilst Sam and Jack were only temporarily assigned to the team just to witness Ba'al's execution and since then Sam's been at the SGC acting as support until her ship is ready...and then the General Hammond should be ready too.

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                        Originally posted by Vladius View Post
                        Why all the hate for 9 and 10? Sure there were a few bad episodes but the Ori were spot on in replacing the Goa'uld and it was really fun to watch most of the time.
                        The show is still about SG-1. Why change the title?
                        Of course, Sergeant Syler, Walter, Doctor Lee and Felger need to get their own show. Is that what you guys meant?

                        I'm glad you enjoyed S9/S10 and the Ori storyline. Many of us didn't. Many of us feel that it was SG-1 in name only. With Mitchell in charge, Vala bopping in and out, Daniel being joined at the hip with Vala, Sam being relegated to "Mary Poppins" and Teal'c fading into the wallpaper rather than just being wallpaper, it wasn't SG-1. It didn't even feel like an SG team most of the time to me.


                          (As I've said a thousand times before ) I was very annoyed when Mitchell was given command of SG-1. The issues with his MoH, his inexperience, his apparent disregard for commonsense were just too much too soon... and then it got worse (e.g. folksy wisdom!!!). However I do not attribute this to BB and I think to blame the actors for the faults of their characters is just silly.

                          To me it started to seem like the only thing TPTB were interested in was keeping the ratings up and it was the story that started to suffer.
                          As I've said before, I thought the hiring of BB and CB was a rating gimmick. But that doesn't mean I have anything against them, in fact I have even admitted that CB, when given the material, is an amazing actress, just look at some of her scenes with Tomlin.

                          It is a shame that the stories suffered, they really could have been so much better... I found the Ori a dull enemy, especially after Anubis the half ascended creep who made super soldiers (scary!!). And then, I was quiet annoyed when Merlin's weapon came into it. A weapon that could help destroy the Ori... hadn't they already used that storyline??? Plus the Ori were supposed to be worse then the Goa'uld... it would have been nice to see SG-1 having to really work at destroying, it all just seemed too easy.

                          Then there are the other issues that have been mentioned so many times before...

                          *runs off to glue her hair back in*
                          "You are a child of the universe, no less than the trees & the stars; you have a right to be here. And whether or not it is clear to you, no doubt the universe is unfolding as it should... With all its sham,drudgery & broken dreams, it is still a beautiful world." - Baltimore, 1692


                            Originally posted by Vladius View Post
                            Why all the hate for 9 and 10? Sure there were a few bad episodes but the Ori were spot on in replacing the Goa'uld and it was really fun to watch most of the time.
                            The show is still about SG-1. Why change the title?
                            Of course, Sergeant Syler, Walter, Doctor Lee and Felger need to get their own show. Is that what you guys meant?
                            I think you'll find that most people in this thread will disagree with almost everything you just said. I personally thought there were more bad episodes than good ones, the Ori were the lamer than anything that has ever been lame before (I mean, they flew in toilet bowls for crying out loud!), and the show wasn't about SG*1 anymore so much as Cam and his ever increasing feats of awesomeness (I like Cam but TPTB made it soooo hard to do that when they constantly had him goofing off like a rookie airman and then saving the day in the same episode) and the Daniel\Vala comedy hour. I think Ba'al got more character growth in the final seasons than Sam and Teal'c.
                            Originally posted by Callista
                            Ahhh! Ashizuri can see into the future!!
                            Originally posted by HPMom
                            She saw the candle light as many things.


                              Originally posted by suse View Post
                              I'd love a recap (complete with links) with some comments make early on in the development/airing of S9. I know for a fact at one point Mitchell was supposed to be Major Mitchell again with the alliteration because when they did the first Waterkeeper Alliance Auction with lunch on the set they did a synopsis used an early version of the character, listing him as a major. I'd love to know what they intended to do with the remaining charaters at that point... I've heard rumors of a new team with the long-time characters used not on the team, but I hesitate to say that is fact without source verification.


                              I've seen people refer to that before to say that it was true that Mitchell was supposed to be a major. Isn't it possible that some marketing person wrote up that sheet and got the facts wrong? Wouldn't be the first time. Look at the back of one of the recent DVDs where they list Daniel as teh team leader.


                                Anything's possible. I find it much more likely that they got hold of early publicity sheets. <<shrug>>
                                Mourning Sanctuary.
                                Thanks for the good times!

