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S10: nostalgia, new viewers & the progression of SG1

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    Originally posted by Descent
    What?! Thats just absurd, you should consider quitting.

    I just tried to voice some of my negative opinions on one of the anti boards...won't make that mistake again...
    OMG...Descent!! You are VERY brave. LOL

    No, we don't go to the "anti" thread. Hazadous to your mental health and emotional well being.

    *still hoping for the ratings to increase*


      Originally posted by Egraine
      OMG...Descent!! You are VERY brave. LOL

      No, we don't go to the "anti" thread. Hazadous to your mental health and emotional well being.

      *still hoping for the ratings to increase*
      I agree %200 Egraine, twas' a very unpleasant experience to say the least. But enough about that, lets start some healthy discussion about the upcoming "Uninvited". Anyone watch the teaser that was on the Insiders vignette at

      I still love that scene between Cam and Landry.

      *still hoping for the ratings to increase as well*
      "Space is disease and danger wrapped in darkness and silence."
      DS9 Superior|Farscape|Legend of the Seeker|Stargate Universe|STAR WARS


        Originally posted by CCA
        hahah I know right!! I saw the pictures and about damn near hit the floor, like I knew some of the stuff they were going to do but OH MY GOD

        The farscape reference I hope I am not drinking something in my mouth at that point time or I am going to be either choking or spitting it out and hitting something
        yeah, I'm kind of sorry that I am spoiled for this moment, because I would definitely be spitting something.

        OMG. I wonder if they have Michael Shanks playing Crichton!!! That would be soooo funny, since so many people think Shanks and Ben look alike. I would love to hear the discussion (on the show) about who would play that part!
        Teal'c: "Daniel Jackson, you look like that Crichton character."
        Daniel: "Really? You think so?"
        Mitchell: "I think I kind of look like him."
        Vala: "I don't really see it."
        Teal'c: "Nor do I."


          Originally posted by MasySyma
          DS9 was more domestic than the other treks. Other the seasons, we learned as much about Sisko's son as we did about the Federation's political issues. The show was well done, but it needed shipping and a war that lasted for more than one season (I think) to keep it going.

          SG-1 functions with only hints of ship (yes, I'm a shipper), and while the Ori plot is the controlling arc for the new seasons, episodes can function independently. All DS9 episodes relate to the spacestation or the Federation in some way, so watching the characters was more like watching a somewhat dysfunctional family.

          That said, the members of SG-1 have that family feel, but they also have private lives that the audience rarely sees. If the gate went public, we'd see more episodes about American/Russian political issus and Daniel's negotiation skills rather than the team developing a weapon to fight the priors.

          Go Season 10!!
          Ah, I get it. Thanks for explaining!


            Descent - while I love all the pictures in your sig [although Daniels head is a little big], I absolutely adore the picture of Vala/Claudia. Lovely. -- and it takes a lot for my focus to leave Ben/Mitchell! haha.


              Originally posted by Madeleine_W
              I don't want the Stargate Programme to go public. It feels more special for it to be secret .

              At the moment, it's almost an open secret, which is what I think it should stay. So many people know about it, and there's so much weird stuff they've explained away to the public with weather balloons and magnets that the conspiray theorists of America must have a pretty firm idea. The variable is how seriously the middle americans and the serious press take it all. I'd be happy for the public to 'know' about it as long as the government Denies Everything. If the public knew about it officially there'd be more eps set in the SGC where media and politicians interfere, and I want as many eps to be offworld as possible.
              Yeah, that's the stuff I love. The weather balloons, the magnets... I'm one of those people that hear the conspiracy theorists and say, "Pul-leese. Get over yourself and your delusions." I'd totally be wrong!!!


                Originally posted by Egraine
                *still hoping for the ratings to increase*
                Me too, but the lack of Daniel in last week's episode can be the reason for not so good ratings we're hoping for...
                T.S.G.D - The StarGate SG-1 Defenders



                  Originally posted by Farscapefan
                  Me too, but the lack of Daniel in last week's episode can be the reason for not so good ratings we're hoping for...
                  But was that known by the general fandom before it was aired? Many viewers do not visit Stargate-related websites. Things that aren't known before the show airs can hardly be blamed for the ratings of that show. It could have an effect on future viewership, perhaps.

                  And while I know it happens, I don't understand how people can hear one small fact about an upcoming episode decide whether or not to watch the episode based on that. Like the one-sentence TV-guide-type blurb. That blurb could say, "Landry is kidnapped by the Ori" and you might think the entire episode is about Landry, but the entire episode may show Landry in the opening tease and then 50 minutes later when he is rescued.

                  I think I've wandered from whatever my point was...


                    Do we know the ratings?


                      Originally posted by SylvreWolfe
                      Do we know the ratings?
                      Oficially not yet, but Media Savant said something about not published ratings for Insiders at Terra Firma board.
                      T.S.G.D - The StarGate SG-1 Defenders



                        Originally posted by Farscapefan
                        Me too, but the lack of Daniel in last week's episode can be the reason for not so good ratings we're hoping for...
                        I hope your wrong cause it looks like "Uninvited" is also not going to have Daniel in it this week.
                        "Space is disease and danger wrapped in darkness and silence."
                        DS9 Superior|Farscape|Legend of the Seeker|Stargate Universe|STAR WARS


                          Originally posted by Descent
                          I hope your wrong cause it looks like "Uninvited" is also not going to have Daniel in it this week.
                          Remember that Michael took some time off when his son was born, so....


                            OMG. The ratings are not good. Their not the worst that the show has seen, but they are also not fantastic.

                            Whatever happens, I'll be here for the ride, but I wish that we knew what were acceptable ratings for the show.
                            "Trust me. I'm a psychopath." Jekyll

                            "And I thought the end of the world couldn't get any worse" Ianto-Torchwood


                              Originally posted by Neelan_Liquor
                              Remember that Michael took some time off when his son was born, so....
                              That is a very good point. Where is he drawing from the funds though?
                              There are Brave Pilots. There are old Pilots. But there are no brave, old Pilots.


                                I don't think that MS being off will hurt the ratings. Remember folks he has been off before and the shows and ratings were still fine, like " A Matter of Time" one of my favs, I know there are more but thats all I can think of. I've stated before that while the ratings are not the greatest they also arent the worst. I think the show is doing fine, and I'm sure that the show will continue as Season 10 is one of the greatest ever! Lets hope we see som of before it's over!
                                Proud Sam/Jack and Daniel/Vala and John/Teyla Shipper!
                                "We're Americans! Shoot the guys following us!"
                                Don S. Davis 1942-2008 R.I.P. My Friend.

