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S10: Critique & Contemplation

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    Originally posted by Skydiver View Post
    i tend to agree. season 10 was better than s9. however, like you said, by then most of hte damage had been done and people had given up and moved onto other things
    They did so much damage in S9, that it didn't matter how much they toned down Cam or Vala, I couldn't stand either character

    my fanfic


      for some, the early mishandling of 'the new guys' so turned you off that you just couldn't get past that initial sense of revulsion or annoyance to tolerate them.

      done differently, both cam and vala could have been wonderful. Qetesh in continuum proved to me that Vala COULD have been great. Cause had vala been written like Qetesh was, i'd have had a new favorite character. The only thing that annoyed me about Qetesh was the misfitting costume that poor claudia had to wear. Put some straps on it and it would have looked classy and it was - i know they were hampered by her pregnancy and her body changes - she just looked so uncomfortable most of the time that i was distracted by it. Every time i saw her i wondered 'mmjhm, so how many times does she have to pull that puppy up to keep it from falling down??

      But, beyond that, Qetesh proved that the character of her and vala COULD have been written well...but it took brad to get past coop's obsession with teenage 'humor' and sex jokes.
      Where in the World is George Hammond?



        Originally posted by Mandysg1 View Post
        They did so much damage in S9, that it didn't matter how much they toned down Cam or Vala, I couldn't stand either character
        I kinda liked Vala if I managed to ignore S9 Vala (and the early part of S10), though I liked her better without Daniel. But the damage they did in S9 - even knowing they wanted CB back in a more permanent capacity - was too extensive. And just wrong as they had to backpedal and change her character to make her work in a long-term capacity.

        Mitchell went the other way. I assumed I'd like him when I heard Ben was hired. And I did (somewhat) til I realized where the character was being added.

        We won't even go into the (B)Ori mess. <<Flush, use oxyclean>>

        I could have dealt with the crap enemy if I'd have liked more of the team. Instead I lost respect for TPTB. Too bad, so sad.

        Mourning Sanctuary.
        Thanks for the good times!


          Originally posted by Skydiver View Post
          for some, the early mishandling of 'the new guys' so turned you off that you just couldn't get past that initial sense of revulsion or annoyance to tolerate them.


          But, beyond that, Qetesh proved that the character of her and vala COULD have been written well...but it took brad to get past coop's obsession with teenage 'humor' and sex jokes.

          Even then, when the credits started rolling for Continuum I sighed and knew it was the end of my even trying with Stargate. Too much Mitchell, even if he didn't really tell the team what to do. By The Making of 200 I'd had my fill and Continuum - I was hoping Mitchell would be less and O'Neill more - just sealed it. Brad was my last gasp "I still like SG-1" hope.

          Mourning Sanctuary.
          Thanks for the good times!


            i know how you feel, although it didn't bug me as much. Honestly? as soon as they knew rick was gonna cut back his time, Mitchell should have been intro'd into the team, nice and slowly, way back in season 6-7. And then it wouldn't have had to have been 'omg, we gotta get ben!!!!!' (no offense to ben) but it could have just been an actor who grew into the role. Like, imagine if Major Lorne started to go out with SG-1 on missions, and slowly grew into being on the team.

            then, sam coulda been the boss, Lorne her second, daniel and teal'c on the team and they'd have had a stable 'passing of the guard'. They wouldn't have had to look for and hire a 'name' because they'd have already made the name. But these boys seem to get stuck in a rut and obsess with the 'tried and true' instead of thinking ahead and doing something proactive
            Where in the World is George Hammond?



              I always felt Ben Browder introduction forced. Seriously retroactively changing Lost city to make it like he was the reason as opposed to Prometheus for protecting SG-1. And who would give someone a position on the premier Stargate team if he has never seen the gate (he got in accident but true SG-1 characters are the last ever to get hurt. They have freakishly got away with so many things).
              I mean the Russian guy with experience wasn't allowed on the team (mind you he later was Anubis but they didn't know at that point). (It was actually slack to the Russians as they also lost their 304 within 5min of receiving it while the american survived)

              I don't mind RDA left (even though I loved him) but I felt that BB was to replace him and he even got to command the team. He even made snarky remarks but it was funny considering he had no experience to back it up with. I can't remember the times that he told people to stand back because he had Sodanese training (wow a bunch of Jaffa who did Japanese stuff but never helped their brethren. No respect for them) as it was the only experience he had.
              Continuum was even funnier considering the very first change was going back and killing the grandfather but BB miraculously does not die.

              I don't hate BB but I really disliked his character. He was a cheap replacement who was apparently a better study. His inclusion made most of the characters sidelined (esp Carter. She was so supposed to be the leader of the team). It was actually fun watching episodes when he wasn't there or where he played a back role. As you can tell I never warmed up to him though I hated him less so i the Season 10 because the focus was taken away from him.

              In terms of Season 10 gripe-why the heck did we have Family ties-it wasn't fun and wasted time. They didn't need Ark of Truth if they were just going to make it 2 episodes (one finishng the Ori storyline and the other about another replicator).

              I would have loved SG-1 to conitnue as a series but now I want one last movie (with ONeill) and that is it.


                I've written this before but I thought this was a good place to vent.
                I've watched Stargate from the beginning and always adored it. I started to due to RDA who is my idol but quickly loved everything about and in Stargate. I was never a Sci-Fi fan due to the typical cliche' characters(the military tough guy who just wants to kill and the women who were either trashy or trying to be the men) and lousy plots. I found the writing exceptional(always driven by well tought out plots that had the foundation laid out in prievious episodes) and the acting brillant. I found that with RDA as exec producer he made sure the scripts weren't dumbed down and that the cast had a say about their characters. Jonas was even a great addition since he had been introduced earlier and wasn't trying to replace Daniel. The 8th season was great because even though Jack wasn't on the field as much(a fact I had faith would be fixed in the future and was with "To Be King") I still loved seeing him in charge and dealing with issues he never had to in the past. As long as he was part of the show I always had faith in every aspect of the production.

                Then came the news that RDA wouldn't be in the 9th season and even though I was heart broken I also felt pride since his reason for leaving a show he loved was to raise his daughter. I knew the show would lack without his spark but I figured it wouldn't be worse than the episode from previous seasons where Jack was absent and the quality would stay persistant. Surely TPTB knew the standard by now. Instead what we recieved was a slap in the face to any longtime fan. First of all there was no proper send off for Jack. Michael Shanks told me last year that there were scenes shot dealing with Jack getting promoted, finding out that he had to leave for the pentigon and the team breaking up(about 1/2 hour to 45 minites) that Cooper took out. Then we get boring Mitchell(Browder just can't act. It shows more up against the cast of SG-1) who I'll never buy as a Major let alone a Col. and the over the top, cliche', obnoxious Vala(Ronan was then added to Altantis but that's a differant rant). There was no reason for either of them to be part of the team. She's was written with such disregard to the realistic standards of the previous seasons that she was aloud to mouth off to Generals(Jack would have shot her) and allowed to enter a meeting with higher ups where she climbs up on the desk and insults the manhood of one of the board members. Um...NO! With every episode it got worse and worse. I kept losing hope that everything would be fixed. The writing became lazy or, based on the fact that Cooper has said he doesn't listen to the audience, just arrogant. There were major faults with EVERY EPISODE during the 9th and 10th season. Such as the scene where Mitchell brings an alien device into the hopspital to tell his dying friend all his secrets(Sam couldn't tell Jacob on his deathbed) and the LEAVES IT WITH HIM UNGUARDED!! or the whole comeing back from a commercial to have the team walking away from a deadly situation just saying something like "Well, that was a close one" Did the writers think they were cute doing crap like that? I could list them all but this isn't the time. I'll gladly add to a thread if someone starts one.

                Anyway, lets more on. I had a glimmer of hope for season 10 when I found out RDA offered to come back for as long as they wanted him to(he has said he didn't see the 9th season bu tI get the feeling he saw it and though "Oh God, people are going to be ticked. Maybe if I go back we can at least close some open threads" and was just being polite. Here TPTB had the oppertunity to have the fan fav back and regain some of the magic from previous season not to mention close some improtant issues(Jack/Sam finnally geting together,A Hundred Days-He may have a child he doesn't know about, etc.). They advertise that he'd be in 5 episodes. I was so excited. But instead he was truely only in The Shroud and The Return Part 2. The other episodes they had him do a "Wave from the door" cameo. Are you Kidding me? No important issues were discussed and no important,need conversations between him and anyone else. If you recall it was never once said that Jack got promoted to being in charge of Home World Security. We had to read it in an interview from the producers. Instead of a well balanced cast for 2 seasons we got Mitchell and Vala crammed down our throats. "Don't ya just love them? Huh? Huh?"...Um...No! You can't force them to the center and expect us to love them. The writers kept trying to make Cam funny. He's all. It was insulting to watch them try to make him anything like Jack and I'd like to smack the SOB who thought it was cute to have Teal'c say, for no aparent reason, "Col. Mitchell, there are times you remind me of O'Neill". No he doesn't!!! that's so insulting!
                Skip ahead and for not reason Vala becomes an official member of the team! After being compramised! Why? because her daughter is an Ori? So what? It was so freaking forced it's pathetic. Then the show gets cancelled. I was sad because it ment no chance of Jack being back to fix thing but I was relieved that there would be less chance to continue making a mockery of a once excellent show. He's a sample of the arrogance of the writers...they didn't even have the respect to the audience or RDA to have him in the last episode! Then he wasn't in AoT(which was as great a movie as it could have been without Jack). Very stupid for numerous reasons. Brad Wright (who I still have some hope for) had Jack in Continuum but not enough for any of us. Instead we got more Mitchell shoved at us. He promises the next movie will be Jack centered. THANK GOD! Not just because I adore him but for the sake of all of us who have been waiting for his spark and resolution to the Jack and Sam romance since the writers never gave us the diffinitive "yes they are together". They could have had a 2 line convo to let us know "Hey Sam, Hows Jack?" "Great, We just got back from a trip to the cabin". See how easy that is? Instead she never mentions him and then almost kisses Martouf? They better let them get together. If they're smart(and who knows at this point?) they need to have them get together/marry in this movie even if he retires at the end to do it. That way if they decide to put him in future movies we'll be happy but if not at least we have our closure. Always leave the door open. Who know how many more they'll be allowed to do? They better get this next one right. I just wish I had the chance to say all of this to TPTB.
                Thanks you,
                Mac Jackson
                Singer/Songwriter of
                "Harmony Constant"
                [email protected]
                Our Music is at iTunes and Amazon:


                  Originally posted by Mac Jackson View Post
                  It was insulting to watch them try to make him anything like Jack and I'd like to smack the SOB who thought it was cute to have Teal'c say, for no aparent reason, "Col. Mitchell, there are times you remind me of O'Neill". No he doesn't!!! that's so insulting!
                  I agreed with much, if not all, of your rant. But the above point is one that particularly annoyed me at the time. Such a blatant attempt to get us to like Mitchell by comparing him to Jack, when there were really almost no similarities at all.

                  Would Jack have led his team into getting captured by *recklessness* as in "Off the Grid?" Would he have run off without backup b/c he was in a bad mood as in "Stronghold?" Would he have run off half cocked to "save" Teal'c when he was out of phase and without a plan as in Arthur's Mantle?
                  If your answer is yes to any of these questions, your initials must be RCC.


                    Originally posted by Mac Jackson View Post
                    First of all there was no proper send off for Jack. Michael Shanks told me last year that there were scenes shot dealing with Jack getting promoted, finding out that he had to leave for the pentigon and the team breaking up(about 1/2 hour to 45 minites) that Cooper took out.
                    Whoa. . . I'd never heard this before. That really pisses me off. I wonder if we'll ever get to see that footage. It was definitely needed.
                    Thanks to Oma-1 for the beautiful banner!


                      Originally posted by jckfan55 View Post
                      I agreed with much, if not all, of your rant. But the above point is one that particularly annoyed me at the time. Such a blatant attempt to get us to like Mitchell by comparing him to Jack, when there were really almost no similarities at all.

                      Would Jack have led his team into getting captured by *recklessness* as in "Off the Grid?" Would he have run off without backup b/c he was in a bad mood as in "Stronghold?" Would he have run off half cocked to "save" Teal'c when he was out of phase and without a plan as in Arthur's Mantle?
                      If your answer is yes to any of these questions, your initials must be RCC.
                      LOL! Good One.
                      Mac Jackson
                      Singer/Songwriter of
                      "Harmony Constant"
                      [email protected]
                      Our Music is at iTunes and Amazon:


                        Originally posted by leiasky View Post
                        Whoa. . . I'd never heard this before. That really pisses me off. I wonder if we'll ever get to see that footage. It was definitely needed.
                        I would love it if it does happen Tammy. At the time I spoke to him he had yet to see the episode(being in Canada where Sci-Fi didn't air) and was shocked when I told him how the episode was edited. "Really? They filmed 1/2 hour or 45 mins worth dealing with all of that". It breaks my heart to think of what we should/could have seen.
                        Mac Jackson
                        Singer/Songwriter of
                        "Harmony Constant"
                        [email protected]
                        Our Music is at iTunes and Amazon:


                          Originally posted by Mac Jackson View Post
                          I've written this before but I thought this was a good place to vent.
                          Very well said, and you've certainly found the right place to vent

                          Like you, I am also a Jack fan (a Sam fan, a team fan ) and I understood RDA's reasons for leaving, I had hopes for S9 and couldn't wait for it to start...but what we got was just so disappointing. I do think RCC got tired of the show and it showed in his show-running (or lack of show-running abilities)

                          lol how many times can I type show in one post

                          my fanfic


                            Originally posted by Mac Jackson View Post
                            I would love it if it does happen Tammy. At the time I spoke to him he had yet to see the episode(being in Canada where Sci-Fi didn't air) and was shocked when I told him how the episode was edited. "Really? They filmed 1/2 hour or 45 mins worth dealing with all of that". It breaks my heart to think of what we should/could have seen.
                            That in a nut-shell is what is wrong with s9 and 10. It looks like RCC didn't like character building moments, his idea of editing was showing, ships, explosions and boobs

                            my fanfic


                              Originally posted by Mandysg1 View Post
                              That in a nut-shell is what is wrong with s9 and 10. It looks like RCC didn't like character building moments, his idea of editing was showing, ships, explosions and boobs
                              It's really a relief to find others that are disgusted at what Cooper has said/done. I thought it was just me. I'm so relieved.
                              Thank you.
                              Mac Jackson
                              Singer/Songwriter of
                              "Harmony Constant"
                              [email protected]
                              Our Music is at iTunes and Amazon:


                                Thats actually really frustrating when Tealc would have said the Mitchell was like Jack. We can't be forced to swallow that. I also thought it was a stupid joke by making Jack Mitchell's father in 200 (please keep these characters as far apart as possible).
                                There was even some lines like "General Oneill disagrees etc". As if he would ever disagree with SG-1.
                                Yeah the remaining cast were wallpapered and they made a team of 5 when SG teams are usually 4. He even gets the last say in Ripple Effect (about a wire I don't care about). A rookie would have been great.
                                I have never been a fan of farscape (its not the issue) but it was funny how the show became starscape/fargate. SEason 9/10 also suffered from a crap storyline (was more about religion rather than mythology) that eventually needed a magic box to save them. The Sangraal would have been waaay better to watch.
                                On another note what ever happened to Arthur and his quest for the Sangraal. (I know he was 1000yrs earlier or so but what happened to his quest).
                                It was also a pity that O Neill wasn't in the last episode if anything to say hey to the Asgards. Hopefully he appears when the Asgard reappear (I dont know why, how or when) if they ever do

