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Hathor (113)

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    What I took away from this episode, was the look on Tealc's face when he left Daniel in the room. The look on Tealc's face was priceless!


      This one was an okay episode. I can understand why the producers like to think this episode never happened.

      Being a Tech person, I found this hilarious (Put it in spoiler tags because it's a screencap)

      Here's why (Granted it is 1997 when this aired/filmed):
      1. They're (the SGC) using Netscape Navigator (Ah, the memories)
      2. They're using Windows 3.1 (At least I assume it's 3.1)
      3. And the page is stored locally (Understandable because this is a TV Show)


        Originally posted by juggernaut975 View Post
        Kind of a middle of the road episode for me.....not great but not terrible either.

        Found the whole 'guys getting whammied by foxy antagonist' to be dull, it's something we've seen a lot in sci-fi and this episode was, in my view at least, SG's stab at it.

        O'Neill getting a pouch was extremely creepy, his immune system was wiped out and he would have required a 'junior' of his own if the sarcophagus wasn't there....Dr. Frasier went above and beyond as usual by inspecting the Colonel's midsection herself.

        It was just very formulaic with some awesome SG stuff thrown in.....obvious stuff like O'Neill nearly becoming a Jaffa himself to less obvious stuff like Sam lamenting to Frasier that she's not really 'one of the guys'.

        Agreed. Very cliche and straightforward episode. Seemed like a low-budget episode mid season to save a bit for future effects. There were some humorous and interesting elements, but it was really predictable.

        Originally posted by NowIWillDestroyAbydos View Post
        This one was an okay episode. I can understand why the producers like to think this episode never happened.

        Being a Tech person, I found this hilarious (Put it in spoiler tags because it's a screencap)

        Here's why (Granted it is 1997 when this aired/filmed):
        1. They're (the SGC) using Netscape Navigator (Ah, the memories)
        2. They're using Windows 3.1 (At least I assume it's 3.1)
        3. And the page is stored locally (Understandable because this is a TV Show)
        I also thought this was an awesome part of the episode. So often they simply point to a screen and never show it, but here they made a point to show what they were using/doing. Loved it. Nostalgic.

        "The greatest compliment that was ever paid me was when one asked me what I thought, and attended to my answer.” - Henry David Thoreau



          Another Sunday afternoon...another ep of SG1...

          1. First time we saw non-SGC personel have to deal with a Goa'uld.

          2. Forgot that Hathor tried to take Teal'c. Well Goa'uld are known for their arrogance.

          3. Jack's special forces training was mentioned...give the guy some credit...he was in the process of breaking out of it on multiple occasions.

          4. The rape side of it...hey, sometimes I don't process the implications of what someone has said immediately - Jack could have done likewise.

          5. Can't quite see Hathor without being reminded of the fandom jokes about her hair.


            Originally posted by Matt G View Post
            4. The rape side of it...hey, sometimes I don't process the implications of what someone has said immediately - Jack could have done likewise.
            Thank you for that perspective...That situation is the one I found the most disturbing from this episode, and I think you have a good point. Yeah, it was somewhat played for humor (Jack's comment), but your point makes sense.

            So, anyway....
            Ok, so I finally forced myself to watch this one. In general I liked it. I liked the beginning, what a different way to open an episode. It was also a unique way to have a Goa'uld take over the base. I liked how when the guys were taken over, they were subtle about the mind control, in other words, they were acting strange, but not A LOT. They were so much still themselves that it didn't show up so much at first. I thought it was also interesting that the mind control didn't last for an indefinite time, it wore off. That was a unique thing to do rather than have the power last forever. That, to me, was one of the greatest points in this one. So often things the Goa'uld do end up being so much more powerful and their technology is so much better that it seems unreal. I like some weaknesses in their tech and powers.

            Oh man, I loved the part with Janet suggesting they seduce the guards. HAHAHAHAHA! GIRL POWER! Sam and Janet are the absolute highlight of this episode. They both were so calm, cool, collected and so natural. I don't know what it is, but Sam really seemed to have reached new heights of confidence and just plain coolness in this one. I really didn't feel like it was a huge deal to have such a Girl Power episode again, yeah maybe the entire situation was a bit cliche, but then there's quite a bit of that at times! : ) I thought Sam's comments about not feeling like she fit in, etc, were actually kind of nice and that they made sense being that she was confiding in her (female) friend. I agree with whoever stated above that Sam was probably not talking about SG1, but the other men on base etc. I mean, it's pretty obvious that all three of the guys respect her and see her as their equals.

            On a side note, Janet's hair looked really really pretty throughout this episode. (Actually, so did Sams).

            Oy, no wonder Jack really really hates snakes! yuck yuck. Go Sam! Loved how she did not mess around when she was shooting at Hathor. Ooh, that was actually some cool effects when she snuck out of the tub and escaped.

            Still think that they really didn't need to push it as far as they did in some areas (as Jack put it, "ew."), but it was ok.
            Enjoying the Stargate Re-Watch Event: "This should not get old, General!"

            Noxbait's Fan Fiction


              SG Rewatch episodes: 101 - 105, 106, 107, 109, 110, 111,112, 113


              I've always had mixed feelings about this episode. On rewatch, I think it's because there's a distastful and dark element underneath. That element was, for me, Daniel's forced intimacy with Hathor. Whether the writers intended it or not, I felt cold at the thought of how awfully ironic this was for Daniel, who still dedicated his life to finding and restoring Sha're. And yipes, he found himself just as helpless, as Hathor chose him to 'donate' the code of life for her new offspring.

              This is even more horrific when Sam and her squad find Daniel in a state of shock, and Hathor has gone off to spawn. We don't know the full irony of this situation until
              Sha're is discovered to be carrying Apophis' child
              but it's a low hit for Daniel. He KNEW what Hathor did to him, and why.

              This also was a neat backstory on how the Goa'uld reproduce, and how they make sure their hosts are compatible to the larvae. To a seasoned biologist or geneticist this may be a bare-bones explanation but I found it adequate for the story. On that note, I leapt ahead to the Tok'ra, and if that process is uniform, then their selections are even riskier. Tok'ra take volunteers (mostly) who may or may not blend with the symbiote.

              On the other hand, the episode was fun as we see Sam take command and lead a female ops team to take out the invader. I just loved seeing her give the hand signals and her team hopping to it, focused on the mission. So cool that these few women who made it into the SGC had to rescue their menfolk and save the planet at the same time. At this early stage of the show I was pumped on thinking we'd see more of Sam/females in command.

              Did anyone else simulate Sam's thoughts as she saved Jack from Hathor in the shrimp boil -er- spawn bath? I heard: "Take this, b***h!" Pow pow pow! Goa'ulds beware of Tau'ri chicks with guns!

              Some of Sam's one liners had me chuckling throughout:

              In the holding cell after they concoct an escape plan:
              Sam: Why do I feel like this is a women behind bars movie? (This line seemed funny to me until I actually saw a movie like this.)

              After Sam's girls make it to the armory:
              Janet: What do we do when we find her?
              Sam: We neutralize her. Lock and Load. Cue action muzak.

              Sam knocks Hammond out:
              Sam: There goes my career.
              Janet: He'll be fine...
              Sam: Great, so then he can court-martial me.

              Other lines that made an impression:

              Teal'c: The base will become her nest. Not a pretty thought.

              Hathor: The strongest larva will find the womb and move into it. Shades of in vitro fertilization. And ew.

              Sam: It's ok, sir. We got you. It's ok. She talks to the semi-conscious Jack as a team leader would to an injured member. Don't think she ever gets the chance to comfort him this way again.

              Daniel: She was the goddess of fertility, inebriety(sp?), music.
              Jack: Sex, drugs and rock 'n' roll?

              Also of note:

              • Daniel was able to influence those that Hathor had corrupted. Seems a unique transference from Goa'uld to human. And the spell needs reinforcing; Tau'ri differences from their offworld descendants?

              • Suanne Braun really had a beautiful smile. But I didn't like the animated representation of her power.

              • Why was the sarcophagus in the gate room? It's seems very delicate for an advanced tech that was functional for thousands of years.

              • Sam is suspicious right away when the airman reports to Hammond that a woman was trying to get to the Stargate.

              Rather a quaint episode with more Goa'uld intel and Good Women vs. Bad Woman. I thought that Hathor may be the one Goa'uld who had the potential to single-handedly conquer a planet. Her powers of seduction would take down a male dominant society post haste, or so I thought then. She would need to be in proximity to maintain control, unless that was a problem only with hard-headed Tau'ri men.

              Rated 2.5/5

              I approximated the dialogue, think I got the main parts correct. - TE1
              Last edited by Traveler Enroute1; 27 August 2011, 12:01 PM.
              Beware Helen Magnus - Doctor of A$$-Kicking


                Ugh. Words fail me. This was almost unwatchable.

                I was not looking forward to seeing this episode again, and it was just a bad as I feared. Utterly cheesy, terrible dialogue, poor acting, ultimately sexist and uninteresting story. I'm going to try and forget about this as quick as possible.

                Rating: 2 out of 10
                Private guitar tuition | Return To Grace - rock/pop party band


                  Episode makes me laugh. I love how they talk to her like she's crazy when she first shows up. I laugh at Jack's reaction when he first hears her refer to herself as a 'we' and cringe when Daniel is in the same room as her. This episode takes me on a rollercoaster of emotions.

                  Facebook post about Alexis Cruz and the Audiobook he's done. If you're a fan of Alexis and his work - you'll love it. Book 1 and 2 are there now. The second one is brilliant, but I can't vouch for the first one (not having heard it), but I'm sure it's just as good, if not better.

                  "I'm not gonna eat it - that's disgusting... I'm gonna wear it as a worm-stache." - Misha Collins (Supernatural Season 6 Gag Reel)
                  "Becker, it leads to the Victorian Era. What do you think is going to come through, an Oliver-Twist-Asaurus?" - Connor - Primeval.

                  Alexis Cruz - Facebook. (insert Klorel/Skaara icon here...) and ThunkThread ~ The Unprofessionals page for updates. ~
                  a game for Teal'c fans ~ Skaara/Klorel disscussion ~ Character Connection Game ~ "Beyond Redemption"...


                    I guess it time for me to be the black sheep once again

                    A lot of fans don't like this episode but I do. Sure it has its flaws like how Hathor isn't found until after Daniel unlocks the Stargate or Jack returning human by a sacrophagus. Kind of a big concidence if you ask me. But I like it for what the episode is. Its Goa'uld 101. It teaches us about them what we largely ignorant of right now and shows us the background of thier Biology.
                    Originally posted by aretood2
                    Jelgate is right


                      Originally posted by jelgate View Post
                      Its Goa'uld 101. It teaches us about them what we largely ignorant of right now and shows us the background of thier Biology.
                      That's true, but I think they could have done it without the Emancipation-esque themes running through it. Though could have easily made it a Carter focused episode without making it blatantly about her being female.


                        Originally posted by SG3Marine View Post
                        That's true, but I think they could have done it without the Emancipation-esque themes running through it. Though could have easily made it a Carter focused episode without making it blatantly about her being female.
                        I would disagree. Its an important aspect to address how being the only female on the team affects the team. It goes without saying that women think differently then men
                        Originally posted by aretood2
                        Jelgate is right


                          Originally posted by jelgate View Post
                          I would disagree. Its an important aspect to address how being the only female on the team affects the team. It goes without saying that women think differently then men
                          I do agree with that. But I don't think the episode actually shows any of that. Nobody on the team every treated her any differently. Her thinking differently then men didn't solve the problem. Women being immune to Hathor's charms was the deciding factor.


                            Originally posted by SG3Marine View Post
                            I do agree with that. But I don't think the episode actually shows any of that. Nobody on the team every treated her any differently. Her thinking differently then men didn't solve the problem. Women being immune to Hathor's charms was the deciding factor.
                            True but their is that uncomfortablity that was addressed
                            Originally posted by aretood2
                            Jelgate is right


                              I don't thikn hathor's appeal was based on women thinking differently than men but simple pheromone sex appeal

                              most women aren't sexually attracted to women, so hathor's lure didn't work on them
                              Where in the World is George Hammond?



                                I didn't really feel it as being a Carter-centered episode as much as I felt it about it really still being "this man's army". There were only a handful of women on that base! In later episodes we see much more women and I like to think that this 'event' had something to do with it. If the women hadn't been there, Earth would have been lost simply because Hathor was able to influence the men with her breath. It showed that women are capable of being on the front lines too, whether they're scientists, doctors, nurses or SFs and they are simply needed there as well to save the day.
                                Unmade Plans (WIP: 11/20):
                                Sam's life takes a turn in an unexpected direction when she's faced with an unplanned pregnancy. The decision to keep the baby and raise it on her own will alter her life forever. Relationships are put to the test, especially the one between her and Jack. She doesn't know what to expect from him and he surprises her at every turn.
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